Heritage - Chapter 15
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sara is critically injured, The wing's vanish and an old adversary tries to help.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This story is set fifteen years into the future from the story I have written called “Big Blue”


Cast of characters:

Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 51 Inara Serra-Reynolds 44 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 43 Kaylee Tam 40 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 15 Emma Reynolds 10 Sara Bryant 14 Rebecca Tam 15 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 8 Jesse Cobb 6 -

Heritage-Chapter Fifteen


It was a nightmare... That's what it had to be Allan thought. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Allan sat silently in a ratty chair in an equally ratty waiting room while the lives of his daughter and god daughter hung in the balance. His eyes seemed to bore a hole in the opposite wall. Allan shut himself down. It was the only coping mechanism he had left.

Zoë sat next to him, her own grief evident on her face. She wanted to scream, punch holes in the wall, anything to relive the anger. Instead she shut down a bit herself. Drawing on the stoic mask she had worn so long ago. Their entwined hands showing that they were still aware of each other.

Across the room, Mal and Inara sat in silence. Their own hearts heavy with grief. Not only for the girls but for the pain their best friends were going through. Mal couldn't imagine what he would be feeling if Emma or Jeff were in a similar state to Sara and Bridgett.

Durin had collapsed upon hearing the news and was sedated in a nearby treatment room, guarded by member's of team two.

Jayne and Oso stood in the corner, speaking quietly. No doubt planning a painful and long lasting demise for Rafe and Johnny Wing. That is as soon as they found them.

As much as she wanted to be there for her friends, River had to stay away. The emotions of the rest of the crew were painful for the psychic. Rachel was feeling the effects as well. Kaylee and River stayed behind on Serenity, babysitting the children.

Simon had been allowed to scrub in and observe the surgeons working on the girls. It was amazing that they were still alive.

Bridgett was the least injured. Suffering from a concussion, several broken ribs and a nearly shattered left lower leg. She would be out of surgery first.

Sara was truly lucky to be alive. Her skull was fractured in several places, left lung punctured by her broken ribs, a bruised liver and a broken pelvis. Both kidneys were bruised and her right hand was broken in several places from the death grip she had held on the controls as the ship crashed.

The biggest concern for the surgical team were her head injuries. Sara's inter-cranial pressure had sky rocketed. The surgeons worked feverishly to remove a section of the teens skull to prevent a severe brain injury. They didn't know if they were in time.

This was the information Simon presented to Allan and Zoë, seven long hours later.

Allan barely acknowledged Simon. Simply nodding his head as the doctor gave them the news. Zoë blinked back tears while Allan continued to stare at the wall, nearly catatonic.

“When can we see her?” Allan finally said. His voice rough from disuse.

“In about an hour. They need to get Sara settled into the ICU. I'll take you up when they are ready,” Simon replied.

“What about Bridgett?” Zoë asked.

“She's doing well. Her injuries were not a severe. She should wake up in a few hours.”

“When will Sara wake up?” Allan asked blankly.

“I don't know,” Simon replied. Trying to keep his professional demeanor but failing as his voice broke, “There is the possibility she may never wake up.”

Simon jumped as the sound of Jayne punching the wall reverberated around the small room. Allan simply nodded.

Zoë wrapped her arms around her husband and began to cry. Zoë's pain broke Allan out of his fugue state somewhat.

“Thank you Simon,” Allan said quietly as he hugged Zoë.

Simon stood up stiffly. He slowly walked over to where Jayne and Oso stood.

“You heard?”

“Every word,” Oso replied.

“I never thought I would say this... but I hope it takes the men who did this a very long time to die,” Simon said, his eyes flashing blue fire.

“Count on it doc,” Jayne replied to his brother-in-law.


It was nearly midnight when Zoë and Allan were led into Sara's room. Zoë gasped when she saw her daughter.

Sara was nearly unrecognizable as she lay in the bed. Her head had been shaved and now a loose bandage covered where a piece of her skull had been removed. Sara had been intubated and was on a ventilator. Her chest raising and falling in rhythm with the machine. A tube drained blood from her chest, the apparatus gurgling slightly from the vacuum.

Sara's normal warm toffee skin tone was pale and gray. She didn't even look alive.

Zoë sat on a stool next to Sara's bed, gently holding her uninjured hand. Tears running down her face, Zoë began to softly sing one of the lullabies she sang to Sara when she was little.

“Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird won't sing, Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring turns brass, Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.

If that looking glass gets broke, Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.

If that billy goat won't pull, Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.

If that cart and bull turn over, Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.

If that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.

If that horse and cart fall down, You'll still be the sweetest little girl in town.

So hush little baby, don't you cry, Daddy loves you and so do I.”

Allan stood behind Zoë and squeezed her shoulders.

“She'll get better,” Allan said quietly.

“You sure about that?”


“Why'd you say it then?”

“It's all I got.”

“Whats that?”


Hospital staff had set up a cot in one corner of Sara's room. Allan finally convinced Zoë to lay down and sleep. Allan took over the recliner in the opposite corner. Exhaustion finally overwhelmed him and he slept.


Sara improved slightly over the next few days. First the chest tube was removed then a day later, she was weaned off the ventilator. Her brain swelling subsided enough for the neurosurgeon to replace the piece of skull that he had removed earlier.

While still in a coma, Sara began to heal.

The Wing cousin's had seemingly disappeared from the face of the 'verse. A few of the beacon encoded bills had turned up at local banks but other than those isolated incidences, there was no sign of them.

After a week, Allan insisted that Serenity return back to Boros. Mal needed to run his ranch and Inara her store. School would be starting back up again in another month and a half and the rest of the kids needed to prepare along with River for the new school year.

Zoë contacted the New Edmonton City council and requested a temporary leave of absence. It was granted without protest. Zoë asked Jayne to take over the day to day operations for the police department as soon as he returned to Boros.

Two weeks after the crash, with a tearful goodbye, Serenity left for Boros, minus three of her crew. Rachel and Emma promising to take good care of Sam until everyone returned home. The ship would drop Audra and Andy off on the way. Heracles also returned to Londonium, all but a few team members returning with the ship. The remaining team member's were on bodyguard duty for the Bryant family.

Oso and Fred were coordinating the search for the Wing's and needed to head back to the main office. They also left on Heracles

Allan secured a suite at a hotel near the hospital. He and Zoë alternated nights, sleeping in Sara's room. Spending their days by her side.

Bridgett had recovered well. Three weeks after the crash, She and Durin returned home to Belepheron. Bridgett still had a long session of physical therapy ahead of her but she would make a full recovery, at least physically. Psychologically, it would be a long time before she returned to the happy go lucky spoiled brat she was before the kidnapping.

Allan awoke to the smell of coffee. The nursing staff had 'adopted' he and Zoë over the last few weeks and on the night's Allan slept in the recliner next to Sara's hospital bed, he woke up to a fresh cup of coffee in the morning.

Throwing off the blanket a night shift nurse had laid over him while he slept, Allan stiffly stood and leaned over Sara's bed, kissing her on the cheek like he did every morning since the crash. Allan was glad to see her hair had begun to grow back.

“Morning Princess.”

As usual, Sara didn't stir. With a sigh, Allan stepped into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. Stepping back out he was surprised at what he saw.

Sara's brown eyes staring at him.

“Sara? Baby?”

Sara blinked.

“Sara, can you hear me?”

Another blink.

Allan stabbed the button to call the nurse.

When Zoë arrived she was frightened at first seeing the activity in Sara's room. However the grin on Allan's face as he stood in the hallway gave her some relief.


“She opened her eyes,” Allan said.

“She's awake?” Zoë asked, hopeful.

“Sort of. It's not like it is in the movies. She opened her eyes and seems to respond to her name by blinking. It's not much but it's an encouraging start.”

“I need to see her.”

“In a few minutes. Doc's are running some tests.”

“But this is good news... right?” Zoë asked. Needing confirmation.

“It is baby, it is,” Allan replied, pulling Zoë into a hug.


Sara continued to improve over the next few days. Her eyes were open for longer and longer periods of time and she began to respond to stimuli. Her doctors were encouraged.

Ever since the crash, Flowers had been sent to her room. Every Saturday, a fresh bouquet arrived from Badger. His way of atonement for his part in the scheme.

Allan had visited a local music shop and purchased an acoustic guitar. He spent afternoons playing and singing for his daughter. Sara's neurosurgeon encouraged this as it helped Sara's mind focus.

Six weeks after the crash, Sara seemed to plateau. She opened her eyes and looked around during the day. She did not verbalize anything other than the odd moan when the nurses moved her to prevent bed sores.

Allan was quietly strumming his guitar one afternoon when one of the doctors approached him.

“Mr. Bryant?”

“Afternoon Dr. Xian.”

“Any response to your playing today?”

Allan sighed, “Not really. She opened her eyes a while ago but thats it.”

“That's what I was afraid of.”

Allan nodded, “Are there any other treatments?”

“There used to be several experimental procedures but the Alliance Medical Association debunked them as dangerous and ineffective.”

“Let me guess, it was a lab on Osiris that developed them.”

“How did you know?”

“The academy project...”

“Oh... of course you would know from your position at Blue Sun.”

“More than that. I know several of the subjects... experimented on. One of whom is Sara's aunt.”

“That was done to a member of your family?”

“Not family in the blood sense but one of my best friends.”

“I see.”

“Is there anything else Doctor?”

“No... I can do more tests but at this point I cannot hold out much hope at this point for a full recovery. There is a possibility that she could remain in this state for the rest of her life.”

Allan's shoulders slumped, “I know Doctor. I was a paramedic in college. I've seen long term traumatic brain injury patients. Thank you for what you've done.”

“Your welcome sir.”

As the doctor exited the room, Allan clenched his fists in anger at the men who did this to Sara for the thousandth time. He was just glad, Zoë was in the cafeteria getting lunch.

“Anger will not help her.” said a voice behind Allan.

Quickly he turned. A blond woman stood there, she looked to be around thirty five years old.

“Thirty six,” she said with a smile.

Allan's eyes widened as recognition flashed in his brain. The last time he had seen this woman, she had tried to kill him, nearly sixteen years ago.

“Miss Reed,” Allan said grimly, his hand hovering near the pistol in his waistband.

“Mrs. Carter now. Thanks to you I have a life again.”

Allan relaxed a bit, “Why are you here?”

“I am here to repay a debt.”

“I don't follow.”

Juliet Reed, now Carter, smiled again, “When I tried to assassinate you. You could have killed me. Instead you made sure I was treated and deprogrammed.”

“Wasn't your fault. Besides, I did try to shoot you that day.”

“I know. No matter, you did the right thing using the safe word.”

“All I could think of at the moment.”

“I want to show you something,” Juliet said. She pulled a capture from her bag and handed it to Allan. The image of a very pretty blond haired six or seven year old girl looked back at him. A smile crossed Allan's lips.

“Her name is also Sarah. She is my daughter. If not for you, I wouldn't have lived and I surly wouldn't have her. You gave me a life and indirectly, a child. I can do no less than give you back your own daughter.”

“I...” Allan started to say.

“It will only take a moment.”

Allan looked on in awe as Juliet, tilted her head in the same way River did when she was concentrating intently on someone's mind.

“She is lost. Trying to find her way back...” Juliet whispered.

After a few more minutes, Juliet seemed to slump in exhaustion. She staggered slightly and Allan caught her arm to steady her.

“Are you all right?”

“I am. Sara's mind was deeply buried. It took some work to show her the way.”

“The way?”

“It's hard to explain. In effect, I stimulated pathways in her mind that will allow her to heal and fight her way back to you. It will not be immediate but I am sure she will wake up... sometime today.”

“You mean that...”

“No, River couldn't have done this,” Juliet replied, cutting off Allan's question, “She's not quite powerful enough. And I have trained myself to do this. River's smarter than me but I'm a doctor. She's not. I know what I'm doing.”

“A doctor?”

“I got my medical license six years ago. I am a neuro-psychologist. Specializing in mental illness and brain injuries. Who better then someone who's already been crazy once.”

“I don't know what to say...”

“Your mind says it all. In a few months I will visit to see how Sara is doing. Besides, I want to see River again. We were friends once.”

“And you will be again, I'm sure. Thank you Juliet”

“Your welcome.”


Zoë returned with a sandwich for her husband. She was surprised to see him smiling and strumming his guitar. Zoë recognized the melody immediately. It was the one of the songs from Earth that was that Allan used to serenade her with... Brown eyed girl.

“Ain't the lyrics a little inappropriate to be singing to your daughter?” Zoë asked quietly.

“That's why I'm not singing it.”

“Brought you some lunch.”

“Not hungry.”

“I can still kick your pi-gu and make you eat.”

Allan chuckled, “Yes dear.” as he reached for the roast beef on rye.

After a few minutes, Allan spoke again.

“Had a visit with Dr. Xian.”


“He doesn't think Sara will improve much more.”

“Oh,” Zoë replied. She had prepared herself for this news. She didn't like it but she had prepared.

“I got a second opinion,” Alan replied with a small smile.

“From who?”

“Someone who tried to kill me once.”

“What?” Zoë asked incredulously.

“Juliet Reed, another academy graduate like Audra and Andy.”

“The one who's like River?”

“The same. She's a doc now. Uses her gift to help people. Came here on her own. She did something with her mind. Told me that Sara would wake up today.”


“Not sure exactly. But she told me she did this to help repay her debt to me. She has a little girl of her own now. Said she wouldn't if not for me. Wanted to give us our girl back.”

“You believe her?”

“I do.”

“God, I hope you're right.”

A few hours later, Allan was dozing in the recliner, Zoë snuggled in his lap, also asleep.

Sara opened her eyes. The increased beeping of the heart monitor awoke Allan in an instant. Sara's heart was racing. Her eyes darting around the room.

Allan and Zoë were at her bedside in moments.

“Sara?” he asked tentatively.

It looked like she struggled for a moment. Then Sara's tongue licked her dry lips once.

“Daddy?” she croaked.

Tears ran down Allan's face, Zoë was crying too.

Sara's eyes locked on her mother, “Momma?”

“We're here baby girl,” Zoë replied.

The light seemed to go on in Sara's previously dull eyes, “Guess... that wasn't best landing... ever...”

Allan couldn't help it. He began to laugh. His little girl was back.

On Boros, Rachel Cobb suddenly stiffened at the diner table.

“What is it Rachel Girl?” Jayne asked his daughter.

“Sara's home.”

Laying in front of the fireplace, Sam picked up his head and howled.



Thursday, November 6, 2008 5:23 PM


Ditto that! I didn't guess that Juliet would come back to save the day. Seems kinda karmic.

Thursday, November 6, 2008 10:46 PM


Thank you for letting Sara wake up. It leaves all the BDHs - new and old - free to exact swift and deadly revenge.


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