Heritage - Chapter 12
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Allan broods before receiving the ransom demand. The bad guys plot carnage and Alisha has her baby. Whew! los of stuff in this one.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This story is set fifteen years into the future from my current storyline “Big Blue”.

AN: Lots of emotion in this one.

Cast of characters:

Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 51 Inara Serra-Reynolds 44 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 43 Kaylee Tam 40 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 15 Emma Reynolds 10 Sara Bryant 14 Rebecca Tam 15 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 8 Jesse Cobb 6 -

Heritage-Chapter Twelve


Allan sat in his chair, staring blankly at the darkening New London skyline. He slowly flipped a capture over and over again in his fingers. The capture from his desk, the one that held all his favorite images of Sara.

He had replayed it over and over again the last few hours. The still photos, the short video clips, everything. Images of a newborn Sara in Zoë's arms, the first time he had held Sara, her first steps, playing with Becca and Jeff, Sara sitting in his lap pretending to fly Serenity... in her gown just before the end of year school dance standing next to Jeff and Becca...

Fourteen years of memories. All that Allan would have remaining if something happened to her.

If anything happened to Sara, the persons responsible would die. It was as simple as that. Allan wasn't a stranger to killing. He had killed in self defense, to protect his family and friends. He'd also committed a cold blooded murder once. An old woman named Patience on Whitefall met her end at Allan's hand. In retribution for an attack on the crew... Zoë in particular.

Whomever took his daughter would feel his wrath just before they stopped feeling anything else...ever.

With a sigh, Allan turned in his chair and carefully set the capture back on his desk. His hands opened the plain manila folder lying on the slick surface. Again he looked at the information within.

Rafe and Johnny Wing, nephews of Atherton Wing. They were from Persephone. Most likely that's where they would run to hide. Where they had friends and family.

Persephone was the gateway to the rim. It was said, if you stayed on Persephone long enough, everyone you ever knew would eventually pass by you there. You could go anywhere from Persephone. That's why Simon had chosen it all those years ago when he spirited River away from the academy.

The wave Allan had received a few hours ago from Serenity confirmed his his suspicions that they were headed for Persephone.

Rachel, sweet little Rachel. The spitting image of her mother except for the blue eyes. A little girl who was a telepath to put her mother, River to shame. She had felt Sara's mind. Found out that Sara thought she was on a ship.

A small smile broke Allan's grim visage. He'd buy that little girl the biggest ice cream sundae in the 'verse once this was over.

It also let him know that Sara and Bridgett were still alive. That alone gave him hope.

Bridgett... Allan's god daughter. The daughter of his closest friend outside of the crew of Serenity. A girl unsuited for a situation like this. Bridgett was a socialite, a smart but naive girl, who was used to having the 'verse at her beck and call.

Allan didn't fault Durin Haymer for raising his daughter in luxury. It was how he was raised and after the loss of his wife giving birth to Bridgett... No, He couldn't fault his friend for spoiling his daughter.

Sara on the other hand was raised knowing how to fight, shoot and fly. Not to say Sara wasn't spoiled a bit. But Allan and Zoë did their best to raise a daughter who not only knew how to take care of herself, but knew how much she was loved.

Allan glanced at the clock on his desk. 21:30. It was getting late. Serenity was due in the morning. Maybe he could formulate a plan once everyone was here.

Durin was in no shape to help. Overwhelmed by the situation, he nearly had a breakdown. He was back at his hotel room, sedated so he could sleep.

Stiffly, Allan rose. He needed to move again, he had been sitting in his chair for hours. He wished Zoë was here but she was at the hospital.

Alisha had gone into early labor from the stress, just as Allan had feared. Zoë, despite her own fear and anger about Sara, did her best to be there for her sister.

Allan's stomach growled, he hadn't eaten all day. Even though he didn't feel much like eating, he knew he had to. Perhaps he'd go down to the employee cafeteria. Something his predecessor would never have done but Allan enjoyed whenever he was in town. He felt it kept him in touch with the average Blue Sun employee.

Walking towards the office door, Allan stopped mid stride when his cortex screen pinged with the incoming message alert.

Allan sprinted back to his desk and pressed the answer key.

“Allan Bryant,” he said.

A hooded man appeared on the screen. A disguised voice began to speak.

“This is a recorded message Mr. Bryant. I am the man who holds your daughter. So far she is unharmed, as is Bridgett Haymer.”

Allan began entering data into his computer terminal, prompting the system to begin tracing the call.

“My demands are simple Mr. Bryant. Money. A considerable amount of money. If you want to see your daughter alive again, along with her little friend, you will deliver to me forty million credits... each.”

“Son of a bitch,” Allan swore out loud.

“Listen carefully,” The masked man continued, “At noon local on the 15th. That's five days from now. You will meet my representative in Eavesdown Park in Upper Eavesdown on Persephone. You will come alone. The money will be in cash. I want non- sequentially serial numbered notes. You may use larger denomination notes as long as they do not exceed twenty percent of the total. This will allow you to carry the cash personally.”

“The money will be placed in two large duffel bags. Your contact will know you and will meet you near the fountain. He will ask you your name. Hand him the two bags. Once this is done, he will hand you a portable cortex unit. Do not activate the unit until the contact has exited the park. Once he has exited the park unmolested. You may activate the unit. There will be instructions on where to find the girls.”

“There will be no interference from the police, Feds or your vaunted security teams. No com's. We will be monitoring for com traffic and will have a jammer in place. There will be counter surveillance looking for snipers. If the contact does not leave unmolested, the girls will die.”

Allan continued to glare at the screen, his blood boiling.

“Do not cross me Mr. Bryant. As a show of good faith, I have prepared a short video clip of the girls, showing them in good health if not in the most luxurious accommodations.”

The screen suddenly showed Sara and Bridgett in a small cell. Obviously shot from a camera in the ceiling, the two girls looked frightened. Bridgett more so than Sara. Sara looked pissed off more than scared. Allan smiled. She was alive, at least when the capture was made. Allan was glad to see the expression and body language Sara was showing. He wanted her pissed. It would help keep her focused. Ready to exploit any opening she was presented with. Allan was very proud of her.

“Remember, Noon local the 15th Eavesdown Park,” The voice said before the wave cut off.

Allan took a deep breath then keyed up his cortex screen, entering an internal company address.

“Olivia?” Allan asked the woman who answered the wave.

“Got it all boss,” She replied, “Running the trace right now. Gonna be hard to nail down. It's obviously from a ship, it changed cortex nodes three times during the message.”

“Okay Olivia,” Allan replied, “As of now, you and Israel are co-leaders of team one. Call in team two and load up Heracles. I want every piece of gear you think you'll need. Even the experimental stuff. I want you on your way to Persephone inside of two hours.”

“What about you and Zoë boss?”

“Serenity will be here in the morning. Accounting will get the ransom together. Oso and Fred will go with me and Zoë on Serenity, we'll meet you on Persephone.”

“Already gone boss... see you then.”

Allan cut the wave and keyed in another address. After a moment, Andy Baer's face appeared.

“Hey Allan,” Andy said.

“How's Audra doing Andy?”

“As well as can be expected... what about you?”

“The same. I got a ransom demand about ten minutes ago. The drop is on Persephone on the 15th. Oso said you two wanted in.”

“We do,” Andy said gravely.

“Serenity will be here in the morning. I'd like you two to meet me there. Be ready for a fight.”

“We'll be there Allan.”

“Thanks, Andy”

“No, Thank you Allan. If not for you, Audra and I would probably be dead. We can't ever repay that”

“We pull this off, we'll be more than square Andy.”

“Whatever you say, Allan. See you in the morning.”


“You sure this is the only way to do this, Rafe?”

“I'm sure, Johnny. You always were squeamish.”

“But killing those girls... and maybe a bunch more people.”

“By now, Bryant knows who we are. What makes you think he won't come after us.”


“Sides, when the ship crashes into that park, It should take out Bryant. In the confusion, we can slip away.”

“There's a chance the reactor will go critical,” Johnny said.

“More confusion... even better.”

“No Rafe, like big boom, take out half of uptown... with us in the middle.”

“We'll be farther away then.”

“How we gonna keep Bryant there?”

“Tell him we programed the autopilot to land the ship with the girls right there. Not far from the truth...”

“Even if the reactor doesn't go critical, it sure as hell will breach the containment. Spread radiation all over. Still kill a bunch of innocent folks... maybe even Uncle Ath.”

Rafe slammed his cousin back in the yachts pilot seat, “Listen to me. I don't care what happens to that old man. It's because of him we're in this state. If he hadn't gone and got so worked up about a damn whore...”


“Whatever!” Rafe snarled, “We Wing's look out for one another but Uncle Atherton doesn't deserve to be a Wing anymore.”

“Fine!” Johnny said, “We'll be back home in ten hours.”

“Just get us there.”


“I'm bored.”

“Not the only one Bridge,” Sara replied.

“When are we going home?”

Sara sighed. Bridgett had asked this question, like fifty times already, “When they let us go or our parents come after us.”

“More like your parent's,” Bridgett huffed, “Dad's a wimp.”

Sara giggled, “Yeah but my momma and daddy make up for him.”

“And then some. Not to mention all your aunts and uncles,” Bridgette giggled.

“I would not want to be these guys when Uncle Oso and Jayne get hold of them,” Sara agreed.

“Might be fun to watch.”

Sara's face darkened, “I doubt it. But I'd do it just to get payback for what they did to Marion and Shiloh.”

“I liked Shiloh... Marion was shiny.”

“Marion was like my big sister or something... god I miss her,” Sara said biting back a sob.

Bridgett nodded, a tear running down her cheek. The two girls hugged and did their best to keep their fear at bay.


Allan walked into the obstetrics waiting room. He saw Zoë dozing in a chair in the corner, Two members of Team three stood watch. Fred was a few steps behind Allan.

“Baby?” Allan said as he gently nudged his wife's shoulder.

Zoë came to swinging. Allan was prepared for this and caught her wrist.

“Easy, easy. It's me.”

“Sorry, baby,” Zoë apologized when she realized what she had done, “Any news?”

“Some. Got a recorded ransom demand. Persephone in five days.”


Allan nodded, “Serenity will be here in the morning. Fred, Oso, Andy and Audra are going with us. Heracles launched with team one and two about half an hour ago.”

“How much do they want?”

“Eighty million credits.”

“Qingwa cao de liumang!”

“Whatever you said... I agree.”

Zoë smiled slightly, “Smart as you are, you still haven't learned Chinese.”

“Nope,” Allan smiled.

“Maybe thats why I love you. I can call you all kinds of names and you don't know what I'm saying.”

“Well, I'll start swearing at you in French. Far as I know, only Inara and River speak that.”


“How's Alisha?” Allan asked.

“Still in labor. Been six hours now.”

“She'll be fine. You were in labor twenty hours.”

“Don't remind me... Sara was... Sara...”

Suddenly Zoë lost it, She had tried to keep the emotion bottled up. Everyone had a breaking point. Zoë had just hit hers.

Allan pulled his wife into his arms as Zoë cried. Her body shook with sobs, Allan's heart was breaking with Zoë's as he bit back his own tears.

“We'll get her back,” He whispered, “Whatever it takes, we'll get her back.”

They sat together like that for a long time. Arms wrapped around each other like they would never let go.

Across the room, Frederica Cobb-Tangaroa, bit back her own tears. Besides being her employer, Allan was family. All the crew of Serenity were. Turning away, Fred needed to get some air. She was too much like her brother Jayne. She needed to kill something... or someone.

Fred collected herself after a few minutes and walked back into the waiting area.

“You okay Boss?” Pete Togashi asked.

“Be better when I can kill the hundan's that did this.”

“I'm with you on that Fred.”

A doctor in scrubs entered the room from the birthing area, he approached Zoë and Allan.

“Doc?” Zoë asked as he approached.

“Your sister is fine, Mrs. Bryant. And you're the aunt to a beautiful baby boy.”

“Thank god,” Allan whispered.

“We haven't met,” The doctor said.

“This is my husband. Allan, this is Dr. Tao”

“Ah, Mr. Bryant. I've heard a great many good things about you.”

“I deny everything,” Allan said with a wan smile, “Seems like Alisha's labor was kind of short?”

“It was. We saw indications of fetal distress so we did an emergency C-section.”

Allan nodded, “I thought so.”

“When can...” Zoë started to ask.

“Your sister is in recovery. It will be about half an hour before you can see her. The baby is fine and breathing on his own. His weight was good for him being six weeks premature. He should be fine.”

Zoë relaxed a bit, and wiped away a tear.

“If you don't mind me asking, you two seem quite upset. A premature birth, while serious...”

“It's not that Doctor,” Allan said, “Our daughter was kidnapped today. I think the stress of that is what put Alisha into labor.”

“Renci de Fozu,” Dr. Tao whispered, “If there's anything we here at the hospital can do...”

“It's well in hand Doctor. Thank you.”

“I'll bring you back as soon as I can.”

“Thanks Doc,” Zoë said sniffling.

Fred approached the couple, “Good news, I hope?”

“A little boy. They're both doing well,” Allan replied.

“Thank god,” Fred said quietly.

“Soon as we see Alisha, we'll be heading for the hotel and a little sleep. Serenity should be here a little after eight. Accounting should have the ransom ready by six. I want you and Oso to guard it. Audra and Andy are coming with us. I want all the recon and sniper gear we can carry. The new coms too. Weapons for me and Zoë as well.”

“I'll get right on it. See you in the morning.”

“Thanks Fred.”


Allan and Zoë were led into Alisha's room. She was awake, an incubator next to her bed. Reggie sat in a chair next to his wife.

“Knock knock,” Allan said as they entered.

Reggie waved them in. Zoë stepped to her sisters side, “How you doin Sissy?”

“Sore... but happy.”

Zoë smiled, “Glad to hear it.” She looked into the incubator and saw her nephew for the first time. He looked a great deal like Sara did after she had been born. Toffee skin and a shock of red hair. Much deeper red than the copper tone's Sara's hair had been when she was born.

Allan looked over his wife's shoulder, “You guys did good.”

“Allan?” Alisha asked, “What about Sara?”

“We've got a ransom demand. That's it so far. I'll brief Reggie and he can fill you in later when you're a little more awake.”

Alisha wasn't happy about that but nodded anyway. Allan pulled his Brother-in-law aside.

“They want eighty million credits,” he whispered to Reggie, “Delivered on Persephone in four days. Cash will be ready in the morning.”

“Allan, you know I'd be going with you if I could.”

“I know Reg. You're a father now. Take care of little... What is his name anyway?”

“Michael Allan,” Reggie said with a smile.

“Michael Allan?” Allan parroted.

“After Alisha and Zoë's father... and you.”

“I don't know what to say...”

“Just bring Sara back so she can meet her cousin.”

“Count on it.”



Thursday, October 30, 2008 6:27 AM


This is so good, I love it! And you have a great balance between the tension being ratcheted up and the happiness of the birth being successful. Still, the Wing boys have no idea what is coming their way. Experimental weapons, eh? Can't wait!

Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:13 PM


Sara can escape and pilot an abandoned ship on autopilot, right? Right?!



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