Out To The Black --- Chapter 16
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Conflict ensues when Mal catches River in Jayne's Lap... Looks like it's gonna Rayne


Out to the black Chapter 16

Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This is my first Fan Fiction ever. Constructive reviews are shiny.

This fic takes place two years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/OC and a budding Jayne/River romance.

A/N: I think it’s starting to Rayne…

Also thanks again to my Beta Chris, Glad your computer is working again.

Out to the black

Chapter Sixteen–Confrontation

Serenity was six hours out of Boros on the way to Allan’s ship, when the engineer found Mal alone on the bridge.

“Hey Cap, got a minute?” Allan asked.

“Sure Allan, what’s on your mind?” Mal said as he double-checked the navigational display.

Allan sat in the co-pilots chair and looked to the Captain, “You might want to hold onto that gold I gave you.”

“And why is that?” Mal asked suddenly concerned.

“Saw on the cortex the other day that gold prices took a dump… Big time”

“How big?”

“Down 90%”

“Wuo de ma,” Mal exclaimed. Suddenly slightly angry, “And you were gonna tell me this when?”

“Sorry Mal. Slipped my mind, been a little distracted lately.”

“This distraction wouldn’t take the shape of my first mate would it?”


Mal chuckled, anger forgotten, “Not to worry Allan. I understand. Zoë’s a fine woman and I’ll admit you’ve done wonders for her. Ain’t see Zoë this… well, content since Wash.”

Allan thought for a moment, looking at the dinosaurs on the console, “Wish I could have met him,”

“I like to think he woulda liked you… Less you were chasin' his wife. Man could get a mite jealous.”

“No doubt,” Allan said with a slight chuckle, “I’d fight for Zoë if I was in his place.”

“Glad to hear you say that.”

Allan looked at the Captain for a moment, “You’re worried about her though… what would happen if I suddenly up and left once my ship was running…”

“Thought crossed my mind,” Mal said seriously.

Allan looked Mal in the eyes, “I can assure you that I’m here for as long as you or Zoë want me here…”

“And if Zoë suddenly don’t want you here?”

“Then if that happens, drop me at my ship and I’m history.”

“You’d do that?”

“Yep, you all have a good thing here, a family. I wouldn’t want to mess that up. Wouldn’t be fair to the rest. But…” Allan paused, “I really don’t see this scenario happening anytime soon… or ever.”

Mal replied, “Neither do I Allan. Zoë’s more likely to shoot you if you piss her off enough to not want you here.”

Allan looked hard at Mal, he saw the Captains mouth curl up a little bit and the two men broke out in laughter.


Jayne sat at the table, his collection of guns spread out as he cleaned them. Taking his time, he worked on each carefully. Looking up he saw River silently enter the galley.

“Hey there girl.”

River smiled at him, “May I assist you Jayne?”

“You can clean Mary o’ there.”

River reached for the small revolver, swinging the cylinder open to make sure it was unloaded, River began to disassemble the weapon. The pair worked like that for over an hour, finishing one gun and moving on to the next. Almost never speaking, absorbed in their work.

Finally the pair finished cleaning all of Jayne’s guns. River smiled at Jayne and rose to leave, “I need to check our course.”

“Nope, Mal’s on the bridge, you still got one more gun to clean,” Jayne said as he pulled a box from under the table.

“Jayne, what gun?”

“Open the box,” Jayne said as he leaned back in his chair, smiling.

Eyes curious, River opened the box. She let out a gasp when she saw what was inside.

“Saw ya eyein one like it back in that gun shop on Santo few weeks back, picked this one up in town yesterday” Jayne explained as River pulled a small frame semi-automatic pistol from the box.

“Jayne, I…”

“Mal said you were gonna be goin on more jobs now, you’s need the right hardware ta back me up. Polymer frame, light and small, fit yer hand bettern’ that cannon you been carryin. Got fifteen shots instead o’ the six ya got now, four spare clips and two holsters,” Jayne finished.

Still stunned, River asked, “Two holsters?”

“Yep, this one here,” Jayne said indicating an item in the box, “is a tactical holster like the one Gramps uses. Won’t slow ya down the way that old leather one ya got does. Should let ya do them crazy flips and the like you do without the damn gun fallin out.”

“And the other?” River said, a smile forming on her face.

“It’s a convertible. You’s can wear’s it as a shoulder rig iffin’ you got a jacket or coat on, and when you’s wearin one o’ yer frilly dresses, you can strap it to your thigh, outta sight.”

With a squeal, River jumped up and hugged Jayne, giving the big man a platonic peck on the lips. Jayne’s eyes shot wide open, so did River’s.

“Did… did you jus kiss me on th’ lips girl?”

River just nodded, her breath suddenly short.

“Thought so…”

“Jayne?” River said, a little fear in her voice.

“I might be inclined to let you do that again,” the big man said, his voice low.

River leaned in, tentatively and kissed Jayne again, her lips lingering on his longer.

“I thought you didn’t kiss em’ on the lips Jayne,” River said quietly after they parted.

“I save that priv’lige fer crazy girl pilots.”

“I’ll see if I can find one…”

“Gots one right here,” Jayne said, gently pulling River into his lap and kissing her again.

“Jayne! What in the sphincter o’ hell you doin to my pilot?” Mal yelled from the entry, gun in hand.

River leaped from Jayne’s lap, eyes wide with fear, the big man falling over backwards in his chair.

Down in the passenger lounge, Allan was playing his guitar for Zoë again. Stopping suddenly, he said,” Did you just hear…?”

Zoë nodded, “Lets go.”

Entering the galley at a dead run, Zoë and Allan found Mal standing over Jayne laying flat on his back, Mal’s gun inches from the Merc’s forehead.

“Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze!” Mal screamed.

“Mal!” Zoë yelled, “you’re scaring River!”

Mal glanced quickly over to see River cowering in the corner, tears running down her cheeks.

“Mal put the gun down,” Allan said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation.

“Shut up Allan, Ain’t none o’ your affair!” Mal yelled, attention back on Jayne

“Capn’ Daddy… Please?” River whimpered, “Don’t hurt Jayne.”

Mal wavered a moment, setting his jaw again, he looked Jayne in the eyes, “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t end you right now,” He said through clenched teeth.

“I love her Mal,” Jayne said simply.

“You… what?”

“Gorramit Mal, I love River!”

“Mal, put the gorram gun away,” Zoë said, obviously angry.

Mal’s gun moved away from Jayne’s face but he didn’t put it away, “Jayne, say that one more time, make sure I understand you right.”

“I said I love River… Happy now?”

Unseen by the rest, Simon had entered the room after hearing the yelling, upon Jayne’s declaration of his love for River, Simon crashed loudly to the floor in a dead faint, his head striking an overturned chair.

Allan rolled his eyes as he quickly went to check on Simon. Zoë grabbed Mal’s gun from his hand and set it on the table. Mal was looking around like a cornered animal.

“Sit down now Sir,” Zoë said tersely, “You an’ me need a little chat.”

Reluctantly, Mal sat down. Zoë turned to Jayne, still on the floor.

“Jayne, help Allan get Simon to the infirmary,” she said in a commanding tone. The big man was on his feet faster than Zoë had ever seen him move before.

Turning to River, she said softer, “River honey, why don’t you go down with them, Allan may need some help with your brother.”

Nodding with her eyes still wet with tears, River followed Jayne and Allan as they carried Simon from the room.

Zoë sat next to Mal, “You calmed down yet Sir?”

Mal sighed and nodded, “What the hell is going on Zoë?”

“Looks to me like our River grew up when we weren’t lookin.”

“How long you know about this Zoë?” Mal said, voice tense.

“Since night before last, Allan an me had a long chat with Jayne.”

“When were you gonna tell me about it?”

“Tonight after supper.”

“How long they been rollin in the hay?” Mal said still angry.

“They ain’t, hell I think you probably walked in on their first kiss.”

“So they just started?”

“Yes, and don’t you go thinking you’re gonna keep em’ apart. River‘s an adult, she can pick and choose who she wants.”

“Jayne’s near old enough to be her Pa’…”

“Don’t go usin that argument on me, there’s less age difference tween’ River and Jayne than me an Allan. Man’s old enough to be my father”


“Allan’s only a year younger than my Daddy would be iffin’ he was still around.”

Mal dropped his head to the table with a thump. After a moment he sat back up and rubbed his eyes, “I’ve been a real son of a bitch haven’t I?”

“Got my agreement on that Sir,” Zoë said neutrally.

“How am I gonna fix this?”

“First off I’d say to let folks cool off till supper. Allan’s gonna need that time to get Simon calmed down once he wakes up.”

“That might take some work,” Mal said, a slight smile curling his lips.

“I think he can handle it.”

“Magine so, He’s a good man,”

“I wouldn’t have one who wasn’t Sir.”

“Well I better go have a little talk with Inara, so’s she doesn’t come into this blind.”

“Good idea Sir.”


“Simon!” Kaylee cried as she saw Allan and Jayne carry the doctor into the infirmary, carefully the men placed Simon on the exam bed.

“Allan, wha’ happened?”

“Simon fainted.”

“Huh? How’d that happen?”

“Kaylee please, can you go sit with River a minute, she’s pretty upset as well. Simon will be fine. He just had a shock to his system. It made his blood pressure drop so he fainted. The cut’s not bad, just couple of weaves with take care of it.” Allan said soothingly. It surprised him how easy he could slip back into his old paramedic bedside manner after thirty years.

Simon’s eyes suddenly popped open and he groaned. Looking around the room wildly for a moment. When his eyes locked on Jayne, he started to speak.

“You son of a…”

“Simon shut up!” Allan spat, his voice like cold steel. Simon’s eyes widened, and he started to protest but one look at Allan’s face told him to be quiet a moment.

Turning to Jayne, Allan said quietly, “Jayne, take Kaylee outside to sit with River. We’ll be done here in a minute, please close the door.”

Jayne nodded quickly, hustling the protesting mechanic out the door, shutting it behind him.

Turning his attention back to Simon, Allan spoke again in a more consoling tone.

“Before you open your mouth again Simon, hear me out.”

Clearly upset Simon nodded, “Okay”

“First off I need to get a couple of weaves on that lac on your forehead. Then I’m gonna check you for head trauma… Understand?”


Working quickly, Allan applied the weaves and then, grabbing a penlight, checked Simon’s pupils, “Any dizziness?”


“Double vision?”



A little.”

“Okay, probably not concussed…”

“I’m fine,” Simon said trying to get up off the table…

Allan slammed the young doctor back onto the table, one hand against his chest. Simon was surprised by Allan’s strength.

“You’re starting to piss me off boy,” Allan snarled, “You agreed to let me say my peace.”

Simon nodded, eyes wide. He had never seen Allan angry before, and it actually frightened him a little to see him in this mood. At the moment, Allan seemed to be a frightening combination of Jayne and the Captain.

“Now then,” Allan continued, voice still tinged with anger, ”Me and Zoë had a chat with Jayne the other night after the bar fight. Seem’s your sister has fallen in love with Jayne. Zoë spoke to River and confirmed her feelings. Jayne’s damn scared because he feels the same way. The big lunk loves that girl something fierce. Far as I can tell, it’s not a spur of the moment thing either,” Allan paused for a moment.

“Now the way I figure it, they’ve been friends now for nearly two years now, right?”

“Yes,” Simon said quietly.

“Zoë told me about you and your sister’s history with Jayne, but would you admit now he’s changed man in that regard?”


“Do you trust him to protect the lives of anyone on this ship?”

“Of course”

“Now I’m sure you are worried about the age difference, correct?”

Simon nodded.

“There’s less difference between your sister and Jayne then there is between Zoë and me. I may be a bit biased here but I don’t see a problem from any of you about us… Right?”

“No you don’t, “Simon admitted.

“Alright then, now I want you to think hard about this. Not that age matters none but if I were Jayne’s age, would you consider me a suitable suitor for your sister?”

“I… I suppose so…”

“See, here comes my point, you know the difference between Jayne and myself?”

“No I don’t,” Simon admitted.



“School, an education. I grew up on a farm, we weren’t poor but we weren’t rich either. We got by on what little profit the farm made and my Grandfathers military pension. I’m damn smart Simon, but the only reason I’m where I am today is that I got lucky and earned a full scholarship to go to college. If not for that, I’d have died four hundred years ago, a farmer on a dying planet and you wouldn’t even be sitting here.”

Comprehension started to show on Simon’s face, “I think I see your point.”

Allan nodded and continued, “I didn’t think you were that shallow Simon. Now Jayne is not an educated man, but he’s not stupid. He has street smarts, he’s a survivor, and you have to be in his line of work. Personally I can’t see anyone better to keep your sister safe. And since he loves her, he’ll move heaven and earth to keep her from harm.”

Simon nodded again.

“We straight now Simon?” Allan said, offering his hand to the younger man.

Simon sighed, knowing Allan was right. If Jayne truly loved River, Simon could think of no one better to keep her safe, “As usual it seems I’ve made an ass of myself.” Simon said, taking Allan’s offered hand.

“Not an ass, just the typical overprotective big brother. If you’d been anyone but her brother, I’d have beat the crap out of you,” Allan said with a wink, “Now, you calm enough to have a civil conversation with Jayne and your sister?”

“I think I am.”

“Good, lets go.”

Allan opened the infirmary door to find a small crowd. Everyone was there excepting the Captain and Inara. River, eyes still red from crying sat on the sofa, Kaylee softly brushing her hair. Jayne sat in the big recliner, apprehension visible on his face. Zoë sat on the sofa’s arm. Standing, she moved to Allan’s side. Allan smiled at Serenity’s first mate as he put his arm around her waist. Simon walked to his sister and knelt down in front of her.

“Are you alright Mei-mei?”

River nodded.

“Is this what you want River, a relationship with Jayne?”

River nodded again, “Yes Ge-ge”

Simon smiled at his little sister, “All I want is for you to be happy and safe.”

“Jayne makes me happy. He makes me feel safe, secure.”

“That’s all I can ask for then.”

Simon rose and turned to Jayne the smile gone from Simon’s face, the big Merc looked nervous.



Taking a deep breath, Simon spoke, “Do you love my sister?”

“I do Doc.”

“Are you going to visit any more whorehouses?”

Indignation crossed Jayne’s face, “Aw, hell no!”

“Do you agree to date my sister for a time before you become…intimate?” Simon struggled with the last part.

“What kinda man you think I am doc, o’ course I‘ll court her, she don’t deserve no less.”

Simon took a deep breath, not quite believing what he was about to say, “All right Jayne, you have permission to…court my sister,” Simon stuck out his hand.

Relief on his face, Jayne shook Simons hand, “Thanks Simon.”

River jumped off the sofa and hugged her brother, “Thank you Simon.”

“You're welcome Mei-mei”

To everyone’s surprise, River moved quickly and curled herself into Jayne’s lap, wiggling a bit she giggled, “Comfy.”

The room erupted in laughter except for Jayne and Simon. Simon sat next to Kaylee with a sigh.

“Gorramit girl, you keep that up I’m gonna need a cold shower” the big man groused.

Feeling the stress of the last half an hour bleed out of him, Allan leaned down and kissed Zoë’s forehead, “Is Mal taken care of?”

“I calmed him down and got my point across. Inara’s reading him the second chapter o’ the riot act now.”

“Good,” Allan sighed, “I think I need a drink.”

“It’s only 3:30,” Zoë said.

“To quote an old song I know, it’s five o’clock somewhere, darlin.”

“I can agree with that,” Zoë said smiling. Turning to Jayne she ordered, “better get your guns offa the table before supper Jayne, or you don’t get none, I’m cookin tonight so I’ll make sure.”

“On it Zoë. C’mon Crazy, gotta finish cleanin your new gun.” Jayne said as he stood, River still in his arms, “Git down girl, Ain’t gonna carry ya up there.”

A huge smile on her face, River complied. Hand in hand Serenity’s newest couple climbed the stairs headed for the galley.

“Oh no,” Simon said suddenly.

“What?” Allan asked.

“Jayne bought her a gun.”

“What’s so wrong with that?” Allan said.

Zoë replied, “If Jayne bought her a gun he’s serious, be like buying an engagement ring iffn’ it were someone else.”


“Speakin o’ engagement rings, when you gonna do any shoppin long those lines sweetie?” Kaylee inquired of Simon.

Simon turned pale and started to babble. Beating a hasty retreat, Allan and Zoë headed for the galley and a good stiff drink.



Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:57 PM


I don't give many tens, but I have to for this chapter. So many twists of emotion, and some excellent conversations. Then the last couple of lines? They just had me grinning!


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