Out To The Black --- Chapter 14
Monday, June 23, 2008

The crew lands on Boros and heads into town to blow off some steam... On U day


Out to the black Chapter 14

Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This is my first Fan Fiction ever. Constructive reviews are shiny.

This fic takes place two years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee and Mal/Inara along with a budding Jayne/River romance. Also a Zoë OC pairing.

A/N: This Chapter is un-beta’d (Is that a word?) Chris, my beta has gone MIA over the weekend.

River gets drunk and Jayne has a heart to heart with Allan…

Out to the black

Chapter Fourteen – Revelations

Allan smiled to himself as he flew Serenity low over the Boros countryside. River, still healing after her dislocated shoulder, monitored systems from the co-pilots seat. Zoë stood behind Allan, her hand on his shoulder.

River looked over at the pair, a slight smile on her young face. She could feel the lightness of heart emanating from both of them. Zoë’s emotions seemed to be more like what she felt from the warrior woman when Wash was alive. There was still the tinge of loss but not the darkness Zoë had been holding inside her for so long.

Allan’s feelings had changed as well. His underlying self-doubt had been almost erased in the last few days. Allan had found a purpose in life here on Serenity. A man of power, wealth and influence back on Earth that was, Allan still longed for the simple life he had known growing up. Serenity satisfied most of that longing. Here Allan wasn’t in charge anymore. He was just a member of the crew. It let him relax. Something he desperately needed. Not to mention the presence of a certain dark skinned Amazon who suddenly filled a missing piece of the engineer/pilot’s heart.

River knew that they were not yet intimate. Allan was a bit old fashioned along those lines and Zoë was still feeling her way.

Sighing quietly to herself, River realized that now every female on serenity had someone except her. Being on the ship limited her options severely because now the only unattached male was Jayne… Jayne?

A beeping from the navigational computer broke River’s reverie, “Coming up on the landing coordinates Allan.”

“Got it on visual River,” Allan said as he banked Serenity into a shallow left turn. A small valley came into view. The terrain consisted of rolling hills with mixed grassland and forest. Again Allan was reminded of Montana back on Earth. Scanning the ground in front of the ship, Allan spotted the small stream that was their landmark for landing. Swinging the ship around, Allan began to slow Serenity. Finding a likely spot between two stands of tall evergreens, Allan extended the ships landing legs and brought Serenity into a hover over the spot. Lowering the ship slowly, Allan let the landing feet touch the ground lightly at first. Not sure if the ground could support the ships mass. Slowly he lowered Serenity until the ships weight was fully supported.

“We’re down Kaylee,” Allan called on the com as he retracted the ships engine pods and began the shutdown sequence.

“We are?” Came the mechanics voice, “Didn’t feel a thing.”

“What can I say Mei-mei… I’m good.”

“That’s my Mister…” Zoë said quietly. Suddenly her breath caught in her throat. Eyes wide, Zoë quickly turned and ran from the bridge.

Allan turned in the pilot’s chair, a confused look on his face.


River cut Allan off, “Give her a few minutes… She used to say that to Wash whenever he did any exceptional flying.”


“Not to worry, she will be fine in a few minutes. I think she just surprised herself.”

“You sure?” Allan asked.

River smiled at her co-pilot, “I am sure. Zoë is still healing from Wash’s death. You are helping her immensely in that regard.”

“I am?”

“Trust me,” the young psychic replied.

“If you say so,” Allan replied. Looking out through the bridge windows, Allan spotted something. A pair of wheeled vehicles were approaching the ship, “Look’s like we got company.”

River tilted her head to the side staring into space for a moment, “Sheriff Buford… All is well.”

“Good, well I suppose we should go meet the man.”

“A good idea,” River agreed.

Serenity’s crew gathered in the bay, Mal leaning on Inara a bit. Zoë stood by the door controls, her back and shoulders straight. Allan walked up next to her. He didn’t touch her but stood close enough that she could feel his presence.

“You okay?” Allan asked softly.

Zoë’s shoulders slumped as she suddenly relaxed. Letting out the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, the warrior woman just nodded.

Allan touched Zoë’s hand with his, surprised when she took it in her own. Smiling at her Allan said quietly, “I understand Zoë. I don’t want to replace Wash. I just want to let you know I’m here for you,” Allan paused a moment, “I don’t want to rush this Zoë.”

“Thank you,” Zoë said, squeezing Allan’s hand slightly.

“Ahem, You gonna open that door anytime soon there Zoë?” Mal asked, trying not to smirk at his first mate.

Zoë jumped, startled by the Captain’s voice, “Sorry Sir,” She said as she hit the button to open the cargo bay door.

“Just don’t let it happen again,” Mal said good-naturedly. Turning to Allan he said with a bit more sternness in his voice, “As for you… Don’t be distractin’ her when I need Zoë on jobs. Someone’s liable to get hurt… probably me.”

Allan chucked a bit at that. Mal smiled and slapped the older man on the back.

“Let’s go meet the sheriff.” Mal said.

Serenity’s ramp touched the ground. Standing just outside stood Jacob Buford and two of his deputies, a wide smile on his face. “Welcome back to Boros.”

“Glad to be back Sar-maj,” Zoë said with a warm smile while grabbing the sheriff in a hug.

“Gorramit Zoë, How many time’s I gotta tell ya’, my name’s Jacob.”

“She’s been with me near on ten years and she still calls me Sir,” Mal piped up, “Only calls me by my name when she’s either really happy or really pissed.”

“Usually pissed, “ Zoë replied.

Jacob laughed out loud, “Sounds like Zoë alright.” Noting Mal’s arm in a sling, Jacob spoke up, “Hear tell you folks had a bit of a tussle back on Aberdeen.”

“Just got a little shot is all.”

“Magine there’s more to it than’ that…”

Mal changed the subject, “Let me introduce my crew,” Mal said as he pulled Inara close, “This here’s Inara Serra, guess you could call her our ambassador and business manager.”

“Ma’am” Jacob tipped his hat to the former companion.

“Standin’ next ta’ Zoë over there is our co-pilot and assistant mechanic Allan Bryant.”

“Mr. Bryant”

Mal continued, “This ray o’ sunshine is Kaylee Frye, our mechanic”

“Miss Frye.”

“Call me Kaylee,” She said holding out her hand to the sheriff.

Jacob shook the girls hand with a smile.

“That big lump over there is Jayne Cobb, our… uh security specialist”

“Mr. Cobb” The sheriff acknowledged. Jayne just grunted.

“This here’s our Doctor Simon, and his sister, River who’s our pilot.

“A pleasure to meet you both Miss Tam, Dr. Tam…”

Jayne’s hand shot to his gun, Allan tensed up as Did Zoë. Mal would have reached for his gun if his arm had been in better shape. Simon’s eyes had shot open wide while Kaylee and Inara looked frightened. The only one not reacting was River

Jacob’s hand shot up, “Relax folks… I recognize them from their old wanted posters, recognized River there last time you were here. Nothing to fear…”

River walked forward and shook Jacob’s hand. Smiling sadly at the older man, her words put everyone on Serenity’s crew more at ease, “Knows of the Academy. Nephew went. Failed experiment, came home broken… Unfixable. Michael was a good boy but now he is insane… worse than I used to be.”

Jacob’s eyes widened then with a look of resignation he nodded at the girl, “Hundan’s did something to his brain. Boy was smart as a whip. They told us he had a breakdown, sent him home. Now he’s… he’s stark raving mad. Catatonic one minute, violent the next… gotta keep him sedated most o’ the time…” The ex soldier trailed off.

River squeezed Jacob’s shoulder, “Not your fault, didn’t know.”

“I know now, did some digging, heard tell of a brother and sister from the core, Osirus or the like, Sister was another student at the Academy, a reader. Brother broke her out. Then I start seein warrants for a pair o’ siblings with outrageous bounties on em’. Real strange for folks got no previous criminal record and no listing o’ what they’re wanted for. Make’s a lawman curious ya’ know.”

Clearing his throat, Jacob stood up straighter. He smiled at the girl before him, “Glad your brother got you outta there. No telling what a place like that would a done to a girl like you.”

Turning back to the rest of Serenity’s crew, “Ain’t no Alliance presence this side o’ Boros, they concentrate on the big cities. I keep the peace here so they leave us alone for the most part. This place here belonged to my cousin. He passed on bout a year back, left it to me but I never changed the deeds. You folks ever need a place to hide… this is the place. There’s a cabin bout hundred yards over that way, “Jacob said pointing into the trees, “help yourselves. Waters good too, figure you can top off your supplies here.”

Zoë walked up to her friend and smiled, “Thank you Jacob”

The former Independent Army Sergeant Major smiled, “Guess I made ya happy there Zoë.”

“Just made my day.”

“Speakin o’ days, why don’t all a you folks follow me into town… Drinks are on me.”

Mal spoke up, “Some o’ us can go but I don’t want to leave the ship unguarded.”

“Nonsense, Just lock it up. My boys here, “Jacob indicted the two deputies, “ Will watch yer ship. Good men, folks were Browncoats.

“I’m not sure…” Mal said.

“Come on, what kind o’ Browncoat can’t resist a drink in a ‘liance friendly bar on U day...”

“It’s U day? Damn near forgot,” Mal said with a grin. “Lead on Sheriff, lead on.”

The rest of Serenity’s crew groaned except for Allan. Turning to Zoë he asked, “What’s U day?”


Allan and Jayne lowered the Mule to the floor of the cargo bay while Jacob pulled his ground car up to the bay door. Allan thought it looked very similar to an old Earth SUV.

Zoë, Allan, Kaylee and Simon would take the Mule to town while Mal, Inara, Jayne and River rode with the sheriff.

As the two vehicles made their way into town, Allan split some of his attention between soaking up the sights of the new planet spread before him and the scenery of Serenity’s first mate in the drivers seat beside him. In the back of Allan’s mind were the thoughts of the Academy and Blue Sun and how they had ruined another life in the name of the Alliance. How far did it go and how many children had been tortured. Allan vowed at that moment that he would figure out a way to find out and do what he could to stop it from happening again. The sound of Kaylee’s giggling in the back seat brought Allan back to reality. Zoë was looking at him…

“Copper for em.”


“Your thoughts”

“Oh, Just thinking about Jacob’s Nephew.”

Zoë just nodded. Allan looked back at her she turned her attention back to driving the Mule. Allan smiled, watching as the wind blew Zoë’s hair around. “Wow, She’s beautiful,” he thought to himself, “Now if I can get the nerve to tell her that to her face.”


Sheriff Buford led Serenity’s crew down a small side street. His vehicle and the Mule parked at the Sheriffs office a few blocks away. While it was late afternoon for the crew, early evening was approaching New Edmonton. While walking from the office the crew had paired off, Mal with Inara, Allan next to Zoë, Kaylee and Simon were hanging off each other as usual and even Jayne and River were walking side by side as they brought up the rear.

“Here we go folks,” Called Jacob, ”Sadie’s… Best tavern in town.”

Allan looked up at the flashing lights and gaudy neon, thinking the place wouldn’t look out of place on a back street back on Earth. As the group entered, Jacob led the group to a large table near the back of the bar. Allan thought he caught a comment from Simon about if this was the best tavern in town he didn’t want to even think about the worst. Kaylee smacked him on the arm.

After the group had taken seats, Mal, Jayne and Jacob sitting where they could see the front door, River, Zoë and Allan watching the back door. A slightly short, heavyset woman with shoulder length sandy hair approached. She was dressed in a black skirt over fishnet stockings, a corset that threatened to shove her obvious assets into plain view and a black leather collar. Sheriff Buford Smiled.

“Sadie my dear, how are you this fine evening?”

“Jacob Albert Buford, What did I tell you about comin in here with Browncoats on U Day?” She asked indignantly.

“To sit in the back and not raise no ruckus.”

“And what happened last year?”

“A ruckus.” Jacob said quietly.

“Damn straight,” the woman said with a wink to the rest of the group.

“Now, how about you introduce me ta’ yer friends?”

Jacob smiled, “Well, this here is Captain Malcolm Reynolds and his crew.”

As the sheriff continued the introductions, leaving out River and Simon’s last names, Allan noticed Jayne eyeing a scantily clad buxom blond lounging at the bar.

Sadie also noticing Jayne’s gaze snickered a bit, “Marie there don’t have anyone lined up yet tonight. Iffin’ you want, I’ll let her know yer interested. Two drink minimum first though. ”

“Much obliged Miss Sadie,” Jayne answered. Not noticing the evil look River shot in his direction, Allan did though.

“Now what can I get’s you folks ta’ drink”

Inara and Kaylee ordered mixed drinks, Jacob, Mal, Zoë and Jayne ordered whiskey. Simon and Allan ordered Beers. When Sadie got to River’s order she was a bit surprised at the answer she got.

“What’ll ya have honey?” She asked the girl.


“Mei-mei, are you sure?” Simon asked his sister.

Still glaring at Jayne River replied, “Straight up… make it a double.”

“Your funeral girl.”

“River I really think…”

“Shut up Simon.”

Jayne finally noticed the look River was giving him. Cocking an eyebrow at River, he asked, “What’s wrong with you Crazy?”

“Don’t need false women when there’s a real woman right here,” She said quietly

Jayne looked at River, his mind racing. No way she said what he thought she had said. River was his friend, partner in crime, had his back in a fight… He was a no brain Merc pushin forty, and she was a twenty-year-old mind reading genius. She couldn’t be sweet on him… Could she?

“I could.”

Jayne’s eyes very nearly bugged out of his head with surprise.

“Could what Mei-mei?”

“Nothing Simon.”

The drinks arrived just then. Jayne nervously downing his two shots in short order before getting up from the table. Making his way through the crowd to the blond working girl at the bar. Desperately needing someone to take away the nasty thoughts about a certain genius pilot suddenly running through his head.

River sniffed her drink experimentally. Quickly she slammed back the whole thing in one gulp… Followed by a fit of coughing as the whisky burned down her throat. Simon stared at his sister, a shocked look on his face. Kaylee and Inara looked at the girl with surprise. Zoë frowned, while Jacob and Mal tried not to laugh. River dropped her forehead on the table with a thump.

“You okay Kiddo?” Allan asked.

“I am not sure… Is the room actually spinning?” River said, voice rough

“It’s not spinning” Allan replied with a grin.

“Then my answer is no,” River gasped.

Simon started to stand up but Kaylee dragged him back to his seat. “She’ll be fine Simon. I had the same reaction first time I ever did that.”

Simon nodded but kept an eye on his little sister.

Zoë, Mal and Jacob were laughing and trading war stories back and forth as the evening wore on. Without any knowledge of the war, Allan felt left out of the conversation. About nine, the house band started playing. The music was a little strange to Allan’s ears. It sounded like a weird mix of Country and Asian music with a Techno undertone. The musicians were okay and it had a beat. A few couples made their way onto the dance floor.

Considering the taverns décor, Allan thought some .38 Special or Lynyrd Skynyrd would be more appropriate.

As the music continued to play, River seemed to come out of the funk she had been working on most of the night. Allan knew she was starting to feel the effects of her double whisky and the several beers she had followed it with.

“I’mm goin dancin’…” she announced to the table. Standing up a little too quickly, River had to steady herself before she could walk away.

Simon watched his sister weave away into the crowd, disapproval on his face.

“Relax, Doc, she’ll be fine,” Zoë commented, “ River can take care of herself. Even drunk she could take out half this bar.”

“That’s what worries me.”

“Don’t be such a spoilsport sweetie,” Kaylee said as she worked on her margarita. Deciding Simon needed a distraction, She leaned over and locked lips with her boyfriend.

Allan was nursing only his second beer and still sober when he caught sight of River dancing with a blond haired young man. It was a fairly slow song and they were dancing close. Allan saw the man’s hands drop from River’s waist to her backside and saw the man pinch her.

River suddenly stood perfectly still…

The young man said something to River that Allan couldn’t quite hear…

The whole bar heard River’s reply…

“Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze!” Screamed River.

“Oh Shit…” Allan said as he got quickly to his feet.

Simon tried to get up but tripped over Kaylee’s backpack purse …

Inara held Mal down in his seat so he wouldn’t re-injure his arm…

Zoë and Jacob got to their feet to back up Allan…

The young blond haired man flew across the room, landing on a table after River kicked him in the chest, knocking over several people and their drinks…

The bar erupted into chaos…

Allan suddenly found himself involved in a knock down drag out bar brawl. And in the eye of the storm was a very drunk and very pissed off River Tam.

Allan and Zoë tried to fight their way to the center of the room, attempting to reach River before either she was hurt or she really hurt someone else. Allan ducked a barstool and laid out the wielder of said stool. Zoë laced another bar patron with an impressive right cross. Jacob slammed a couple of brawlers together, dropping them to the floor.

River had taken out half a dozen brawlers but was slowly being overwhelmed due to her inebriated state. Two large men grabbed her arms, pinning them behind her. She let out a yelp as the men pulled on her recently dislocated shoulder. The blond haired young man had recovered from River’s kick and approached the pinned girl. River tried to kick out at him but one of the men holding her arms pinned her legs.

Blondie picked up a broken beer mug from the floor, it’s handle and base still intact. He looked at river and sneered, “Whore, I’m gonna make it so no one ever wants to dance with you again.”

The blonde man brought his arm back to hit River in the face with the mug…

Two shots rang out almost simultaneously…

The beer mug exploded in a shower of broken glass from the bullet fired from Allan’s Colt…

Blondie dropped to the floor. his hands reaching for the bullet hole in his lower leg…

The two men holding River let her go, more concerned for their own well being as they stared down the barrel of Jacobs revolver and Zoë’s mare’s leg…

The rest of the bar had stopped fighting at the sound of the shots. Allan looked around for the source of the second shot. Standing at the top of the stairs was Jayne, a smoking pistol still in his hand.

River smiled drunkenly, “See, always has my back,” she slurred just before passing out into Allan’s arms.

In what seemed like three large strides, Jayne was suddenly beside Allan. Gently he took the girl from Allan’s arms and cradled River to his chest.

Jacob spoke up quickly, “Zoë, best you Allan and Cobb there get her out of here and back to your ship. I’ll be along with the others once I deal with this mess.

Zoë nodded once, “Lets go.”

While Jayne carried River, Zoë and Allan kept a close lookout as they made their way back to the Mule. When they reached it Jayne placed River in the back seat and then climbed in next to her.

Zoë climbed into the front passenger seat indicating to Allan that she wanted him to drive.

“Zoë, I’ve never driven this thing before,” Allan protested.

“I’ll show you how, I’m too drunk to drive it and get back to the ship quick like.”

Under Zoë’s directions Allan got the Mule started and underway back to the ship. The trip back took about half an hour. During that time Jayne never said a word. River still passed out next to him.

Pulling up to Serenity, Zoë spotted the two deputies detailed to guard the ship. Zoë told them to head home, as they weren’t needed anymore. Grateful the two men made their way to their vehicle and headed back to town.

Allan drove the Mule into the bay as soon as Zoë lowered the ramp. Jayne picked River up and carried her to the infirmary, Allan following behind.

Jayne gently placed River on the exam chair and stepped back leaning on the counter, worry on his face. Allan did a quick exam on the River. Finding no obvious injuries. Allan turned back to Jayne.

“She’ll be fine. She had too much to drink. That combined with the exertion of the fight.”

“Good… What the hell happened anyways?”

Allan took a deep breath, “She was dancing with that blonde kid you shot. I saw him reach down and cop a feel and pinch her ass…”

Jayne’s eyes hardened. Allan noticed the change and continued.

“He said something to her and then River yelled something at him in Chinese, next thing I know the kid’s flying through the air and all hell broke loose.”

“She got plastered huh?”

“Yep, and as small as she is… Well it hit her pretty hard. She’s not going to be feeling very well in the morning.”

“Magine she won’t,” Jayne said seemingly lost in thought.

Allan took a deep breath, “Jayne… I need to know, is there something going on between you and River?”

Jayne’s eyes flared with anger and his fists clenched. Allan held his ground and continued.

“I caught most of what she said to you tonight before you went off with that…”

“Whore,” Jayne finished.

“Whatever… I think you going off with that woman hurt River’s feelings… Big time.”

Jayne seemingly deflated in front of Allan, “Fong luh girl’s gone sweet on me I think.”

Jayne hadn’t noticed that Zoë had walked up and was leaning on the doorframe to the infirmary. Keeping quiet, she listened as Jayne continued.

“Tother’ day, we’s on the bridge talkin’ and she asked me if we’re friends… We are o’course,” Jayne paused, “Then outta the blue she asks me iffin she’s pretty.”

“What did you tell her?” Allan asked. Looking to where Zoë was standing as she nodded.

Jayne sighed, what else could I tell her… She’s reader… I told her the truth that I thought she was pretty.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” Allan said.

“Yeah well then she up and kissed me… On the cheek.”


“An nothin. She ran off the bridge gigglin”

Allan took a deep breath, “Might as well walk the rest of the way off the plank,” he thought.

“And what are your feelings for River Jayne?”

The big man flushed. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times. Eyes downcast he said quietly, “I ain’t got no feelin’s for the girl…”

“Bullshit!” Allan exclaimed.

“What did you just say?” the big man warned, suddenly angry.

Allan smiled. He got the reaction he wanted, “I said bullshit Jayne. I saw what happened after Zoë an me shot them blue hands… You ran right to River to make sure she was okay.”

The subject of Allan and Jayne’s conversation sniffled once and rolled on her side, snoring softly. The look on Jayne’s face told the rest of the story to Allan. The big lug did love the little girl… he just didn’t realize it himself yet.

“Well, I… Gorramit! What the hell can she see in dumb ole’ Merc like me. I ain’t got no schoolin’ she’s a ruttin genius. Side’s I’m too damn old for her.”

“How old are you Jayne?” Allan asked.

“Thirty eight,” He replied quietly.

“River’s twenty, right?”


“Ain’t so bad… Less of a difference then me and Zoë.”

“Huh? You and Zoë…” Jayne trailed off.

“Yeah, Me and Zoë.”

“Damn,” the big man chuckled, “thought she’d been in a better mood lately.”

Allan smiled at Zoë, still in the doorway behind Jayne, “Not counting the time in cryo, I’m fifty two Jayne. So if a beautiful woman, nineteen years my junior like Zoë can fall for an old decrepit flyboy like me…”

“You ain’t decrepit, “ Zoë said smiling as she finally entered the infirmary, “And I seem to have a thing for flyboys.”

“Zoë!” Jayne exclaimed, “I … Uh, damn. How long you been there?”

“Since the kissin part,” She said with a slight smile.

“Aw hell.”

“Relax Jayne,” Zoë said softly, “Before Miranda… hell even a year ago, if we’d been having this little talk, I’d be telling you to pack your gear and get off the ship before Mal tossed you out the airlock.”

“Might still happen,” the big Merc mumbled.

“You’re a changed man Jayne Cobb,” Zoë continued, “Just like Mal is. Inara’s mellowed him quite a bit. He’s more like the Mal I knew before Serenity Valley now. He’ll see reason about this. Even if I have to hurt him,” Zoë finished with a grin.

“What about the Doc?” Jayne asked.

“I’ll handle Simon if need be,” Allan said, “But this don’t mean you can go dragging River off to your bunk for the horizontal tango. You better do this right my friend or you’ll be answering to the rest of the ship,” Allan continued in a friendly tone of warning.

Jayne’s eyes’ shot up, “Now see here, I ain’t that kinda hundan. I…

“I know Jayne,” Allan said with a smile on his face. “Just needed to be said.”

The big man nodded.

Zoë spoke up, “First off though, I think in the mornin, I’m gonna have a little girl to girl talk with River to see what her feelins truly are on the matter. In the meantime, you better turn in Jayne, We’ll put River to bed.”

“A‘right. I… Thanks Zoë, Allan,” Jayne said as he slowly left the infirmary.

Allan carefully picked River up from the exam chair and carried her to her bunk in the dorms. Zoë removed River’s boots and covered her with a blanket. Zoë slipped her hand into Allan’s as they left the young psychic to sleep it off.

“Guess we better wait for the others to get back, hope there wasn’t too much trouble,” Allan said.

“A bar fight on U day is normal for this crew. But it’s usually Mal or me startin the fight. Not River.”

Allan chuckled as he sat back on the sofa in the common area, Zoë sat be side him, “ I can’t believe you would start a bar fight… Finish one maybe,” Allan smiled.

Zoë looked into Allan’s eyes and moved closer to him, “You called me beautiful.”

“You are. Simple fact”

Zoë snuggled her head onto Allan’s shoulder and smiled.

“I like it when you smile, “ Allan said.

“You make me smile” Zoë replied.

“I’m glad”

A half an hour later, the remaining members made their way back to the ship. Mal saw that the Mule was stowed, and Jayne was on his weight bench lifting

“Where’s River Jayne?”

Not looking up from his reps, he replied, “Allan checked her out, then he an’ Zoë put her ta bed so’s she could sleep it off.”

“Good enough… By the way, good shootin tonight.”

“I watch her back, she watches mine, nothin to it.”

“Anyway, thanks Jayne.”

Mal’s reply was a grunt.

Taking Inara’s arm in his, the pair made their way to the hatch to the common area where Simon and Kaylee stood, arm in arm.

“Ain’t it sweet Capn’?” Kaylee said as the other couple approached.

“What’s that Lil’ Kaylee?”


Mal, looked where Kaylee was pointing and smiled a bit himself. On the sofa was a very asleep Allan, with an also very asleep Zoë lying nestled into Allan’s side, his arm protectively across her back, and her leg across his. Zoë had a faint smile on her face as she slept.

Mal smirked, he hadn’t seen his first mate that happy in a long time, “Let’s not disturb them shall we,” Mal said quietly, “bout time we all head for bed ourselves.”

“I need to check on River,” Simon said quietly.

“Jayne told me Allan checked her out then he an Zoë put her ta’ bed. Spect she’ll be fine for now.”

“C’mon Simon, we’re in my bunk tonight,” Kaylee said as she pulled Simon up the stairs.

Sighing, Mal said, “Guess they’ll be making noise the rest o’ the night.”

“It’s quieter in my shuttle,” Inara said with a demure smile.

“Why Miss Serra, are you tryin to get me in your bed?”

“Every chance I get.”

“Lead on darlin,” Mal said smiling, “Lead on.”




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I Choose You - Chapter 2
A Scoobie joins Serenity's crew

I Choose You - Chapter 1
My first foray into the Buffyverse/Crossed over with Firefly. 500 years from now, two nearly immortal Slayers, a powerful Witch and the Immortal Key struggle with the same thing they always have. Love, Family and Vampires. Willow/River pairing.

Discovery - Chapter 8
Mal and John Henry discuss Time travel and Sarah Connor Realizes she isn't in Kansas (or California) anymore.

Discovery - Chapter 7
Back in my FF/T:TSCC crossover verse. John Connor and the crew of Serenity go out to a bar. The inevitable occurs.

Undying - Chapter 4
On Santo, the crew sees to supplies while River, Zoe and MacLeod meet with two of Mac's oldest friends.

Quest - Chapter 32
Done!!!!! Last chapter in this story arc. The Allanverse will continue at some point, however.

Quest - Chapter 31
Some more fluff as I finish off this arc. The extended Serenity families relax on the beach while waiting for the rest of the wedding guests to arrive.

Little Girl Lost - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of my AU River story. River meets someone on the trip to Persephone who will changer her life forever.

Tales of the Rangers - Chapter 14
Back in the present, the crew has a little downtime. Relationships are strengthened and after a teenaged tantrum, Jessie finds herself (and Inara ) in a situation

Little Girl Lost
Yet another plot bunny that attacked. What would happen if River didn't go to the Academy? Drama at home leads to her running away. Will eventually include all the characters from the show but don't expect a rewrite of Season 1. Totally AU folks