Lilac Syndrome: Chapter 17
Thursday, June 5, 2008

The New Haven Series; Post BDM; M/I, S/K: Brfore the crews part, something happens that will change the crew of Serenity forever...


Glad you liked the last chapter. One more after this.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“So she’s gonna survive?” Mal asked with a twinge of hope in his voice as Simon adjusted the IV drip. The medication, the Zygramithol, was clear and dripping into the line and into Zoe’s veins.

“She’ll be fine, effects will be immediate.” Simon sighed as he turned and addressed Roxy who was lying down with her chest wrapped. The bullets had barely punctured skin, however the force of the shots had cracked a rib and bruised her sternum. “And how are you feeling?”

“Pain meds ar’ gorram brilliant.” She slurred with a smile “Afraid though I’ll be useless ta my occupation. 'Vieve’ll ‘aveta take over the engines.”

“Well, all you need is rest, and since your crew is taking a few months leave you should be fine.” Simon pulled a blanket over her and left the room with Malcolm following. “As soon as I know the inventory, I’ll dig the vaccines up and inoculate Kaylee and Meilin.”

“You have more than just vaccines my friend.” Pike, with his head bandaged, went over and handed a thing plastic sheet that projected an electronic inventory list to Simon. “It seems this was a collection of medicine heists, because it’s several times the amount of product we gave him, and just about every pharmaceutical known to modern medicine.” He pointed to the list. “There’s also a crate of basic supplies.”

“This is… amazing.” Simon’s mouth spread into a smile. “There’s enough Zygramithol here to help three counties on Shadow. As well as keep our county vaccinated for… probably.. four years or so… maybe five if they’re kept in well made cryo containers.” He turned to Pike, looking like a child on Christmas day. “Do you need anything? You know I’m not completely above sharing.”

Pike chuckled, patting Simon’s shoulder. “No, no, I have a cache that will outlast a Nuclear Holocost. Enjoy your supplies.”

“There’s more.” Jayne grunted as he hauled in another crate. His arm was bandaged, though he was still surly over the antibacterial bath the graze had received. “Gorram ship’s lined with med supplies. Every time we think we’ve got it all, find more.”

“Which means this product list is… half done or a fake.” Simon pondered out loud.

“In any case I sug’gest ya build yerself a nice, conceeled cellar.” Sterling announced as he lugged a much larger, heavier crate.

“Sounds like a winter project.” Mal set a hand on a crate. Hearing chatter, he turned and looked up to see a pair of young clairvoyants perched across the top of a small stack of crates, the cats perched with them. River looked thoughtful, talking to Fiyero, and smiling like flustered, puppy loved adolescents.

River looked down at Mal, and gave him the mien of an teenager that wanted privacy, it was followed by a highly annoyed and exasperated eye roll before she turned her back to him.

He wondered when he had gained a seventeen year old daughter.

“Children.” Virgil limped over. “Wooly things when they’re not quite adults. Especially when they’re crushin’ like no tomorrow.”

It was Fiyero’s turn to look down with ruffled feathers. River joined him, and stuck her tongue out at the captains.

“Aren’t they quite the pair.” Inara announced as she came out, Meilin out of her arms and taking a well needed nap in the bunk.

“Who?” Simon, who had been absorbed in his supplies, looked up to see his sister, and gave the expression of a startled father. “Oh.”

River turned away from the onlookers, grabbing Fiyero and pulling him with her.

“They’re sweet.” Kaylee sidled up to Simon, rubbing his arm to calm his flustered parenthood.

“Well, unfortunately they must say goodbye.” Wren dropped one last box and dusted her hands. “That’s it, we’re good to give the farewell.” She stood next to her husband and looked him over.


“Afraid of me being hurt, look at you.” She gently touched his bandage before turning to Virgil. “Did you allow this ta happen?”

“Don’t look at me, I have no responsibility regarding injuries.” He gestured to Pike seriously. “Popped his head up at the wrong time, it was his doing.”

Genevieve gave a tight smile and wiped her hands on her combat issue pants. “I reckon’ we should get the stretcher and walk Roxy over.” She signaled for Jovie to follow, and they retreated to the stolen Firefly to fetch the stretcher.

River gazed down upon the others, her face conflicted. Looking to the top of the catwalk, she saw Emma, then her dark eyes trailed back down to her brother. Setting Boston down, she descended from the peak of crates and went to Simon and Kaylee. “Come.” Taking their wrists, she towed them away.

“So, what are you gonna do about the new ship?” Mal asked.

“Dock it on my moon when we get back, never know when ya need a spare.” He leaned his weight against a crate as his leg needed the rest.

“Speaking of going back.” Pike stepped forward to catch his captain’s attention. “We were wondering if we could go with Mal’s crew.”

“We were?” His wife questioned.

“Well, I figure Simon could use a hand with distributing the Zygramithol. Besides we’re on leave.”


Simon’s devastation was easy to read as River had taken them to a passenger bunk to break the news.

“You… River you…”

“They can help me.” She pressed. “They’re readers, I can be trained, fixed, made stronger.”

“You’re…” Simon and his fingers through his hair, eyes glassy and face showing the pang of separation as he swallowed thickly. “River we’ve come so far, we’ve made a home, we’re safe. You want to go off with these people? Your warrants are…”

“She’s almost eighteen.” Kaylee took River’s side. “She’s got the right and these people could help her.”

“Kaylee, I understand but it’s a huge risk.” Simon sank onto the bed, exhaling heavily.

“You’re afraid of losing me.” River pointed out in a soft, understanding voice, sitting next to him. She looked down at her feet, the raven hair shading her face before she looked back up, holding tears at bay. For though she knew she needed to go, leaving her family would be one of the hardest things River Tam would ever have to do in what would become her long stretch of life. “You’re the protector, always there.” Reaching up, the reader touched his face, feeling it as she had over a year ago when they had first come onto Serenity. “Rescued me.” The dark chocolate eyes welled with tears themselves as moving in, her fingers tactilely tracing his face, as if wanting to remember every inch of it. “Did the impossible, grew a real girl from fragments of an old one. Loved me every inch… apple bits and all.”

Simon couldn’t help but let out a light laugh towards apple bits, yet they quickly turned to tears as he hugged her tight. The doctor didn’t want to let go of the one thing he had fought for for so long. “Mei-mei…” He whispered, the voice strangled with emotion. “River I… I…”

River held his face in his hands, tears streaming her cheeks. “Little birds have to fly away.” The pad of her thumb stroked his cheek affectionately, and she looked up to her confidant and big sister.

Kaylee, who had been silently crying, sat on the bed next to River and joined in on the hug.

“Miss you both.” River addressed Kaylee fondly, making it a turn to embrace her as well.

“I know you’ll be fine.” Kaylee stroked the dark hair out, resting her cheek on the younger’s forehead. “You’re gonna go on and learn all sorts of stuff, and you’re gonna be great at it.” She felt Simon’s arms wrap around her, to make it a group hug, a family hug. His lips kissed her hair, as well as River’s, and River let out a small sob, burying her face into the coveralls that smelt of engine.

No one could imagine the pain of oncoming separation the Tam family felt.

Lifting her head up, River smiled at them both. “I’ll be ok.”

“I know.” Simon finally admitted, for he wanted her to grow up and choose her own paths. Restricting her, coddling her, would do her no good. It didn’t make it any less painful though. “I know.” The brother took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. “I just can’t believe you’re not going to be at home. You’ll be half a galaxy away with more… thieves….”

“She won’t be with them.”

The voice wasn’t recognizable, but the party that was mourning and celebrating the flight of their albatross turned to see Emma. Her normally stoic, laconic features were softer with understanding.

“I want to take her to Miao De Qian Shan. It’s on Sihnon, hidden and safe, and there my temple can teach her to unlock the power she possess.” The monk explained, for she knew speaking to them would be far more reassuring than a jarring mental conversation. “She will be safe, away from the criminal circuit, and is welcome to stay and learn for however long she likes. Fiyero and I will also be there as I’ve wanted to have him honed at Miao De Qian Shan and Virgil it aware of our extended leave.” Pausing, as they drank in the information, she added something even River grew anxious at. “The grand master also has the power to unlock your lost memories. If you train and find control, he may feel you are sound enough and help retrieve what was mislaid.”

River looked to Simon.

He dipped his head in acceptance.

Boston leapt up onto the bed, letting out a chirp and nuzzling his friend to comfort her. He didn’t know what was going on, but as soon as she projected it to him he jumped to her shoulder and purred loudly. He was fine with the arrangement as long as he got to go this time.

Emma nodded a yes to River’s thoughts about taking the cat. “Cats are sacred to temples.”

The girl turned to her brother. “Take care for York for me?” The elder brother Siamese was too home bound to go, and she knew it.

He gave a weak smile. “He’ll be crying for days, but of course, Mei-mei.” Kissing her in between her eyes.


The family of Serenity gathered to send off their River.

The youngest Tam stood before them, in her dress, combat boots and the jacket Kaylee had given her long ago. Her bag was slung over her shoulder, and Boston kept curled to her neck for the journey.

Jayne came forward first. He had his hat in his hands, and remarkably he seemed sad. “Can’t lie.. gonna miss ya… well I ain’t gonna miss all the craziness.. ‘n the thought of you killin’ me with yer brain… but I’ll miss ya.” Fiddling with the orange hat, he looked sheepish, as sheepish as a giant man could be.

River stepped in, dropped her bag, and hugged him.

Her head barely reached his chest, and Jayne stood there for a moment, stunned. However he wrapped her up, the girl who had stabbed him, beat him up in a bar fight, and beaned him with canned food. “Take care of yourself, ya hear?”

With a sniffle, River nodded her head into his shirt. She left go, and smiled as he dropped his knitted hat on her head.

“Looks better on ya anyways.” He kept his emotions in check and stepped back as Inara came forward.

Inara hugged her with one arm. “If you ever need anything, don’t be shy to drop a wave.” Pulling back, her fingers caressed River’s cheek, and she gave a smile that showed the bittersweet feelings that came with the farewell.

The girl nodded her head, looking down into her arms and smoothing back Meilin’s soft curls. “You’re the youngest now, jie-ti wu gong-zuo, ni you kan da-jia.” She whispered, leaning in and kissing the baby’s forehead gingerly. Glancing back up at Inara, she felt her heart choke with sadness. “Be safe, and take care of them.” She signaled off to Mal and Simon. “You know how they are, so much work.”

Simon chuckled, nodding in admittance as Mal looked mildly offended and Jayne sniggered.

“I won’t make you watch Jayne, he’s helpless.”

“Hey.” The merc grumbled. “Can take back that hat ya know.”

Inara laughed, a drop of sunlight in the moment. “I will.” She pulled away, biting her lip to keep tears from coming down.

Kaylee was in fact crying as she was next, with a tight hug. “I’m gonna miss ya, Mei-mei.”

“Miss you too.” River wiped her friend’s tears away as one escape her eye and ran down her face. She pressed something in Kaylee’s hand and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You have to finish the gift.”

“Oh.” Agreeing with a bob of her head, she slid the paper in her pocket and forced a smile. “Remember to write, and see if ya can visit.”

“I will, watch Simon.”

“You can count on it Sweetie.”

The captain had a warm smile, proud, if not fatherly as he took a deep breath and walked forward. “Well now, seems you’re off ta take flight in the great yonder.” His jaw twinged, mouth dropping, and his eyes batted back sudden tears. “You’re gonna take care of yourself now, right? Don’t wanna see your wanted poster on the coretex, cause I ain’t comin’.” Reaching out, he placed his hand on her head so his fingers cushed on the orange yarn, voice soft and beyond description in regards to the affection it held towards her.

“Yes you will.” She pressured flatly.

“Well… only after much thought… and… yeah I’d come.” He sighed in defeat. “But you’d get an earful and remember that.” Mal threatened half heartedly, smirking at the eye roll he received. “Gonna miss ya, Albatross.” He dropped his hand and rubbed Boston’s dark triangle ears. “You and your silly cat.”

Tears came back into her eyes, pushing through and rolling down her cheeks like mercury under the bright cargo lights. “Xie Xie.” It came out a whisper, but that was all it could be, as her heart ached.

“For what.” He murmured, his throat bobbing and swallowing back the tears that were breaking down his resolve.

“Believing there was girl inside. Letting the girl find Serenity.”

Mal stepped in and hugged her. Not tight, but soft and with care, the way all parents tenderly hold their children. Pulling the hat off of her head, he pressed his lips to the dark crown of hair, a palm cupping the side of it, brushing her hair out. “Never had ta find it, you were always there.” He held her for a full minute, with nothing but silence and understanding between them. A tear fell from his eye, and soaked into her tresses. “And you can always come back, remember that.” Finally, he left go, his eyes red and threatening to unleash their full emotion. He had to turn and breathe deep.

Next was the hardest of all.

Simon came forward, smiling, but his eyes were shiny blue pools as he stopped in front of her. “This is it.”

“It’s only the beginning.” She corrected, grinning as the tears streamed down and his fingers tucked the hair out of her face in habit. Without warning, she crouched on the floor, Boston jumping to the ground, and Simon naturally followed though puzzled. “Look.” River sniffled, brushing the tears from his jaw. “This is where it started.”

Simon, through his tears looked and saw it was were it had indeed started. In that very spot, crouched, was where River had fallen out of her cryo box, and he had rushed to console her.

The place where her life on Serenity had begun, was where they were parting.

Kaylee sniffled, watching them. Inara leaned on Mal and held his hand, and Jayne's lip quivered.

Simon inhaled sharply with realization, and pulled her in, holding her close as they both silently cried. Their foreheads pushed together, and blue and brown eyes stared into one another as close as possible. “I love you, so much.” He choked out.

River, her mouth a mix of smile and tortured grimace, buried her face into his vest. She would miss those piffling vests. “Love you more.”

“Let’s not get into that argument.” He laughed modestly through tears, pulling her face out of his chest and holding it fondly, studying her, so she would never dim in his mind. “Mei-mei, I am so proud of you… you’ve… you’ve grown up.”

“So have you.”

“Don’t just go off and disappear, alright? I want to hear from you, I want to know how you’re doing. Ni-shi ye bao bu shi.” Simon cleaned away her tears and looked up to the crew that was about to whisk her away. “Goodbye Mei-mei.”

“Goodbye won’t be forever. I promise.” She vowed, hugging him tight. Letting go, her body aching when it did so, River Tam picked up her cat, stood, and retrieved her bag as her brother stood there.

Simon moved to in front of the door, he watched, his posture slumped and abandoned. However as she walked towards the door, Kaylee came over and rubbed his back, and he held onto her waist with one arm, smiling at her sympathy.

As the crew of the Rising Sun left River’s foots became lead like in weight. The Albatross turned to glance over her shoulder, her mind telling Serenity goodbye, and her heart lurching when it saw Simon.

She dropped her things and ran to him.

Simon caught her, arms wrapping the smaller body up and his head resting against her own as she sobbed and held on tight. After a moment, he pulled his head back and inspected his sister's melancholy. “I know… but.” His voice cracked. “They’re… they can help you where I can’t. Right?” He rubbed her back in a circular motion, watching as she agreed, but was wrenched with the sadness of separation. “And you want to do this, I know you do. And I know whatever this leads to, is what you deserve Xiao mei-mei.” Kissing her forehead, he gave her a push towards the door. It was gentle, and significant to anyone watching. For Simon Tam, a man who had given everything to get his sister back, was letting her go.

River walked backwards, till she ran into a hand and found Fiyero standing with her bag, and Boston.

Leaning on him, she turned, and walked towards what the future held.


Mei-mei: Sister

Miao De Qian Shan: Temple of the Green Mountain

jie-ti wu gong-zuo, ni you kan da-jia: take over my job, you have to watch everyone

Xie Xie: Thanks

Ni-shi ye bao bu shi: you are too precious not to

Xiao mei-mei: Little sister

****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**


Thursday, June 5, 2008 11:20 AM


Crap, you made me cry. This was beautifully done and I could see all the crew's reactions being just as you have shown them here. Also feel mighty proud of how far River has come already. Wonderful job, now hand me another box of gorram tissues please. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, June 5, 2008 1:31 PM


Sad... but part of me is so happy for River. Spread your wings and fly girl!

Will we read her experiences from her journey? and how about the rest of the crew? a continuation?

Friday, June 6, 2008 7:06 PM


Don't worry Platonist, it doesn't end here. There's plenty of tale to tell, from seeing River's future unfold, to meeting new folk, bad folk, and seeing the crew get closer, there's quite a few stories lined up.

Glad you're enjoying it though.

Friday, June 6, 2008 8:49 PM


Aww, he gave her the hat.

Monday, June 9, 2008 6:23 AM


>He wondered when he had gained a seventeen year old daughter.

I adore this line!


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