The Sachem: Chapter 8
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Post BDM; M/I, S/K; Continued From New Haven: Stepping backwards into the past, we view what went on before Mal, Zoe and Simon were captured. In this chapter, Malcom further shows his change of heart with little Meilin, and Jayne wins another game of cards. Riches, explenatives, and much violence ensue.


Jayne sucked on his cigar, digesting the information like he was trying to pass a kidney stone. It still didn't sit right with him. He tossed a glance to the woman working at the bar. How she was submissive. A part of him was glad that the captain had given him the job and not someone of the female persuasion. If it had been one of their womenfolk, who knows if they would have been captured and turned into slave wives.

Or, if Zoe or River would have gone batshit and taken out half of the village.

Elder Thurn looked to Jayne Cobb suspiciously. "Are you settled on our ways, sir?

"Well, weren't how I was raised, not how most of the 'verse is." He growled roughly, like a bear poked with a stick. "Ain't never been the most chivalrous man, but my momma beat inta me ta a firm respect fer dames. Always told me if'n ya take one ta bed, make sure she consents, never be a beast..."

"You calling us beasts, Mr. Jayne?" The youngest of the lot asked in a scorned manner.


"Inara." Mal, came into the house, hefting a cardboard box loaded to the hilt. Struggling with it's weight, he set it down on the table. Her light footsteps came from upstairs, and he went over to Meilin's basket, the babe in deep sleep. Watching her, the captain's mouth pulled into a smirk.

"I thought you were going to get just a few things." She caught his attention as she headed over to the box to inspect what he had procured.

"Well... yeah." Turning, Mal drifted over and let out a deep breath, thumbs sliding under his suspenders. "But apparently when you've had your first baby you're entitled to all sorts of free stuff. Gifts, from those who wish you and your little 'un a long and happy life."

Inara took out a pink blanket, package of pacifiers, and raised a dubious brow to Mal. "There's a cigar in here."

Leaning in, he picked up the cigar. "That's for me."


Jayne flicked the ashes off of the end of his cigar. The grey powder flittering off to the hazy ashtray.

"You don't gotta git in a knot 'bout what I think." He dismissed their growing judgement with a wave of his hand. "Best you worry about your cards, short stack. Cause I'll win that woman if'n you boys don't grab this sitchiation by the short curlies and play this game the way you're s'possed ta."

The men, staring at him suspiciously, turned their attention back to their hands of cards.

Grunting, he was starting to dislike this particular group.


"Did you tell them... you're the father?"

"Well now, had to lie ta make sure no one was suspicious on how we acquired a child." He announced a matter-of-factly. "And since she looks like you, and from what I recall it takes two people to make one of those." He thumbed back to Meilin "One being someone with your parts and two being someone with my apparatus... and since we're together." He shrugged his shoulders. "Call me nutty but it just. Seemed. To. Fit."

"So you're her father?" Inara mused.

"I was a very proud daddy when you thrust her out 'n Simon handed me to her. I cried even." Mal announced wittily. "Was surprised cause you went inta labor right after I got home from the supply run, and unlike all of the other hun-dans I stayed in the room the whole time. You damn near broke my hand, but I remained, mopped your weary brow and refused ta leave your side." He lied with such persuasion he sounded as if it was in fact the truth. "Then she came, and we cried and laughed and all manner of fuzzy moments ensued. Ask everyone in town, it's the gospel."

"Well, her birth was quite an event, wish I had been there." She mused, pulling out a bottle packaged in plastic, then a soft lavender bunny that rattled when shook. "Does this mean you'll be actively taking on the role of daddy?"

"I suppose." Tucking the cigar into his breast pocket, he took out the cans of formula and set out to put them in the pantry. "I never had one... well... I mean I did he just passed b'fore I came." Opening the pantry door he placed them with the last can of formula. "Regardless, I opine she might benefit from having someone as a pa. Though I dunno a man as grizzly as myself would be suited to her coddling needs."

"I think you'll do fine." Holding up a set of clothes, pink footed pajamas and a little hat, she smiled at the little calico foal embroidered on the front with a daisy in its mouth. "She won't know any better she's being raised amongst buccaneers, fugitives and mercenaries. Her father the chief of the sort."

"You make it sound like such a bad thing." Turning to retrieve more formula, he noted the clothes. "I picked that out." Taking more formula, he turned back to the pantry to resume the job of restocking. "You know, since she's a prairie babe... slash mini buccaneer."

Inara let out a gentle chuckle. "Well that assures me you'll do just fine."


It was late.

The pot had risen even more, liquor was clouding everyone's judgement, therefore Jayne was drunk enough to add Donner to the pot. And Donner was probably the closest thing he had to a best friend.

Elder Thurn, a man who became boorish with each drink, grumbled under his reeking breath.

"You gonna play cards are buy yer hand a drink?" Jayne growled, gnawing on the end of his cigar as it was but a stub.


Everyone laid their hands down and the dealer tallied.

Jayne laughed, slapping the table with his paw. "Well ain't that geng-hao jiu yi san dao shang Shang-dan!" His cigar tumbled out of his mouth as his tongue hung out, like a wolf with a grin. "Hell I best r-tire and jus move on up here." Reaching over he scooped the winnings his way.

One player knocked his hand away. "You cheated."

Jayne looked over with alcohol angry eyes and bared his teeth. "You wanna say that again, Pipsqueak?"

The young man stood up. "I says you're a zang pian-zi."

Jayne stood up, towering over him like an immovable oak. "Don't cross me." He warned, muscles tense and bulging.

Two other men stood up and grabbed the mad one. "Bozco, sit down."

He struggled, slurring his words drunkenly. "Wo-xiang wu qian hui-dao!"

"SIT DOWN." They shoved Bozco into his chair. None pleased about the large man winning, but none wanting to dispute it.

The merc skimmed the faces before taking the slips of paper and stuffing them in one pocket. Next, he took the large items; box of cigars, pistols and booze, and placed them in a knapsack he had also garnered.

Elder Thurn watched him, having done some deep breathing exercises and calmed himself for he had lost a wagon and a stack of credits. "So, Mr. Jayne, as you have won property up here, what are you going to do?"

Jayne tossed a box of ammunition into his knapsack, giddy about his loot. However the question warranted a moment's consideration, and he shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno, sell it? Er.... keep it.... my old man always said buy property 'n hold onta it. Dirt's the most valuable thing out there on accounta ya gotta live somewhere." Jayne kind of mused over that. He could always have a place up in the mountains, somewhere to go when he got tired of working with Mal. Come to think of it, there wasn't much holding him back, between his new winnings and past fleecings in Pryor, he had made a small fortune in cards. However he didn't know if he could live in Tehatchepi, they were strange folk. Then again he could always sell and buy somewhere else. Buy a ranch, where he was his own boss. Mulling it all over, he dropped the cash in next. "I can sleep on it." He decided, grabbing the last coin and sticking it in his pocket.

"When will you be leaving?"

"T'marra." securing the knapsack so nothing would spill out, he slung it over his brawny back. "Early, with the sun."

The leader of the town nodded his head and rose up. "Regardless of our manner because of the drink, it is best we fetch your winnings tonight, so you may take your leave in the morn."

Jayne knew full well they were all pissed and just wanted to get everything done so he would get out of town.

But he was alright with that.


"Lemme see her."

Dinner was over, the dishes were washed and in the drainboard. River was reading furiously on the cortex with her cats nearby; Kaylee was lounging on the couch, eating the last of her berries and missing the berry picker himself; Zoe was in one of the chairs by the fire, practicing her new hobby, whittling; Inara had been in the rocker with Meilin, however Mal had come down from a bath, in his night attire, and taken the babe.

"You go catch up on sleep." He urged, helping her up out of the rocker before sinking into it himself. "I'll watch her."

The others, with the exception of River, looked over, puzzled.

Inara sighed, clearly exhausted. "Thanks."

"Well you need a break. Work hard keepin' this house in order and ya tend ta the little one. You'll run ragged if you don't get enough rest." He settled the babe into the crook of his arm and tilted his head up as she gave him a goodnight kiss. "We'll be up in a bit, soon as she's had 'nother bottle and a good change."

"Do you know how bu-neng-di-kang you sound right now?" She chuckled.

"I don't look it?" Sniping back he smiled warmly as her hand reached down and gently petted Meilin's cheek.

"Tian meng-mei wu ai." Taking her fingers to her lips, she kissed them and gently pressed them back onto Meilin's cheek. Standing up, she looked 'round the room. "Good night everyone."

Kaylee was the only one that recovered quick enough to respond. "Good night, sleep tight."

"Yes...." Zoe blinked a few times. "Have a good night's rest."

"Attempt to get the recommended amount of REM sleep." River told her.

"I'll try."

Inara left, and Mal pushed his foot off of the floor to send the chair into a slow, soothing rock. Gazing down at Meilin he watched her adjust her position. Glancing back up as he felt being watched, it was clear the others were staring. "What?" His voice peaked defensively.

"You're a good papa." Kaylee beamed.

"Have to agree with Kaylee." Zoe stopped whittling to take in the scene properly. "Though I must ask, why are you all... unthorny."

"Well." He tucked up the blanket his daughter was in. "We have ta have an airtight story as ta how she came ta be. The whole world's gonna think she's Inara's, and the only person Inara's been with for about nine months give or take is me. It's what fits."

"Awwww." his mechanic cooed. "You love Meilin."

"Don't put words in my mouth." The captain accused.

However when he looked back down at his daughter, and when she yawned and grabbed his pinkie, Mal just about melted.


They loaded everything up in the livery.

Since he had won a cart, the losers of the game had loaded whatever else Jayne had won into it. It wasn't much, a donkey was tethered to the cart, a rifle was in it along with a strongbox that held deeds to the land, cabin, and twenty head of sheep. The merc leered at his good fortune, and reckoned he would sleep in his cart that night, that way no one could steal his goods.

He had however, forgotten about the one winning he had been against.

Vithy, the man who owned the business that sold wives, marched the prize in.

It took awhile for Jayne to realized what she was. Naturally, he took in her beauty in his usual testosterone driven way. She was petite, with long blonde locks and eyes that were like polished peridots. However she was clothed in rags, and bound by the wrists, being dragged in like stock. "That's the wife?" Setting his pack down, he went over and grabbed the lead from Vithy's hands.

"Yeah." He grunted, watching how the taller man pulled out his bowie knife and aimed for the ties on the wrists. Vithy's face paled. "Bie wei na!" Racing in, he knocked the knife out of Jayne's enormous hand as the others gathered around to circle the winner and his lively spoils.

Jayne whirled on the man. "Niang de yi xi-yi de gao what was that?!"

"You can't cut her loose!" He barked. "She's...."

"Like hell, she's mine and I'll do what I want." Reaching down, he went for his knife.

And a foot stepped on it.

Icy blue eyes looking up from the foot to the leg, to the torso and finally the face, they glared at Elder Thurn. "If you know what's best, you'll take yer foot back."

The elder gave no solid indication of doing so. "I can't let you."

Jayne's eyes turned into violence filled slits.

His female prize seemed to understand his side of things and slipped behind him. The merc her giant barrier from the head beast of the town

"You let her go, she runs free." He explained, voice cold. "She could run back and bring help and ruin our lives. You best follow tradition, take her in somewhere and lay claim to her. Break her."

The large square jaw twitched as his lip curled up. "I ain't some depraved shen-gou shu."

Thurn's clenched his jaw. "I order you to break her or give her up."

It wasn't clear who made the first move, if it was Thurn or Jayne. The first reached to his belt and pulled a gun, and at the same time the second lunged with a roar. Who won was very clear, for the enormous Cobb grabbed Thurn by the neck and twisted swiftly with the force of three men in town. The neck cracking, breaking, ending life.

The stout man dropped to the ground. Head lolled on the dirt at an unnatural angle.

It had been pure instinct to go after Thurn, and it took Jayne a minute to realize he had just killed the towns leader and the possible repercussions of it. That was partially the whiskey in his system. Eyes jerking up to see the men in the circle, they all stood there, dumbfounded.

He spun around and grabbed the woman by the shoulder. "C'mon!"

Finally one man drew in air. "THE ELDER'S DEAD!" He wailed.

Jayne grabbed his knapsack as a commotion broke out, the men shouting and stumbling about, not knowing what to. The misogynistic leader of their new order was dead, and because of it, they floundered. Allowing time for Jayne to scramble, throw his rig on Donner, take his knapsack and his woman and bolt.

Though he had no idea where he was going in the dark.


hun-dan: bastard

geng-hao jiu yi san dao shang Shang-dan!: better then a three way on Christmas!

zang pian-zi: dirty cheater

Wo-xiang wu qian hui-dao!: I want my coin back!

bu-neng-di-kang: irresistible

Tian meng-mei wu ai: Sweet dreams my love

Bie wei na: Don't do that!

Niang de yi xi-yi de gao: Mother of a lizard's testicles

shen-gou shu: Sewer rat


**As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**


Monday, February 4, 2008 3:43 AM


Go Jayne! Another great chapter. I did notice a little typo, though: it should be "Zoe stopped whittling to take in the <i>scene</i>" not "take in the seen".

Monday, February 4, 2008 8:27 AM


Thanks, I fixed the typos :)

Monday, February 4, 2008 6:35 PM


Mal's description of being in the birthing room, while Inara was in labor is hilarious. I usually don't read baby fic, but this one is quirky and Mal is the perfect reluctant daddy.

And Jayne and his new "wife"...he finally wins a bride and he cuts her loose... our hero


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