Homesick: Chapter 1
Saturday, January 5, 2008

NC-17. Simon and Kaylee continue to explore their new relationship, while Inara makes a decision. And River makes Mal uncomfortable. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara


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Homesick: Chapter 1
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4 months after Miranda

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River held the golden pendant in the palm of her hand, studying the light etchings on the surface. The necklace had been in the Tam family for generations and back when she was a little girl her mother had promised she could have it. But River knew she could never appreciate the jewelry as much as its latest intended recipient.

“You really don’t mind, mei mei?”

Looking up to meet Simon’s questioning gaze, River smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Depositing the pendant into his hand and dropping the chain River closed his fingers over it. “Not at all. Kaylee will love it.”

Returning her grin, Simon pocketed the necklace and told her, “I hope so.”

“She will,” River reaffirmed, hopping onto the diagnostic table in the center of the room. Swinging her legs absentmindedly as Simon busied himself, she asked, “When are you going to give it to her?”

Shrugging, Simon had already gone back to his work, his attention divided now between his sister, thoughts of Kaylee and readying the room for when the crew returned from their current job. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll wait until her birthday.”

Frowning, River told him, “That’s five months away.”

Turning to regard her, Simon asked, “So?”

Shaking her head once, River hopped off the table and said, “You need to stop waiting for things, Simon. Sooner is always better than later.” With that, she turned on her heel and headed for the bridge sensing the imminent arrival of the crew and the threat that followed them. Once again she would be called upon to make a fast getaway and she wanted to be ready.

---- ----

“I’m curious, Captain. Have you ever tried to go on a job and not come back injured?”

Scowling at the young doctor as he finished stitching his most recent bullet hole, Mal muttered, “You ain’t funny, doc.”

Hiding a smirk of his own, Simon snipped at the thin thread, before applying a bandage that would hide the angry red gash from curious eyes and hurtful bacteria. With a sigh of completion, he stepped back stripping off his rubber gloves and told the older man, “You’re all set. Just go easy on that arm for a bit. I don’t want to have to re-stitch it. Again.”

Shrugging back into his shirt, Mal winced at the small shot of pain that darted along his shoulder. “It’s amazin’ to me how not funny of a man you really are,” Mal retorted, ignoring the light chuckle that Simon could not suppress. Rising off the diagnostic chair, he buttoned his shirt, heading for the door as Simon cleaned up. Pausing at the threshold, he turned back to regard the doctor as the younger man called, “Captain?”

Knowing he had his attention, Simon wiped his suddenly sweaty palms on his trouser legs and asked, “I was wondering when we might next have some shore leave?”

Raising an eyebrow, Mal snorted. “I don’t know, doc. What’s the matter? You gotta hankerin’ for some dirt?”

His face contorting into a look of disgust, Simon shot back, “Of course not. I’d just like to … well, I was hoping that …” Why couldn’t he say the words? It was infuriating to know exactly what he wanted and at the same time be unable to voice it. Of course, Simon was painfully aware that what really held his tongue was his fear of Mal’s response and the embarrassment it would more than likely cause him.

“Spit out, doc,” Mal prompted, studying with veiled amusement how uncomfortable the other man was.

“I’d like to treat Kaylee to a night away from the ship and I wanted to start making the arrangements.” There he’d said it.

“What s’matter? You can’t keep her quiet no more?”

With varying looks of annoyance and disgust, Simon and Mal both turned to regard Jayne’s hulking form as the mercenary stepped into the doorway, leaning against the jamb, his thumbs hooked in his belt. Eyeing Simon with a leering eye, he told him, “You can let her scream, doc. I don’t mind.”

“Jayne, your mouth is talkin’,” Mal bit out, throwing the man a warning look. “You might wanna look to that.” He did not need to hear Kaylee screaming at any time of the day or night – and neither did anyone else.

“And do not ever speak of Kaylee in that manner again,” Simon added, stepping forward menacingly, his blue eyes shooting daggers at Jayne.

“What manner?” Kaylee’s sweet, innocent voice penetrated the rising tension in the room and all eyes turned to regard her. Stepping between Jayne and Mal, she went to Simon, her arms around his neck as she kissed him lightly and asked, “You all talkin’ ‘bout me?”

Still unnerved by Jayne’s comment, Simon kept his hands lightly on Kaylee’s waist, not wanting to give the mercenary any other mental images to occupy him in his bunk. “Always,” Simon murmured, brushing a kiss to her cheek, his eyes darting to the captain.

Getting the hint, the older man tugged on Jayne’s arm and told him, “C’mon. We need to do inventory o’ that cargo I got shot for this mornin’.”

Pushing Jayne roughly towards the cargo bay, Mal turned and added, “Doc, we’ll finish our discussion later, dong ma?”

Nodding once, Simon waited until both men were completely gone before turning all of his attention to Kaylee and giving her a proper greeting. As their mouths parted, Kaylee’s eyes danced with delight, her body pressing a bit more intimately against his and making Simon return her bright grin. “Well now, that’s more like that,” she murmured, trailing a line of kisses to his ear before sucking on the lobe lightly.

Suppressing a delighted shudder at her touch, Simon’s hands pressed more firmly against her back, drawing her to him more tightly. Moving his lips to kiss at her soft skin, he heard her whisper, “So what’s you an’ the cap talkin’ ‘bout later?”

Cursing silently that he would kill someone very violently if his surprise was ruined, Simon continued his ministrations and whispered back, “Let’s just call it a surprise.”

Pulling back immediately, Kaylee let out a small squeal that only served to make Simon love her more. “A surprise?” she asked breathlessly, her eyes darting about his face, searching for clues. “For me?”

Smiling coyly, he told her, “Maybe.”

With another squeal, Kaylee kissed him hard, their mouths moving against each other, their tongues fighting for dominance as the embrace turned more passionate. Parting for air, Kaylee again turned her attention to the sensitive flesh of his neck and earlobe, whispering, “So what is it?”

Trying to ignore the way his knees were weakening at her insistent touch, Simon told her, “I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise.”

Her eyes widening imperceptibly, Kaylee moved her lips back to his, her mouth just an inch from his own. With her warm breath tickling him, she murmured demurely, “I bet I can get ya to talk.”

Smiling back at her, Simon said, “I bet you can’t.”

Leaning away from him a bit, Kaylee crossed her arms over her chest and Simon feared he’d said something wrong. However, she did not step fully out of his embrace so he tightened his hold on her waist and watched curiously as her momentarily annoyed expression turned into one full of playfulness. “Is that a challenge, Doctor Tam?”

Having a fairly good idea of where this was going, Simon allowed another heated smile to turn up his mouth. Shrugging slightly, he said, “Maybe.”

Watching him for a only a second more, Kaylee pressed herself against him in a rush, crushing their mouths together with a kiss so fervent, Simon found himself gripping at her hips tightly to keep from falling over. When there was nothing left to do but part for air, Kaylee trailed the fingers of one hand over his chest and down to the front of his pants, cupping him gently and whispered, “Challenge accepted.”

Simon could only chuckle as she took his hand firmly in her own and pulled him from the infirmary towards his bunk.

---- ----

“You got hurt.”

Mal looked up from the table top, shaking his head slightly to bring his mind back to the present. Turning in the direction of the small voice, he smiled softly and told his new pilot, “I guess I did. But your brother patched me up good.”

River moved towards him on silent feet, her dress skimming along the top of her knees as she twirled before dropping into the seat beside him. Reaching out with pale fingers, her hand hovered over his newest wound as she said, “Can’t get hurt. Have to be in charge.” Turning those unbelievably wide, all-knowing eyes to him, she added firmly, “You’re the daddy.”

Swallowing thickly, Mal rose swiftly trying to distance himself from what he was sure would be an uncomfortable conversation. He’d heard River refer to him as daddy a few times, especially since Miranda and it unnerved him although he had no idea why. He certainly cared for the young woman, looked to her, similar to her brother, he supposed, but maybe with a bit more protectiveness. A bit more attention possibly akin to a father. Of course, Mal wouldn’t know, he’d never known his own pop.

“I ain’t nobody’s daddy, lil’ one,” he said brusquely, dumping the rest of his coffee into the sink, before turning back to face her. “Not even yours. You an’ Simon gotta pa.”

Shrugging lightly, River’s eyes drifted to the solid wood tabletop, her mind tracing patterns in the worn wood. “Just blood, genetics, DNA.” Closing her eyes, River pushed the image of Gabriel Tam from her mind, replacing it with Mal and feeling the inherent gush of emotion that accompanied his face. Like Simon in so many ways, but more too; more love and concern, more protectiveness towards her, from her Captain Daddy. Simon was her rescuer, her savior, but Mal was her protector, her provider and that made him a father to her.

With wide eyes and serious expression, she regarded him once more and affirmed, “Captain Daddy.”

Scowling, although he knew the look would have no effect on her, Mal leaned against the counter and asked, “Don’tcha think your pa would have a problem with that, River?”

He would, that was true. Gabriel Tam would never stomach being replaced in his daughter’s life by a brigand such as Malcolm Reynolds. But that didn’t matter to River. Mal had been there for her when Gabriel had not. Mal had been the one to believe in her when there had been practically no reason to. Mal had been the one who’d given her a place in the ‘verse, a job, a home, a family. Gabriel had never given her any of those things. He’d simply given her a role to play, a place to live and people to co-exist with. It wasn’t the same.

“Probably,” she finally answered, her mind drifting back to the present. Rising she moved towards him, noting the way his body tensed at her approach. Mal did not like to consider himself a parent, even though he subconsciously knew he was the patriarch of their crew-family. “My father, Simon’s father, he didn’t understand how to be a parent, how to love a child for no other reason than because they exist.” Taking one more step towards him, River rested a hand to his shoulder and locked her brown eyes with his blue ones. “You do, and that’s something I will never forget.”

Trying to ease the seriousness of their discussion, Mal leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, “Does that mean I can ground Simon for sleepin’ with Kaylee?”

Smiling despite herself, River told him, “Don’t you dare. They’re happy, meant to be.” Cocking her head to one side, she again studied him with those all-seeing eyes and murmured, “You could have that too, if you wanted it.”

His mouth suddenly dry, Mal stepped away swiftly, heading for the bridge. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout Albatross. How much longer till we reach New Dunsmir?”

“Six hours,” River called after him, the sound of his footsteps fading as he retreated to the bridge, even as his emotions sang more loudly to her than any bird. “Six hours to make a decision,” she murmured to no one in particular, her eyes finally sweeping across the room before she floated away, again lost in the safety of Serenity.

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Inara accepted the offered tea cup with a gracious smile, bringing the fine porcelain to her lips and blowing gently on the steaming liquid. Regarding her host with a practiced eye, she waited until they were seated before saying, “It’s all right to tell me you don’t approve. I didn’t expect you too.”

Releasing a small sigh, Sheydra balanced her own mug in her lap and turned imploring eyes to her oldest and dearest friend. “Inara, don’t make this decision now, not so soon after-“ She paused, unwilling to say the word and cause the unpleasant memory into their consciousness.

“So soon after Miranda?” Inara had no such reservations. She’d been living with that unpleasant memory for months now, just over four, and she could no sooner escape the truth than hide from it; Inara was done hiding. Taking a sip of her drink, she let the warm liquid settle in her belly before she told her friend, “Sheydra, I will not change my mind.”

With a resigned nod, Sheydra held Inara’s gaze for only a moment more, allowing the silence to fill the air between them. Drinking their tea in the quiet, Inara’s eyes roamed around the small drawing room. She had missed this place, just a bit, missed her girls in the few months she’d been gone, but being back on Serenity made all of this opulence, all of this finery seem like the façade it was.

“And what does your pirate say?”

Fighting the urge to spit out the sip of tea she’d just taken, Inara willed her heart to stop racing at the implication, before she turned back to meet her friend’s wide, violet-eyed gaze. “He’s not a pirate, Sheydra. He’s a captain of a transport ship. And he’s not mine, either.”

“All evidence to the contrary,” Sheydra murmured cattily, getting the look of disbelief she’d been expecting.

With a smile of apology, the woman reached a hand across to Inara, squeezing her knee lightly. “Inara, it’s not really a secret.”

Swallowing hard, Inara closed her eyes for a second, regaining her composure. Setting her cup down, she rose slowly, moving towards the fire that roared in the ornate hearth. Her gaze quickly lost in the dancing flames, she found her mind wandering as well. The look on Mal’s face this morning when she’d told him she was taking the shuttle and would be gone while they were out on the job had chilled her. He thought she had a client, that she was back to being a working companion and there had been no missing the disappointment or sadness that had flickered in his gaze. And it had weakened her.

Which only served to, in turn, anger her. He had no right to pass judgment on her. He’d made it perfectly clear in the past four months that, while he did want her on board, he was not ready or willing to make any sort of move that might imply they were more than just friends. Inara wanted him too, desperately. She had had a few too many dreams, both day and night, that revolved around Serenity’s infuriating captain and almost all of them awoke with her panting his name, wishing that just once it would be real. But it never was, and Inara feared it may never be.

“Inara, do you love him?” Sheydra’s soft voice pulled her mind back to the moment and with a sad smile, she turned to face her friend, arms across her chest.

Shrugging lightly, she said, “I don’t know. What is love?” As her friend frowned to her, Inara raised a hand and explained, “I’m not trying to be vague, Sheydra. It’s just … well … you know. As companions we are schooled in all the motions, all the actions of human relationships, but never the emotions. I think it’s love, but it’s so unbelievably difficult to tell.”

Another lie; they were just dripping from her mouth like water from a faucet. Inara knew it was love, there was no thinking involved. She knew with every fiber of her being that she was in love with Malcolm Reynolds, had been for a very long time. It connected her to him, made her want to curse and celebrate his presence in her life with such vehemence she often couldn’t sort out the two. And as much as she had once tried to deny it, tried to run from the conflict of emotion, from the inherent complication, she couldn’t run any more.

Rising, Sheydra stood before her friend, resting her hands lightly on Inara’s folded arms. “Oh mei mei, I wish I could help you more, but whatever I can do, just tell me.”

Smiling softly, Inara said, “Xie xie, Sheydra.”

Another small moment of quiet enveloped them and then they were again chatting, passing the time before supper reminiscing about old times and fond memories. And as the hours passed, while Inara felt comforted being among friends, she secretly could not wait to go back home, back to Serenity.

---- ----

Mal surveyed the scene around them, still not comforted by the wide, open expanse. They were too exposed out here and he worried, not without reason that he and his crew were just asking for trouble.

“It’s not a good spot, sir.” And of course, Zoe was going to call him on it.

Turning to give her a look of pure annoyance, he grunted, “Ya think?”

Holding up a hand in a gesture of truce, she let her eyes also roam about, her body tense and ready for any danger that might present itself. “Jus’ statin’ a fact, sir. That’s all.”

“Yeah, will I din’t pick the spot, our buyer did an’ seeing as how he’s the man with the coin, I weren’t about to argue.” Mal had actually argued, quite vehemently. He had done more than a few jobs on New Dunsmir and knew the lay of the land. He hadn’t wanted to meet in the middle of this yu ben de prairie either, but when his paying customer had refused to budge, Mal had relented.

He was not, however, stupid. Bringing his hand held up to his lips, he thumbed it on and called, “Jayne? You see anythin’?”

“Nothin’ but grass an’ your ugly mug.” The man’s rumble of a voice was made muddy by the low-tech device, but Mal still heard the insult and let it slide. “Ain’t he late?”

“A might,” Mal affirmed, his eyes still darting about and looking for danger. “Look alive up there. Somethin’s amiss, you shoot it.”

“Even if’n it’s you?” the merc challenged.

Darting a glare in the general direction he knew the bigger man to be hiding, Mal scowled and warned, “Jayne.”

“Yeah, yeah, forget it.” And with a click, the comm went dead.

Reattaching it to his belt, Mal muttered a few choice words about Jayne’s family tree, noting the bemused smirk that had alighted Zoe’s face. As he raised a questioning look to her, she reminded him, “You’re the one was that hired ‘im.”

Grimacing, Mal knew she was right and let it slide. As it became apparent that they would be waiting a bit longer, Mal found himself dwelling on his conversation with River from earlier in the day. Looking to Zoe whose brown eyes were still searching the landscape, he asked quietly, “How’s River seemed to you lately?”

Her expression still unreadable, Zoe did not look to him as she asked, “How do you mean exactly?”

Shrugging, Mal answered, “Dunno. Jus’ wonderin’ if’n she’s seemed a bit off.” Watching with amusement as Zoe looked to him with a gaze of pure bafflement, Mal chuckled and said, “Okay, okay, I know. The girl is, by her nature, a bit off. But you seen anythin’ else?”

Shaking her head once, Zoe told him, “No. She’s taken to flyin’ like a duck to water. Seems happy pilotin’ too.” Just like Wash, she thought, but didn’t say. Chances were Mal already knew those words were on the tip of her tongue and neither of them needed a reminder right now of all they’d lost.

Nodding once, Mal absorbed her words. He agreed that River was a mighty fine pilot, having already proved her worth on more than one harrowing getaway. But her assertion earlier in the day, about him and his father-like standing in her eyes still haunted him.

Clearing his throat, he said as casually as he could manage, “She called me daddy earlier.”

Cocking an eyebrow, Zoe asked, “So? She’s been callin’ you Cap’n Daddy since we rescued her an’ her brother from that witch-hunting mob.”

“True,” Mal murmured. Zoe was right again, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t bothering him. “I jus’ don’t know how healthy it is. A young girl like that, lookin’ at me to be her pa.”

“For her or you?” his friend challenged, knowing that Mal’s reservations had very little to do with River.

“What’re you talkin’ ‘bout?” His tone had changed from nonchalant to defensive in a second and his first mate read the change as she would read a book. She’d known him way too long.

“You don’t want the responsibility, sir,” she explained needlessly, knowing he’d more than likely already drawn the same conclusion. “You’re scared you’re gonna disappoint her.”

“Girl’s been disappointed enough,” Mal muttered. He’d been able to read that off of her plain as day when she’d told him about her father. Mal didn’t really have a high opinion of Simon and River’s folks; the limited information he’d managed to get from the young doctor had confirmed for Mal most of what he’d always assumed about rich parents – they used their children as status symbols, more often than not spoiling them with more riches than a person rightly knew what to do with while starving them of affection, love and compassion. “I ain’t fit to be a parent, Zo. Not even to an almost full grown girl like River.”

Zoe knew that wasn’t true. Mal had been a father, brother, disciplinarian, leader and dictator to every member of his crew since he’d had that boat, including her. But as with most of the gray area in his life, where Inara and now River resided, he was more than happy to assert himself firmly in the black, his back turned to the gray, his mind and heart doing their best to ignore the allure and terror of the unknown shady area.

Her response was cut off as Mal straightened next to her. Following his gaze, she caught sight of the approaching dust cloud, guessing that their contact had finally arrived. Casting a sidelong glance in the captain’s direction, Zoe could only shake her head in disbelief; it never failed that just when he was about to get to the heart of something, there was a more important matter to attend to. Lucky bastard.

---- ----

“You ready to talk?”

Simon’s desire-filled eyes regarded Kaylee with as much lust and arousal as he’d ever felt before. She was really enjoying herself. After more than a little foreplay, they had managed to strip each other naked, Kaylee dictating that Simon lie back on the bed and let her do to him what she wanted. Highly aroused by her dominating side, which he’d seen more than a handful of times in their months together, Simon had obeyed, not at all surprised when Kaylee had managed to tie his hands over his head to the wall with his discarded shirt and then proceeded to tease him mercilessly, all the while demanding that he reveal his surprise for her. Unbelievably, he’d managed to withstand her torture … so far.

Struggling to hold his tongue, Simon’s hips shifted restlessly beneath her, as he breathed, “No.”

Kaylee’s eyes lit with a special gleam, as she leaned over him, her warm center ghosting over the tip of his straining erection as she held herself above him. Trying to join them Simon thrust upward, managing to enter her just a bit before she pulled back, swallowing the small yelp of surprise at his success even in such a compromising position.

Smiling coyly at him, Kaylee ran her hands down his chest, before she curled one cool hand around his hard length and pulled gently, causing a deep, low moan to reverberate through him. “Why Doctor Tam, you’ve got more skills than I gave you credit for,” she murmured huskily. Simon’s mind was quickly turning to mush as her hands, at once gentle and insistent toyed with him.

He was praying she couldn’t hold out much longer, because Simon knew he wouldn’t. She’d already … And then every conscious thought escaped him as Kaylee replaced her hands with her mouth, sucking lightly at first, her tongue swirling about him as she took in more of his erection.

“Kaylee,” Simon breathed, his wrists struggling against the soft bindings she’d entangled him with. He wanted to touch her, so badly he could taste it, but while she had not over tightened the knots, he still found he could not pull his hands free.

Raising her eyes to him, Kaylee giggled, the vibration sending another tremor along every oversensitive nerve ending. Pulling back from him, she again encircled his length with her hand and asked, “Now you gonna tell me?”

God, he would tell her anything at this moment just to get her to let him go. The anticipation was maddening; Simon knew somewhere, deep in his brain, that all of this teasing would make the actual coupling unbelievably intense, but at this moment, as she continued to taunt him, he no longer cared. “Okay,” he finally murmured, forcing his eyes open as he felt her crawl back up his body, her face again above his. Returning her wide smile with one of his own as she squirmed against him, he told her huskily, “But you have to let me go first.”

Giggling with delight, Kaylee moved to undo his hands, her breasts dangling close to his face. Taking the closest nipple into his mouth, Simon sucked lightly, hearing Kaylee’s moan as he bit down gently. Her hands stilled for a moment so she could enjoy the sensation and then she worked faster, untying him in seconds. Sitting back on her knees, she watched him sit forward, her green eyes sparkling with anticipation and desire as she regarded him.

“So,” she breathed, leaning forward and resting her hands lightly to his bare chest. “What is it?”

Simon held her gaze, his hand resting on her cheek, before he trailed it lightly over her shoulder and down her bare arm. Kaylee sighed against the touch, her eyes fluttering closed as his hand moved lower and kneaded the flesh of her waist, before his fingers splayed across her stomach. Leaning towards her, Simon brushed his mouth against hers, feeling the warm heat of her lips, tasting just a bit of himself on her tongue, before he crushed his mouth to hers, cradling the back of her head in his hand and pulling her tightly to him.

Kaylee tried to fight him for only a second. She wanted to know the surprise, but Simon’s kiss and caress had just driven that curiosity from her mind. She was more than ready for him, her teasing had not only aroused him, but herself as well, and her core was aching for him, all of him. Coiling her arms around his neck, Kaylee tried to meet his passionate embrace with fervor, finally breaking apart panting as she needed air. As Simon’s mouth traveled down her neck and past her collarbone, his tongue again swirling around one very pert nipple, she moaned, “Simon, tell me.”

Grinning against her skin, Simon tightened his hold around her waist, and rolled her over, pinning her beneath him. “No,” he said lightly, kissing her again and swallowing her cry of surprise.

Pulling back, he studied her heated gaze and could only smile more widely. His hands had moved up her body, one cradling her breast while the other pinned her wrist over her head. Panting with desire, Kaylee murmured, “You ain’t gonna tell me, are you?”

Shaking his head, Simon didn’t say a word as Kaylee began, “That’s not fa-“ and then ended in a cry of delight as Simon entered her in one hard thrust, his throbbing length filling her completely. Scrunching her eyes shut against the unbelievable feeling of him inside her, Kaylee moaned loudly, knowing they were alone on the ship, the rest of the crew out on a job.

Simon watched her face cloud with ecstasy for a moment more before he began to move, pushing and pulling her to the brink before drawing her back again. Kaylee writhed beneath him, her hands clutching at his shoulders tightly as each thrust drew him deeper, causing whimpers of joy to escape her mouth.

“Simon,” she managed to pant, her eyes back on his. “That’s good.” He smiled with pure pride at her admittance, his mouth again latching onto the sensitive spot where her shoulder met her neck and sucking deeply. Kaylee ran her hands up his neck and into his hair, pressing him more firmly against her, crying out a few more times before he felt her tense completely. Pausing for a moment, he cradled her face in his hands as she came, feeling his own straining length ready to burst with release as her inner walls tightened around him, her juices coating him with heat.

In just seconds, his release followed hers, and Kaylee cried out again as the hot, pulsing liquid sent another shiver through her body. Clutching to him for dear life as she felt her muscles and bones give out, Kaylee smiled weakly as Simon kissed her face and chest over and over again, murmuring words of love.

“Meili Kaylee,” he whispered, his lips brushing over hers as he managed to regain enough motor function to roll over, pulling her on top of him. Keeping his softening length buried deep, Simon sighed, his cheek resting against her hair, as he murmured, “I love you, bao bei.”

Smiling, Kaylee pressed a kiss over his heart, her lips lingering as she tasted and inhaled the scent of his sweat and their coupling. Tilting her head up to regard him with sated eyes, she murmured, “Love you too.” Allowing a small scowl to cloud her features, she pouted, “Even though you din’t tell me the secret.”

Chuckling lightly, Simon raised her chin with his finger so he could kiss her again. Once they’d parted, their gazes again locked on one another, he whispered, “If you really want to know, hand me my pants.”

Torn between staying in her current moment of bliss or finding out what Simon was planning to surprise her with, Kaylee found her curiosity winning out. Pulling off of him reluctantly, she turned and groped on the floor around the bunk, spotting Simon’s dark trousers. Curling the fabric in her hands, Kaylee quickly turned back to Simon and nestled against him, as she handed him the pants.

Smiling at her and clearly amused at her eagerness, Simon reached into first one pocket and then the other, finding what he was looking for. Closing his hand around the necklace, he pulled it out, keeping it hidden and then dropped the pants back on the floor.

Sitting up a bit, Kaylee rested her hand against his chest and asked, “Well?”

Adjusting his position so his back was leaning against the head of the bunk, Simon said quietly, “I was going to wait and give this to you for your birthday.” Kaylee’s eyes sparkled even more brightly, her lower lip trapped between her teeth as her anticipation grew. “But I was reminded today that maybe waiting isn’t always the best idea.” He gave her a sheepish grin, which Kaylee responded to by kissing him. He’d already apologized more than once for ignoring her for so long, and she no longer cared. All she cared about was that they were together now.

Pulling back from him, Kaylee looked to him with expectant eyes as Simon held out his closed fist, palm upward and then slowly opened it, revealing the golden chain and pendant resting there.

Inhaling sharply, Kaylee felt her eyes widen with shock as she took in the beauty of her gift. She had never seen anything quite so fancy before. It had to be an heirloom, she could tell by the way the edges were a bit worn, the etching in the center maybe a touch faded, but it had been cared for as well. Resting her fingers against it lightly, Kaylee blinked back a few tears, before she looked back to Simon and breathed, “It’s beautiful.”

Smiling wide and releasing a small sigh of relief, Simon moved to unclasp it, wanting to see how it looked against her perfect skin. “Not quite as beautiful as you,” he told her, leaning forward and giving her a chaste kiss before pulling back and holding up the necklace.

Reading his intent, Kaylee turned slightly, pulling her hair out of his way. “I’ve had it for a while now. I brought it on board with some of River’s things when I broke her out,” he said absentmindedly as he fiddled with the clasp. As soon as he’d set the pendant around her neck, Kaylee’s hand had drifted upward, her fingers curling around the metal, the pads of her thumb rubbing against the etching. “It’s been in my family for generations,” he said, resting his hands to her shoulders and depositing a soft kiss to her neck.

As Kaylee turned back to face him, he saw uncertainty clouding her features and he again guessed that he’d done something wrong. “Are you all right?” he asked hurriedly.

Looking to him, her green eyes questioning, she breathed, “You shouldn’t be givin’ it to me then. It should go to River.” Moving her hands to the back of her neck, she reached to undo the necklace, but Simon’s hands stopped her.

“I’ve already asked River and she wants you to have it,” he told her, using his hold on her hands to pull her closer. Resting his hand to her face, he found his eyes studying every inch of her, his heart swelling with more love for her than he rightly knew what to do with. She was amazing and she was his. He was hers; everything seemed right with the ‘verse.

Breaking her gaze, his eyes traveled down to alight on the pendant where it fell against her chest, just below the hollow of her neck. Ghosting his fingers over it lightly, he whispered, “It looks beautiful on you.”

As Kaylee’s eyes followed his gaze, she closed her hand around his and leaned forward kissing him lightly. “Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes no longer holding any doubt. Now they shone with love and they again found the comfortable silence of contentment hanging around them.

Wrapping a strong arm around her shoulders, Simon laid back against the bunk, Kaylee nestling into his chest. Pulling a blanket up and over their naked forms, Simon knew he’d drift off soon, his body more than sated, his heart and mind more than content with Kaylee next to him.

Still fingering the pendant, Kaylee murmured, “Simon, what’s the symbol mean? It’s kinda hard to make out.”

Smiling as his cheek rested against her hair, Simon pressed a kiss to her forehead and said, “It means happiness.” As Kaylee turned a wide smile up to him, he told her, “To me, it means Kaylee.”

Smiling even wider, Kaylee placed her hands to his face and drew his mouth to hers, kissing him deeply and passionately, and despite their tiredness, they soon found themselves again wrapped in the other’s loving embrace.

---- ----



Saturday, January 5, 2008 1:58 PM


Nice start I like it so far. i look forward to reading the next parts.

Saturday, January 5, 2008 2:56 PM


Ooh, this story is setting up nicely and I really like how accurately you pegged all the crew especially Mal and Inara. And River's conversation with the Captain made me smile, hit so many nails on the head. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, January 6, 2008 7:33 AM


I love how this story is starting. Please continue!

And I love how you write Kaylee & Mal. I believe those two are the hardest to write and you have an excellent understand of these complicated characters.

Looking foward to reading some more! Thank you for keeping the 'verse alive!

Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:48 PM


Good to see you back! And I concur with those above ... this story is starting very well. I think the Mal/River relationship is one that is always worth exploring, and that's apart from the hot Kaylee/Simon action!

Monday, January 7, 2008 10:49 AM


YAY! WELCOME BACK TAMSIBLING!! *waves banner* I'm really loving River making Mal squirm :) but it won't be long till he gets used to it. Inara was perfect and I really hope she wouldn't keep her decision from Mal too long =) As for Simon and Kaylee - you know I find them totally cute! Hope to see the next part soon :D

Keep flying ;)

Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:06 AM


Well done...and HOT.


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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.