Shadow of Doubt - Part 2
Monday, November 12, 2007

Simon and Kaylee's wedding night is interrupted by the Alliance and further relations are explored as the Operative continues hot on the trail of the Tams.


EXT. ALLIANCE OUTPOST - NIGHT It’s a small building for this small town, just one story with a flat roof. The trucks pull up and Simon is roughly taken out as River is carried on a stretcher. Four men stop outside and guard the entrance.

INT. ALLIANCE OUTPOST - NIGHT A police office, with jail cell in a corridor off the back, desks and Cortex screens, a small office off to one side.

INT. OUTPOST CELL AREA - NIGHT They take Simon and River down a corridor to the cell and put them in the cell. They place River’s stretcher on a bed like platform. The officer unlocks Simon’s handcuffs as they talk. They do not remove River’s handcuffs. SIMON (indignant) I have legal rights. I want an advocate. OFFICER No, Dr. Tam, your legal rights are forfeit seeing as you are in rebellion against the Alliance. SIMON Rebellion? That’s insane! OFFICER I don’t make the law or the charges. He walks out of the cell. Then they are locked inside.

Simon goes to look after River. She is still out.

SIMON Oh, , I fear we have reached the end of the road. He sits on the floor, stares out the bars. SIMON Kaylee....forgive me.


He sits before a Cortex screen talking to the Officer that arrested the Tams.

OPERATIVE Do you have the Tams? OFFICER We have. They won’t get away. OPERATIVE That won’t be a problem. I want you to eliminate them.

OFFICER Ah, kill them, sir? OPERATIVE Is there a problem with carrying out your orders?

OFFICER Ah, sir, I found the Tams because I heard that a local girl, the one mentioned in the report, Kaylee Frye, was getting married today, to Simon Tam.

OPERATIVE Young love. Yes, this is all very interesting. Get to the point.

OFFICER We arrested the Tams at the wedding reception. And the locals got quite ugly and we almost had a riot. Do you appreciate my position here, sir?

OPERATIVE I see. Very well. I will personally take care of this matter when I arrive.


The six armed men, including the Officer, still sitting around, some sleepy, some drinking coffee, some talking. OFFICER Be here soon boys. Then we’ll get a rest.


Simon dozes in the cell as River suddenly awakes with a start. He’s up and at her side.

RIVER Simon? SIMON It’s OK. Well, not “OK” OK. We’re in jail. RIVER Oh.

She sits up, looks at the handcuffs.

RIVER (CONT’D) Did I hurt someone? SIMON Ah, just a couple of federal troops. RIVER You made me sleep? SIMON No. Seems they know about you and they know the control phrase also. Which makes me think this was not a random arrest by the locals. River sits up eyes wide. RIVER They’re coming for us. SIMON The Alliance.. RIVER No..


The outpost door opens and Inara walks in all fine and regal. The Officer suddenly is wide awake as are the men as they gawk at her.

OFFICER You should leave now, miss. I know you were with the wedding party last night. INARA Now, officer, I came to find out how the prisoners are. Dr. Tam’s bride was too distraught to come herself seeing as her wedding night was ruined. You’ve made quite a few enemies here in a short time. Your actions of last night are the talk of the town. OFFICER The law needs to be upheld. INARA I’m sure it does. Too bad you’ll still be here after the Tams have been taken away. May I see the prisoners?

He looks unsure.

OFFICER Identification.

INARA Of course.

She hands him her little folder with her Companion ID.

OFFICER A Companion? What’s your business with the prisoners?

INARA I was hired to prepare the young and inexperienced Doctor Tam for his wedding night. Seeing as that was ruin, I’m sure a favorable report on how they are treated will go a long way toward smoothing any ruffled feathers.

He nods OK.

OFFICER But not alone. INARA Of course not.

He takes her back to the cells.


Simon’s surprised and relieved to see Inara.

SIMON Inara? How’s Kaylee?

INARA How are you, is a better question. (to Officer) Why is she still handcuffed?

OFFICER She is a dangerous criminal.

INARA May I step inside the cell?

OFFICER That is out of the question.

Inara suddenly kisses him full on the lips. His eyes widen in shock as we get surprised looks from Simon and River. The Officer steps back and then he staggers and falls, poisoned a la Saffron. Inara pulls off a set of plastic lips and drops them to the floor.

She reaches for the Officer, grabs keys off him, stands to open the cell door, does, and gets inside.

INARA Get down!

SIMON What’s going on?

INARA No time to explain just get down!

Simon and River drop to the floor in the corner as Inara does. Inara pulls a communicator from her clothes. A soldier looks down the corridor, sees the Officer lying there.


INARA (into mic) NOW!


A loud WHOOSH and then BOOM as the front entrance is hit with an EXPLOSION. Dust, debris fly through the air, soldiers topple over, unconscious, hurt.


Mal and Jayne walk through the dust into the building, Mal with his trusty pistol, Jayne tossing aside a now empty BIG ASSED ROCKET LAUNCHER, then pulls out his new laser.

Two Alliance soldiers are still conscious and get behind a tipped over desk. Jayne and Mal FIRE as the Alliance soldiers FIRE but Mal and Jayne hit home. Jayne looks at the laser that just burned a hole through the desk and an Alliance man.

JAYNE Shiny!

MAL (worried) Inara!

She emerges from the smoke with the Tams in tow, stepping over the soldier that saw them.

INARA (to Mal) That was a small explosion?

MAL Got no time for armchair generals.

He grabs her and the dazed Simon and River follow.


They race outside to see the four guards outside also lying around in a daze with some wounds as the shuttle lands in the courtyard. One tries to stand up but Jayne KICKS him in the face. They race toward the shuttle and jump aboard.


MAL Zoe! Take off!

We see Zoe at the controls as the shuttle rises and speeds away into the rising sun.

SIMON Where’s Kaylee?

JAYNE Getting the boat ready to take us big damn heroes off this rock.

MAL Seems we been specializing in rescuing you and your sister, Doc. Jayne, River’s cuffs.

He starts to pick the locks on the cuffs.

SIMON You’ve risked so much for us so often. I can’t ever repay you.

JAYNE Pay us? Now that’s a notion I ain’t thought on before. How’s about you give us your share of the next job? Or ten?

The cuffs are off River, she rubs her wrists.

INARA Ignore this baboon, Simon. You and River are part of our family. More so now then ever.

MAL Got one bride looking forward to a delayed wedding night.

Simon smiles at River, who is still in a shocked daze.


RIVER Daddy….

Cut off Simon’s puzzled look.


Kaylee, in usual attire, waits anxiously for the door to open, standing next to Jonathan. Door opens and Simon is first out. Her face cracks and tears flow as she runs into his arms.

KAYLEE Oh, thank God! You’re safe!

SIMON (quiet) I’m here, we’re OK.

Mal and the others come out.

KAYLEE Capt’n…I..

MAL Time for thanks later little Kaylee. River, get us in the air before any reinforcements show up.

RIVER Aye, Captain.

She, Zoe and Jayne EXIT into the ship. Mal looks at Jonathan.

MAL Sorry, been a pleasure drinking and fighting with you, but it’s time to be making your leave.

He nods, shakes Mal’s hand and he, Kaylee and Simon head to the cargo bay as Mal heads toward the bridge.


Jonathan hugs Kaylee.

JONATHAN Now you be safe. Wave us more often.

KAYLEE Love you daddy. Wish we could stay.

A tear comes to his eye. He brushes it away, shakes hands with Simon.

JOANTHAN You take care of her now you hear Doctor. Or I’ll…well just take care of her.

SIMON You know I will.


MAL (O.S.) (over intercom) Time to be leaving folks.

A last hug and kiss from Kaylee and he steps off as she hits the ramp up button.

Simon steps to the intercom.

SIMON Clear for take off, River.

Kaylee looking forlornly at her father as the ramp comes up.

KAYLEE (quiet voice) Bye daddy.

Simon comes behind her and wraps his arms around her. She sighs and smiles.


Medical personal take care of wounded men outside the blasted front of the outpost. A few locals stand nearby, not unhappy that the Alliance has taken some lumps.

The Operative walks over to where the Officer is sitting on the ground as a doctor examines him.

DOCTOR It was a narcotic compound called the Good Night Kiss.


The Officer stands quickly as the doctor moves off.

OFFICER Sir. Seems they have a Companion with them who…well, I let her see the prisoners and next thing she kissed me and I woke up, prisoners gone and…

He waves his arm to the carnage as the Operative pulls out his sword and stabs him in the chest. As the Officer’s life ebbs from him…

OPERATIVE Do you know what your sin is?...Pride.

He pulls out his sword as the Officer falls, cleans it as he talks.

OPERATIVE (to men) Clean up this mess. Bring me all visuals of the attack. Find Jonathan Frye at once. (into mic) Serenity left Taos two hours ago. All ships in sector on high alert. All points warrant for the Serenity and her crew, dead or alive. Send a message to the Companion Guild. Inara Serra’s Companion license is to be revoked…Aiding a prison break. Effective immediately.


Inara sits on the examining table as Simon looks in her ears.

SIMON Doesn’t seem to be any internal damage.

INARA This ringing is driving me crazy.

SIMON It was the explosion. It’ll pass.

MAL (O.S.) First time in combat,…

He enters the room.

MAL …we dropped on Dragon Moon. Alliance supply base, surprise attack. We were so hungry we...well, grenade went off right next…

INARA (snippy) Does this have a point?

MAL (stun) No. (to Simon) Doc. If you got a minute something we need to discuss.


Simon comes out followed by Inara and is surprised to see…

Kaylee in the wedding dress, all blushes.

SIMON Kaylee, what’s…?

KAYLEE (mock serious) Dr. Tam, you still owe me a wedding night.

Nearby are River and Zoe, who smiles.

ZOE Made up a passenger room for you.

RIVER I did the decorations.

Simon looks around the corner to see the passenger area with flowers and beautiful decorations.

SIMON Thank you. Everyone.

MAL Son, I think a certain lady is waiting for you.

Simon walks to Kaylee, kisses her and picks her up in his arms. She giggles as he carries her back to the passenger area, ready to cross the threshold.

KAYLEE Capt’n, anything happens to Serenity…

MAL We’ll suss it out.

Kaylee and Simon head out of shot. Zoe and River walk off as Inara looks at them with a smile and then to Mal who is looking at her.

INARA Sorry I cut you off. I’m still a bit overwhelmed by what happened. I… those men…some died.

MAL Most likely. I shouldn’t’ve asked you to do that. Just had no other way to make sure they wouldn’t be near the explosion.

INARA No. It was the only way. I just feel…dirty.

MAL You killed Reavers before.

INARA They weren’t men.

She walks away toward the cargo bay as Mal follows.


MAL So we let them keep Simon and River? Maybe kill them?

INARA That’s not what I meant. I..

He comes up, stops in front of her, looks deep her eyes, Mal the most serious SOB in the ‘verse.

MAL You’re tore up inside cause you were brought up to believe in right and wrong and good guys and bad guys. Then someone tried to take away what was precious to you and you picked up a gun and fought back. Doing so made you one of the bad guys and nothing in the ‘verse can change that.

INARA (confused) Are we talking about me…or you?

MAL All of us. Simon jus’ wants to be a doctor, help people, but they did those things to River. Got more respect for that boy than most men ever held a gun. River jus’ wants to be a girl, have a normal life. Kaylee jus’ wants to be happy but they keep trying to take away the most precious thing in the ‘verse to her. Zoe lost the only man she ever loved, but she still has a part of him and wants that part to be safe and happy. Jayne, well, Jayne…maybe not Jayne.

INARA (sarcastic) So what have “they” done to me?

MAL Something I can’t figure out. You think we got a lot of mysteries on this boat but you’re the biggest of all. Lady such as yourself…

INARA Not “whore”?

MAL Inara, I ain’t called you that in a long time and I regret every time I did.

INARA (softens) Mal…

MAL Let me finish cause I may not have the guts to say this again. You’re a fine woman Inara, the finest in the ‘verse in my eyes. Can’t stop…thinking about you…

He stops. Her face is beaming.

INARA (low, sultry voice) Don’t stop. Say it. I want you to say it.

MAL I’m mad about you.

She holds his face in her hands and they kiss, gentle, they faster and with furious energy.


Mal and Inara have sex. Hot, passionate sex, of which the details you'll have to imagine as we're trying to keep things a little PG around here.

LATER - Mal and Inara lie on her bed in each others arms, the warm after glow of fantastic sex on their faces.

MAL So what’s the Companion policy on sleeping with men you want to sleep with?

INARA It’s complicated.

MAL Complications. We both hate them. Now we have one.

INARA Mal, I don’t care. I feel the same about you. Have for a long time.

MAL I know.

INARA You know? Then why the hell did you wait so long?

MAL Seems business kept getting in the way. Yours and mine. As I said to Wash once, shipboard relationships complicate things.

INARA Zoe once told me you ordered her not to marry Wash.

MAL Yeah. Not too proud of myself.

INARA But you didn’t say anything to Kaylee or Simon.

MAL Didn’t have the guts. She’d’ve hit me with a wrench if I’d said anything. Poor Kaylee, been moon eyed over the Doc since he first stepped on board. Took him awhile to wake up to that fact.

INARA You didn’t help matters.

MAL What did I do?

INARA Let’s see. Punching him. Threatening to toss him off the ship once a month. You and Jayne bullying him around. Acting like Kaylee’s two big brothers, especially you.

MAL Now just a minute…well, maybe there’s something to that.

INARA Kaylee once asked me if I thought you had ordered Simon to stay away from her. After that time in that Canton bar when they were drunk and in each others arms and he acted like a school boy caught by a father in his daughter’s bedroom.

MAL Thought on it. Never did it. Doc’s just wound too tight. Even in the whor…place where men pay to have sex, he never even looked at those women. Jayne thought he was sly.

INARA Maybe he didn’t want to upset Kaylee. Ever think on that.

MAL Maybe.


Simon and Kaylee sitting on bed, half dressed, Simon just in gym pants, Kaylee in an Oriental pattern silk robe, disheveled, eating some strawberries, Kaylee ecstatic.

KAYLEE So thoughtful. Who found them?

SIMON River said she was going shopping this…yesterday, before the wedding. I guess she found them. (beat) Kaylee? When were you going to tell me you talked to my father?

KAYLEE (caught) Oh, Simon, oh...with all…the wedding…and you drunk and beat up…and then the Alliance…

SIMON It’s OK. I’m not mad. River told me in the shuttle on the way back. Mal figures that’s how they found us.

KAYLEE I never meant this to happen. Just wanted to …oh, why can’t they leave us be!

SIMON Zoe said you did your best to lie but…

KAYLEE I ain’t very good at it.

SIMON Which is another reason I love you.

He leans over and kisses her.

KAYLEE You’re too nice sometimes.

SIMON I’m trying. (beat) So my father knew we were on Persephone a year ago because of Badger.

KAYLEE So he said. But Inara says he was lying.

SIMON That’s not all. Remember in the dance hall, what that officer said to River.

KAYLEE Yeah, how’d he know that?


All the crew is here, Simon and Kaylee dressed more appropriately. Mal stands very close to where Inara sits but they don’t betray anything to the crew

MAL I figure they got to your parents. They have them or threatened them. Surprised it took them this long.

SIMON It’s something I expected. My father has connections but…not enough I guess.

JAYNE Last time he went after Inara.

INARA You don’t think it’s him again, do you?

MAL Could be. He lets us go, helps us, left for who knows where, but now I conjure he’s on the Alliance leash again and that’s one mean dog.

KAYLEE My daddy…they know him and where he lives!

She runs out toward the bridge. Simon and the others race after her.


Kaylee on Cortex with her father.

KAYLEE Daddy, you gotta run. Someone will be after you soon.

JONATHAN Just calm down a minute and explain what in the ‘verse you’re talking about.

KAYLEE Alliance got Simon’s parents. They know me and you. That’s how they found us at the wedding.

JONATHAN (turning) What the…..

A SMASHING sound in the background.

VOICE (O.S.) Jonathan Frye, you are bound by law!


Many soldiers move into shot, grab Jonathan, cuff him, drag him away as Kaylee screams and Simon comforts her. The Operative comes on screen. Kaylee and Simon recoil in horror.

OPERATIVE Dr. and Mrs. Tam. Congratulations on your nuptials.

SIMON You son-of-a-bitch! Let him go! Let my parents go!

OPERATIVE Of course. As soon as you and your sister are in my custody.

KAYLEE What do you want? River has no more secrets. Leave us be.

Mal gently nudges Kaylee aside.

MAL Thought your days of being a monster were over.

OPERATIVE (touching back of neck) Captain Reynolds. They are very…persuasive…if you get my meaning.

MAL I got it.

OPERATIVE Are we going to do this like men or with fire?

MAL Last time we tussled you came out on the short end. Feel luckier this time?

OPERATIVE Still trying to make me mad? As I recall you and your crew would be dead if I hadn’t intervened.

MAL Matter of opinion. I’d lay even money River would’ve taken out your squad. Girl gets her dander up, no stopping her.

OPERATIVE Perhaps. She was well trained, as was I. The Tams and Mr. Frye will remain my prisoners until this situation is resolved.

KAYLEE Let my daddy go!

Simon pulls her away from the screen.

OPERATIVE By the way Captain, if you see Inara Serra, tell her her Companion license has been revoked. Good day.

Cortex screen goes dead. Dead silence except for Kaylee’s whimpering. River puts an arm around Simon and buries her head in his free shoulder. Zoe, Jayne and Mal look to Inara, especially Mal.

INARA (composure cracking) Is it too late to become a petty thief?

Mal walks to her and shocks everyone by hugging and kissing her forehead as she breaks down in tears, wraps her arms around him.

Jayne has a look of disgust.

JAYNE Ain’t no good standing here crying! Let’s go back and kill that sumbitch like we shoulda done last time!

Mal turns to him as Inara buries her head in his chest.

MAL They’re bound to have lots more feds there now. Get word to all your family. Get out, hit the road, get off planet, take a vacation, whatever you have to do, get them far away from where they are now.

SIMON No. River and I will go to him.

KAYLEE Simon?! No!!

MAL No time to be a hero, son.

SIMON We’ve brought nothing but trouble to you since we first stepped foot on Serenity.

JAYNE That’s the first smart thing I heard in a while.

ZOE (steely) Simon. You’re forgetting that we’re all a family here now. All we got is each other. No one is gonna take away anyone. Too much of that has happened already. I expect you to be here to deliver Wash’s baby. We’re gonna get back what was taken from you.

SIMON (hopeless) They’ll never stop.

KAYLEE (determined, desperate) Neither will we. You’re not going. Neither of you.

RIVER It has to end.


RIVER We need something to negotiate with.

Surprised looks, especially from Mal.

MAL We ain’t in what you call a good bargaining position here. He’s got all the cards.

RIVER You’re right. It’s a game. A dangerous game. Who has the upper hand? He does now. We need to find out what I know. Inside. What I saw and heard. Something we can use.

SIMON Medically there is no way to know.

INARA Maybe. But there are other ways.


The lights are low as Mal and Simon stand near Inara and River, who are seated facing each other at Inara’s table.

INARA Since I went back to the training house I’ve been studying hypnotism.

SIMON Look, Inara, I don’t know…

INARA Don’t believe in it, do you?

SIMON No. Sorry, its just not…possible. Her brain is too…traumatized.

INARA It’s how you were trained. They should have told you that there are levels of the human mind and heart that no drug or surgical instrument can touch. River, are you ready?


Inara picks up a long candle with pink smoke coming from it. She holds it in front of River’s face.

INARA (slowly) Now River, concentrate on the candle flame and breathe slowly. Listen to my voice. Nothing else exists at this moment. You are going to take a rest. A long rest, on a field of grass with a cool breeze flowing through your hair, so peaceful and serene…

Simon gives Mal a very skeptical look, who shrugs. River starts to drift off eyes getting glassy.

INARA River, now you’ll only tell the truth. What’s your name?

RIVER River Tam.

INARA Who is your best friend?

RIVER Kaylee. She’s so sweet.

INARA What’s your brother’s profession?

RIVER He’s a doctor. The brightest in the ‘verse. Sometimes he can be a bit pompous though.

Mal tries to stifle his laughter off Simon’s indignant look.

INARA Where are we now?

RIVER Firefly class mid-bulk transport, Serenity, Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, Mal, owner.

INARA River, what happened at the academy that your parents sent you to?

RIVER I was bored. It was too easy. I asked for a challenge.

INARA You volunteered?

RIVER At first. But I wanted to go home but they wouldn’t let us.

INARA Us? How many students were with you?

RIVER Twelve, but some finished their training and were sent on assignments.

INARA What assignments?

RIVER I never knew. I was being prepared for an assignment when Simon rescued me.

INARA What did they train you to do?

RIVER Gather information. Communications. Operations of complex machines, including spaceships. Weapons. Hand to hand combat. To hunt people. To fight…to kill.

INARA Did you kill someone at the school?

RIVER It was my final exam. They placed me in a room with a man who had interviewed me many times. I think they wanted to know if I would kill someone I knew. I stabbed him in the throat with a pencil.

Simon’s look of anger and disgust.

INARA OK. Let’s forget about that. Let’s talk about your meetings with parliamentary officials.

RIVER They wanted to see me. Heard I was the best. Didn’t know I could read their thoughts.

INARA What thoughts?

RIVER About Miranda. Plans to control worlds, plans that went wrong, that created the Reavers. Attempts to cover up the Reavers. Didn’t work on Miranda. Got the right chems now. Let’s try another world.

INARA Where?

RIVER Shadow.



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River's Run - Part 19
Things come to a head on Londinium as the plan to win Mal's freedom begins to unravel.

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Mal’s heading for a hangman’s noose. Will a rescue party come in the nick of time?

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As the crew rests and heals, Shin and his confederates take a step closer to power, and Mal faces a new, deadly dilemma.

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As Simon patches up the crew, Mal and his lawyer make plans, and Badger and his cousin have some unexpected visitors.

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Mal finds a new friend on Londinium, his crew makes contact with River and Zoe, and events come to head on Whitefall.

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Battle rages through Serenity as the crew tangles with an Alliance boarding party.

River's Run - Part 13
Shock and a sense of tragedy fill Serenity as the crew struggles to deal with Derek's betrayal. Meanwhile, the Operative comes a step closer to finding Serenity.

River's Run - Part 12
Mal strikes back at the Alliance, a little trip to the bank doesn't go as planned, and the Operative reaches out to River and Derek.

River's Run - Part 11
The Operative makes a plan to trap Serenity, escape plans are made, and those long separated are together once again.

River's Run - Part 10
Inara makes a date with Paulo Chase, Mal gets back his first love, and Shin plans the next move in the galactic chess match.