Who made this?
Sunday, August 15, 2004

Hi all! I found this on the internet using Google. Who made this picture? Is this a screenshot of the Unreal map?



Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:08 AM


It would help if you told us what site you found it on, the url. And what search argument did you use in google?

Sunday, August 15, 2004 8:32 AM


If I'm remembering correctly, it looks like an image from the original FOX Firefly site. Someone there was creating a Firefly version of a game (can't remeber what the game was-could have neen unreal). I don't thnk anything ever came of it since the show was cancelled so quickly.

Sunday, August 15, 2004 9:02 AM


I typed in "Serenity" in the Image-search box.

Sunday, August 15, 2004 10:07 AM


And it's also featured on this site -

The site is run by the fellow who did the work for the old Fox site.

Sunday, August 15, 2004 10:30 AM


You can also find 2 more pics here:

I just retyped 2 or 3 instead of the 1 on the address.

Sunday, August 15, 2004 11:57 AM


And then there's also this -

The archived page of the old Fox site.

Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:32 PM


Yeah, they had hired a guy to do a map, and then they told him to stop and hand over what he had made :-/

Come on, surely someone has the talent to make a Serenity map? :)

Sunday, August 15, 2004 2:00 PM


Oh, and his website is here:

Sunday, August 15, 2004 2:37 PM


The color scheme and overall pic looks a lot like a map from... I can't remember. I wanna say it was either one of the maps on the Half-Life mod CounterStrike, or else the old N64 Game 'Goldeneye.' My memory is a little fuzzy... or maybe I'm just insane.

Monday, August 16, 2004 12:03 AM


Well, maybe there's a chance they'll release it again, but now for Serenity?
Or is the map still owned by Fox?

Monday, May 2, 2005 2:47 PM


Making the inside of serenity would be relatively easy given the latest version Unreal Editor. Just time consuming.


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Me with Jewel Staite!
Hey guys, this time no Lightwave or photoshop image, this time a pic of me and the beatiful, amazing, wonderful Jewel Staite. This was taken last week at Serenity Cubed in London. It was a good thing her husband wasn't there :-)

Serenity cubed artwork competition entry
Hello all! I just got back from Serenity Cubed and had THE best time over there! (I even saw and talked to Jewel again later on at the airport, that was SO cool!!). Anyway, for those of you who were there, I had an entry in the artwork competition, wich is this one I'm posting right now. I had already posted it a long time ago, but thought it'be cool to post it again since maybe people would want to print one for themselfs or something to that effect. Anyway, enjoy! (And I slightly improved the poster)

Serenity Wallpaper
Hey guys! I was bored and had to create a new wallpaper for my desktop!
Hope you guys like it too! (no lightwave this time, sorry :-) )

MMM, Firefly
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Serenity "poster" effect
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Well, here's a boat I feel safe to sail on! :-)
I came across this on the internet! Interesting name...:-)I want a boat too! Just so I can name it Serenity :-)

Find a crew, find a job, keep flyin!
Hi guys! Thought it was time to post something again. It's a simple image, I know, but I thought it looks kinda cool! :-)

Serenity Poster
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I'm not very experienced with photoshop, but I think this one turned out pretty well.

Short Serenity animation in Lightwave
Hi guys! This time I tried to do a short animation with Sean's Serenity model. Though it's very short, I think it looks pretty good. I uploaded it here:

Below is a screencap from the clip.

Serenity goed for another ride! :-)
Hi guys! This time I tried to create an image with the landing gear of Serenity since no-one has done that before (or not that I've seen). And since they already went for a ride; they're now going for another :-)