A Lost Art - Part 4
Sunday, June 3, 2007

Post-BDM; A letter or two (or five) were sent out from Serenity's crew and suddenly, they seem to find themselves in danger. It's all Joss's characters and 'verse, i'm just borrowing it for a spell... Again, sorry the chapters are short, but comments are always welcome!!!


Inara opened her eyes to see her own shuttle around her...and Mal asleep next to her. It looked as though he had tripped and fallen asleep halfway to the bed; it wouldn't actually surprise her if that was the truth. He had probably been pushing himself past his limits again...he seemed to do that often enough. He stirred in his sleep and mumbled something about gardeners before trying to roll over using his right arm. His sharp intake of breath and the suddenly alert eyes wrenched at her heart. She tried to sit up and found a dull ache where previously she had felt a throbbing chorus of agony. She looked to him for answers...he was now cradling his arm and looking at the ceiling. "Mal?" she tried. He looked at her and smiled tightly. "Still stings a bit," he offered as explanation. "I can see that," she smiled. He sat up carefully and looked at her with new concern in his face. "We thought you'd be more comfortable in here," he said softly. "Shoulda seen us all carrying a corner of the stretcher. Next time we might just let you stay in the infirmary. I think Jayne's stitches ripped halfway here." "Jayne's stitches?" she repeated his words back to him. He mentally kicked himself for the slip. It was the real reason he had insisted they bring her back to the shuttle. He didn't want her to know how bad things were just yet. "Seems you and I weren't the only ones receiving guests," he admitted. "We're tryin' to suss out who sent them, though, so don't worry. Just rest." "Who would--" Inara stopped herself with a shake of her head. She rephrased her query. "Who is on the short list?" "Changes with every bit of information I get," Mal sighed. "Seems everyone on this boat wrote a letter with just enough hint at where we were that it could be anyone from the Alliance hunting River again to Jayne's mother looking for new knitting projects." "I highly doubt Jayne's mother would attempt to kill us just for knitting projects," Inara replied drily. Mal looked at her with his doubt in face. "Someone raised him," Mal pointed out. Inara laughed, causing her side to react negatively to the idea. She grimaced and stopped laughing. "Serves you right for doubting my theory," Mal said, once he realized she would live through the experience. She glared at him. "Jayne's mother could be behind the whole operation. She seems the mastermind type." "Who else is on the list?" Inara asked as the pain slowly receded. Mal relaxed against her pillows once more and started naming the possible culprits. "The Alliance, going after River," he listed. "Jayne's mother, looking for knitting projects. Zoë's father, looking to kill me. Niska. Scavengers looking to steal Serenity. Kaylee seems to think there might be folks from Persephone found out we were near enough for them to take a shot..." "Persephone?" Inara asked, her interest peaked. Mal looked at her. "We're not that far out from it," he reminded her. "You know something I should?" "I'm not...I don't believe so," Inara stammered. Mal sat forward. "Don't tell me," he said softly. "You wrote a letter." "Very well," Inara replied quietly. "I won't tell you." *** Dearest Leilani, I must apologize for the delay in this letter. I have meant to write to you for some time, but as I'm sure you will understand, time does seem to get away from me. How are things at the Training House? Have you visited the Blue Tea Room yet? Sheydra indicated in her last letter that you continue asking about my abrupt departure and the lengths to which the Guild went in my defense. There was no need for you to worry. I went willingly, and I know now that I was not ready to return to teaching quite yet. Perhaps some day I will, and on that day, my little one, you had best keep a position open for me. Your big sister will need someone to regale with the stories of her youth. In the meantime, please pay no heed to the ridiculous stories you know are not within my nature - especially the one you wrote of in your letter! Of all the ridiculous know how I feel about snakes! Also, while we're on the subject of outrageous stories concerning my actions and inactions, the man you mentioned in your previous letter is a known Black Mark in the Registry. You, of all people, should know better than to believe anything he even hinted at in any form of communication. The incident to which he referred was settled and finished to the satisfaction of all witnesses and my only regret associated with the exchange was allowing a friend to injure himself in the process. If you have any further question on the matter, do not hesitate to ask me or consult any of the other witnesses. A jade's trick, indeed! Moving on, now, to lighter subjects... Things here continue on as they always have...although, remarkably, we have not had any serious injuries in some time. The Captain has been keeping everyone busy, going from one job to the next without much time in which to breathe. You asked how he is...I have decided to believe you inquire after his health. He appears to be well; he is becoming less afraid of our relationship. He seemed very unsure for some time, as though I might leave again. I fear I may have hurt him by holding back for so long. However, with the support of the rest of the crew, his fears seem to ease. Of course, it may have a great deal to do with everyone openly discussing one of our private moments...wo de tien a, Lani, the man turns all shades of red when sex is discussed over dinner! Sometimes, I admit, I don't know why I find him so endearing. His views on relations and the verse are so straitlaced - for a man of his occupation - I often want to scream...but then he looks at me with those eyes and... You must think me a fool, or a novice even, to be writing this way. I assure you, I have done everything possible to leave this behind me, but it would seem I was wrong: love is possible. I hate to leave this letter so short - and after such a delay, too! - but, regrettably, I must. I have been assigned the chore of cooking dinner this week. The joys that accompany the acceptance as member of the crew are endless. You are my dear one and I hope to see you soon. Please extend my warmest regards to Sheydra and the other girls there. You are all in my prayers. Your loving sister, Inara *** "Zoë?" Mal called, entering the bridge. The woman turned to look at him with calm eyes. There was a toy dinosaur on her lap as she set the course they had decided on earlier. "Change in plans?" she asked. "Add to the list Atherton Wing," he sighed, slipping into the co-pilot's chair. "Seems he's trying to use his money to get back what I took." "What did you take, exactly?" Zoë asked, returning to her task. "Rich folk," Mal scoffed. "He's sayin' I stole his life from him by letting him live that day. The humiliation haunts him and I cheated to win." "You didn't exactly follow his rules, Sir," Zoë pointed out. "You were down. You were supposed to die." "Yeah, well, it ain't the first time that's happened," he responded. "And I'm planning on it not being the last." "Never doubted for a second, Sir," she said politely. A moment of quiet passed between them. "Wo de ma, Zoë, how did this happen?" "If I knew, Sir," Zoë replied slowly, "I would have been prepared."


Sunday, June 3, 2007 5:17 PM


Okay, love, love, love Zoe's last line - absolutely perfect and totally in character.

I ahve to say things are just going from bad to worse. Wouldn't it be a quick if some of the people Mal mentioned had actually joined forces to get back at him? In that case, we're in for a world of hurt!

Sunday, June 3, 2007 11:51 PM


Who says they haven't TamSibling? With the way Mal's luck has been running - with all his crew seemingly loose tongued in the writing department - he is spoilt for choice as to who the good gorram is hitting on them. Personally I am thinking it would be a neat twist if it was none of them but some new player, perhaps an ex customer or the like, venting his spleen. Whatever I loved this, especially Zoe. If we can't depend on her then the 'verse really is coming to an end. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, June 4, 2007 7:59 AM


Inara's got a sister, huh? Interesting bit of writing there, kacidilla;)

Definitely all kinds of impressed with the work you did here, I must say. I found Inara to be especially spot-on with her conversation with Mal about who could be targeting them - the mid-speech correction to her intended question was an excellent move - and her letter to Leilani was both touching and perfectly in-character for Inara playing big sister by subtly chastising her mei-mei for believing any rumours she had heard;)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 2:50 AM


Inara's voice was perfect in the letter, nice work there! I'm quite intrigued by the concept of her having a sister, I wonder if that'll go anywhere later on in the story.

Really sad moment between Mal and Zoe at the end there, it's not easy seeing two of the strongest people on board so disheartened and weary. Great last line though!


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Zoë's Promise
It starts off as breakfast, but devolves into an argumentative discussion... Zoe and Wash, and some fun with River, too.

Midnight Art Critic
Mal can't sleep; River finds the reasons inspiring. All characters belong to Joss - i'm just playing with them for a spell.

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Yes, River, There Is... (Part 1 of 3)
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The Reunion - 9 of 9
Part 9. Post-BDM (8 years post, actually); all the characters belong to Joss, and the idea for the story was handed to me by my Dadoo. we hope you enjoyed.

The Reunion - 8 of 9
Part 8. Post-BDM (8 years post, actually); all the characters belong to Joss, and the idea for the story was handed to me by my Dadoo, who said he didn't have time to write it, so would i do it for him. i said yes. we still hope you enjoy.

The Reunion - 7th of 9
Part 7. Post-BDM (8 years post, actually); all the characters belong to Joss, and the idea for the story was handed to me by my Dadoo, who said he didn't have time to write it, so would i do it for him. i said yes. we still hope you enjoy.

The Reunion - 6 of 9
Part 6. Post-BDM (8 years post, actually); all the characters belong to Joss, and the idea for the story was handed to me by my Dadoo, who said he didn't have time to write it, so would i do it for him. i said yes. we still hope you enjoy.

The Reunion - 5 of 9
Part 5. Post-BDM (8 years post, actually); all the characters belong to Joss, and the idea for the story was handed to me by my Dadoo, who said he didn't have time to write it, so would i do it for him. i said yes. we still hope you enjoy.