Stang (Chapter 8)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pre-BDM, still pulling less than legal jobs, Mal adds an old friend as a new crewmember while someone else stows away. Someone River knows. Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee, Zoe/Wash


I'm being extra generous and doing two adds today since I totally missed out yesterday with posting. It's primarily a Simon chapter with lots of Simon/Kaylee too. But then again I figured we could take a bit of a break from all of the action stuff. There's plenty more action coming up anyways... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For five hours, Serenity was filled with the less serene sounds of a mad man fighting for freedom.

He roared, he bucked, charged, bit, clawed, pulled, pushed, lunged and did anything else he could think of to break loose and kill the crew. When it was time to hit the hay, he was still making noise. Which, made it impossible to sleep. Simon, tossed and turned in his bunk until he could no longer even want to be in his room as the killer was just outside in the cargo bay. So he fished a white undershirt out of his bag and pulled it on, smoothing his hair down as it was a bit mussed up, and walked out to check up on River. She had been paranoid since John had gone crazy, so he had given her something to sleep, and it was working. Leaning down he gave her hair a brotherly kiss and left the passenger bunks to go up to the kitchen, mulling over the possibility of possibly drugging himself so he could sleep through the night as he heard Book in his room praying for the Lord to help their prisoner. Once getting up stairs, he found Kaylee in her flannel pajama outfit that had fluffy cartoon sheep all over it, pouring some hot water into a mug.

“Is that tea?” He asked.

“Yeah. You want some?”

“Yes, actually,” going over the doctor got himself a cup and watched as she poured the water in as well as dropped the teabag in the mug. “Thank you.” Dipping the teabag to get the flavor out of it he followed her over to the couch Jayne had actually stolen during a job and had put it on a barren wall in the kitchen and saw her thick patchwork quilt was on the cushion. Blue eyes watching as she sat down, pulled the blanket over her shoulders and patted the spot next to her. Simon, in true Simon Tam fashion, hesitated, but took the seat next to her and soon found Kaylee draping the blanket over his shoulders.

“It’s cold.” She explained, cupping her warm mug in both hands and taking a long drink.

He gave a ghost of a smile. “Yes, it’s a little chilly.” Taking a sip of his tea he glanced over to her. There had been plenty of women in his life, many rich and snobby, not really his type at all. But here was sweet down to earth Kaylee and his words seemed to come out jumbled whenever he so much as caught a giggle from her. Now they were just staring at one another, part uncomfortable silence, part growing unrequited feelings. “So.. uh.. let me guess, the sounds of a prisoner keeping you up?”

John roared.

Kaylee got a little closer to Simon as the noise was rather frightening. “Yeah.”


“Why? Is the big tough doctor gonna protect me?” She teased him a little, watching him blush.

“No…” He realized what he had said and stiffened. “I… I mean… I would protect you… um… I was… well….”

Kaylee rolled her green eyes and gave a rather annoyed look. “Don’t worry, I won’t take it all personal…” She sighed, sipped her tea. “Won’t take it personal at all when I need protectin’ and you’re not gonna be my hero…”

“Kaylee I…”

He heard her giggle.

“I’m just teasin’ ya.” She tilted her head up and kissed his cheek. Which, was a first that even made her blush while Simon had a mouth agape expression on his face and pulled her out of that tiny moment of warmth. “I kiss ya and you’re lookin’ like you’re tryin’ ta catch flies, Simon.”

“It’s just… we never… I mean…” Stopping, he stared at her for the longest time with a frown on his face, he wasn’t frowning at her, he was frowning at himself. Simon did feel being a gentleman was key, however actually participating in the relationship was a bit more important. Deciding it was time to stop being the idiot of the relationship and actually pursue something before he pushed her away, he gave her a goofy smile for the first time, far from the usual proper doctor, leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. It wasn’t passionate, but sweet and short. When he pulled back he found his palm was cupping her cheek. Letting it linger there the pad of his thumb petted her skin affectionately before dropping to his side. “Does that make my response any better?” He studied her out of focus gaze as she seemed to be in shock that he had actually found some initiative and made a move.

Finally Kaylee blushed even more of a deep red than before. “Yep.” Was her only response as she refrained from jumping him. “Bout time too considerin’ we’ve been on Serenity together for four months.”

“I’m romantically challenged.” He confessed, taking her hand in his and feeling how calloused her smaller fingers were from working on Serenity. “I know I used to say it was all about etiquette and manner… but really, I’m just not…. Good at this.” He sighed heavily and saw her accepting face. “But I want to let you know, I’m trying.” Putting the rim of the cup to his lips, he took a long drink.

“You get an ‘A’ fer effort.” Smiling wickedly she pressed her lips against his shoulder. “So, when are we gonna make love tonight?” her voice whispered against his skin.

Every single muscle in his body locked up, his face paled and he spit his tea out. “What?!” Simon’s voice cracked. Seeing her mischievous face he tried to look angry, but ended up laughing. “You’re horrible.”

She laughed along too. “You are such ‘n easy mark.” The mechanic gave him another kiss on the cheek “Could git used to this kissin’ thing.”

Simon brushed his lips against her forehead. “It’s not too bad.” He joked, letting go of her hand and putting his arm around her waist.

“Yeah.” Relaxing with a sigh she pulled her legs up onto the couch and tucked them under herself. Settling in next to him, yawning as the hum of the ship and the thuds of the prisoner fighting provided background noise. They finally had a moment to themselves. No interruptions, just some hot tea and a quilt on the couch for a unique middle-of-the-night first date. She had once said the alien/cow thing had been their first date, however that one really didn’t count considering he had pissed her off ten minutes into it.

Taking a sip of his tea, Simon set his cup down and gently reached up and pulled the quilt further around her as she looked sleepy.

“Thanks.” She smiled, nuzzling his shoulder as her head was nestled there.

Simon yawned. “What kind of tea is this?”

“Stuff that helps ya sleep.”



Mal woke up early.

He got dressed and ready for the day before leaving his bunk. Since there was no noise, he decided it was best to check up on the prisoner. Heading down the corridor, he entered the kitchen and smiled at Ru as she was pouring herself some coffee, his mouth opening to say good morning, yet she signaled for him to stop, then pointed to the couch.

Simon and Kaylee were fast asleep.

Simon was laying with his back to the back of the couch, head on a pillow, while Kaylee had her back against his chest. His arm was draped over her waist, her head was against his neck, and their lower halves were under the quilt with one of Simon’s feet sticking out the end of it.

“Well will ya lookit that.” Mal whispered as he sidled up to her.

“Figured they looked like they needed the rest.” Ru murmured. “That and Kaylee deserved some time with the doc.”

“You know about that?”

“Known since Kaylee first mentioned him and she got this look in her eye like a love sick puppy.” She chuckled, taking a sip. “And that poor feller, boy is wound tight. Needs to learn to relax.”

“Well this is the most relaxified I have ever seen him.” Mal poured himself some coffee. “They actually slept like this once, but they were drunk so I don’t count it... as all things done drunk don't count.”

“Unless they broke into the saki last night, I think this counts.” Ru said before taking a sip. “Gonna check on the prisoner?”

“Yup.” Waving her to follow, they left the kitchen and headed to the cargo bay. Upon getting there they froze at the site of River sitting on the floor with their prisoner’s head in her lap, stroking his long golden hair out. “What are you doin’ ‘lil one?” Mal picked up his pace.

River didn’t look up. “The lion’s gone… but he’s dark inside… won’t remember because it doesn’t connect…”

“River,” Ru crouched down next to her. “You mind gettin’ up so we can unchain him?”

“He hates being in the box.” Her eyes roamed down to his ankle that was raw from fighting with the shackle. “Simon needs to mend. Make it better.”

“He’ll tend ta that.” Mal coaxed. “Now, get up.”


He looked at her with a creased brow. “Huh.”

“We’ll take good care of him.” Ru told the girl.

River looked up with a sarcastic smile and scoffed. “The hunter tends to the deer.”

Mal pursed his lips.

“You never said sorry.”

Ru gazed up at the captain and gave him an expression that meant ‘Well?’

He fixated on his boots and curled his lip to the thought of apologizing. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled.

“For what?” River played with the golden hair, twirling it with her fingers.

“For grabbin’ you and making you stop yackin’.”

She got up, looked at the captain, then the woman, and smiled at them both. “Don’t worry, I know.” River turned on a heel and went to the passenger dorms.

Ru glanced over to Malcolm, a brow arched. “Know what?”

“I. Don’t. Really. Know.”


Everyone had decided to creep around Simon and Kaylee as they were still asleep when breakfast came.

“Are you sure we should be doing this?” Ru asked Inara.

“I’m against it.” The companion told her. “However I have a feeling the captain thinks Simon’s humiliation is rather entertaining.”

“I take it he don’t fit in well?”

“Boy’s a dandy.” Mal mumbled to her as they were all in a semi circle around the couch. “Zebra in a herda ‘stangs. Once in awhile it is quite amusing to see the holes he’s dug himself into.”

"Mal." Inara toned sharply.

"Hey, I didn't do nothin', he put himself in this position, literally."

“I think they look adorable.” Wash told his wife as they sipped their coffee and stood next to the couch. “I mean, look at them… I don’t think Simon’s ever looked so peaceful.” He tilted his had to the side as he continued whispering. “Half the time I think he’s going to die of stress.”

“I have a feeling this ain’t gonna be pretty when he wakes up.” Zoe sighed.

“Yes,” he nodded his head, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I’ll put money down that he freaks and offends her… and in turn both are testy for the rest of the day.”

“Put money on what?!” Jayne hollered as he came in as noisy as a herd of cattle.

Simon and Kaylee stirred.

The entire crew braced themselves, Inara looked away while Ru and Zoe gave uncomfortable looks as they didn’t want Kaylee to be a victim of the event.

Kaylee, was smiling warmly and had yet to open her eyes as she stretched. “Mmm..” Then relaxed and put one of her hands on the one that was brushing against her waist.

Feeling the movement, Simon smiled, lazily opening his eyes. Lifting his head up with a yawn he saw over the top of Kaylee’s head and saw some figures moving around.

Jayne looked at the two laying down and grinned. “Well congrats Doc on gettin’ some tail. Looks like you ain’t sly after all.”

Simon’s eyes snapped open.

"Mornin' you two crazy kids." Mal smiled.

Inara turned around as she knew what he was thinking "Simon just..."

As soon as he saw everyone, the doctor jerked up and scrambled to get off of the couch. His frantic, deer in the headlights movements caused Kaylee to roll off of the couch and hit the floor. “Kaylee!” He dropped down to pick her up by the shoulders, but tripped and landed on top of her.

Jayne started laughing.

Inara rolled her eyes. "Ren-ci de Fo-zu."

“Boob.” It was all River said as she sat at the table.

“Can I call it or what?” Wash told Zoe.

“Simon!” Kaylee groaned, scowling at him as they were tangled on the floor.

“We’re… um… in the kitchen.” He told her.

She blushed as everyone was watching in amusement, however the mechanic turned the doctor and frowned as he got up. “Oh, so your first instinct is to push me away and jump off the couch?”

Simon leaned over and held his hand out to help her up. “I’m.. I..”

“No, I’m fine, I don’t need your help considerin’ I’m on the floor cause you dropped me like a hot gasket.” She picked herself up and glared at him, snatched her quilt, then turned to everyone. “Good mornin’ everybody.” Her voice less than enthusiastic as she stalked off to her bunk.

He watched her leave with his mouth slightly open, shutting his eyes and running his hands through his hair.

Ru and Inara retreated as they felt it was all in bad taste, heading after Kaylee.

“A regular Casanova.” Wash chuckled.

“You guys are horrible.” He grumbled as he sulked off towards his own bunk. “Just waiting for us to wake up, are you that bored?!…”

"Thought you wanted to sleep in." Mal said non-chalantly.

“Wang ni qia shang tia zao-fan.” Simon told everyone angrily as he left. He went downstairs, muttering a trail of profanity as he padded off to his bunk. Stopping as he saw something, he glanced over and saw that the prisoner was cuffed to his exam table in the infirmary. “Great.” He muttered under his breath.


“What are you doing?” Inara asked Ru, still miffed at the whole jacket incident as they stood in front of the hatch to Kaylee's brightly decorated bunk.

“I’m worried about her.” She said incredulously “Do you have a problem with that?”


John, felt hazy.

He was slumped on the exam table, his hands shackled and locked onto the table via a chain wrapped around the base. Aqua eyes riveting to the door as the doctor opened them and came in dressed sharply for the day.

“I see you’re lucid.” He sounded agitated as he went over to the prisoner, snapping a pair of gloves on.

“I’d apologize for what I did to you, but I know you’re not angry at me.” John mumbled.

Simon stopped and looked up at John in amazement.

“I’d like to think I’m well spoken.” He watched the doctor walked behind, and growled as his back was prodded as the man slightly shorter than himself, but with a similar build, checked his stitches. “Surprised?” twisting his head as Simon walked over to the front of him, golden hair coming down like a curtain.

“Considering you were sounding like a wild animal last night and nearly killed part of the crew,” Taking the still chained ankle he inspected it. “yes.”

“I hate to disappoint, however I am a very well educated individual, family of noble individuals like yourself.” Rolling his shoulders, his eyes watched the other man’s every movement.

Simon, clenched his jaw as he went to go get some supplies for cleaning up and bandaging the wound.

“I don’t remember anything either.” He broke the silence, his gaze unnerving as his eyes were slanted and showed a predatory soul. “Last night that is, after I hit the captain of this ship… I don’t remember what happened. Just waking up this morning chained here, in pain…”

“Why do I sense persuasion?” Simon asked cautiously as he set everything up on a tray.

“Because I’m harmless, therefore you need to take these cuffs off.” Holding his wrists out and giving a smirk that was too calm for the situation. “What do you say?”

Putting the tray on the exam table, he gave the prisoner a skeptical look. “Right, like I’m going to unchain the man who nearly took my head off.”

“Trust me, I’m harmless. I would have killed you already if I had wanted to.” Watching how uncomfortable it made him, silence passing as Simon stopped talking and set to work. Rolling his eyes and sighing, John tried another tactic. “Doctor Simon Tam, trauma surgeon from Osiris.” The husky voice recited. “Brother to River Tam, best student in the Alliance Academy. Her escape the one distraction that allowed me to escape.”

Simon looked up in awe as the answer to all of his questions suddenly appeared. “So you do know River… you’re… from the Academy?”

“Get these handcuffs off and I’ll talk a little more.”

For the first time, Simon hesitated.

John leaned in, blue gaze locking onto blue as he knew logic was the way to reach the doctor. “Simon, I’ve watched you for two weeks, you and everyone else on this ship… and you know what? You and me… We’re one in the same. Same background, same upbringing, same planet even. If I wasn’t enrolled into this government sponsored pet project, we probably would have been colleagues.” His voice lowered and became raspier. “Same life, different paths, now opposites. Human and beast.” Tilting his head to the side his eyes slanted as he was only inches from Simon’s blank face. “And you’re the type of human who needs to know what happened at that facility to better understand the trauma River has, however I have been kept on a chain for a very long time and it’s not a sensation I enjoy, which is why I would like to negotiate what I know for some free wrists and ankles. As a neurologically altered lab rat, you have my word I will remain as civilized as my instincts permit.” He pulled back and sat up straight, watching his doppleganger.

Simon pursed his lips and thought it over.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:45 PM


Oo. negotiations.

Poor Simon, he didn't push Kaylee away, she just fell when he jumped up off the couch!! I feel so bad for him. But that entire scene made me laugh, I'm glad Simon finally made a move on Kaylee and didn't screw it up. At least, not until much later.

I hope that either Simon will let John out, and he was telling the truth about being harmless and telling him about the Acadamy. Or John was lying, and Simon doesn't let him out.

Suspense!!! AH!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:26 AM


Well...Simon's day has been eventful so far;)

Gotta say that the crew, barring Inara and Ru, are evil! They know Kaylee's been pining for Simon for ages and that Simon needs to relax a little. So what do they do? Wait eagerly for the two of them to wake up so they can see if Simon will embarrass himself again. Simon really needs to find a way to exact some revenge in a deliciously evil but generally harmless way...

And I really like the idea you've put forward here, TuJiaoZuo: John and Simon being two sides of the same basic coin, with Simon representing the side where he had a chance to become a doctor and help people, while John was basically captured and made into a killer. Can't wait to see what happens next!


Saturday, October 8, 2011 12:49 PM


Very very shiny!!!! I'm a total Simon/Kaylee girlXD and Wash/Zoe, so this was fantastic!!! I feel sorry for Simon though!! Great chapter, I like John^.^


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