Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sequel to "Best Intentions." Simon and Kaylee's wedding is approaching and the crew is on their way back to Sihnon for the big day. Violence, angst, smut and a bunch of other stuff ensues! Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, River/OC


A/N: Sequel to Best Intentions. Best Intentions: Chapter 1. Just in case you haven’t read it …

This story takes place approximately 6 months after the events of Best Intentions. Just to give everyone a quick overview Simon and Kaylee have settled for the time-being on Sihnon, while the rest of the crew, and their new mechanic, Rafe, make their way in the ‘verse. Simon and Kaylee are engaged.

As with most of my stuff, this story will heavily focus on Simon/Kaylee and Mal/Inara. I wouldn’t say it’s imperative to read Best Intentions first, but I think doing so would curtail a lot of hand scratching and “Huh?”s.

Many, many thanks to Leiasky who guided me through this story and offered much needed insight and, of course, great beta-ing skills and to Kaynara for helping to round it out and giving it another look.

This story is 24 chapters and a short epilogue, and is the 2nd installment in a trilogy that will be concluded by Unforeseen Consequences. I am still writing the 3rd part, but I predict it will be about 20 chapters. So, strap yourselves in for some angst, some smut and a whole lot of our beloved BDHs!

And please don’t make me beg for comments … please?!?!?!

Okay, I’m done begging now.

Chapter 1

“You ain’t serious.”

Simon paused in his shaving and stepped out of the bathroom, cocking an eyebrow at her. “Don’t I look serious?”

Kaylee’s incredulous expression turned to one of complete shock as she watched him return to the sink, his back once again facing her. “Simon, they’re yer folks.”

With a small sigh, Simon held his tongue, guessing that any answer he might give his beautiful fiancée at the moment would not only be misconstrued, but unwelcome. Finishing as quickly as he could without nicking his skin, Simon finally wiped the excess cream from his face and walked back into the bedroom, sitting beside Kaylee on the bed. Lying before her were papers and pictures of just about every possible wedding detail one could imagine.

Greeting her bewildered expression with his famous grin, Simon said, “Kaylee, I know how important family is to you, but for me, it’s just not the same.” Cupping her cheek in his hand as she struggled to form a retort, he added, “I honestly only care if River and the rest of the crew are there. I don’t need my parents at our wedding.”

“Simon, it ain’t exactly ‘bout needin’ ‘em,” Kaylee scolded, her eyes growing steely and forcing Simon to drop his hand back in his lap. “They’re your parents an’ it jus’ wouldn’t be right for them to be missin’.”

Simon knew deep down she was right. Regardless of the rocky road he’d had with his folks, the idea of purposefully excluding them from his wedding was inexcusable, and Simon was ashamed he was even trying. Of course that shame turned into unabashed embarrassment as soon as he met Kaylee’s critical gaze. Sighing heavily, he explained quietly, “I just don’t – “ Pausing for a moment, his gaze swept over all the plans Kaylee had made so far, more than amazed at how well she’d taken to the role of wedding coordinator. Holding up the seating chart, Simon turned back to her and said, “I just don’t want them to ruin anything. You’ve worked so hard. And this day shouldn’t be about anything other than you and me and our love for one another.”

Smiling sweetly, Kaylee met his gaze and plucked the paper from his hand before kissing him softly. “First off, you really think I’m gonna let somebody else tell me what to do at my own weddin’?” Simon smiled wider at this remark, knowing full well that Kaylee had grown quite a bit in their past few months on Sihnon. She’d actually managed to adapt to their new lifestyle very well.

“And second,” she continued, shifting to face him fully. “All o’ this,” she commented, waving to the plans about her, “ain’t near as important as you an’ me. Yeah, I’ll admit it’s fun. I never thought in my wildest dreams I’d have a weddin’ so fancy, but I’d get married on Serenity if I thought any o’ this goushi was gonna get in the way of us gettin’ hitched.” Leaning in to kiss him again, a bit more intently this time, Kaylee waited until she rested her forehead against his before murmuring, “I jus’ wanna be your wife.”

Running his hand down her cheek, Simon told her, “That’s what I want too, Kaylee. Please understand I’m just worried that my parents, they won’t concern themselves with how we want to do things. My mother is notorious for sweeping in and rearranging everything. If we invite them, they’re going to pay for the rehearsal dinner, which means they’ll get to be in charge of it, which means –“

The rest of Simon’s diatribe was cut off by another heart-stopping kiss. Wrapping her arms securely around his neck, Kaylee pulled her body flush with his, doing her best to drive any other thought from his mind that didn’t involve her, him and the bed they were sitting on. Simon’s strong hands encircled her back, holding her tight to him as his passion for her quickly became his undoing.

Resisting the urge to make love to her, knowing he did not have the time to do it properly, Simon pulled his mouth from hers with difficulty. “Kaylee, I have to go,” Simon panted slightly, moaning softly as Kaylee’s mouth and tongue lapped at his ear.

“Not for ‘nother twenty minutes,” she whispered coyly, perfectly aware of the effect she was having on him. Sometimes it was almost too easy.

Releasing another sigh, Simon decided to let go of his last bastion of sense and eagerly guided her hungry mouth to his, crushing his lips against hers. This really wasn’t the time, and they still had to make a decision about –

Any other thought quickly escaped Simon as Kaylee firmly planted herself in his lap and wiggled, causing his arousal to throb painfully. Maybe the rest of it could wait.


Eli watched with a bemused expression as Simon practically skidded into the doctor’s lounge, his normally pale cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, his hair a mess. Pretending to study the chart in his hands, Eli observed the young man from the corner of his eye as he hurried to his locker and rushed to dump his bag, reaching for his jacket and stethoscope.

Having a fairly good idea what had made his normally punctual friend late, Eli decided to have a bit of fun. “Doctor Tam,” he hailed from across the room, snapping closed the chart in his hand and striding towards Simon.

“Doctor Butler,” Simon replied, still a bit breathless as he hurriedly straightened the collar of his coat.

Giving the man an appraising eye, Eli teased, “It’s nice of you to join us today.”

If it were possible, Simon’s cheeks actual flushed darker. “Yes, well, I … ah …” Stuttering and grasping for an appropriate excuse, Simon completely missed the playful twinkle in his friend’s eye. “Kaylee and I had … very important … wedding stuff. The seating chart,” Simon said triumphantly, glad that his sex-addled brain had given him one useful piece of information. Looking to Eli, he added, “She had a question.”

Holding his tongue for a second, Eli let out a small sigh and then said, “Yes, seating chart. I’m sure you were very distracted by her – seat.” At his tone, Simon finally focused on the older man and realized the jig was up. Averting his gaze again, Simon waited as Eli let out a deep chuckle, a jovial sound that drew the attention of the other doctors in the room, before clapping Simon on the back and telling him, “I’d check those buttons, son.”

Glancing to his shirtfront, Simon hurriedly rebuttoned the first few, following Eli out the door as they were about to start rounds. “I’m sorry, Eli,” Simon told him sincerely as they made their way to the nurse’s station.

Waving off the apology, the older man told him, “Don’t be. If I had a woman like that waiting for me, I’d be late every damn day.” Simon blushed dutifully and then Eli continued, “Although I cannot for the life of me figure out why I’m bothering to give you time off for a honeymoon.”

Reaching for his stack of charts, Simon did not comment, knowing that any statement would be useless. Eli enjoyed a good tease, especially one at Simon’s expense. Which the young doctor really didn’t mind. “Well, if you want to revoke my vacation time, you have to tell Kaylee.”

Holding up a hand in defense, Eli begged, “Oh no, please. You know I can’t deny that young lady anything.”

“You and me both,” Simon murmured, drawing another small chuckle from Eli. As the two men made their way towards their first patient, Eli asked him, “So, in all seriousness, how are the wedding plans coming?”

The slight pause Simon gave him told Eli all he needed to know. “That well, huh?” he asked rhetorically, not at all surprised when Simon scrambled to explain his hesitancy.

“Actually, from what I can tell, Kaylee has everything under control.” Entering a lift, the doors closed before Simon told his friend, “We just had a minor disagreement regarding the guest list.”

“Let me guess. She wants to invite an ex and you feel threatened?”

Smirking at the older man, Simon commented dryly, “Not quite.” Watching the floors ding by on the lift’s control panel, the younger man finally admitted, “It’s actually about my parents.”

Eli gave Simon a sidelong glance, noting the way the young doctor’s shoulders had tensed at just the mention of the topic. He knew full well that Simon and his folks had never quite seen eye to eye and while Eli and his family had gotten to know Simon and Kaylee quite well over the past six months or so, that particular back story was still something Eli was not entirely privy to. “You’re actually considering not inviting them?” he asked quietly, doing his best to keep any tone of judgment out of his voice.

Frowning, Simon released a heavy sigh and then answered, “I know it’s awful. But I don’t want any of the history between us to overshadow Kaylee’s day.” Turning imploring eyes to the man, he said softly, “She’s so excited.”

“But she’s not quite convinced that excluding them is the best idea?”

Shaking his head once, Simon answered, “No. In fact I’m fairly certain she thinks I’m an idiot for even considering it.” As the lift doors again opened and they stepped out, Simon took only a few paces forward before pausing. Turning to face his friend, he told him honestly, “I know you don’t understand everything about my relationship with my parents. And I can imagine that as a father this is pretty much the worse thing you can imagine, but …” Unable to finish the thought, Simon simply shrugged, his eyes alighting to Eli’s face for only a second, as if afraid of what he’d see reflected in the older man’s eyes at his confession.

Turning to go, Simon stopped as Eli’s large hand clamped around his elbow. “Look, son, you’re right. I don’t know all of what happened between you and your folks, but I do feel that I know you and Kaylee pretty well.” Pausing, Eli waited long enough for Simon to glance at him before he continued. “If you honestly think your parents are going to do more harm than good, then by all means don’t invite them. But keep in mind, excluding them is going to send a very finite message that you don’t want to include them in any part of your life.” As Simon gulped, his face blanching slightly at the older man’s words, Eli added, “And how are you going to feel about that a year from now or five or ten? How are you going to feel about that when your children ask about their grandparents?”

Studying the younger man for a few more minutes, Eli watched the wheels in Simon’s overly bright brain turn as he processed all he’d said. He was a smart boy and incredibly loving, Eli had figured that out as he’d watched Simon hover at Kaylee’s bedside the entire time she’d been in the hospital. And while he didn’t want to manipulate Simon into making a decision he was unprepared to face, Eli also knew that the man’s big heart would eventually win out.

“Just think on that for a bit, all right?” Eli asked, clapping Simon on the shoulder. As his friend nodded, Eli turned to enter the first patient’s room and said, “All right then, let’s get to work.”


“Miss Kaylee!”

Kaylee glanced up from her laundry to be greeted by a familiar face. Putting down her folding, Kaylee stooped to the ground and swept up the small, curly-haired girl as she charged towards her. Bouncing the little one on her hip, Kaylee kissed her cheek and asked, “An’ what are you up to today, Miss Lynn?”

“Playin’,” the four-year-old exclaimed happily, clapping her hands together delightedly.

Kaylee giggled along with her, moving with the little girl into the orphanage’s main living room. As she settled the child to the floor, and moved to sit beside her, Kaylee paused, hearing a pained cry from across the room. Hurrying to the opposite wall, she joined one of the other volunteers who was hovering over a small boy, Asher, as he held his arm and wailed.

“What happened?” Kaylee asked quickly, moving to pull the crying child into her arms while being mindful of his injury.

“I don’t know. He was playing with Tommy and then-“ Helen, the other volunteer had been working at the orphanage longer than Kaylee, but was decidedly nervous around children. It still baffled the other woman that she would choose to spend her time in an environment that so readily set her on edge.

Knowing she wouldn’t get any more information out of the adult, Kaylee looked down into Asher’s pained face, and asked, “What s’matter, baby? Where’d ya get hurt?”

“Here,” the boy hiccupped, doing his best to point at his wrist with his opposite hand.

“Can I see your arm for a sec?” Kaylee asked carefully, repositioning the boy in her lap so she could reach for his hand.

Clutching the hurt limb to his chest, Asher turned large, brown eyes to her and shook his head fearfully. “It hurts,” he wailed, more tears welling at the bottom of his eyes and falling down his face.

“I know it does, sweetie, but that’s why I gotta see.” Kaylee kept her voice low and soothing, wishing there was a way she could ease the boy’s pain. But until she knew if the arm was broken, he was just going to have to trust her. “I gotta see if maybe we need to take you to Doctor Simon.”

Sniffling, Asher’s eyes actually lit up at the thought. All of the children in the orphanage had met Simon on at least one occasion. Kaylee had offered his services as soon as she’d begun volunteering, and the director of the children’s home had eagerly agreed. Simon had made a few visits over the past months to check in on each of the little ones and normally, if one of them needed to go to the hospital, Kaylee would take the child, making sure to contact Simon while she was there. If he was free, he almost always came down to ease the child’s anxiety. It really helped them to see a friendly face.

“Really?” the little boy breathed, wiping at his runny nose with his other hand. “Doctor Simon?”

“Well, your arm might be broke, so I might need to take you to the hospital,” Kaylee explained. “But I won’t know ‘till you let me see it.”

Swallowing hard, Asher relinquished his arm to Kaylee’s gentle touch. Holding it gingerly, she tried to move his wrist, stopping as he hissed in pain and again started to cry. “You’re a good boy,” she told him, pressing a kiss to his hair. “An’ I think maybe we will pay Doctor Simon a visit. Okay?”

Shaking his head once, Asher rolled his tear-stained cheek into Kaylee’s shoulder and she easily hefted him into her arms. “Do you want me to go with you?” Helen asked fearfully, trying to aid Kaylee as she got to her feet, but only succeeding in hovering.

Smiling brightly to the woman, Kaylee told her, “Nope, I got this. Why don’t you stay an’ help with the others?”

Leaving the shell-shocked woman behind, Kaylee cradled the still whimpering boy to her and said, “C’mon sweetie. Let’s go get that arm fixed up.”


Serenity loomed in the distance like the brightest beacon and Mal felt a contented smile cross his face as he took in the sight of his ship. His ship, his home – it was more than just a place he lived. For Malcolm Reynolds, having the freedom of that firefly, having the ability to keep all those he held dear so close was a luxury and one he indulged in everyday.

Sure, the ship had been a mite quiet since they’d left the doc and Kaylee on Sihnon, but Rafe had been doing a fine job keepin’ ‘em in the sky an’ Mal was glad for that. He missed lil’ Kaylee – she’d always been more to him than a mechanic, but every time they waved to talk with her, she was more giddy than the time before. And Mal could handle her being gone if that was the result.

Glancing to River, he watched as the young reader effortlessly glided the mule over the uneven terrain. Of course, River had been even more distraught upon leaving her brother behind, but it seemed that young love was a powerful distraction and while Mal was not happy at catching his pilot and his new mechanic in all manner of compromising positions over the past months, he also could not deny how happy the young woman was either.

Happiness – on his boat. Who’d o’ thought it?

“Not so hard to believe, captain daddy,” River sing-songed to him over the roar of the wind.

Smirking at her, Mal answered, “Trust me, darlin’, it is.”

She smiled back at him, but kept her silence, allowing the rest of the ride to pass without further comment. As she pulled the mule into the waiting cargo bay, Mal noted Rafe standing towards the back of the room, moving forward as soon as River started to cycle down the vehicle. Just as Mal himself was hoisting his old frame over the side and to the deck, he glimpsed Rafe offering River a hand as she gracefully alighted to the bay floor.

Averting his gaze so as to miss the kissin’, Mal headed for the nearest set of stairs, calling over his shoulder, “Rafe, you seen ‘Nara?”

It took the boy a moment, but he finally pried his lips from River’s and answered, “In your shuttle, cap.”

Grunting his acknowledgement, Mal waited until he’d reach the shuttle’s entrance before risking another glance below. Watching as River attempted to suck the young man’s face off, he felt his stomach turn and hurried inside.

“Darlin’, your disreputable captain has returned,” he called out jovially as he entered the shuttle.

Turning quickly from her seat in front of the cortex, Inara dropped the fabric back in front of the screen and greeted him. “Oh, how did I ever survive without you?” she asked dryly, offering him a playful smirk as she rose and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Good crime?” she asked, walking behind him to remove his signature brown coat.

“Not bad, not bad,” Mal concurred. As he shrugged out of the leather, he glanced back to Inara, noting the intrigue with which she was draping the coat over her arm. Looking back to the now covered screen, he asked, “Did I interrupt somethin’?”

“What?” Inara asked distractedly, pulling her gaze from the collar she’d been smoothing. As she met Mal’s critical look, she shook her head and moved to hang up the jacket. “No, of course not. Don’t be ridiculous.”

As she turned away from him to hang the coat, Mal decided to do some investigating. Making his way to the viewscreen, he lifted the curtain before it, frowning as he took in the information still displayed there.

“Listen, Mal, I was going over the finances today and-“ Inara’s sentence stopped midway as she caught him studying the screen. Moving quickly to his side, she dropped the fabric back into place and asked harshly, “What are you doing?”

Turning an incredulous gaze to her, Mal shot back, “What’re you doin’?” Jerking a thumb towards the covered wall, he added, “I thought we agreed, you were gonna let that go.”

“You agreed, Mal,” Inara told him, her eyes glinting with a familiar fire in the shuttle’s dim lighting.

“No, no, no,” Mal told her, rising and pacing away from her. Gesturing to the room, he said, “I distinctly remember the two o’ us bein’ in this very space, talkin’ ‘bout that little one an’ decidin’, together, that you was gonna let her live her life in peace.”

Inara quickly dropped her gaze to the floor, hoping Mal would not notice how her cheeks flushed. He was right, which was what irked her more, she had agreed with Mal that her long lost daughter, the one she had found on Sihnon, was better off not knowing about her. The girl was ten now and had a wonderful life with good parents and siblings … she had no use nor need for a biological mother. But Inara deeply desired to know her.

“She wouldn’t have to know who I am,” Inara said quietly, realizing how foolish she must sound. “I could just meet her, maybe talk with her a bit.”

Sighing heavily, Mal closed his eyes for a moment, wishing he knew of a way to take Inara’s grief away. He had really hoped that as the weeks and months passed, as they had again been out in the black, that Inara would stop obsessing over the baby she’d been forced to give up. He had honestly thought she had a month ago when they’d had a very long, at times not quite civil conservation, regarding the kid and how much damage it could do her to know Inara now. Apparently he’d been wrong.

“Inara, you know I hate seein’ ya like this, but-“

“Don’t patronize me, Mal,” she bit out, her voice cold and unyielding. “You have no idea what it’s like to know you have a child, a child you would have raised and loved and cared for, out in the ‘verse who has no idea who you are.”

“’Nara, you go chargin’ into that girl’s life, she ain’t gonna want to know who you are,” Mal retaliated, not at all surprised by the flash of hurt that passed across Inara’s face before her mask of anger replaced it. “’Nara, she’s got a life, her own life, without you. An’ I know that wasn’t rightly your choice all them years ago, but you gotta live with it now. For her sake.”

Inara pursed her lips and Mal braced himself for the argument he knew was coming. But with a small sigh and shake of her head, Inara simply strode past him and out the shuttle door, leaving Mal to wonder just what exactly had happened.


“Doctor Simon!”

Asher’s small face broke into the biggest grin as Simon stepped around the curtain and into the boy’s line of sight. Smiling back at him, Simon’s eyes met Kaylee’s over the little guy’s head as he asked the patient, “So, you broke your arm, huh?”

Nodding once, Asher told him, “Yup. They said I gotta get a cast.” Glancing back to Kaylee, who had continued to run her fingers through the boy’s mop of curly black hair, he asked innocently, “Can I get a blue one?”

Smiling to the boy, Kaylee told him, “I think that can be arranged. Can’t it, doc?” Her eyes flashed with a familiar light that caused Simon’s heart to skip a beat and he found himself staring for a second before he remembered she’d asked him a question. Pulling his eyes from her face, he looked back to Asher and told him, “Absolutely. One blue cast, coming up.”

A nurse arrived at that moment to help prep the boy’s arm and so Kaylee moved with Simon around the curtain as he went to collect the materials. Kissing her quickly, he asked, “Are you okay?”

Scowling slightly, Kaylee nodded and then told him, “Helen is useless at watchin’ kids. I can’t for the life o’ me figure out why Tabby an’ Sandra keep her around.”

Smiling slightly at Kaylee’s annoyance, Simon squeezed her hand gently and said, “Kaylee, Helen may not be that good with kids, but her husband is one of the richest men on Sihnon.”

With a small harrumph, Kaylee told him, “Well good. He can pay for Asher’s cast then.”

Chuckling softly, Simon kissed her cheek and said, “You are a wonder, Kaylee Frye.”

“Darn right,” she told him playfully, moving back towards Asher. “An’ don’t you forget it.”

Kaylee flashed Simon another big smile before stepping behind the curtain and resuming her seat at Asher’s side. The little boy was intently watching the nurse as she straightened his wrist and cleaned it. Luckily, the pain medication they’d administered had taken the discomfort away.

“Miss Kaylee?” Asher asked, looking back to her with a youthful innocence that endeared him to Kaylee’s heart. “Why ain’t you a mama?”

“Why aren’t I a mother?” Kaylee corrected, almost glossing over the question until she realized just what the boy was asking. Blinking quickly, she asked, “What, sweetie?”

Frowning at her, the little boy said, “I don’t understand. You’d be a great mama. An’ you an’ doctor Simon love each other. So why don’tcha got any kids?”

Kaylee stared at him for moment, completely dumbfounded. When Simon returned just a minute later, Kaylee was still speechless and Simon glanced quickly to the nurse, who pretended not to have heard and left him to his work. “Kaylee?” he questioned softly as he began wrapping Asher’s arm in a layer of gauze. “Everything all right?”

“Why ain’t you an’ Miss Kaylee got any kids?” Asher asked, this time directing the question to Simon and hoping to get an answer.

“Ah …” Simon found he had no answer and felt his heart drop to his feet as he quickly glanced to Kaylee. He could see the pale look on her face and could only guess at what she was thinking.

“Don’tcha want kids?” Asher, oblivious as only a child can be, kept pushing, wishing someone would tell him something. “You could always adopt me. I’d be real good,” he told Simon proudly, a big smile again on his face.

Rising abruptly, Kaylee drew both the attention of both men. “Um, I … I’ll go getcha some water. ‘Kay, Ash?” Before the boy could answer, she’d bolted from the room. Simon watched her go with a forlorn expression, but knew he couldn’t follow her, not until Asher’s arm was taken care of.

“Did I say somethin’ bad?” the boy asked sheepishly, finally guessing that maybe his topic of discussion hadn’t been the best idea. “You don’t gotta adopt me, if’n you don’t wanna,” he added, his voice growing softer with each word, his eyes cast into his lap.

Pausing in his work, Simon sat beside the boy and raised his chin so they could lock eyes. “Asher, I want you to listen to me, all right?” Once the boy had nodded, Simon continued, “Miss Kaylee and I do want to have children, and we would be lucky to adopt a little boy like you.” As Asher’s lips again turned up into a smile, Simon added, “But right now, Kaylee and I, we’re getting ready to be married and we’re just not ready for children yet.”

With a small frown, Asher sighed. “Okay.” Looking back to Simon, he said proudly, “When the time is right, I’ll get a mom and dad. Won’t I, Doctor Simon?”

Smiling at him, Simon knew that was the mantra they repeated over and over again at the orphanage so the children wouldn’t get discouraged. But Simon also believed that everything happened for a reason and that someday a loving family would realize what a wonderful addition Asher would make to their home. “Yes, you will, Asher. But in the meantime, you’ve got to be careful, dong ma?” Simon rose, and continued to work, glancing up every few minutes hoping that Kaylee might return.

Even once he’d finished wrapping the boy’s arm, she was still not back.


Up Next: Chapter 2


Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:07 PM



Just got back from the farm and was delighted to see the first chapter of your second part of this wonderful story up. You've definitely got the ball rolling on a few things, and eager to see what happens.

I like how you subtly re-introduce things from the last story as well as give small updates on where everyone's at. I like the idea of Kaylee working at an orphanage and with kids and how Asher asking a simple question opened up that old can of worms. Personally, I would have had her working at a garage, since that's where her true passion lies, but that's me.

Can't wait to read the next chapter. Maybe with your writing and after my first summer class, I'll finally get back to work on YCGHA.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:36 AM


I just checked my email and was all dissapointed that apparently no one loves me. And then I checked here. AND JUMPED FOR JOY!!

SO happy you've started this, I've been waiting with baited breath (what does that actually mean?) And you didn't dissapoint! Such a wonderful start to what I know will be a wonderful story. You really do constantly outshine yourself. Can't wait for more. I would give it an 11 if I could!


Sunday, May 13, 2007 1:13 AM


Great to see a continuation and to know this is part of a planned 'long' trilogy, oh bliss! Have to say though I am worried about Inara sweeping into her daughter's life and upsetting things in more ways than she can currently imagine. While I understand her emotional need I grew up on the other side of that coin. As for Ash, it would be great if Kaylee and Simon did adopt him, he sounds a sweetheart. Not so happy about Simon's parents going to the wedding. If Simon is this apprehensive then how bad could things spiral later on? Gulp. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, May 13, 2007 2:46 AM


Hurray, another long sequel!
I've been waiting for this one. and just by this chapter I can tell it was worth the wait.

The kids are very cute, hope to see(?) more of them. That Asher broke my heart when he said 'tou don’t gotta adopt me, if’n you don’t wanna,'

Sunday, May 13, 2007 2:58 PM


Yippe! just in the knick of time.

Great start! Simon returning to work, Yea!

Kaylee volunteering at the orphanage is very far as a vocation, I see her more as a gifted technical/mechanical kinda gal, too.

And poor Inara, I really feel for her here. She's got a demon of a past to live with, but I hope she heeds Mal's advice to leave that little girl alone right now.

and there's more, a trilogy?
A Mom's Day gift, Thanks!

Sunday, May 13, 2007 6:52 PM


Ya know...while I agree with everyone here who said they would have expected Kaylee to be doing a version of what she did for Serenity while living on Sihnon with Simon, I get the feeling the orphanage was a compromise between Kaylee holding down a working-class job at a repair shop or garage like she would probably want to and staying at home like a good upper-class woman is expected to do. Volunteering at an orphanage gives her a chance to be nurturing and do admirable community service while avoiding bringing down any flack on Simon for her perceived antics:(

Still! Utterly brilliant work here, TamSibling! Definitely was all kinds of teary on Kaylee's behalf when Ash innocently commented on Kaylee being a good mom candidate, as I could imagine Kaylee being far from anything resembling healed from losing her child. Also really gotta wonder what's going through Inara's head, as I would like to think she's got enough common sense to know sticking her oar into her daughter's life at this stage in the game would be extremely distressing. Really hope Mal and River and the rest of the crew can help her see that...


Monday, May 14, 2007 5:07 AM


I like that Kaylee is volunteering in an orphanage. It's different than what everyone would expect her to do - fix machines. She wouldn't be expected to actually work, Simon no doubt makes enough to support her, but this gives her something to do with her time. And since she loves children so much, and with the loss of hers, its a perfect place for her to be.

Inara is just going to open a huge can of worms and, no doubt, a lot of angst to go along with it by seeking out her daughter.

I still love Eli and his joking nature with Simon, and his love for Kaylee. It'll be interesting to see who wins the disagreement over inviting his parents to the wedding.


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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.