Another Summer Glau Wallpaper
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Yet another Summer Glau Wallpaper. I just love this picture of her. She looks damn sexy. Made in Photoshop CS2. Brushes by Annika Von Holdt. 1024x768 Version. There's a 1280x800 version here:



Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:30 PM


*gasp* good god!! this is amazin!!! wowowowowowow! <- this is me bein very very excited. man, xeyra, this sure is beautiful!

...words can't described how shiny i think this is... i'm speechless!

*chokes* -so preetttyy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:30 PM


*gasp* good god!! this is amazin!!! wowowowowowow! <- this is me bein very very excited. man, xeyra, this sure is beautiful!

...words can't described how shiny i think this is... i'm speechless!

*chokes* -so preetttyy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:30 PM


*gasp* good god!! this is amazin!!! wowowowowowow! <- this is me bein very very excited. man, xeyra, this sure is beautiful!

...words can't described how shiny i think this is... i'm speechless!

*chokes* -so preetttyy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:30 PM


*gasp* good god!! this is amazin!!! wowowowowowow! <- this is me bein very very excited. man, xeyra, this sure is beautiful!

...words can't described how shiny i think this is... i'm speechless!

*chokes* -so preetttyy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:30 PM


*gasp* good god!! this is amazin!!! wowowowowowow! <- this is me bein very very excited. man, xeyra, this sure is beautiful!

...words can't described how shiny i think this is... i'm speechless!

*chokes* -so preetttyy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:30 PM


*gasp* good god!! this is amazin!!! wowowowowowow! <- this is me bein very very excited. man, xeyra, this sure is beautiful!

...words can't described how shiny i think this is... i'm speechless!

*chokes* -so preetttyy...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:30 PM


Oh...the level "Huh!" achieved here was once unfathomable! And that's saying something!

;D! Maybe I am nuts, but doesn't Summer look rather like a younger version of Angelina Jolie here?


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:03 PM


Congrats on a job well done.


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Summer Glau: "Dreamer"
It's been a while since I've done any graphics but today I was inspired by this image, so I made this.

River Tam: Icon Collection
These are some of the River Tam icons I've made in the past months and have been posting in my livejournal. I thought I'd gather a few and show them here.

River Tam: Through My Eyes
Just a simple River Wallpaper. It's been a while since I've done larger Firefly graphics.

I have two other versions of this wall, one textless, one without the smaller image of River on the top left corner.

Firefly: The Complete Series (Crew Cover)
Made for a contest on Livejournal that asked for a cover for a Boxset of a TV show. Obviously I chose Firefly. I made two covers. This is the Crew version.

Firefly: The Complete Series (Mal Cover)
Made for a contest on Livejournal that asked for a cover for a Boxset of a TV show. Obviously I chose Firefly. I made two covers. This is the Mal version.

The Captain and the Companion
Because they have the most interesting UST ever. :)

Browncoats: Mal and Zoe
Made in Photoshop CS2. Our favorite Browncoats, the captain and the second-in-command, who share one of the most interesting friendships in the series.

Simon in Jaynestown
I love this scene. Simon's expression is priceless. So I just had to play with it in Photoshop. I have two other versions of this graphic in the latest post at my livejournal (

River Tam Triumphant
I took one of Serenity's River promo images and created a graphic I submitted for a header contest at LJ. I had fun with this one. Lots of textures went into making this. I was going for a grunge-ish feel. Hope I succeeded.

Can't Take the Sky
I am obsessed with this promo shot so I've made a hundred variations of it. Well, I'm exaggerating but it almost feels like it. Made in Photoshop CS2.