Shadow War - Chapter Two
Thursday, July 1, 2004

Here we go to Planet Pegasus. There are people here that may not be so kind to our favorite crew.


Pegasus was an unforgiving planet. Alliance terraforming had left it a little worse for wear. Earthquakes were the norm here. Unpredictable weather was another hazard. Hail stones. during a bright, shining day, the size of the little wobbly geisha dolls that Red Veil was so fond of were the token du jour for Pegasus. Volcanoes were another factor for this planet, and, at this moment, there was one very active next to Red Veil and Shang. Shang was a magnificent creature. As of now, he was stripped to the waist, a blazing sword in his hand. The blade was coated in gelled rocket fuel. The purple blue flame was barely visible, however, as Shang was expertly twirling the sword. Shang thought such displays were vulgar. They were beneath him, under what he was capable of. Red Veil, however, loved these displays. Shang thought that if he continued these demonstrations of less than he was able to do, Red Veil might, one day, reveal himself. Red Veil was named so because he never went anywhere without being surrounded by red silk. Gauzy red silk that he could see through. When he came to this outer planet, he came with a wooden cage about his head, covered in red silk. He also came with a small garrison of men, fully armed, with the sole purpose of showing force to the local populace. He took up with Shang immediately, upon learning his lineage. Shang thought that this was vulgar as well. As he finished a perfect backflip while thrusting his sword forward no less than three times, Shang made a very impressive figure. He stood silently, looking intently at the hooded figure sitting in his throne like chair. "You might want to be looking behind you, I think, Shang" Red Veil said. As Shang was not fond of speaking in Red Veil's presence, he merely nodded and turned. A red hot meteor of lava rock had spewed forth with a missle's velocity, arcing towards him at lightening speed. Shang twirled his samuarai sword in his fingers. Once. Twice. When the volcanoes regurgitation of ashen earth came, it was not so much. Watching Shang destroy the lava rock was not unlike watching a baseball player from Earth That Was. Except that the "ball" didn't get knocked out of the park, per se, so much as being cut perfectly in half in a brilliant flash of purple and gold sparks. "As always, Shang, a sight to see!" said Red Veil, "I have sent a wave to the Firefly we seek. They suspect nothing at this time. They will be here in two days!" Shang merely nodded and grabbed the blade of his sword near the hilt. He ran his hand rapidly down the length of the blade, extinguishing the flame. "My sentiments exactly, Shang Yu!" said Red Veil, clapping before sitting. "The Firefly" said Shang, glancing at his own reflection in the blade of his sword.


Friday, July 2, 2004 2:01 AM


Ooooh, good myth! Incredibly short but very good. And is it any coincidence that the name Shang Yu is so similar to that of the warrior poet Shan Yu so revered by Niska (and Book)? Can't wait to see where you take the story but hoping like crazy that the next part is LONGER! Very shiny, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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Somnambulism - Chapter Fourteen
It's back...well, this is actually a reposting of a lost chapter. Hey! I just refound it myself!

Somnambulism - Chapter Thirteen
Trap. Hunt. Enemy. Trap

Somnambulism - Chapter Twelve
The Plan, Negotiation, Landing, Hunt

Somnambulism - Chapter Eleven
Wash's Orders, Mal's Revelation, The Other, Captiulation

Somnambulism - Chapter Ten
Mal's Dream. Walt's Problem. River's Regain.

Somnambulism - Chapter Nine
Safety. Recollection. Explanation.

Somnambulism - Chapter Eight
Simon's Dream, Mal's Choice, River's Verdict

Somnambulism - Chapter Seven
Memory, Atavism, Hera

Somnambulism - Chapter Six
History, Discovery, Purpose

Somnambulism - Chapter Five
Malice, Theory, Opportunity