Best Intentions, ch. 9
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Post-BDM. Everyone waits for Kaylee to wake, while Mal tries to get back to Sihnon as fast as possible. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara


A/N: I realize that posting every other day is a bit torturous, but I have to draw it out somehow!

Thanks again to everyone for the wonderful feedback and support. It means so much to me, I know I don't have words to describe it!

And once again, thanks to Leiasky, who was lucky enough to see the original Firefly costumes this week and now, I'm insanely jealous!


Best Intentions, ch. 9


Even at full burn it took Mal and his crew five days to get back to Sihnon. Inara waited for him impatiently on the roof of the hospital. She had arranged for her family’s hovercar to go and pick him up and she could barely stand the waiting.

Inara twisted the fabric of her shawl in her hands, hating how anxious she was, but unable to avoid the feeling. In the five days it had taken Mal to get back here, Kaylee still had not awoken. She didn’t seem to be any worse off, but she wasn’t necessarily getting better and Inara could tell, based on the looks Simon shared with Doctor Butler that neither surgeon liked the prognosis.

Listening intently for the whine of the approaching craft, Inara finally picked it out in the still night air. Stepping to the edge of the platform, she watched as the ship settled down easily. Stepping out from the shadows as the craft powered down, River bounded out first, hugging Inara tightly, before she skipped towards the door. Turning to her, Inara called, “River, maybe you should-“

“Let ‘er go, darlin’. She’s been yappin’ ‘bout seein’ Simon an’ Kaylee for the past week.”

Mal’s voice reached her and Inara turned to face him not even hesitating for a second before she rushed into his arms. He immediately captured her in his strong embrace, holding her tight, his head buried into her soft hair. “Oh, Mal,” she murmured, her voice breaking with the tears she was trying not to cry. “Thank Buddha you’re here.”

“Sorry it took me so long, darlin’,” he told her, his breath warm against her cheek. Even as she tightened her hold on him, he said, “We ran into a bit o’ trouble on Ariel.”

“I know,” she said, her voice muffled from where her face was buried against his shoulder. “It was my father’s doing.”

“Shenme?” Mal asked, pulling her back to look at her.

Shaking her head quickly, Inara wiped at the tears on her cheeks and told him, “It’s not important, at least not right now. The important thing is that you’re here. You need to see Kaylee.” With that, she took his hand and pulled him behind her.

“’Nara, ‘Nara, wait.” Mal tugged on the hand she held as they entered the waiting lift that would take them down to Kaylee’s room. The door closing behind them, the small space was a bit warmer than outside, but not much and Inara shivered, her hands running up her arms.

Mal covered her hands with his own and held her gaze, not speaking. Puzzled, Inara really didn’t have time for this. She wanted to get back to Kaylee. Trying to turn and leave, she told him, “Mal, come on.”

“’Nara,” he pleaded, turning her again to him. Cupping her face in his hands, he touched his forehead to hers and said softly, “Let go, ai ren.”

Shaking her head firmly, Inara bit her lip and said, “No, not until you’ve seen Kaylee and not until we know she’s going to be all right.” Placing a hand to his face, she softened her gaze and said, “But it does help, you being here.” Pressing a light kiss to his mouth, she whispered, “I missed you so much.”

“The feelin’s mutual,” he told her, kissing her again before he let her lead him to Kaylee.


Simon was still at Kaylee’s side, his hand holding hers. They had been able to remove the bandages and so now, he could stroke a light finger along her skin. She was still a bit cold to the touch and her hand still held a few lingering, but healing cuts; Simon didn’t care. The contact was all that mattered to him now.

She had finally started breathing on her own and so they’d removed the respirator. Simon was thankful for that as well. Inara had spent a bit of time trying to care for Kaylee, putting balm on her lips and lotion on her cheeks as her skin was drying. It had helped her to look a bit more like herself, but not a lot and Simon just wished she would wake up.

Reaching a hand out to her face, he noticed that her lips were again dry and picking up the canister of balm from the table at her side, he dipped his finger in it and rubbed it lightly along her lips. Pressing a kiss to her forehead he sat back again and didn’t hear his sister enter the room.

“Just sleeping.”

Turning sharply at the unexpected sound, Simon smiled wearily at his sister as River came forward and hugged him tight. “Mei mei,” he murmured into her hair, as her sinewy arms wrapped around his back. “It’s good to see you.”

Pulling back from him, River placed a hand to each of his cheeks and held his gaze for a moment. Finally she whispered, “Need to lie down or you won’t be seeing anything soon.” Glancing to Kaylee, she added, “You’ll have to go to sleep, like Kaylee.”

Shaking his head, Simon turned back to look at his girlfriend as River rounded the bed and stood at Kaylee’s side. “I’m fine, River. Don’t worry about me.”

“Always worry. Just like you,” she told him, her words growing more cryptic. As she fell silent, Simon tore his eyes from Kaylee’s motionless face and watched his sister. She had closed her eyes and cocked her head to the side as if listening to some far-off song. Watching her for a few more moments, Simon was about to ask what she heard, when her eyes reopened and she turned to Simon with a bright smile. “Just sleeping. Wants to be well-healed when she wakes up.”

Coming back around to Simon’s side, she kissed his cheek and said, “Wants to come back to you. She will, soon.” And as quietly as she’d come, she was gone. Simon watched her depart, staring at the doorway long after she’d disappeared. With a heavy sigh, he felt the weight of his fatigue pressing down on him. River was right, he had not slept for more than a few hours since Kaylee had been found, and it was starting to take its toll.

Just as he was suppressing a yawn, he heard another familiar voice. “Don’t let me catch you sleepin’ on the job, doc.”

Turning to Mal, he returned the older man’s wry grin. Simon watched as Mal and Inara entered the room, noting how much more relaxed Inara seemed with the other man back. “No, sir, we can’t have that,” Simon replied, feeling another overwhelming urge to yawn again, or at least rest his eyes.

Inara moved to his side and placed a hand to his shoulder. “Simon, I asked Doctor Butler if there was someplace you could rest. He told me there’s a bunk room for some of the doctors that you could use. It’s at the end of the hall.”

Simon opened his mouth to tell her thanks but no thanks and got a glare in return. “You need to sleep, Simon. Mal and I will stay with her and the minute she wakes up, we’ll come get you.”

Glancing back to Kaylee, Simon was torn. He needed to sleep, he knew that. His body needed the rest; he could already tell that his exhaustion was affecting his reflexes, his reaction times; everything was taking too long. But what if she woke up and he wasn’t here? Would she think he’d abandoned her? That he didn’t care?

Shaking his head firmly, he told Inara, “No, I’m sorry. But I can’t leave her.”

With a sigh, Inara and Mal shared a look, and she told him, “That’s what I thought you’d say.” She then left the room, leaving both men staring off after her. Mal moved up to Kaylee’s other side, his hand ghosting over hers.

Looking to Simon, he asked, “How is she?”

“Stable,” Simon answered, glancing to her monitors just to be sure. “But she hasn’t shown any signs that she’s ready to wake.” With a heavy sigh, he added quietly, “It’s just a waiting game.”

Mal swallowed thickly, hating to see his mei mei like this. It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair and it definitely did not sit well with him. “Ya’ll gonna tell me what happened, exactly?” he questioned, his eyes never leaving Kaylee’s face while his tone demanded an answer.

Wishing Inara would hurry back, Simon said quietly, “I think it’s more Inara’s story to tell then mine. And honestly, Mal, I just don’t have the energy.”

The older man nodded, willing to let it go for now. It was obvious by the young doctor’s appearance that he had been keeping vigil round the clock on Kaylee since she’d been brought in about eight days ago. As he was about to ask him something else, Inara entered the room again, an orderly behind her, pushing an empty gurney. As she instructed the man to place it against the wall on the far side of the room, Mal and Simon both watched her curiously.

Once the orderly had gone, Inara faced Simon again and crossed her arms over her chest. “Sleep,” she ordered, nodding in the direction of the bed.

Smiling sheepishly, Simon said, “Inara, that’s really very-“

“Tian xiao de, Simon, it’s not a request.” Her eyes were burning now with a bit of frustration and Simon found himself swallowing involuntarily. “If you do not lie down on this bed, I will make Mal hold you down while I administer the smoother myself.”

“I’d do as she says, son,” Mal warned. “I’ve seen her like this before. It ain’t gonna end pretty.”

Turning a wry smirk to the man, Simon rose slowly, his sore muscles protesting the movement. Leaning forward he placed a kiss to Kaylee’s forehead and whispered, “I’m not going anywhere, I’m just going to get some rest.”

As Simon trudged to the bed, he passed Inara and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you,” he told her sincerely, smiling at her as he went to the bed and rolled onto it, being sure to fall onto his side so he could still see Kaylee. “You’re both going to stay with her right?”

Nodding once, Inara told him, “Yes, Simon. If we decide to leave, we’ll wake you.” Reaching for his hand, she squeezed it and said, “She won’t be alone.”

Simon smiled his thanks once more and within moments was fast asleep. Inara watched Simon fall asleep instantly and couldn’t help smiling. The boy was stubborn, but even the inimitable Simon Tam could not ward off exhaustion. Looking back to Mal, Inara smiled at him as well, and then moved to sit in the seat Simon had vacated. Running a light hand through Kaylee’s hair, she and Mal both stared at their mei mei for quite a while in silence.

Finally, Mal pulled up a chair beside Inara and took her hand in his. She looked to him and saw his concern and smiled sadly again. Leaning back in the chair, she rested her head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. Again there was silence, but Inara could tell Mal wanted to ask something, and eventually he did. “What happened?” he questioned, his voice a whisper so as not to wake Simon.

With a small sigh, Inara explained, “I told you, Mal, she was hit by a hovercar.”

Frowning at her, even though she couldn’t read the expression, Mal pressed a kiss into her hair and murmured, “That ain’t what I meant.” Pausing again, he reached his hand under her chin and tilted her face up to meet his gaze. “What happened?”

Closing her eyes for a moment, Inara tried to remove as much bitterness from her voice as she could. “My parents happened, Mal. They didn’t approve of Kaylee for Simon or you for me or even Jeremiah for me …” She trailed off, still stung by the revelation from the previous week that her parents had bribed her first love, the father of her child, to get him off planet and away from her. With anger burning in her gaze, she muttered, “They thought they were entitled to run our lives, so they tried.” Gazing back to Kaylee, her breath caught in her throat as she thought of all the young woman had suffered. “And they almost succeeded.”

Looking from Inara to Kaylee and back again, Mal let out a soft whistle between his teeth. “You mean to say that all o’ this is ‘cause they didn’t wan’ lil’ Kaylee with Simon?” As Inara nodded once, Mal said, “Well, hell, I’m glad I just got the tariffs.”

Pulling away from him, Inara’s eyes flashed with hurt. “This isn’t funny, Mal. Kaylee could die.” Allowing her eyes to sweep over her friend, they rested for a moment on her abdomen and Inara’s stomach involuntarily clenched. “She’s already lost so much.”

“What else did she lose darlin’?” Mal asked, knowing that something more was going on here than anyone thought to tell him.

Glancing over her shoulder at Simon, she saw that he was still sound asleep. She hadn’t wanted to tell this secret, but she couldn’t keep it in anymore; it was killing her and she knew that if anyone would want to know, it would be Mal. Taking his hands in hers, she told him softly, “Kaylee was pregnant when she got hit, and she lost the baby.”

His eyes immediately darting to his young mechanic, Mal felt more anger at the cruel ‘verse well in his gut. Looking back to the doc, Mal refrained from muttering the curse he felt rising to his lips. None of this was the doc’s fault, at least not in the long run. Squeezing Inara’s hands gently, he asked, “She gonna be okay?”

Nodding once, Inara cleared her throat and said, “She should be fine. She wasn’t very far along, chances are she didn’t even know she was expecting. But Doctor Butler’s had the best gynecologist look her over and she said that there’s no permanent damage.”

Just as Mal was about to say something else, an older doctor entered the room and stopped short as he saw Simon, sleeping peacefully. Glancing to Inara with an amused grin, he said to her, “You threatened him, didn’t you?”

Shrugging easily, she shared the doctor’s smile and countered, “It worked, didn’t it?”

Chuckling softly, the doctor moved forward and extended a hand. “I’m Doctor Eli Butler, Chief of Surgery.”

“Captain Malcolm Reynolds,” Mal stated, rising a bit to shaking the man’s hand.

“Ah, the eagerly anticipated Mal,” Eli commented, rounding Kaylee’s bed to check on her. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Yeah, well don’t believe a word o’ it,” Mal said, throwing Inara a sly look and getting a sheepish grin in return. Cocking his thumb at her, he told the doctor, “’Specially, comin’ from her.”

“As you wish, Captain,” Eli responded sharing another smile with the man. Making his notes in silence, Mal and Inara both could not stand the suspense.

“Anything?” Inara asked, her hands clenching and unclenching the fabric of her skirt.

“Not yet, Miss Serra, but as I told Doctor Tam before, it’s early yet.” Eli’s face conveyed an ease and comfort that Mal was certain must have come from years of practice. Plus, if Mal was any judge he was a good man, caring and honest and that boded well for lil’ Kaylee, the doc – all of them.

“Well, we ‘preciate you lookin’ out for her, doc,” Mal told him, nodding in his direction.

“Of course,” Eli said, glancing back to Simon and then to Kaylee. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such devotion. He’s really in love with her, isn’t he?”

With a small sigh, Inara looked to Kaylee and murmured, “More than even he realizes.”

Nodding again, Eli let the silence stay in the room for a moment more, before he turned go. “Remember, if you all need anything, just ask the nurse to page me.”

Once he was gone, Mal commented, “He seems like a nice guy. Kinder than most doctors I’ve met.”

Inara nodded and said, “He offered Simon a job.”

Mal gaped at her for a moment before he found his voice. “What? Did he take it?” He wasn’t sure what answer he wanted Inara to give him; on one hand he knew Simon’s skills were pretty much wasted on his boat, but on the other hand the man had saved his own hide, as well as that of every other member of his crew more than once.

Shaking her head, Inara told him, “Oh, it’s not important. Something tells me it’s the farthest thing from Simon’s mind right now.”

Looking back to the exhausted young man, Mal muttered, “Somethin’ tells me, you’re right.”


“How’s she doing, doctor?”

Simon looked up at the sound of Eli’s familiar voice and smiled at the man. “You really don’t have to call me doctor, you know,” he told him, leaning back in his chair as he watched the older surgeon step forward to check Kaylee’s head wound. “I haven’t practiced real medicine in almost three years.”

Shaking his head, Eli let out a snort and said, “Real, shmeal, you’re still a doctor and that gains you some respect in my book.” Looking back to the man with a sly grin, he added, “It’s also good to see you back in the land of the living.”

Simon smiled again and chuckled lightly. He liked Eli; besides being an excellent surgeon he was a good person, someone Simon knew he could look up to, emulate even. It felt nice to know there was someone else in the ‘verse who only wanted to do what was best for people. Someone who only wanted what was best for Kaylee. Letting out a sigh, Simon told him, “Well, still, I’d feel a lot better if you just called me Simon.”

Looking up from where he was making a note in Kaylee’s chart, Eli smiled, a wide, jovial grin that took up his whole face and told him, “Fine, have it your way, Simon.” Looking back down as he wrote, he added, almost as an afterthought, “That just means you have to call me Eli.”

Nodding in his direction as way of thanks, Simon watched as Eli continued to make notes and finally worked up the courage to comment, “It concerns me that she hasn’t woken up yet.”

Sighing himself, the doctor finished writing a bit more and than closed the chart, looking to Simon with warm, but tired eyes. “Simon, I don’t know what kind of answer you’re looking for. You know, better than most, what I’m going to say.”

Rubbing a hand over his eyes, Simon repeated, “Of course, you’re going to say that everyone heals in their own time, especially from an injury as severe as a subdural hematoma. You’re also going to remind me there’s a chance Kaylee’s condition could worsen, putting her into a vegetative state that she may never recover from.”

“And I would also tell you that thinking the worst won’t get you anywhere,” Eli chided, placing a light hand to the boy’s shoulder. As Simon again looked to him, he continued, “She’s only been out for ten days. In the grand scheme of comas, that’s a pretty short timeframe.”

Knowing he was right, Simon could only nod. Again reaching for her hand, Simon’s thumb absentmindedly ran along the back of it as he said, “I just really need her to wake up.”

“Then she will,” Eli told him, clapping him soundly on the back before moving to leave. “Something tells me that if that girl is even half as crazy for you as you are for her, she’s going to wake up just as soon as she’s able.”

Smiling his thanks to the man, Simon watched him go and then looked back to Kaylee. “What do you say, bao bei? Are you half as crazy for me as I am for you?” He didn’t expect an answer, but he still felt an overwhelming wave of disappointment when he didn’t get one.

Edging closer to her, Simon rested his other hand to her cheek and said, “Please, Kaylee. Please wake up. I’m trying. I’m trying really hard to be strong here, but I can’t do it without you.” He paused and swallowed hard feeling the rise of a sob in his throat. He had not cried since Kaylee had been in such danger, and he felt the burn of those denied emotions as he begged her to come back to him. “I don’t want to live my life without you Kaylee, do you hear me? I don’t. I won’t do it. So you have to open those beautiful green eyes and smile at me and tell me that you love me, all right?”

Still nothing and he wasn’t sure he could take the silence anymore. “Come on, Kaylee. You can do anything, I’ve seen it. You faced down a whole room full of Reavers, you’ve kept Serenity in the air when none of her parts were working, you even managed to get me to stop being a boob and fall in love with you.” Squeezing her hand probably tighter than was advisable, Simon’s voice hardened a bit as she said, “So don’t leave me now, Kaylee. I mean it. Just don’t.”

Doing his best to not unravel as his emotions pulled him in a myriad of directions, Simon allowed his head to fall to the bed beside her.


Simon wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep, but the next time he awoke, he was surrounded by flowers. Blinking rapidly and wondering where exactly he was, he glanced about the room and noted the vases and arrangements of sterling roses on every surface that could be seen.

Smiling sadly at the sight, he noticed that the one closest to the bed held a card and he reached up to read it. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Serra. – Inara

Grinning even wider, Simon could not believe all the blooms he saw in the room. There had to be at least twenty dozen and each batch was more beautiful than the last. Pulling a flower from the nearest vase, he quickly checked it for thorns before placing it under Kaylee’s hand. Rubbing his thumb lightly along her forehead, he said, “All right, Kaylee, you don’t want these flowers to wilt before you can see them. So it’s time to wake up.”

Simon didn’t realize until he actually saw her eyes flutter open how much he had been despairing, losing hope that she would ever again open those eyes to him. But she did now, slowly and painfully. Simon watched as she blinked her eyes open and he glanced quickly to her monitors, noting the spikes in her heart rate and brain activity and knowing she was really coming out of it.

Standing beside her, Simon whispered hesitantly, “Kaylee? Kaylee, can you hear me?”

She kept blinking, having a hard time bringing things into focus. Turning her head ever so slightly in his direction and wincing at the pain it caused, she squinted to him and said hoarsely, “Simon?”

Smiling at her, Simon kissed her forehead lightly and told her, “Yes, Kaylee, it’s me. You’re going to be okay.”

“Where?” Her voice was broken and raw from disuse, but to Simon it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard.

“You’re in a hospital on Sihnon. You were in an accident.” Simon kept touching her, his hand on her cheek, his other over the hand at her side. He wanted to reassure her as much as possible that he was there, that she wasn’t alone.

“Accident?” Confusion colored Kaylee’s features and he watched as her eyes welled with tears. “I can’t ‘member,” she said, her breath rate starting to increase as fear overtook her.

Sitting gingerly beside her, Simon tried to soothe her. “Shh, Kaylee, it’s all right. You’ll remember in time. You just need to keep resting so you can get better.” Running his hand lightly through her hair, Simon gazed at her for a minute as she struggled to keep her eyes open; he knew she would soon be asleep again. Leaning forward, he couldn’t help but press his lips against hers. Pulling back he whispered, “I love you, Kaylee.”

“Love you, Simon,” she murmured back. Grasping at the hand he held, she told him, “Don’t go, ‘kay?”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he told her quietly, just as her eyes again fluttered closed and she fell back into a dreamless sleep. Feeling relief well in his chest and gratitude at whatever fates had brought her back to him, Simon sat at her side and continued to watch her, hoping that things might finally be all right.


The next time Kaylee awoke, or at least the next time she remembered being awake, Inara and Mal were there as was a kindly, older gentleman who appeared to be her doctor. Mal caught sight of her first and leaned towards her, placing his hand over hers. “Well, hey there, lil’ Kaylee,” he said quietly. “What’s the word?”

“Hey cap’n,” she answered back, her voice a low whisper. Looking over his shoulder she saw her best friend’s tear-filled eyes and told her, “’Nara, don’t be cryin’, you’re gonna make me cry.”

“I can’t help it, mei mei,” she told her, swallowing thickly. “It’s so good to see you awake.”

Kaylee tried to smile at her, but it took a lot of energy, so she gave up. Looking about quickly, she asked worriedly, “Simon?”

“I’m here, Kaylee.” He came rushing to her side from behind the doctor, a bowl of ice chips in his hands. “I’m here.”

She visibly relaxed once he sat beside her and Mal and Inara shared a knowing look with Eli. Placing one of the small pieces of ice in her mouth, he told her, “Here, this will make it easier to talk.”

Kaylee held his gaze, not wanting to think of anything else at this moment than Simon. She was starting to remember bits and pieces of what had happened and she felt a deep shame for causing him to worry so; it had been her own foolishness that had landed her in this mess and secretly Kaylee was just relieved that when she’d come to in the hospital, Simon had still been here.

As the two young people stared at one another, Doctor Butler cleared his throat and stood behind Simon so he was in Kaylee’s line of sight. “Hello there, Miss Frye. I’m Doctor Butler. I don’t think we’ve been formerly introduced.”

Tearing her eyes from Simon’s face, Kaylee said weakly, “Hey there, doc.”

Smiling at the girl’s positive response, he placed a hand on Simon’s shoulder, getting the young doctor to face him. Gesturing to the seat Simon was currently occupying, he asked, “May I?”

Frowning sheepishly, Simon switched places with the man who reached up to check Kaylee’s bandages and started talking to her. “How are you feeling, Miss Frye?”

“Tired,” she said honestly, feeling her eyes already trying to close; but she didn’t want to go to sleep just yet, she wanted to talk to Simon, just for a few more minutes. “An’ you can call me Kaylee, ya know?”

Smiling at her, Eli said, “All right then, Kaylee.” Glancing over his shoulder to Simon, he muttered to the man, “You people and first names.” Simon smiled again and Kaylee couldn’t take her eyes from his face. It was one of his real smiles, not the swai one that always made Kaylee’s inside melt, but one of his genuine, happy smiles that meant he was actually doing all right. She was so relieved.

“So, Kaylee, besides tired, how else are you feeling?” Eli went back to lifting up her bandages, keeping the wound shielded from the others in the room as it was a pretty nasty sight. However, it was healing.

“I dunno, my head hurts a lot,” she said. “Kinda like I got a real bad headache, and my leg hurts a bit, but,” she gestured to the cast and added, “I guess that figures.” As Eli didn’t say anything, but continued to examine her scalp, Kaylee reached up a hand, very slowly and gingerly, trying to feel for what was there. “What happened to my head?” she asked, her hand not reaching her skull in time as Simon leaned over and grabbed it in his own.

“Nothing, bao bei, just a bad cut is all,” he told her gently, resting her hand back at her side. Getting an odd look from Inara, Simon shot her a quick shake of his head. Deciding that it was Simon’s call as to how much Kaylee could hear about her condition, she let it go, taking Mal’s hand in her own.

“Well, I would say that everything is healing very well,” Eli finally announced, smiling widely at his patient. “That cast can come off your leg in about a week and I would say that we should be able to let you go home about another week after that.” Glancing back to Simon he said, “Especially because I know you’ll be in such capable hands.”

Simon returned the smile and looked to Kaylee who was also grinning. “Thanks, doc,” she said quietly, her energy fading. This was just about the longest she’d been awake yet.

Rising, Eli headed for the door and motioned for Mal and Inara to follow. “Let’s give them a minute, hmm?” he asked, guiding the other two friends out the door and shutting it behind them.

As soon as he could, Simon returned to Kaylee’s side and took her hand in his. She sighed a bit and blinked her eyes open to gaze at him, a small smile on her features. Offering her another piece of ice, Kaylee took it and let it melt on her tongue. As they continued to stare at one another, the pain Kaylee felt, coupled with her confusion and shame at having gotten into this mess in the first place overwhelmed her and she started to cry silent tears.

Edging closer to her, Simon caught one of her tears on the pad of his thumb and whispered, “Hey, it’s okay. You’re going to be all right, Kaylee. I promise.” Leaning forward he brushed his lips against hers, but instead of comforting her as he’d hoped, it seemed to have the opposite effect as she only cried harder. Swallowing hard, he leaned back to look at her and asked softly, “Kaylee, what is it?”

Having to swallow several times to get her voice back, she finally choked out, “I’m so sorry, Simon.” As he studied her face, his hand cradling her cheek, she continued, “I thought I was doin’ the right thing, I swear. I din’t mean to hurt ya, I din’t mean to make such a mess o’ things.” Taking a deep breath, she murmured, “It’s okay if’n you hate me. If you wanna go. I understand.”

Placing his other hand to her cheek so he was cradling her face he told her urgently, “Kaylee, I love you. And I plan on loving you for my whole life.” Searching her eyes for understanding, Simon watched as Kaylee tried to bring her emotions back under control. It was hard, considering all she’d been through and the drugs that were coursing through her system. “Do you hear me? Because I mean it, Kaylee. I love you.”

Nodding ever so slightly, Kaylee reached for his hand and he gave it to her. She sighed again, feeling at least peaceful enough to again fall asleep. Gazing to her side, she finally caught sight of the roses and murmured, “Pretty,” before drifting off.

Satisfied that she was asleep, Simon pressed a kiss to her forehead just as Inara re-entered the room. “Simon?”

“She thought I’d hate her,” he murmured, not taking his eyes from her face. “How could she think something like that?”

Inara watched Simon for a moment, and then moved up beside him. Placing a hand to his shoulder, she said softly, “The worst is over.”

Shaking his head, Simon said quietly, “No, it’s not.” He swallowed thickly, wondering how in the world he was ever going to break the news of the miscarriage to her. He knew it would kill her. “I don’t even know what I’ll say.”

“So, you’re going to tell her?” Inara’s question was spoken softly, but it made Simon freeze with tension.

“Eventually,” he answered. Finally turning to his friend, he added, “She’s been through so much, Inara. I need to let her heal.”

Inara nodded once, unable to disagree. “All right then. Mal and I are going to go back to our apartment. If you need anything, call us there.”

He nodded and she was gone. His eyes again on Kaylee, Simon wished he knew how to make all of her pain go away. But he knew it would only get worse once he told her she’d lost their baby.


Translation: Tian xiao de - In the name of all that's sacred


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 3:48 PM


Glad to see Kaylee's awake, but I'm not looking forward to the 'you lost the baby' conversation.
My heart is preparing to be broken.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:56 PM


I too really am not looking forward to the conversation between Simon and Kaylee about the miscarriage. Cuz you know Kaylee will go into a depressive funk and Simon will rail against that by saying it was the Serras fault for having an unsavory character follow her around. Happy times are far away...

Still...beautiful stuff here, TamSibling! Especially Inara having to threaten Simon to get more than a handful of hours of sleep;)


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:12 PM


Great story so far. By the way, you're one of my favorite writers in the Blue Sun Room. Can't wait to see more.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:01 AM


Hooray, Kaylee woke up! This was so shiny and Simon and Kaylee were so perfect together. I really like Eli and am glad Mal is back with Inara too. Poor Kaylee, she is going to be heartbroken and filled with guilt again when she finds out about the baby. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 4:12 AM


I wanna know what's Mal going to do to the Serra's. Personally I go for Jayne holding them down while Simon and MAl kick the go se out of them.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 8:55 AM


I really liked that Inara had to threaten Simon to sleep, with Mal's assurances that it was no joking matter.

Though I don't think it will quite happen this way, I second what laoshi said.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 5:00 PM


I really like Eli. He better not turn out to be some evil plot device in disguise. . .

At least Kaylee is doing better. And I can't wait to see when he tells her about the baby she lost. So much guilt!

And someone just needs to slap Lili Serra real hard.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 8:39 PM


Jeez, way to take us on one hell of a rollercoaster ride in this chapter alone!

Kaylee is comatose, and everything is doom and gloom, with the angsty goodness at full bore.

Kaylee wakes up, and I'm pretty sure that everyone following this series would have felt a MASSIVE weight lifted off their little Kaylee loving hearts. And for a time, everyone is gonna be okay.

Than you go and bring up this miscarriage...sheesh TamSibling, you've turned the ability to write fine angst into an artform.


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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.