Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sequel to A NEW REASON - Set 12 years after the "NEW" series of stories. Children grow up, but unfortunately their parents don't always follow suit. S/K, M/I, R/J, Daniel, Mimi


A/N: This is the last stories in the "NEW" series, following 12 years after A NEW REASON.

I wrote this for two main reasons: 1) Overprotective Mal/Father is fun to write. 2) I had a massive crush on my childhood best friend and always thought we'd be perfect for each other. (Alas, we're not, but it's still the fantasy!)

Please let me know what you think!

Also, my beta Leiasky has been swamped lately, so I took a look at this one myself. Any mistakes are mine!




With downcast eyes and a contrite expression, Mimi watched her father pace an anxious path across the room. He had been like this, pacing and glaring at her, for a good ten minutes. Occasionally, he would stop and open his mouth as if to say something and then just as quickly shut it again and continue to pace. Her mother had tried to get him to calm down, but when her concerned statement only garnered a fiercer scowl even she remained silent.

Finally pausing, Malcolm Reynolds, captain of Serenity and father to two teenage daughters, rose to his full height and began to speak.

"I don't even know where to begin" he said evenly, struggling to keep his anger in check. "Not only did I catch you kissin' a boy in them woods, but he's older than you."

As Mimi opened her mouth to protest, her mother's light hand to her arm made her pause. Meeting her mom's warm gaze, Mimi caught the silent warning and remained quiet.

"And," Mal went on, his argument gaining momentum as he was allowed to talk uninterrupted. "Not only were you kissin' a boy, an older boy, you was kissin' Daniel. A boy I near helped raise."

"Daddy," Mimi whined, her big brown eyes gazing up at him. "If you would just-"

"Oh no," Mal said, taking a step away from her and clapping his hands over his ears. "I don't wanna hear none o' your feminine logic."

Frowning at him, Mimi turned her imploring gaze to her mother, tears pooling in her eyes at the unfairness of it all.

Squeezing her daughter's hand reassuringly, Inara addressed her husband, "Mal, maybe we-"

"I don't wanna hear nothin' from you," he warned, his tone light but his expression serious. Slightly shocked, Inara blinked at him quizzically as he explained, "I blame you for this."

Rolling her eyes and crossing her arms defiantly over her chest, Inara said dryly, "Well, you usually do. Although I'm dying to hear how our daughter kissing a boy is my fault."

Taking the challenge, Mal stepped forward, pointing a finger in Mimi's direction while holding his wife's threatening gaze. "You taught her wiles," he said, lowering his voice.

With a belabored sigh, Inara looked to her daughter patiently and patted her knee. "Sweetie, why don't you go to your room for a bit? Your father and I need to talk."

With a heavy sigh of her own, Mimi rose slowly, pressing a kiss to her mother's cheek. "Everything will be all right, baby," Inara assured her, squeezing her daughter's hand gently.

Mimi offered her a sad smile and then turned to head for the stairs. Passing her father with a forlorn gaze, she paused on the first step and turned her big, brown eyes to him. "I am sorry, Daddy," she said, her tone full of sincerity and innocence.

Refusing to let his daughter again turn him into putty, Mal simply nodded once, his lips still pressed into a hard, thin line as Mimi ascended the stairs. Waiting until he heard a door open and close, Mal released a big breath before falling wearily onto the nearby sofa.

Rubbing a hand over his tired eyes and suddenly aching head, Mal murmured, "I'm too old for this."

Stifling a light chuckle, Inara rose and headed across the room to him. Sitting beside him, she ran a light hand through his graying brown hair and said, "She's just growing up, Mal."

Turning an incredulous gaze to her, Mal breathed, "Growin' up? 'Nara, she was kissin' a boy."

Frowning, his wife countered, "She was kissing Daniel." When Mal's furrowed brow did not clear up at this clarification, she explained, "I think that all things considered, we're fairly lucky."

Sitting up sharply, Mal rested his elbows on his knees and studied Inara as if she had grown three heads. "Lucky? How is my baby girl, my sweet, innocent daughter kissin' an older boy lucky?"

"Mal." Inara had always suspected that when the time came her husband would be the typical overprotective father. Glancing to his thigh, she was glad that he had elected not to carry his revolver on this trip to Simon and Kaylee's, although she doubted the sight of the gun would have bothered Daniel. The boy had, after all, grown up with Mal and knew, as they all did, that his gruff exterior simply masked a very soft and loving heart.

"Daniel is Simon's son," she continued, her hand resting lightly over his. "Simon - the doctor. The man who, when he came on board our ship could barely say a complete sentence to Kaylee without insulting her."

"An' look at 'em now," Mal said with a tone of mild disgust. "They're married and ruttin' like bunnies."

"Five children is hardly a rabbit's pace," Inara told him, watching as he rose and paced the room. "They're our best friends, our family. I think it's kind of sweet."

"Women," Mal muttered, knowing the instant the word was out he was in for a world of hurt.

Rising, Inara blocked his path, arms over her chest and a small spark burning in her gaze. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You think this is cute?" Mal's tone was again harsh as his mind whirled with all the depraved thoughts he'd had at Daniel's age, especially when kissing a pretty girl. "She's only fifteen."

Challenging him, Inara asked, "And how old were you, Mal? When you started kissing?"

"Too young to know any better," he retorted quickly. "An' Mimi definitely shouldn't be kissin' an older boy. I know how they think," he confided, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

Her look adopting a bit of bemusement, Inara tipped her head towards his and matched his tone. "Oh really? And how exactly do they think?"

"Only 'bout one thing," Mal said firmly. "An' it ain't kissin'."

Knowing she would never convince him otherwise, Inara let the statement go and watched as Mal continued to pace. She almost felt sorry for him - as a father, Mal would just never be ready to let his daughters grow up; he just couldn't accept the fact that the day might come when Mimi and Sophie would no longer need him.

"Mal, stop." Again standing before him, Inara held his face in her hands and smiled warmly at her husband's scowl. "There is a chance we could be overreacting. Maybe the two of them were just experimenting."

"An' that's 'sposed to make me feel better?" Mal asked sullenly.

Smiling, Inara told him, "Well, I was hoping it would." With a quick peck to his cheek, Inara stepped back and said, "There’s only one way to find out."

Watching as his wife headed for the stairs, he asked, "What're ya gonna do?"

"I'm going to talk to our daughter, Mal."

As Inara ascended the stairs, he began to think that maybe 'talkin' wasn't such a bad idea. Turning on his heel, he headed for the back door, Inara calling after him. "Where are you going?"

"To talk to the doc."

Biting back a curse, Inara sighed and prayed that her husband would remember they were all friends.



Simon felt a little lightheaded. Gripping the counter behind him, he leaned heavily against it and turned disbelieving blue eyes to his wife. “What happened?”

With a small sigh, Kaylee stepped forward, placing her hands on Simon’s shoulders and holding his bewildered gaze. “Mimi an’ Danny were kissin’ an’ Mal caught them.”

Dropping his chin to his chest, Simon murmured, “That’s what I thought you said.” Taking a deep calming breath, he asked, “Is Mal mad?”

Shrugging lightly, Kaylee threaded her arms around him and hugged him. “I ‘spose, although I don’t know why. It ain’t like Danny’s a bad kid or nothin’.” With a small sigh, she tilted her head up to meet his gaze and added, “An’ Meems is an angel.”

Smiling at her, Simon pressed a kiss to her cheek and rubbed his hands lightly against her back. “I agree with both of your assessments, bao bei,” he told her. “But I don’t know if Mal’s going to see it that way.”

“They’re jus’ kids. Kissin’ ain’t no crime,” Kaylee reminded him, already seeing the worry lines that had creased his face. “Don’ you remember sneakin’ ‘round stealin’ kisses from your sweetie?”

Frowning, Simon asked her dryly, “You do remember who you’re talking to, right?”

Giggling, which was the sweetest sound to Simon’s ears even after sixteen years of marriage, Kaylee kissed him lightly and said, “O’ course, I’m talkin’ to my very swai husband who is a darn good kisser.”

Chuckling, Simon smiled wider as her sparkling eyes settled on him. Cradling her face in his hands he said quietly, “We’re going to have to talk to Daniel about this.” Kaylee nodded once and Simon asked, “Do you know where he is?”

“Well, he got kinda spooked, what with Mal yellin’ an’ his face turnin’ red,” she admitted, her heart going out to her baby boy. He was a good kid, a loving boy and Kaylee suspected that if he had been kissing Mimi it wasn’t for any other reason than because he had feelings for her. “But he knows what’s right an’ he’ll come back, talk it out like a man.”

“Is Mimi all right?”

“Oh, she’s jus’ fine, doc.” Mal strode into the clinic, his arms crossed over his chest as he regarded his friends. “Except for bein’ takin’ advantage of by an older man.”

Frowning mightily at her captain, Kaylee pulled away from Simon and stepped in front of Mal. “Now there ain’t no call for that kinda talk, cap’n. They’re jus’ kids, the both of ‘em.”

With a sigh, and a small smile, Mal admitted, “I know that, but still …” Throwing a look of pure worry in Simon’s direction, he added, “This has rattled me some.”

“Us too,” Simon confided. He loved his son, more than anything, he loved all of his children more than his own life, and Simon would do anything for them. But he had always secretly dreaded this day. While Kaylee had squealed with delight every time their children even mentioned having a boyfriend or girlfriend, Simon’s stomach had always churned uncomfortably. He had never been the best when it came to relationships – his courtship with Kaylee proved that. But what Simon feared more was having to advise his sons on love, relationships, all of it. Simon worried that his own ineptitude would lead him to give some very poor advice that his children might one day resent him for.

“Aw, now I think the both o’ you are actin’ like lil’ boys yourselves.” Kaylee’s gaze shot between them both and the men dutifully studied their feet under her scrutiny. “We done raised a good son an’ you done raised a good daughter,” Kaylee reminded them. “What’s wrong with the two o’ them bein’ sweet on each other?”

“There’s nothin’ wrong with it, lil’ Kaylee,” Mal tried to explain, wishing he understood his own trepidation. “It’s just-“

“It’s a bit of a surprise,” Simon finished for him. Meeting Mal’s gaze, he added, “And the fact that they were sneaking around makes it a little bit harder to deal with.”

Rolling her eyes, Kaylee told them, “Well o’ course they was sneakin’ around. Look at the two o’ you?” As Mal and Simon’s cheeks flushed shades of red, Kaylee added, “Trompin’ ‘round like barbarians protectin’ yer property.”

In a feeble attempt to defend himself, Mal told them, “Look, all I know is I done go for a walk an’ find your son kissin’ my baby girl.” Fixing Simon with a hard glare, he added quietly, “An’ I couldn’t see both his hands.”

Even Kaylee blushed at this admission, but it was Simon who spoke. “Mal, Kaylee has a point. Our reaction is probably a major reason why they were hiding in the first place.”

“That doesn’t make it right.” All three sets of eyes flew to the door, alighting on Daniel’s tall form as he surveyed the scene. Casting a sheepish gaze to his uncle, he thrust his hands in his pockets and bowed his head. “I’m sorry, uncle Mal.”

His anger waning the minute he saw the boy’s look of pure contrition, Mal stepped towards him and clapped a hand to his shoulder. “Danny, I ‘preciate that, but more than an apology, I’d like to know just how long you been kissin’ my baby girl.”

His eyes widening in terror at the thought of having to explain the details of his relationship with Mimi to her father, Daniel threw an imploring gaze to his parents. Noting the expression, Kaylee turned to smile at Simon and then moved up to the captain’s side, putting her arm through his.

“C’mon, cap,” she said easily, gently guiding him from the room. “Let’s go have a drink, enjoy the afternoon.”

Frowning Mal looked from Daniel to Simon and back to Kaylee. “Are you handlin’ me lil’ Kaylee?”

With one of her brightest grins, Kaylee told him coyly, “Maybe.” And in seconds they were out the door, shutting it behind them.

Daniel looked to his father, clearing his throat uncomfortably. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he finally said, “I’m really sorry, dad.”

Moving towards him, Simon rested his hands on his shoulders, having to reach up slightly to do so and told him, “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Daniel. I just want to understand what’s going on.”

“Trust me, if I knew, I’d tell you.” Snorting lightly, Daniel slouched across the room, dropping down onto the couch, Simon following to sit beside him. Letting out a heavy sigh, his son finally turned his bright blue eyes back to his dad’s and said, “I didn’t mean to drag you into this.”

Waving it away, Simon told him, “You didn’t drag me into anything, Daniel, truly. I’m your father. Mal is just being Mal and Mimi’s father,” Simon explained. “Honestly, I think the only thing we want to know is how serious all of this is.”

His cheeks blushing red, Daniel again averted his father’s gaze and Simon felt his heart thud sharply against his rib cage. “Is it serious?” he asked as the silence stretched between them.

Shrugging lightly, his son said quietly, “I think so … I mean, it could be …” With a frustrated sigh, he added, “I have no idea.”

Noting the sound of exasperation in his tone and readily identifying with it, Simon told him, “It’s okay not to know, Danny.”

“But I don’t want to lose her,” his son countered, turning wide blue eyes to his father. Conflict swirling there, Daniel said, “Dad, Mimi is younger than me.”

“That hadn’t escaped me, son,” Simon confided, getting a small smile in return. “But what does that have to do with anything? Your mom’s younger than me.”

Nodding, Daniel tried to voice his fears. “I know, but when you and mom met you’d already dated other people, been in love before.” Sighing quietly, he said softly, “Mimi and I, this is the first relationship for both of us.”

Thinking he might understand, Simon said, “And you want it to last.”

Smirking wryly, Daniel looked to him and muttered, “That’s crazy, isn’t it?”

With a small sigh, Simon tried to think of the most appropriate response. He tried to laugh at the irony of him advising his son on affairs of the heart, something he was woefully terrible at until he’d met Kaylee and she had refused to walk away from him. God, he was lucky.

“It’s not crazy, Danny,” Simon confided, moving to sit on the table in front of his son. “Not if you really care about Mimi.”

Swallowing hard past the lump in his throat, Daniel admitted, “I do, dad. Really. She’s just …” Unable to finish the thought, Daniel’s gaze grew unfocused and Simon smiled lightly at the memory of daydreaming. He’d often gotten lost in thoughts of Kaylee when he’d been in the midst of something else; still did.

“How long has this been going on?” Simon’s question snapped his son out of his reverie and caused his cheeks to redden again.

“About six months, I guess,” Daniel told him. “When they came for Christmas, that’s the first time we kissed. Then, when we went to Harvest for Maddy’s birthday and then today.”

Doing his best to keep things in perspective, Simon said gently, “Well, Daniel that’s certainly a decent amount of time, but three kisses doesn’t seem like enough to build a relationship on.”

“We’ve been talking,” Daniel told him. “In between visits. Almost everyday.”

“What?” Simon’s brow furrowed as he tried to recall when he’d seen his son on the cortex in the past six months. “I haven’t-“

“Rylee’s been helping me,” the young man said, his eyes sparkling with the conspiracy. “Of course, for a price,” he added ruefully.

Realization dawning, Simon said quietly, “That’s why you’ve been doing all her chores.”

With a knowing grin, Daniel said, “Yeah. She drives a hard bargain.”

Chuckling at the truth to that statement, Simon watched as Daniel’s eyes flashed with mirth and then just as quickly sparkled with worry. He wanted to go find Mimi, apologize for their spectacularly bad luck, make sure that she still wanted to see him as more than a friend. But he knew that his place right now was with his dad, talking it out, just as Mimi was more than likely discussing things with her mother.

“Daniel?” His dad’s quiet voice drew him back from his thoughts and he turned wide eyes to him as he asked, “Are you in love with Mimi?”

Letting out a big sigh, Danny rose and paced away from his father, fiddling with a few instruments lying on a tray by the exam table. “Yes,” he finally admitted softly. Then with another sigh and a bit of an edge to his voice, he turned to his dad and said, “I think so. I want to be.” At a loss, he finally begged, “How do you know?”

Smiling, Simon rose and faced him. “I think you might be forgetting who you’re talking to.” Daniel returned the grin, having heard more than one story revolving around his father’s tongue-tied ways when it came to girls. “Being in love, it’s not a science, Daniel.” Simon studied his son for his reaction, noting how he was hanging on his every word. “If it were I would have mastered it by the time I was your age.”

Pausing, Simon tried to think of a way to explain it. A wider smile spreading across his face, he began. “When I first met your mom, I knew I was in trouble. She’d never believe that of course. She was convinced that I ignored her for eight months, but that wasn’t true.” Simon chuckled at the memory. Rolling his eyes he confided, “The fact was I couldn’t stop thinking about her all those months. She was this bright ray of sunshine in a very dark time for me and your aunt and I was in love with her almost from the start.”

Daniel leaned against the counter, watching and listening to his father intently and Simon continued the story. “It took me a while to realize that though. At first I thought I was smitten with her because she was beautiful. And then I thought it might be because I was lonely. But what I slowly realized, painfully slowly according to your mom, is that I loved her for her beauty and her companionship and for everything else in between.” Pulling his eyes back from the memory, Simon placed a hand to his son’s shoulder and said, “And when I finally allowed myself to love your mother, I became the happiest man alive.”

Digesting all he’d just been told, Daniel thought back to the first moment he realized he had feelings for Mimi beyond friendship. She’d come to visit, like the Reynolds family always did – at least four times a year – and Daniel had suddenly seen her for who she was: This beautiful young girl with an easy laugh, a giant heart and a hint of mischief. She was sweet and caring and she wanted Daniel to do and be whoever he wanted. And she made him want to give her the world.

“I think I love her, dad,” he admitted quietly, looking back to his father for a reaction. “But I’m not so sure she’s in love with me.”

“Well,” Simon told him honestly, “Maybe you should find out.”

“But what if she isn’t?” Daniel’s voice shook a bit with fear and he tried to swallow it down.

“If she isn’t then at least you’ll know.” Allowing a grin to cross his face, Simon leaned towards him and added, “But if she is …”

“Then I’m the luckiest guy alive,” Daniel added, his own face breaking into a grin.

“That’s the conventional wisdom, yes.” Simon watched as Daniel’s eyes lit with excitement, recognizing the look. As he straightened heading towards the door, Simon placed a light hand to his son’s arm. “But maybe give it a few hours, okay?” As Daniel’s face fell, Simon added, “Let’s try to give your uncle Mal a bit longer to get used to the idea.”

Nodding, Daniel looked to his father and then hugged him. It wasn’t completely unexpected, Simon and his children had always been close, but at this moment, after having such a grown-up conversation with him, Simon was actually grateful that his eldest son still wanted a hug from his dad.

“Thanks, dad,” he murmured as he pulled away.

“You’re welcome, Danny,” Simon told him sincerely, patting him on the shoulder. “I love you, you know?”

Smiling wide, a look that could easily rival his mother’s, Danny said, “Yeah, I know. And I promise, no more sneaking around.”

“That’s good.” Sobering, Simon told him honestly, “You can tell your mom and I anything, Daniel.”

His eyes twinkling, Daniel assured him, “I know, dad. It was just …” With a sigh, he said, “I made a bad choice.”

“You’re entitled,” Simon told him. “And you’ll make more, believe me.”

Daniel nodded once and headed for the door. As soon as he was out of sight, Simon sank onto a stool and let out a belabored sigh. Realizing that he would have to have similar conversations with his other four children sooner rather than later, Simon let out a soft groan and wondered how he might be able to convince Kaylee to do the honors.


“Danny an’ Mimi sittin’ in a tree …”

Glaring at her younger sister as she bobbed up and down in the doorway, Mimi muttered a curse under her breath as Sophie continued her taunting. “K-i-s-s-i-n-g.”

Reaching for a pillow, the older sister hurled it at the doorway, causing Sophie to squeal and jump out of the way just as their mother came into view. Picking up the pillow, Inara looked to Mimi’s annoyed face and then to Sophie’s beaming one and addressed her young daughter. “Sophie, sweetie, why don’t you go see if aunt Kaylee needs help with supper?”

Frowning, Sophie sighed heavily and murmured, “All right,” before turning away and heading for the stairs. As she once again passed in front of Mimi’s door, her blonde head of hair poked around the door jamb, her bright blue eyes shining as she stuck out her tongue and sing-songed, “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.”

“Sophia Jane,” Inara intoned harshly, causing the girl to sprint out of sight. Watching to make sure she was gone, Inara fluffed the pillow in her hands as she entered Mimi’s room, shutting the door behind her. Turning to regard her eldest daughter with her dark chocolate eyes and matching curls, Inara held up the discarded pillow and asked, “Lose something?”

“She can be so annoying,” Mimi grumbled, her eyes dropping to the bedspread as her fingers worked at a loose thread, picking and pulling at the string intently.

“She’s a little sister, Meems,” her mother said, moving towards the bed and sitting before her. “That’s her job.”

“Well she doesn’t have to be so good at it.” With a heavy sigh, Mimi again refused to meet her mother’s gaze. Inara watched her young daughter closely, reading all she could from her body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Remnants of her companion training that had come in quite handy as a parent, Inara had to admit. Smoothing a gentle hand through Mimi’s curls, the young girl finally looked to her mother and asked sullenly, “Are you going to yell at me too?”

Smiling, Inara scooted towards her and said, “No. I think your father’s yelling is quite enough for one day.” As Mimi breathed an audible sigh of relief, Inara told her, “But I would like to know what’s going on between you and Daniel.”

Shrugging, Mimi murmured, “Nothing.”

Frowning, Inara cupped her daughter’s chin in her hand forcing their brown eyes to meet. “Mimi Ann, don’t lie to me.” Reading the worry that swirled in her baby’s eyes, Inara softened her voice and asked, “Why did you hide it?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” she asked. “Because Daniel and I both knew how dad would react. And uncle Simon. We didn’t want to say anything until we knew for sure there was something to tell.”

Inhaling sharply, Inara’s heart beat a bit faster as she asked, “Is there? Something to tell?”

“I suppose,” Mimi said softly, her eyes again drifting away. With a small sigh, she finally admitted, “It’s not nothing, mom. It’s definitely something.”

“Love?” Inara breathed the word, causing Mimi’s eyes to snap back to her face.

“I’m only fifteen,” her daughter said as way of explanation. “Aren’t I not even supposed to know what love is yet?” As Inara puzzled over this statement, Mimi added, “That’s what dad always used to tell me.” Affecting her best Mal tone, the young girl said, “Baby girl, love is a crazy business an’ most folks never make heads nor tails of it. ‘Specially young folk.”

Rolling her eyes in annoyance at her idiot of a husband, Inara took both of Mimi’s hands in hers and said urgently, “Mimi, I love your father, very much, but in this case, he’s wrong. He was speaking from a place of fear.”

Frowning at her, Mimi piped up. “Daddy doesn’t get afraid.”

“I beg to differ,” Inara countered, wrapping some of Mimi’s hair back behind her ear. “What do you think all that yelling was about?”

“He was mad,” the girl answered, not making the connection. “He was mad that I was kissing Danny.”

“No, baby,” Inara told her softly, her hand resting against her face. “He was afraid for you and for him. And when your daddy gets afraid, he gets mad. It’s just how he is.”

Mimi tried to make sense of this new information. Her father was by far the bravest, most courageous man she’d ever known. He never faltered in the face of danger and he never once had backed down from a challenge. Of course, there were a couple of challenges he probably should have backed down from, but still … Her mother’s assertion just didn’t make sense.

“But it’s Daniel,” Mimi tried to explain. “And we were just kissing, it’s not like we’ve done anything else.”

Secretly relieved, but trying to hide it, Inara told her, “I know, but who you were kissing doesn’t really make a bit of difference to your dad. It’s just the fact that you were.”

“It’s not a crime,” Mimi murmured, her cheeks blushing as she remembered the fun and thrill of sneaking off with Daniel, her smaller hand wrapped in his as they’d made their way across the backyard and towards the woods. “And I am fifteen.”

“I know that sweetie, I do, and personally, I think it’s great that you and Daniel are exploring a relationship.” Inara watched as a bit of her daughter’s tension eased at this statement. “But you have to understand, your father remembers what it was like to be a teenage boy and the fact that you were sneaking around with one scares him to death.”

“Daniel would never do anything to hurt me, mom.” Her daughter’s brown eyes searched Inara’s for understanding. Grasping her hands, she said softly, “He really cares about me.”

Smiling warmly to her, Inara rested a hand to her daughter’s cheek and said, “I know that sweetheart and I believe you. But you’re both very young. And the newness of this is probably very exciting.”

As Mimi’s rounded cheeks blushed red, Inara knew she had struck a nerve. “And that’s part of the fun,” she continued, her daughter’s big brown eyes coming back to rest on her face. “But Mimi, you have to be careful.”

Rolling her eyes, the fifteen-year-old said quickly, “We’re not having sex.”

Thank God Mal wasn’t here for that, Inara thought. With a patient nod, she said, “Yes, Mimi, I understand that. But I’m not talking about that kind of careful. I’m talking about being careful with your emotions and with Daniel’s.”

As her daughter’s wide brown eyes searched her face, Inara saw a brief flicker of doubt and disappointment. Pulling away, Mimi fell back onto her bed, rolling onto her side and away from her mother. With a heavy sigh, she said, “I knew it. I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”

Sighing quietly, Inara’s hand ran gently through Mimi’s dark curls as she asked, “Believe what, Meems?”

Blinking back a few tears, Mimi thought about her afternoon with Daniel. She thought about their first kiss months ago, in the middle of a light snowfall; she thought about all their talks since then and the way her stomach fluttered every time she answered one of his waves. She thought of his brilliant blue eyes and his dark hair and how pale his skin was next to hers. Closing her eyes for a moment, Mimi conjured an image of Daniel, smiling at her, his hand against her face as he leaned in to kiss her. Not bothering to look back to her mom, she said softly, “I love him.”

Inhaling sharply, Inara wasn’t sure anything could have prepared her for those words to come out of her daughter’s mouth; especially not at fifteen. Of course Inara also realized she was probably a bit biased – she had been unable to admit her true feelings for any man, including her husband, until she’d been at least ten years older than Mimi. Continuing to finger her daughter’s curls, Inara asked gently, “Do you? Do you really?”

Rolling over onto her back, Mimi again looked to her mom and blinked back a few more tears. Seeing the look of pure apprehension and anticipation on her features, Inara scooted towards her and placed a hand to her cheek. With a small smile, Mimi answered her. “I’m pretty sure. It’s kind of hard to know, but I care about him, a lot. And I’m attracted to him.” Sitting up abruptly, she grabbed Inara’s hands and said excitedly, “Mom, he’s so smart. He’s as smart as uncle Simon. And he wants to be a doctor. Can you imagine?” As her daughter’s infatuation carried her away, Inara simply listened. A dreamy look passing across her face, Mimi continued. “But he laughs like Aunt Kaylee and when he smiles, it lights up the whole room. And he cares about things. Like if Maddy’s going to grow up and remember Jayne or if Emma and Ethan are going to be okay. If LeeAnna will ever learn her times tables. If Rylee will ever understand how special she is …” Sighing, this time with content, Mimi sat back against her headboard, pulling her knees into her chest. Shrugging lightly, and pulling her gaze from that faraway place where her love for Daniel resided, Mimi looked to her mother and said, “And I love him.”

Smiling widely at her baby girl who had suddenly matured before her eyes, Inara asked, “Have you told him that?”

Blushing again, Mimi answered sheepishly, “No. I’ve thought about it. But it just never seems like the right time.” Worry coloring her features, she added softly, “Plus, what if he doesn’t feel the same?”

Shaking her head, Inara said quickly, “I’ve known Daniel his whole life and if there is one thing that boy is, it’s sincere.” Holding her daughter’s gaze, Inara said truthfully, “I don’t think Daniel would be kissing you if he didn’t really care.”

Letting out an audible sigh of relief, Mimi lunged forward wrapping her mother in a huge hug. “Isn’t it shiny, mom?” she breathed. “Me and Daniel. It’s perfect.”

Praying that it truly was, Inara patted her back gently and said, “Yes, baby, it really is.”


“I told you they’d find out.”

Daniel looked up frowning as his sister hovered in the doorway. Setting his book aside, he waved her into his room and she came, flouncing onto the end of his bed and curling her legs up underneath her. Crossing his arms over his chest, he countered, “I never said they wouldn’t.”

Cocking her head to the side, Rylee tried to read her brother, not able to get much off of him. Of course, she had her aunt River to thank for that; by the time Rylee was nine and Daniel was ten the amount of trouble she could get her older brother into because of her “abilities” was skyrocketing. In an effort to keep the peace, Simon had asked River to help Daniel figure out a way to keep his baby sister from prying. Much to Rylee’s chagrin, it had worked.

Shrugging lightly, she asked, “Now what’re you gonna do?”

With a small sigh, Daniel tilted his head back, leaning it against his head board. He knew what he wanted to do; he wanted to go find Mimi and tell her how he felt. He wanted to promise her that he would never let her go; he wanted to make amends with Uncle Mal and Aunt Inara. But it appeared that his cowardice was keeping him from doing any of those things.

“I’m not sure, mei mei,” he admitted softly, releasing another sigh. “I’m just not sure.”

Watching him for a minute more, Rylee rolled her eyes and then moved to go. Pausing in the doorway, she turned back to him and muttered, “Boob.”

Before Daniel could even form a retort, she was gone and he secretly wondered if she was right.


Dinner at the Tams that evening was – uncomfortable – to say the least. Mal’s anger had cooled from the afternoon, but he still shot Daniel hard stares every time his hand so much as brushed over Mimi’s, the two lovebirds sitting beside one another.

On the opposite end of the spectrum was Kaylee, who was constantly stealing glances of her son and his girlfriend, giggling incessantly and squeezing Simon’s hand. Only after the third request from her husband to try and not embarrass the couple did Kaylee finally manage to temper her glee.

Rylee spent most of the night regaling them all with stories of derring-do, some true, most not and eventually everyone was laughing, their bellies full of real food and good company. Ethan and Emma took it upon themselves to entertain everyone after supper with one of the many plays they were constantly performing, their little sister Leeanna acting as gopher. After raucous laughter and rounds of applause, the twins took Leeanna to bed, Rylee and Sophie, their heads bent close in conspiracy, following them soon after.

Daniel’s eyes had not strayed from Mimi for most of the night and now as the room cleared, Kaylee and Inara moving to the kitchen to finish cleaning up, he took a chance. Reaching across the small space between them, Daniel curled his hand around hers and smiled wide as she glanced to his face, her own smile gracing her features.

With shining eyes, Daniel looked to first his father and then Mal, as he slowly rose, pulling Mimi up beside him and wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her close. As Mal’s eyes narrowed at this new development, Daniel asked in an even tone, “Uncle Mal, I’d like to take Mimi for a walk. If that’s all right with you.”

“Huh.” Mal’s normal, noncommittal response was so fitting that Simon had to suppress a chuckle. Gauging his friend’s reaction, Simon breathed a small sigh of relief as Mal waved the two of them away. “All right, all right. ‘Long as I don’t gotta watch ya makin’ goo goo eyes at each other.” Both children smiling brightly, they moved for the door at a quick pace, hoping to escape before he changed his mind.

“Hey.” Freezing, Daniel shot Mimi a worried look as they turned back at Mal’s call. Wagging a finger at the boy, he said sternly, “You two don’t stay out for more than an hour, dong ma? An’ don’t go too far.”

Nodding once, Daniel released a breath as Mimi rushed towards her father, planting a big kiss on his cheek. “Thank you daddy,” she breathed into his ear before racing back to Daniel’s side and taking his hand eagerly.

Watching his baby girl disappear out the door, a fine young man at her side, Mal suddenly felt very old. Turning to Simon, he fixed the doctor with a wry gaze and asked, “Is this as weird for you as it is for me?”

Chuckling lightly, Simon rose and clapped a hand to his friend’s shoulder. “Oh trust me,” he admitted. Glancing towards his staircase, he turned back to Mal and warned, “Just be thankful you’ll only have to go through it one more time.” Holding up his hand, Simon said, “I’ve still got four more to go.”

Returning the man’s warm grin, Mal rose and told him, “That is true, doc.” Looking to him with a gaze of pure pity, he added, “If I were you, I’d start lookin’ at convents an’ monasteries.”

Laughing heartily this time, the jovial sound drew both Inara and Kaylee from the kitchen, as Simon wiped tears of joy from his eyes. Wrapping an arm around Kaylee’s shoulders, Simon said, “Oh, I don’t think we’ll have to do anything that drastic.” Glancing to his wife, Simon smiled, one of his most winning grins, and said, “I’m just going to convince Kaylee to handle the others.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Kaylee told him playfully, swatting at his arm. And with that, the four adults shared another laugh, wondering why everything had looked so dire only ten short hours ago.



Sunday, October 29, 2006 8:17 PM


Lovely story. Much lighter than the M/I am used to. I loved it when Mal said it was all Inara's fault because she had taught their daughter 'wiles'. I bet the boy has been enjoying 'Nara's 'wiles' a good deal over the last 15 years.

Sunday, October 29, 2006 8:17 PM


Lovely. I love how you have taken the characters, and kept their 'voices' as we know them, but effectively added the changes that the years would make. Very nice.

On a grammatical note, since you didnt have a beta, the passage...

Not bothering to look back to her mom, she said softly, “I love him.”.......

.... Continuing to finger her daughter’s curls, Inara asked gently, “Are you? Are you really?”

shouldnt that say either "I am in love with him"....“Are you? Are you really?”
OR “I love him.”..."Do you? Do you really?"

Just a thought....

Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:42 PM


This was sooo precious.....I hope you are thinking about a sequel because I would love to read one! I loved mal's line about Inara teaching his daughter feminine wiles and Simon's talk with hos son was sweet and perfectly Simon! Lovely story!

Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:03 PM


That was brilliant , you captured the reactions of Simon, Inara, Mal and Kaylee perfectly.

Shame this is the last one, looking forward to a new series from you soon

Thanks for sharing

Monday, October 30, 2006 1:14 AM


So totally awesome.
I loved the reactions, they were so right for the characters.

Monday, October 30, 2006 1:43 AM


I loved this, I could so see it happening just like that. I particularly, funnily enough, loved the little bit between Mal and Simon at the end. Those two have gone a long way in their friendship and mutual respect since they first locked suspicious eyes on each other on Serenity's ramp. Shiny, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, October 30, 2006 5:45 AM


Ugh. Busy is an understatement! I'm glad you got around to posting this. It was an excellent end to a great series.

My favorite had to be the 'wiles' portion as well as Mal and Simon's conversation.

It's good to see that there is a happily ever after for the crew we know and love - even if Mal and Simon don't think so right at this moment. Heh!

Monday, October 30, 2006 5:55 AM


“I think you might be forgetting who you’re talking to.”
~ Saying this to both Kaylee and Daniel was so very funny

Remnants of her companion training that had come in quite handy as a parent
~ I can see her training in reading people coming very much in handy with teenage children

Of course, there were a couple of challenges he probably should have backed down from, but still
~ Good description of Mal, especially from his own daughter

“We’re not having sex.”
Thank God Mal wasn’t here for that, Inara thought.
~ Just thinking about his precious little girl doing that would definitely put him in more or less a killing mood

Very good Mal-as-overprotective-father story, I liked it.

Monday, October 30, 2006 12:03 PM


I'd love to see more of this, especially from Rylee's viewpoint. I'd like to see if she's as posessive of Daniel as River was of Simon.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10:16 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER this is as a bad case of inbreeding as I have ever seen...though it's mucho shiny, TamSibling!

I so can picture Mal just going up and harkening back to his earlier days (BDS era) of getting completely wound up when something's gone wonky and he's on edge:D

Kinda disappointed though that River and her daughters couldn't join in on the fun for this. Would have made for some interesting commentary to have three Readers (cuz I am gonna assume that Maddy will be like her mom and big sister with the freaky mind powers and all;D) laying out some frank wisdom to Mal, Daniel and Mimi;)


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:49 AM


"Boob"........ LOL!!!!!!!! I loved that!!! It was so much like River and Simon.

“Just be thankful you’ll only have to go through it one more time.” Holding up his hand, Simon said, “I’ve still got four more to go.”

That was bloody brilliant!!!


I very much loved this story and I'm sad to see it go. But alas, we must move on right?

Thanks again for the ride. It's been great! :)

Monday, November 20, 2006 7:59 AM


I enjoyed the story. Non-stop anst, but I loves me some angst....

The only thing that did spoil it a bit for me was the amount of crying going on. I know most characters were having a bad time but I thought the crying was overdone. It seemed that Kaylee was crying in just about every scene she was in, which kinda made her annoying after a while. I tend to start reading a story only when it has been completed. Reading it all within a couple of days maybe made the issue stand out more for me.

Having said that, the fact I read all 99 parts in the space of a couple of days suggests that I must have been enjoying it! Thanks for your hard work, and for sharing it!


Sunday, January 7, 2007 4:32 PM


I have spent the last week reading your 3 series,While I was a little upset with you for killing Jayne by getting sick.I have to tell you that you are a very talented writer.TamSibling you have kept the verse alive for me a little bit longer.Please do a little bit more from this series.
Thanks again


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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.