Mark The Day
Monday, September 18, 2006

Short and completely unnutritional Wash/Zoe fluff, set pre-series.


Zoe/Wash. Fluffy. Not particular deep. Those two are hard for me, and I went for cutesy instead. *g* Free for all the ages in the 'verse. Set pre-series.

-------------------- Mark The Day ---------------------

He wasn't built like a hero.

That was something no amount of calcium-enriched Banana Stripe ice cream or wishing on invisible stars had ever managed to accomplish for him.

And perhaps the banana stripe had actually managed to work against that, he could admit, but life had been kind to him anyway. That height and muscle thing, it became irrelevant when questions of altitude and speed and - for variety - world domination beckoned.

He wasn't built like a hero, which was mostly okay, because he was a lover. Not a fighter.

Where he found himself bravest, that wasn't force. It was the view from so far up you couldn't even see the ground anymore. It was the maddening exhileration of turning up and down into a tunnel. It was the inherent beauty of being able to move from one place to the next, physically, mentally, pre-historically.

It was what being in love felt like and Wash knew that feeling like others knew how to run for more than two minutes without needing to stop for air and sarcasm.

And all that familiarity was so important because maybe he wouldn't have recognized that fizzle-frizzle-nausea she brought out in him, and maybe he would have mistaken it for the flu or terror or something entirely wrong.

Terror, of course, was a big part of it. Lucky for him, he knew how to navigate it.

He looked a long time, in his repertoire of archetypes and superheroes, for a likeness to guide him.

"Nola - Amazon Princess" proved very little help, even though it carried a certain nostalgic value. He'd been ten and his first kiss with Natasha Miller on the monkeybars had been over a compliment involving Nola's athletic feet.

Anyway, Zoe... She wasn't the Nola type. Or the Natasha type for that matter. Or any type he had ever encountered.

A war vet, maybe, came close. Tough (check), buff (check), emotionally wounded (...check?) and less than enthusiastic.

But he was Wash.

He jumped off ledges into the invisible. The metaphorical invisible, of course. But the invisible, the mythical, the magical, the chance.

He was a vagabond. Drifting from job to job on the wild edge of civilization, otherwise known as Persephone. Unafraid.


Brave in this particular time and place meant sticking close to Zoe while she strode - there was no other word - through a carnival. An opportunity provided by fate and careful planning and three packages of Snacky's Snacky Bubblegum Sticks to little Kaylee to drag Mal off for part-shopping.

"So, do you think that maybe we could stop at one of these booths, or did I miss the moment where you declared that this is a recon mission?"

The expected and only somewhat discouraging response was a very slight alteration of expressionless #3 to expressionless #17, the one where her left eyebrows did that short twitch, and he was glad she had stopped and turned around long enough for him to catch it.

She'd warmed up to him slowly in the weeks since he'd accepted the job, going from Scary to Intimidatingly Terse to Occasionally Friendly, the greatest of which he credited to the loss of his long-lasting mustache.

And the flying.

And possibly the sex.


Sex had started up at some point right after he shaved and she'd just grabbed him by the collar one day and dragged him into her bunk and there had been warrior woman and pilot sex.

It was probably a soldier thing, that sort of forwardness, or maybe a small crew thing.

But it was of the incredible, spine-bending sort, and he wasn't about to let it slip away from him for Mal to step in. The man had been scowling about it for a while now and their initial bantering friendship had taken a turn for the cold and snappy.

Sacrifices on the road to the sunset.

Meanwhile, Zoe was staring him down and using her very calm and reasonable voice that really meant she was trying to wiggle her way out of his plan.

"Was there anywhere in particular you wanted to stop?"

And it was moments like these where he sometimes wished he had that hero build, the kind where squaring his shoulders would actually look manly and determined rather than a little helpless. But his spine was straight. His path was clear.

"The cotton candy stand."

She bit back a smile, using #5, the slow blink, and then she turned and it was time to follow her again but this time she strode a little less and approximated a stroll that he found easier to catch up with.

A body like hers, he sometimes supposed, maybe couldn't handle slow very well. Or maybe she just needed to learn slow. All that tragic wounded soul soldier load of issues probably didn't leave much room for slow, and he felt pretty good about being able to show her the ways of Banana Stripe once they got these initial hurdles out of the way.

The cotton candy stand looked refreshingly clean and he chose pink. Not because he was a girly man, but because he felt confident in his masculinity and pink was the yummiest.

"And you?"

He felt that her choice of color might be useful information for future flower moments.

But she wasn't even looking at him. "None for me."

Admittedly, the hard shell thing could get frustrating, even for someone as determined and deviously resourceful as him.

"You know, Zoe," The baby blue puppy frown had been his saving grace many times in the past. "If I have to do all the work this won't be a very good first date."

Her eyes widened in a way that was a little beyond #8 and that told him he was stepping on new and undiscovered territory, a break-through, a huge leap in their relationship.


Huge leap, perhaps defined as a moment of sharing.


She crossed her arms. Moment of sharing, perhaps defined as stand-off.

"And when did we start dating, if I may ask?"

He was a lover, not a fighter, but even a lover knew when there was a moment that the hero of the tale had to stand his ground and weather the crucial moment that decided between tragedy and happy ending.

"You see, I asked you to come to this little fair with me and you nodded in that infinitely wordless-yet-sexy way of yours. That's how we started dating." ยด

He held his breath watching her not react.

And he grabbed a piece of cotton candy.

And ate it.

She hadn't smacked him down yet.

So, laughing danger in the face, he smiled with a question mark in his eyes before turning to the cotton candy man.

"Another one for my girlfriend."

This would have been a good moment for her to spin and stride away and leave him in the shards of his daring plan. Or possible kill him with her pinky.

But she didn't do that.

She gave him an all new expression to file away. A big blinding smile.

The kind of smile that could be counted equal to defeating Rex or Nola's final victory over Hagar the Scandinavian Emperor or maybe even the moment where he first went up in a shuttle and had his nose pressued to the window and muttered "Wow. Stars." That sort of important a smile it was.

"Make it blue."

Blue. Like violets.

History in the making.

So maybe he didn't have the height and muscle thing going for him, but he had the guts and the skill and the sex and now he had a Zoe. Hurdles were swept away.

Heroism was so not a visual thing.

She got her sugary treat and he very subtly and sneakily took her hand. Maybe he'd be able to drag her into one of those capture booths, to immortalize this day for their grandkids.

"So, what ride is up first? The world is ours, sweetcakes."

And she miraculously kept smiling.






Monday, September 18, 2006 11:02 AM


Eeeee!!! Squeeeeee!

How did I miss this one? And why did you, dear snugglebit, not TELL me I had missed this one?

It's just so... lovely! Your writing has a wonderful way of going from deep and insightful, straight into perfectly-in-character-adorableness. We miss you terribly, muse of rouka!

I loved each and every single line, which was so perfectly Wash. I would quote, but, you know... you're just that good!

And by the way? THE FACT THAT HE HAS NAMED ALL HER EXPRESSIONS? Ahaha! *flailing arms*

Monday, September 18, 2006 12:32 PM


Love it! The naming of the expressions is priceless. Characterization very nice. I can see it happening just that way.

Monday, September 18, 2006 1:57 PM


Ack! Love!

Have I read this before? I feel like I've read it before. Nonetheless, it is completely and absolutely wonderful! Who says these two are hard for you? I think you've completely captured them - especially Wash.

Like Goldy, I LOVE that he's numbered all of her expressions, but I think my favourite bit is the

or maybe even the moment where he first went up in a shuttle and had his nose pressued to the window and muttered "Wow. Stars."

That just feels so right, you know? So Wash.

Damn, now I'm getting sniffly.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:47 AM


squee!! this is soooo cute. mmm... zoe and wash. thank you muchly. you know how much i love all the z/w fluff. it's the best kind!!

seriously, this made me grin real big. nice one!! -x-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:47 AM


squee!! this is soooo cute. mmm... zoe and wash. thank you muchly. you know how much i love all the z/w fluff. it's the best kind!!

seriously, this made me grin real big. nice one!! -x-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:47 AM


squee!! this is soooo cute. mmm... zoe and wash. thank you muchly. you know how much i love all the z/w fluff. it's the best kind!!

seriously, this made me grin real big. nice one!! -x-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:47 AM


squee!! this is soooo cute. mmm... zoe and wash. thank you muchly. you know how much i love all the z/w fluff. it's the best kind!!

seriously, this made me grin real big. nice one!! -x-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:47 AM


squee!! this is soooo cute. mmm... zoe and wash. thank you muchly. you know how much i love all the z/w fluff. it's the best kind!!

seriously, this made me grin real big. nice one!! -x-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:47 AM


squee!! this is soooo cute. mmm... zoe and wash. thank you muchly. you know how much i love all the z/w fluff. it's the best kind!!

seriously, this made me grin real big. nice one!! -x-

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 8:57 AM


huge grin on my face. I loved it. Great Stuff. and that's just silly you can't write Wash and Zoe because you did a mighty fine job here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 6:01 AM


Ya know...if I wasn't aware of where we were...I would say you're Joss and feeding us tidbits to make us forgive ya;)

This was definitely a massively brilliant and poignant piece of work, AgentRouka! I too totally loved how you set up Wash's spot-on inner dialogue and memory moments...though your decision to have comment on Zoe's expression by name? Sheer genius:D


Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:14 PM


Thank you very much for the lovely feedback everyone!

Wash and Zoe ARE very difficul for me, they just don't come as easily to me as, say, Inara and Mal or a spot of River (which says nothing about the quality of any of them) so I am MOST pleased it worked for you and made you smile. :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:00 AM


I love how you narrated Wash in this. It just seemed so perfect. How he cataloged her expressionless looks.

"That height and muscle thing, it became irrelevant when questions of altitude and speed and - for variety - world domination beckoned."

The snippets of random humor are just perfect for being inside Wash's head.

:) thanks for brightening my afternoon

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 11:16 AM



This was in the blurb thing at the top of Fireflyfans and I went, ooh, Agent Rouka fic I don't recall reading? I'm not sure how that happened! Read read.

As a fellow fan of pink cotton candy, I can attest to the appropriate levels of enthusiasm here. Also, carnival! Zoe opening up! Date cute reveal!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 5:43 PM


amazong :-0


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Can't look, can't look.
River, Mal, post-movie, unfluffy. - Kinds of memory. Out of nowhere. Every war, every side.

Basic Skills
Inara is organising her drawers. - Very short moment in a young student's day. Free for all ages.

Do you know what a Grizwald is?
Post-Serenity, Mal, Inara, fruit, contemplation. 2x2 made me do it.

Nandi didn't die. - Short, unfluffy, free for all ages.

Job Hazard
Crack-fic. With a chubby little crew. Set anytime. Because Mal has a bad temper and worse luck. Free for all ages.

Signed up for.
Tran-qui-li-ty. - Inara. Kaylee. Pre-series. Short and sweet. Free for all ages.

The Calm
Before the storm. - Inara. Post-movie. Quiet drabble of introspection. Free for all ages.

Data For Storage
Inara and the art of observation. Jayne and the art of being Jayne. - post-movie, quiet, free for all ages. Written back in April '06.

The common denominator is woman. - Spastic poetic voice takes on Zoe and Inara. Short, a bit abstract. Free for all ages, no spoilers.

Slice It Forward
Mal/Inara/Cake fluff. There might be metaphorical meaning hidden inside, but I won't tell if you won't. Rated C for cake, cute and calories.