The Prisoner: Epilogue
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mal and Co. get Simon back to Serenity and discover just who Simon's cell-mate really is.


Yes, its over! Congrats to Spacie who guessed in the last chapter :)

The first ten 'days' can be found here:

Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7.

Day 8.

Day 9

Day 10.

Thanks to Tamsibling for the beta.


The Prisoner



They made it out without too much trouble, Mal wondering all the while how a simple Shepherd knew the way out of this detention facility. It had been a maze of corridors and cells, of foul-smelling rooms that Mal was grateful Simon had been too unconscious to see. This wasn’t a normal Alliance facility. This was one they kept secret, didn’t acknowledge its existence. Political prisoners entered this place, were tortured horribly for information – and then never left again.

“The Geneva Convention doesn’t exist here,” River said simply as she approached on light feet. She ignored the confused looks her comment generated and pursed her lips together.

They met her near where they’d entered the facility and she paused briefly to touch her brother’s bruised face for a moment. Her eyes scanned him but her expression remained impassive as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. She looked instantly toward the Shepherd, her eyes boring into him, through him, before moving ahead to lead them back to the ship.

The Shepherd’s mouth twisted into a wry smile as his eyes fell on the waif-like girl ahead of them. So this was their big secret. This girl. Part of a secret project gone wrong that he had been recruited to fix.

When they reached the ship, Kaylee and Inara greeted them at the ramp. The anxiety on both women’s faces grew when their eyes fell on the unconscious Simon.

“Let him work,” Mal said as they pushed by the women and went directly to the infirmary, Mal standing tensely behind the Shepherd, watching his every move. He remembered all too clearly the last time he’d taken a man of the cloth onboard his ship. Every passenger had a story – and it usually wasn’t a dull one – so Mal remained tense, cautious.

Mal fixed his eyes on the scene before him as the Shepherd tended to Simon’s injuries with the precision of a trained doctor. Zoe assisted, cleaning the infected lash marks while the preacher attended to sewing closed the deepest ones, and binding ribs and other badly bruised limbs.

Kaylee stood back, anxiously bouncing on the balls of her feet and waiting for permission to come closer. Inara tried to calm the mechanic but nothing did much good.

River had returned to the bridge to get them off world before the facility was alerted to its missing inmates. Mal and Jayne stood on either side of the door, fingering their weapons, Jayne unblinking as he stared at the Shepherd.

“I don’t think we got your name,” Mal said when the man finally stepped away and Kaylee moved in to take his place at Simon’s side.

He glanced down at the young woman, guessing her to be the beauty from Simon’s delirious tales. It was clear she cared for him in the way she rested her cheek gently against his, whispered words for his ear only, clutched his fingers desperately, but carefully, in her own. The preacher nodded, knowing that Simon had not lied about the young woman and the man predicted he hadn’t lied about the rest of his story either.

With a deep breath and a resigned smile, the man said, “The name’s Book.”

Three sets of guns cocked instantly in his direction, and Kaylee’s eyes shot up from where she had been intently studying an unconscious Simon’s face.

“What did you say?” Kaylee asked, her brows knitting together in confusion. His voice was oddly familiar.

The man didn’t look at all surprised and raised his hands, knowing that this would be the outcome of his revelation. “I see the name is known to you.”

“You could say that,” Mal snapped, his eyes narrowing.

“I think you’ve got some explainin’ to do,” Zoe said, her finger hovering over the trigger of her shotgun.

“An’ you better start talkin’,” Jayne sneered, his own gun aimed at the dark-skinned man.

A slow nod later, the Shepherd began. “My brother and I took the oath together, but it was simply a cover – for a time, a cover for the work we had been specifically requested to complete for Parliament.”

“You’re a Fed?” Jayne asked incredulously, his finger tightening on Vera’s trigger.

“You’re a plant,” Zoe said. It was not a question.

“You weren’t – the Shepherd, he was –.” Kaylee stopped, her mind whirling with the unexpected revelations.

The man nodded slowly and confirmed. “I was not a prisoner.”

“What kinda work?” Mal demanded, his jaw set.

Three sets of eyes darted toward Mal before settling on their newest passenger, waiting for an explanation – one that would save or condemn him.

“Detain Simon Tam and return his sister to the government school from where he’d kidnapped her.”

All eyes turned to River, who stood motionless in the doorway, her body tense but on her face was a hint of a smile.

The Shepherd nodded. “Yes. That was our mission. My – brother failed.”

With a quick glance between River and her brother, Mal tightened fingers around his pistol. No one messed with his crew. “An’ so will you.”



Liked it? Hated it? Leave a review and let me know.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:47 AM


*happy sigh* Book's brother. Wait! What?! Book was there working for the Alliance?! >insert miserable chinese cursing here< LOL

Very good. Would love to hear what Simon has to say when he wakes up though. *hint, hint*

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:10 AM


“The Geneva Convention doesn’t exist here,”
~That thing still exists after 500 years? wow.

The Shepherd nodded. “Yes. That was our mission. My – brother failed.”
With a quick glance between River and her brother, Mal tightened fingers around his pistol. No one messed with his crew. “An’ so will you.”
= - O about Book's past/mission. Good tie in there, and a path that not many take.

I like the story, and the revelation of the character's identity. You do realize, however, that you just opened up a whole new avenue for people to clammor for a continuation/sequel (though it also gives me motivation for a fic, if you'll permit me to expound on your idea).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:26 AM


I don't think Simon's going to get a chance to question the guy...sounds like Mal, Jayne and Zoe are going to do him in right here.

So, turns out my guess was way, WAY off. So I'm going to take my guess and go work it into my own story somewhere. Look at that, you're inspiring folks all over the place.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:56 AM




Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:23 AM


Great story here, and way to hold a host of attentions over such a long period of time. I enjoyed every single day, AND the mystery of the cellmate, an added treat.

But Leiasky? man Book, you know how high I hold him.....

A slow nod later, the Shepherd began. “My brother and I took the oath together, but it was simply a cover – for a time, a cover for the work we had been specifically requested to complete for Parliament.” *NOOOOOOOOOOO.......not a cover! Please say it aint so...makes me wanna write JAYLEE in your honor...but alas, I still liked the story AND the liberty taken with the Shep.

The Shepherd nodded. “Yes. That was our mission. My – brother failed.” *Now, in addition to makin' him a bad guy, he's remembered as a failure too...

Alright, all aside, there is an intriquing back story to the Shepherd, and I always enjoy people's specific takes on it. Giving him a brother who goes by the same name, well that was just plain brilliant.

I can see this going on, but won't push you. You have a great story here, and it stands by its own. Fact is, with a new Shepherd on board, the crew could run a whole new set of gauntlets.

I do think though, you ought' to name him Mark. Just a thought.

Git to writing more. I love to read your stuff.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:30 AM


There are a lot of things that I set up to continue in a sequel. I will probably revist them at some point. Especially, since the responses thus far have been really positive.

I like the ambiguousness of the Shepherd and am lothe to go into explaining more of that history. I love the mystery surrounding him and its one a lot of people speculate on but something I'd never written about. It was a first, and very fun, for me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:45 AM


I'd like to see you delve into the Shepherd... so few do. Becuase it's HARD! I don't :)

I did not foresee Book's brother. Not at all! Excellent tale. I look forward to the sequel!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:36 AM


I enjoyed this so much but can't believe you ended it there! Talk about setting up the sequel, can't wait for the next story and hopefully finding out more about Book's brother and through him Book. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:56 AM


Agreed, Sequel!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 1:27 PM


"guessing her to be the beauty from Simon’s delirious tales"

i love that line. it has such a Victorian-romantic feel to it.

as for the rest--dammit, leiasky, you're mean! i'm intrigued by the idea of Shepherd Book (the original) not being a real shepherd. seems to fit well with what we know about him. borrowing from joss, this seems like the Books' story through simon's eyes. maybe the next piece could come from another character's perspective. looking forward to the sequel you will inevitably be guilted into writing~

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 2:25 PM


Well, I never guessed it. But you have a knack for writing such intrigue and mystery. Plus you kept it open for expansion, which I also like, 'cause now I want more.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 2:27 PM


Ok that should have been I never guessed it being Shepard Book's brother. Sorry.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:58 PM


I knew you'd be unable to get away from writing a sequel! Which I am more than happy about ...

Even when I beta'd this, the ending threw me for a complete loop and that is the sign of outstanding fic writing. I've said it before and I'll say it again - terrific build-up of suspense ... now, about that sequel ...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:01 PM


“The Geneva Convention doesn’t exist here,” River said simply as she approached on light feet. She ignored the confused looks her comment generated and pursed her lips together.~~Of course River would know of the G.C. She's a repository of information both archaic and current. She's a gorram prodigy and I loved this mention of her knowledge and the crews' confusion, never having heard of it. You rock, Leia. Seriously. I loved your stark description of the abbatoir of a detention facility. You did in a couple of sentences what I would do much more poorly, though I'd use a couple paragraphs to do it in! Keep the spare style going, Babe. It looks good and speaks volumes.

I, too, must have more. Please continue the story, will ya? Too cool to have another Book on board. And tell us more about the original shepherd, okay? Maybe he MEANT to turn in the Tams, but could his heart have loved them too much once he knew them to do the job? Just a thought, and I know, a sentimental one. But...I'm hoping...

Love ya Leia. Am hoping to see you in the next few months if I can.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:10 PM


Gorram!! that was awesome!
okay, did not see Shepherd's Brother coming, so am totally thrown for that one..I had thought this would be the Operative as well as some of the others...but now that it isn't it sets my
plans in motion...heh heh. And who says he was the best?
Loved it, Leia! Sequel, sequel, sequel!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:34 PM


Wow. Your stories are always soem of the very best. Can't wait to see what you do with this.

Friday, September 15, 2006 7:32 PM


Oh...this was dirty, evil and f-ing brilliant all at the same time, Leiasky! I totally wasn't expecting the "Book's brother" angle...mostly cuz it seemed a cliche of the highest order. But you (and Joss) know how to pull a twist off:D

Oh yeah...before I forget: PLEASE!!! A sequel, I beg of ya! There's so much to explore, and that's without revealing a whole lot about the Book Brothers' background (Yay! Alliteration!):D


Saturday, September 16, 2006 3:32 PM


Nicely done and the voices were spot on. Thanks!

Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:36 AM


I really liked it. I figured out certain parts of the secret identity, but wasn't able to pull it all together like that. Keep it up.


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Simon and Kaylee discuss other - avenues, as they lay in bed. Oddly, this is a pretty PG story.

Simon and kaylee disturb the ship with their nocturnal activities. Post BDM. Part of a challenge table. Rated NC-17 for adult content.

Broken Wings: Conclusion (Repost)
The crew take Kaylee home to be buried and the reason for Simon's secrecy is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 18 (Repost)
Simon, Mal and Jayne have a moment with Kaylee. Inara and River are reunited with the rest of the crew. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 17 (Repost)
Simon has a conversation with Zoe, Mal and Jayne - separately. Sequel to 'On the Edge.' Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 16 (Repost)
The crew is reunited - mostly, as Simon arrives to treat the wounded. River rushes to Inara's aid before her deception is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 15 (Repost)
Simon's escape is halted by his father. But River comes to the rescue. Jayne - sees the light - far too up close and personal for his safety. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 14 (Repost)
Simon and Inara's deception is discovered. Mal, Jayne and Zoe continue to fight what looks to be a losing battle. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 13 (Repost)
Simon has some unexpected help with his fussy son and River receives another assignment. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 12 (Repost)
Inara and Simon continue their work while a message gets out to those on the front lines. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.