Friends Among Enemies - Part III
Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Simon's struggle to save Mal's life drags on and on, while Zoe, Gabriel, and Jayne plan for the next course of action. Meanwhile, both Ritter's team and Dante are converging on Hera, and Sarah Cornell plans violence against the homestead.


Tensions aboard Serenity had never been higher, not even when the Reavers had boarded. Simon, after getting Mal’s heart beating again, had been working feverishly for five eternal hours trying to patch the captain back together. Everyone had been banned from the infirmary during surgery. This included Zoe when she offered her assistance. *I’ll ruttin’ kill ‘em,* Jayne thought, watching the bloody ordeal through one of the windows. *I’ll kill every single one of ‘em...* Kaylee and Inara, wrapped in each others’ arms on the couch, had cried each other out and were now sleeping. Gabriel, whose sight had partially returned, paced the deck in a gloom, while River was somewhere within the ship doing... some River thing. Zoe, like Jayne, was simply standing in silent and simmering observation with her arms crossed before her. “Think that’s that?” Jayne wondered. Zoe turned to peer. “What’s what?” Jayne leaned closer to the window for the hundredth time to watch the doctor at work. “Cornell’s gang. Fight’s over; he’s dead. Think they’re gonna back down like they’re s’posed to?” Zoe turned back to the window and shook her head. “I doubt it, especially after the exit we made to get the captain here. We need to start plannin’.” Jayne glanced over at Zoe and arched an eyebrow. “Ya mean plannin’ ta bust some heads in, yeah?” Zoe nodded absently. “I mean.” “It’s not going well,” River observed, startling both Zoe and Jayne with her sudden appearance from thin air. She nodded toward her bloody brother in the next room. “He won’t give up until after he’s already lost, and he’s made a lot of progress, but it’s still not going well.” “Tah mah de,” Gabriel growled sorrowfully. “I can’t do this anymore.” Turning toward the kid, Jayne suddenly felt a rat eating a hole in the bottom of his stomach. “Can’t do what?” Kaylee wondered sleepily as she was roused by the voices. Gabriel shook his head. “I have done nothing but bring pain and anguish to this ship. The best thing I can do right now is to leave, and-” Snapping into motion like a slingshot, Zoe pressed a hand to Gabriel’s chest, grasped his jaw in her other hand, and slammed him violently into the wall. “*You can’t do this?*” she hissed. “*You* can’t *do* this?!??” “Zoe!” Kaylee exclaimed. “Don’t hurt him!” Jayne tried to muffle his chuckle, but inside he was laughing like a loon. *Kid’s a gorram tank on legs, an’ we’re worried about Zoe hurtin’ ‘im. That’s gotta be classic, or somethin’...* “It’s the only thing I can think to do to fix the situation,” Gabriel explained. “They’re lookin’ fer me. I’m gone, that solves most of yer problems.” He turned his head to say something to River, but Zoe snapped his head back to face her. “Now, you listen, and you listen *real* good, Mister. The captain had the decency and generosity to bring you into *his* home and shelter you, and you wanna spit it back in his face by *abandoning* him?! You think just because you leave, people are gonna stop hounding us?” Zoe made a disgusted expression. “Don’t be so big on yourself. We’re all wanted fugitives. And the next time we get boarded by Reavers, you wanna go ahead and let River clean ‘em out all by her lonesome? Are you *really* that selfish?!” Gabriel blinked in astonishment. “Zoe, I didn’t... I just wanted-” “Should Simon and River have left the ship when the Feds started sending their goons?” Zoe glanced briefly to Jayne, and he knew exactly what she was thinking. “Lord knows some of us wanted them to, but they *didn’t,* because the *captain* decided to let them stay. These problems ain’t gonna go away because you ain’t with us, but they *are* gonna get worse without you here to help us. Bein’ the captain of this ship right now, I’ll tell you right up front that you leavin’ is gonna be taken as desertion by myself.” At last, Zoe released Gabriel’s jaw. “Do we have an understanding?” Gabriel looked crushed and confused. “Yes, Captain,” he replied softly. Zoe’s expression, as well as her voice, finally softened. “You’re part of this family now, Gab. Don’t turn your back on us when we need you the most. We need your help to get out of this.” Gabriel nodded. “You know me. You say jump, I don’t waste time askin’, ‘How high?’. I just do it an’ let you decide after if it was high enough.” Jayne chuckled, and Zoe’s serious expression was broken by a grin. “I know,” she replied, grasping his shoulder. “I’d wanna know what I was jumpin’ fer in the first place,” Jayne admitted. “Ain’t much point in jumpin’ mosta the time.” “I think that’s the point,” Zoe replied. River moved to Gabriel’s side and slid her arm through the crook of his. “Also,” she added, “if you ever leave... you will be leaving an incomplete man.” She grinned threateningly as her other hand slid to his thigh. Jayne started laughing. Gabriel’s eyes widened and he turned frantically to Zoe. “Zoe, I don’t care if you gotta put a bullet to me, don’t *ever* let me leave this ship!” Amidst the light-hearted moment, Inara sat on the couch, arms wrapped around her knees and fresh tears in her eyes. She said nothing; she did nothing. She simply sat. *************************************************************************

Simon threw a bloody pair of forceps into a pan and stripped his rubber gloves off. The gloves had been on his hands for so long that his own sweat had pruned his fingers. His head reeled, and it took him a moment to regain his bearings. Beyond the moment, a hand on the operating table didn’t hurt, either. Simon leaned forward to inspect a drain tube coming out the left side of Mal’s ribcage and running into a small, plastic baggie. The fluid that had accumulated thus far in the bag was a very light, translucent red, and the gauze packed around the hole where the tube ran into the chest cavity appeared to be stopping excessive leakage around the incision. *How long have I been at this?* he wondered as he turned and moved for the door. *Three hours? Four?* Before he even realized what was happening, a strong hand around his upper arm kept Simon from performing a face-plant in the lounge. His eyes located the hand and followed the muscular arm up to Jayne Cobb’s face. “I don’t think the floor loves ya back, Doc,” the man informed. Simon nodded. “He’s stable.” Before he could even straighten fully, Inara was grabbing his other arm. “That means he’ll be okay, right?” the Companion insisted urgently. Simon regarded the woman with all seriousness. “It means he’s stable,” he repeated. “How long was I?” “We’re well into the seventh hour,” Zoe informed. “You’re damn near floatin’, you’re so light.” Simon’s eyes widened. “I had that man under the knife for *seven hours?!??*” Jayne nodded. “Ya were. I mean, ya did.” “What can we expect from the captain?” Kaylee urged. Setting his jaw, Simon put an arm around Kaylee’s shoulder. “This is Mal,” he said, speaking to the entire group. “This isn’t ‘miracle time’ with Gabriel, like we’ve seen in the past. This is Mal, an average, ordinary human being, like the rest of us.” He took a breath. “The bullet hit a rib. It fragmented and mostly through his left lung.” The doctor rubbed across his eyes with his hand. “One of the fragments lodged in the right atrium of his heart. It caused *enough* damage. If he makes it through the next twenty four hours, he should live, but I think we should be expecting Zoe as our captain for *awhile*.” Zoe nodded, tongue in cheek. “I understand,” she presented. “Get some sleep, Simon,” Gabriel offered. “We’ll wake you up if Mal’s condition changes, but you ain’t gonna be no good to him as a zombie.” Simon nodded. “I know,” he admitted. Without another word, he allowed Kaylee to lead him to his room. *************************************************************************

“It’s almost supper time, Boss,” Bull reminded as he walked into the office with Chester and Tinksy hot on his heels.. “Then we gotta finish this up right quick, now, don’t we?” Sarah concluded, uncrossing her bare legs and squaring her bra-strapped shoulders against the back of the chair. “Are we sure Reynolds is dead?” “Course not,” Bull replied. “Chances of him bein’ alive are about the same as me flyin’ off with wings that grow from my arse, but yeh know that nothin’s absolute.” “Understood,” Sarah returned knowingly. “And of our beloved Gabe?” Bull shrugged, and Chester took a step forward. “He warn’t at the gunfight. If he’s dead, then good. If he’s alive, then he’s too bloody mussed to do nothin’. They’re rooted up Johnny’s knockers.” Sarah nodded in comprehension. “Either way... I wager we should pay a visit to the old McDavin homestead. Just to make sure.” “I understand,” Bull assured. Sarah reached out slowly and beckoned with a red-nailed finger. Bull took a step forward and leaned against the desk. Sarah moved her hand to grasp Bull’s wrist, and she dug her nails in. Bull barely flinched, even when blood began to well to the surface. “My beloved brother is dead,” Sarah voiced in a monotone. “Both of my brothers have died, directly or indirectly, from the same hands. From Gabe’s hands. Are yeh *sure* yeh understand?” Ignoring the bleeding nail wounds in his wrist, Bull stared deeply and unflinchingly into Sarah’s eyes. *Bollocks an’ all that to hell,* she thought to herself. *That’s what I like about this bloke. Heart made of iron...* “We’ll take care of it,” Bull reiterated. “It’s done already, ‘fore it started.” Sarah released the wrist, her point having been expressed. “I know,” she presented. “Yer the best fella I got, Bull. After Gabriel Davin an’ all his bloody mates are outta commission, an’ we get up to Billow’s ruttin’ tangent, we’re gonna reorganize.” She leaned back into her chair once again, thrusting her chest out purposely and teasingly. “Reorganize, an’ trust me, it’s gonna work out in yer favor.” *************************************************************************

“Thank you,” Inara told Zoe and Gabriel. Nodding their acceptance, the two left her alone in the infirmary. Mal had to be watched over twenty four hours a day. ‘The most literal definition of the phrase, ‘touch and go’,’ Simon had mentioned earlier. Already since the completion of the surgery, Simon had been summoned from his sleep twice to tend to Mal. The second time, he actually had to reopen the man’s chest to stop some internal bleeding. With the exception of the second surgery and bathroom runs, Inara hadn’t left the infirmary once since Mal’s first stabilization. She hadn’t eaten or drank anything all day, and occasionally, she would fall asleep on the wall cot for short periods of time. She didn’t mind any of the others stopping in to keep watch, but Inara refused to leave the room, herself. She was now seated on the stool, grasping Mal’s hand in both of her own. *I don’t know what I’m doing,* Inara thought to herself. *But...* “Mal?” she spoke softly. She paused, unsure of how, exactly, to begin. She sighed. “Mal, I have no idea if you can hear me or not. You probably can’t, and I’m really just doing this to get things off of my chest. If you can...” She closed her eyes, and a tear seeped from between the eyelids of her right eye. “Then you’ll know.” Mal’s response was the same as every other time she’d tried to talk to him. It was a silent, still reaction with no comments or opinions. “I... know that we’ve had our differences in the past. You’re a... hoodlum. I’m a... whore.” What Mal’s reaction would have been, were he conscious, was a complete mystery. Now, of course, he didn’t twitch a muscle. Inara took a breath before continuing. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone before who can enrage me as completely as you do on a regular basis. You’re cocky, impudent, egotistical, and impossibly frustrating. I’m sure you have a few choice descriptions for me, as well.” Her grip tightened on his hands. “Beyond all that, though, it would just kill me if you didn’t pull through this.” The tears flowed more freely now, beginning to drip from her chin. “I don’t think I’ve ever cared for anyone the way I... the way... Except for...” Inara had to bite her lip for a moment, fighting to fend off the choking sobs that threatened to impede her speech. Finally, she leaned forward and kissed Mal gently on the lips. Her mouth then moved to his ear as she began whispering her secrets into his ear. Moments later, Inara was leaning away from the table. Having said what was needed, she let the sobs burst forth, and she pressed her face against Mal’s hand. “*Don’t leave me,*” she whispered. “*Please, don’t leave me.*” The vitals monitor suddenly began an insistent, high-pitched beeping. Jarring straight, Inara rushed over to the screen. *************************************************************************

“We still have the option to leave,” Zoe presented. “I ain’t sayin’ that is or is not what we *should* do, but the option is still open. None of us has to die.” “I wanna tear their ruttin’ arms outta their sockets an’ beat ‘em to death with ‘em,” Jayne insisted. “I can’t do much yet,” Gabriel explained, “but I can do some.” Zoe nodded. “I’m still a bit weak on the feet from the poisoning, but I’m mostly myself again. We’d be idiots to think we’re at the top of our game. This fight, though, won’t be won on muscle or guns, but on tactics.” “Tactics?” Jayne questioned. “Why? We jus’ shoot ‘em all.” “She’s right,” Gabriel interjected. “We’re gonna be outnumbered for sure. By how much, I dunno, but it’ll be enough.” “I think you’ve got a decent handle on strategy,” Zoe told the young man. “A big portion of this will be you and me. What we really have on our side, though, is going to win this fight for us.” “What’s that?” Gabriel inquired. Zoe turned to the young girl sitting in the corner. “River.” “The turtle is stuck in his shell,” River murmured, “and he’s on his back.” “*Hey, hey, help!*” Inara’s voice suddenly burst over the intercom system. “*Mal’s getting really bad! I need Simon!*” “Let’s go,” Zoe insisted. ************************************************************************* “Are ya sure yer okay?” Jayne urged, placing a hand on Simon’s shoulder. Simon nodded blearily. “The naps are helping. Why, are you concerned for me?” Jayne released the doctor’s shoulder. “Hell no! I’m just securin’ Mal’s safety.” “Ah,” Simon retorted. “So you’re concerned for Mal.” “Don’t start, you two!” Kaylee interrupted. “Not now.” “Get some sleep, Doc,” Gabriel strongly suggested, “before Mal goes under again.” “Gabriel Davin!” Kaylee exclaimed, whacking the man in the gut. “Yer horrible!” “*Oof,*” Gabriel grunted. “What? I’m sorry! Jus’ tryin’ to be rational here.” “Balance yer rationality with sensitivity.” “No need to pick on the kid,” Jayne defended. “C’mon, Simon,” Kaylee urged. “Women,” Jayne commented as the two exited. “So gorram sensitive.” “Nah,” Gabriel replied. “Well... yeah, but I get where she’s comin’ from, Old Man.” Jayne shrugged. “Mal ain’t zacly disliked ‘round here. Fer that, neither are you.” Gabriel frowned. “I’m jus’ fine.” Jayne looked over incredulously. “I doubt that, but I’m talkin’ ‘bout before.” “Oh, the Lava?” Jayne shrugged. “That, an’ when Damian Ritter humped ya up. Lord, I thought I was bad ‘bout gettin’ humped, but I’ve never seen anyone so accident prone in my life as you.” “Ya mean injury prone,” Gabriel corrected. Jayne heaved a sigh of exasperation. “Does *everyone* gotta mock my English now, or what?” “Look through a shined window at me sometime,” Gabriel slanged. “I ain’t zacly Oxford-San here, am I?” Jayne stared at Gabriel as if he were a moron. “What’s rhetoric?” Gabriel was a bit confused. “As in the definition of the word?” Jayne nodded confirmation. “Um... It’s talkin’ real good, an’ persuadin’ people to do or think what ya want.” Jayne held his hands to his sides hopelessly in example. Gabriel glanced around the room in mock-guilt. “Um... I read a lot. What’s yer excuse?” Jayne shrugged. “I’m jus’ fair with big words.” **************************************************************************

“I have a question,” Emily presented. Dante did not turn from the ship’s window. “Yeah? What yeh got fer me?” Emily took another step into the cockpit. “Do you have *any* idea where we *should* be going?” Dante chuckled. “Yeh got monetary assets that help me somethin’ big, but yeh really are clueless, ain’tcha, Lass?” Emily straightened her shoulders. “Maybe you’d care to *give* me a clue, then?” Dante ticked once. “I’ve knowed zacly where Serenity’s been for awhile now.” Emily frowned. “Then... Why?” Dante finally turned from the window, a split grin on his crude face. “My li’l mate, Gabe, needed ta heal up ‘fore our legendary showdown. I figgur, he’s had enough time.” Emily refrained from comment. “So, what’s our destination?” Dante winked at the young woman. “Destination: Hera.”


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:13 AM


Well, revenge is gonna be sweet. And Zoe's right; it is gonna take some brains to do this cuz they sure ain't got the muscle at the moment. I feel for Inara. I hope Mal hears her.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:54 PM


Oh good gorram, I have my heart in my throat praying Mal makes it - I think with everybody pulling for him he has a good chance, and I just loved Inara being so concerned and begging him not to leave her, that has to be the bit that swings it if anything can. I really REALLY want Zoe, Jayne, Gabe and River et al to kick ass and toast the bad guys until their is nothing left not even ashes. I just hope they come up with the kind of super shiny plan that doesn't end up with any of our BDHs getting any more beat up than they already are. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:22 PM


Ooh...I smell a one-on-one between Inara and Sarah...fair is fair and all;) like pushing our buttons, don't ya lonewolf7...Mal's almost bit the dust 3 times here! Waiting on the shiny showdown...time's a wastin';)



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Union of Souls - Part III
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