The Reynolds Gang - Part V
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The end of the showdown, and the beginning of a new life for the Reynolds Gang. This is the turning point of the entire season, as we see the full impact of living life outside the law... Oh, that, and River is a badass...


Federal Agent Park Nanaka fumbled at his suit coat’s pockets, finally locating the familiar, flat square. He pulled the cigarette tin from his left breast pocket, flipped it open, placed a cigarette between his lips, and replaced the tin where he’d found it. He struck a match, the brilliant flame glaring off his sunglasses even as bright as the sun was that day. The breeze promptly puffed the fire out. *Shee-niou,* Park thought to himself, striking another match. It took three matches to get his cigarette lit. He inhaled deeply, enjoying that first hit. Cigarette smoke no longer burned Park’s lungs, or even made them itch. He could barely feel it. *Wonder how much longer I’ll live...* Agent Nanaka was in charge the instant he’d arrived at the scene of the shootout. Park was a narcotics agent; he wasn’t even supposed to be on Beaumont. The planet was merely a stop-off point before he moved on to Persephone, his real destination. However, the standoff was, apparently, severe enough that the local beats didn’t think they could handle it on their own, and Park, being senior Agent at the time, had been voluntold. *I have a case I’m working on; I can’t be held up by Old West-style standoffs...* “Sir!” a young officer called, rushing up and coming to a halt before Park. “Hot as hell out here,” Park replied. “How can you stand it?” “Uh...” the man stammered. “I... well, yes, it is-” “What do you have for me?” Park inquired sternly, taking another drag on the cigarette. The cop held out a manila envelope, then hurried away before anything else uncomfortable could be said to the awkward young rookie. Park tore open the envelope, which was marked ‘classified’, and withdrew an electronic flimsy. The sheet displayed two photographs and several paragraphs of information beneath those. Peering at the photos, Park saw the man labeled as, ‘Malcolm Reynolds’, and the young girl was labeled, ‘River Tam’. After scanning the information contained in the paragraphs, Park swore aloud. Two officers fired at something they thought they saw in the Takira House. A man inside cursed, firing several more rounds back at the authoritative force. “HASN’T THIS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH?” the loudspeaker boomed, and Park cringed at the volume. “LET’S JUST PUT DOWN OUR WEAPONS AND DISCUSS THE SITUATION IN A CIVIL AND LOGICAL MANNER.” “I got a counter-proposition!” a different voice called from inside. There was a pause. “Uh... No!” *One would assume that was Reynolds,* Park thought. He called two fellow agents over to him. “Spread the word among the men. I want Reynolds taken alive, if possible. Also, keep an eye out for a young girl, age maybe between seventeen and twenty. Black hair; brown eyes. I don’t know if she’s in there with them, but if so, she is *not* to be killed under any circumstances, as she is a high-priority capture for the Parliament.” “Understood,” the men replied, departing to accomplish their assigned tasks. Park dropped the spent cigarette and crushed the butt under his polished shoe. There was a sudden ruckus from somewhere behind the circle of cops and vehicles, and Park turned in curiosity and slight irritation. “No, I wanna know what’s goin’ on here!” a slurred voice shouted in a Scottish accent. “Sir, this is a police matter!” one of the policemen insisted. “I’m going to have to ask you to-” “I wanna speak to the limey bloke who’s in charge!” the man yelled, pushing against the line. Park stepped forward, slipping between the two officers. A muscular young Caucasian man in his early twenties with brown, jaw-length hair swept back, a sleeveless black t-shirt, and black BDU pants bloused into combat boots stood arguing with the pair. He also reeked of booze. “I am in charge,” Park informed tersely. “Yeah!” the man exclaimed. “What’s goin’ on here? I jus’ wannedta catch muhself a li’l trim at the Takira.” “All the whores have been evacuated,” Park informed. “Really?” The man frowned in thought for a moment, swaying on his feet. “Well, where’dja stash ‘em?” “Young man,” Park warned, “I *highly* suggest you take yourself home. You are dangerously close to being detained.” “I ain’t done nothin’ wrong, ya bloody scoundrel!” the man hollered. “Yeh can’t encroach on me rights like this!” Park turned to one of the officers, opening his mouth to order the drunk’s arrest. It took him a moment to get his senses back, and it was then that he realized he was laying on the ground. A terrible ringing sounded in his ears, which felt as if they were full of water. About twelve meters in front of him, Park could see an overturned police vehicle, flames and smoke pouring skyward. Other smoke pillars could be seen beyond that one. Just before Park lost consciousness, he saw a lithe, feminine form slinking through the wreckage, carrying a suspicious-looking pack on her back. Park recognized the face. *River Tam...* *************************************************************************

“Toldja they’d come through!” Baile exclaimed, firing rounds out of one of the windows. “Independence!!!” “That’s our cue to book,” Mal told Jayne and Kaylee. “Let’s get the hell to the mule an’ gone.” There were no arguments from Jayne or Kaylee, and the trio immediately rushed back through the building to the back room. Jayne kicked the back door open and Mal rushed through. The first thing that he noticed was fire. Half of the squad cars were in flames, and several other explosions sent police running. Off to the side, several vehicles raced up, slamming to a halt outside the police line. A dozen men, several wearing brown coats, deployed and opened fire. Three of the men fired RPG’s at the remaining police cars, sending more smoke, fire, and debris into the air. The concussion waves hit Mal just before the heat did, nearly knocking him from his feet. A hailstorm of bullets from the police sent Mal and the others diving for cover behind the mule. “Soon as we get an opening,” Mal shouted, “into the mule, an’ we gun it!”. “Why wait?” Jayne shouted back. “Let’s *make* an opening!” He stood, sending round after round from his repeater into the ring of fire that surrounded them. “Gorrammit, Jayne!” Mal shouted. He quickly scaled into the mule, Kaylee right behind. As soon as Jayne was in the vehicle, Mal rammed the shifter into gear, tearing away from the scene like a bat out of hell with bullets pinging off of its rear. “Hang on!” he yelled in warning. The mule slammed through the wreckage, buffeting it to and fro. The passengers ducked just as the windshield was torn from the vehicle, spinning off into the smoke behind them. “Nice drivin’!” Jayne commented. “Yeah, thanks!” Mal replied, just as sarcastically. *************************************************************************

A wave of strong emotion hit River like a punch to the gut. She lurched, almost falling to her knees, and she dropped the pack that contained the remaining explosive charges. She immediately recognized the feeling, and turned to look at the source. Gabriel’s expression and stance had changed so much that he could have been mistaken for someone else. He screamed with rage and slammed two police officers’ heads together. Leaping over the bodies, he hurled the flaming wreckage of a squad car and attacked three more. *Stop.* Gabriel jerked his head, apparently having heard her. River was shocked. She had never before been able to transmit a thought into another’s head before. His chest heaving, Gabriel dismissed the event and continued fighting vigorously, despite his injuries. Blood already soaked through his shirt where he’d broken his stitches attacking the officers who were only doing their jobs. *Gabriel, stop,* River thought to him, and this time he did. He turned toward her, and River rushed over to him. *You’re a person.* Gabriel frowned in confusion. His lips remained curled back in a snarl, exposing his teeth, and his fists loosened and tightened rhythmically. Each heaving breath forced spittle to strain between his teeth, and his usually sharp, intelligent eyes were clouded with rage. “You’re not an animal,” River spoke, placing a hand on each of his shoulders. “You’re a person.” Slowly, Gabriel’s rage dissipated, and he returned to humanity. He nodded. “I’m... sorry.” “It’s okay,” River assured him, placing a hand lovingly on his cheek. “You just need to be reminded of what it is to be human again. I’ll help you.” “There!” an officer shouted through the smoke and fire. “Get them!” “That’s our cue,” Gabriel growled, his face going back to one of conviction. “Let’s blitz.” *************************************************************************

Inara was out of her seat and racing for the shuttle’s door before the vessel was even firmly locked in. She slammed the door to the side and entered Serenity’s abandoned cargo hold. *No clue where anyone else is, but I know who’s bound to be in the infirmary...* Scaling the stairs to the floor level as quickly as she could, Inara rushed down to the infirmary. “Inara!” Simon exclaimed upon her entrance. “I thought-” “Simon,” Inara interrupted, “what’s going on?” Simon regarded her for a moment. “The captain, Kaylee, and Jayne are trapped and surrounded by police and federal officers. River and Gabriel left to assist them.” He sighed. “I haven’t heard anything new since, and I’ve been too busy here to check the news channel.” With nothing more to say, Inara turned to leave. “She’s going to make it,” Simon called, bringing Inara to a halt. “What?” Inara queried, turning back. “Zoe,” Simon clarified, looking down at his patient. “I’ve brought her systems back up to normal operating capacity, and she’s functioning on her own now. There is no evidence of new tissue damage evident, and she should be awake soon. Might take hours, might take days.” Inara stared at the doctor in shock. “But... how...” Simon nodded toward an empty vial behind him on the counter. “Antidote,” he replied. “Long story, but I analyzed it, and it checked out clean.” Inara’s eyes remained wide. “Wow, I mean-” She stopped upon hearing the roar of the mule racing into the cargo hold, and immediately, she ran out of the room. Mal, Jayne, and Kaylee hopped down from the vehicle. Acting instinctively, not even realizing what she was doing, Inara rushed forward, throwing herself at Mal and wrapping her arms around him. “In Buddha’s name, Mal, I heard on the news, I’m so glad you’re safe, I was worried sick, and I-” “Inara,” Mal spoke into her hair, “you’re babbling.” Realizing, now, what she was doing, Inara immediately released the captain. “Sorry...” she muttered, backing away. “I’m just glad you’re safe.” In an attempt to cover, she turned, grinned, and hugged Kaylee. “You, too, Mei mei.” “What about me, ‘Nara?” Jayne inquired, grinning. “Ya glad to see me, too?” He hooked his thumbs under his belt and hitched it. Inara let go of Kaylee. “Um... Yeah, sure.” “We gotta get goin’ *fast,*” Mal urged them, “‘fore they get a land-lock on us.” “Hey, where’s my hug?” Jayne wondered. “River and Gabriel are still out there,” Inara informed. “What?!” Mal exclaimed. “Out *where?* And *why?!*” “Rescuing you,” Inara informed. “I thought that was the Rebs,” Jayne wondered aloud. “Nope, it was us,” Gabriel confirmed as he and River strolled into the cargo hold. He hit the door switch. “All aboard.” *************************************************************************

“As an update to our story on the Brimstone events, the Reynolds Gang and the underground resistance members all escaped Beaumont, leaving sixteen police officers and four federal agents dead, and over two hundred thousand credits worth of damage to police equipment and the surrounding neighborhood. “The Resistance members have not been identified as of now, but a system-wide warrant has been issued for Reynolds and the other members of the gang, two of whom already have federal warrants on their heads, and one who is wanted on several worlds for armed robbery and murder. The gang helms a Firefly-class named Serenity and is considered armed and highly dangerous. Do not approach them, but please call the local authorities immediately. Rewards are being issued for any information provided that is of assistance in the capture of these criminals.” *************************************************************************

“We have to go back into hiding,” Mal announced. “It’s just too gorram hot for us to be in the world right now.” “Every time I’m gone...” Zoe muttered from the surgical table. “Can’t stay out of trouble...” “Great rescue, though, huh?” River boasted from her seat on the wall cot. “Gabriel’s plan.” “Ya were great, Hon,” Gabriel complimented, reaching behind his head to momentarily squeeze her hand. “There’s that ‘Hon’ again!” Mal exclaimed. “Where’s this ‘Hon’ comin’ from?” “Most of our old hiding spots are gone, thanks to the Operative,” Zoe pointed out. “An’ we ain’t exactly gotten a lot of new hideouts since.” “Well, we won’t need to work for awhile,” Mal reminded, “so that makes it a lot easier.” “Exactly how much did they give for those guns?” Gabriel inquired. “Enough so we can hole up somewhere an’ stay drunk for a whole year,” Jayne claimed, sounding hopeful. “We all got prices on our heads now,” Mal continued. “The rest of you got the same figure, but ‘Hon’s’ went up some from before.” Kaylee laughed at hearing Mal call River that. “Mine is actually higher than hers. We’ll have every merc an’ bounty hunter in the ‘Verse out lookin’ for us.” He turned to Gabriel. “I’m still tryin’ to figure out why Dante didn’t kill you today.” “I told you,” Gabriel insisted. “I’m bungered. He wants to fight me in top shape.” “Where are we going to go?” Simon inquired. Mal thought for a moment. “I don’t know. I need to think it over a spell.” “I know a place,” Gabriel spoke. He caught Mal’s gaze. “If yer willin’ to go there.” Mal crossed his arms. “Speak your peace.” Gabriel ran his fingers back through his hair, contacting River’s hands for a moment. “Hera.” Mal’s jaw tightened. “Hera,” he repeated. Gabriel nodded. “I know people there. We can find a farm or a ranch in the country an’ hole up for awhile. Maybe even a small village, we find one friendly-like. There’s plenty of ‘em.” Mal turned to look at Zoe. “It’s a good idea, Sir,” she suggested, as if to say that she was okay with it. Mal wasn’t entirely okay with it. “I don’t like it personally,” he admitted, “but it’s as good a place as any.” “Wait a minute,” Inara interjected. “I don’t have a price on my head, do I?” Mal shook his head. “Doubt it. Most don’t know you ride with us. If that changes, I doubt you’ll be doin’ much servicin’.” “You sound almost heartbroken about that,” Inara returned sarcastically. “Destination Hera,” Mal decided. He looked at River. “Albatross, think ya can get yer hands out of my second mate’s hair for five minutes an’ set our course?” River sighed. “If I must.” “Woah!” Jayne exclaimed. “What the hell are you talkin’ bout, Mal?” “Nobody ever said you was second mate,” Mal clarified. “Fact, I ain’t never decided on one, an’ little Gab here’s been turnin’ out real handy tactics-wise.” “Oh, now that is horse crap!” Jayne shouted. “Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-” “Decision’s been made,” Mal interrupted calmly. “Maybe someday you’ll figure out what that means. Meantime, if yer gonna rant, do it elseplace.” Muttering expletives to himself, Jayne stomped out of the room. “I dunno about this, Captain,” Gabriel voiced. “Yanno I got some bolts cross-threaded, an’-” “My offer stands,” Mal stopped him. “You get your cut, you’re in charge when yer here an’ me an’ Zoe ain’t. You want it, or don’t ya?” Gabriel frowned for a moment. “Well...” He shrugged. “Yeah, sure. I guess I can accept a little responsibility.” “Glad to hear it,” Mal admitted. “I guess nobody here likes it when Jayne’s in charge.” Kaylee and Simon nodded their heads vehemently. Mal looked up to River. “River, I need yer hands for five minutes. Gab’s hair ain’t goin’ noplace, ‘less you don’t move. Then, I may be shavin’ it all off.” “We don’t want that,” River decided, hopping down. “No, we don’t,” Gabriel agreed.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:04 AM


“Every time I’m gone...” Zoe muttered from the surgical table. “Can’t stay out of trouble...”

So true, so very, very true.

This might be the first fan-fic I've read that returns to Hera. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Nice job!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:43 AM


Mal shoulda let Inara babble a bit more! The gang is gonna have to go deep in hiding I'm afraid. Everyone in the 'verse will be looking for them. Good work, as usual.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:35 AM


Lovely chapter. The 'Hon' was cute. And I can imagine Mal won't be happy sitting down on a ranch and farming for a while. Sailing through the black makes him feel free.

Kaylee and Simon, on the other hand, can raise hundreds of fat babies! heh.

Glad Zoe is finally better. And I really like Gabriel.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1:44 PM


Hey lonewolf7...are we gonna be seeing some introspection and vis-a-vis between Mal and someone - Inara perhaps *wink* - about his first return to Serenity Valley? Cuz that would be cool and an interesting scene to deal with....

On this chapter? Loved it:) Found the banter and craziness pefect for our 'Verse and BDHs!


Wednesday, December 26, 2007 7:29 PM


I hate to be a stickler, but, Zoe's the FIRST mate, second in command. Otherwise it's incredibly well written.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 7:32 PM


Oh, never mind, I misread it, It would seem you were talking about Jayne there.


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The Calm - Part II
The Operative briefs the crew on their upcoming job. It seems legitimate, but something just isn't right. Simon and Kaylee continue their harrowing battle with the fearsome squirrel, and Helen has a get-to-know-you conversation with Darcy Cobb. All in all, a rounded, yet informative chapter. Every plot has to build toward something... right?

The Calm - Part I
Just as the crew is beginning to miss their rogue, freelance-working days, The Operative contacts Mal with a job opportunity. The job is very unconventional, but money is money... right? Meanwhile, Inara is having a lifestyle crisis, Simon and Kaylee get more than they bargained for on their honeymoon, and Jayne, visiting home, decides his daughter needs a special gift...

Union of Souls - Part V
Wedding day! Simon and Kaylee are united in holy matrimony. Although everyone knows the spell of relaxation and celebration will not last, they don't let it get in the way of their enjoyment.

Union of Souls - Part IV
While the crew is relaxing contently with Kaylee's family, other forces behind the scenes are moving in new and dangerous directions. All is not well in the 'Verse, as warning signs and political movements push the galactic situation closer and closer to cataclysm.
Took me awhile to get moved and settled into my new life, but my posting is back on track!

Union of Souls - Part III
Things are going rather smoothly on the surface as Kaylee and her family prepare for the Frye-Tam wedding. However, behind the scenes, River, Gabriel, and Mal are coming to the conclusion that the hellstorm of the century is about to explode into the 'Verse like a tidal wave.
By the way, this will be my final posting until after the holidays. After that, postings should come much more frequently than in the past. Happy Holidays, Browncoats!
P.S. I went ahead and gave Jayne a Christmas present! Read and see...

Union of Souls - Part II
As the crew is introduced to and gets to know Kaylee's family, her father, Carl, decides to have a little conversation with the good doctor.

Union of Souls - Part I
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The Ties That Bond - Part V
With seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against him, Gabriel sets out to catch Serenity. Hold onto something...

The Ties That Bond - Part IV
Simon and Kaylee prepare Gabriel for his spacewalk, and everyone says what may be their final goodbye's.
*special thanks to The White One for the giant condom!*

The Ties That Bond - Part III
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