Raping Serenity 6 - Of Kisses and Queens
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Kaylee reflects on her renewed intimacy with Jayne and a chess game between Simon and River gives cause for concern.


Disclaimer: Not mine, no coin changed hands. This story has not been beta-ed. Please accept my apologies for any errors or correct me.

Dedication: To all the folk who endure traumatic events and somehow find the courage to rebuild their lives.

Rating: NC17, For adult content, violence in some sections. Remarks: The next section in my long story arc exploring the challenges faced by Jayne and Kaylee as they struggle to define and strengthen their relationship. Takes place between the series and the BDM, three weeks after my previous story, “Leaps of Faith”. Click on my name to read the backstories.

Feedback: Sincerely appreciated when civilly offered; that’s what it’s all about. Some of you have expressed distress over this story’s title. Please consider the following:

Definitions: Source: The Random House Dictionary of the English Language Raping – (3) The act of seizing and carrying off by force (7) Plundering. Serenity – (1)The state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil.


Raping Serenity

Chapter Six – Of Kisses and Queens

“Hurry up, people! Rendezvous’s in thirty minutes. Let’s get movin’.” Mal is mostly yelling for his merc’s benefit since Wash and Zoë are already on board the shuttle.

“Maybe the big guy’s still kissing Vera goodbye.” Wash suggests with a shrug.

“Not so, husband.” Zoë tells him quietly. “Maybe kissin’ someone else, ‘though. Just as I was climbin’ out of our bunk this mornin’ to go shower, I saw Kaylee climbin’ out of his. Girl looked pretty dreamy, if you ask me. Guess Jayne’s long dry spell just came to an end.” She gives Wash an arch, suggestive look.

Mal stomps in, obviously annoyed. “Did I or did I not say 0800 sharp? Just ‘cause the man still needs a cane to get around don’t mean he can’t be on ti… Waahh!” His startled outburst is triggered by the end of Jayne’s cane pushed against the small of his back, the sensation remarkably like a gun barrel.

“Better quit gripin’ about my performance, Cap’n, or I might be inclined to pull the trigger on this here piece of pipe Kaylee bent up for me. I ain’t so late – just had me a few li’l last minute things to tend to.”

Zoë and Wash exchange knowing looks, which Mal can’t help but notice.

“What?” He turns on Jayne. “What’s everybody grinnin’ like possums for? Have I signed us up for a surprise birthday party or somethin’ without knowin’ about it?”

Zoë glances at Jayne with a twinkle in her eye and smoothes Mal’s ruffled feathers. “We’re just glad we got another straightforward transport job, Sir. Sure makes it easier for everyone.”

“Not to mention, that way some of us don’t get all shot up,” the big mercenary observes sarcastically. He’s got Cassie on his hip, as usual, and the semi-automatic Deckler he calls Delilah slung behind him.

Mal retorts, “Not to mention one of us turned his back on a crazy man with a loaded 45. Now shut the hatch so we can go do this, if you please.”

Jayne dogs the shuttle’s door closed, settles himself on one of the benches along the side bulkhead and crosses his arms. “I ain’t holdin’ nobody up,” he sulks.

Mal tells his pilot, “Wash, you’ve got the coordinates – take us out. We should be able to haul all this ore in three runs, tops.”

The blond man in the com chair flips switches and the shuttle engine powers up. “Disengaging in three… two… one." he announces. He pulls back on the yoke and the little craft slips free of Serenity and turns north toward Newberg.


Kaylee heads back to the engine room, a wide smile on her face. Jayne’s farewell kiss still burns on her lips and a pleasant warmth tingles in her nethers. I knew I was missin' his lovin’,she thinks to herself, an' I figured he was missin' me, too, but ai ya, he's right amazin'!

Thank Buddha this current job is another simple one. At least I ain't got no need to fret for his safety this time around. Given the way the Cap'n's jobs seem to go, I'd best be grateful for small blessings.

Once back in Serenity’s heart, Kaylee changes her focus to the Firefly daily maintenance routine. “What needs tendin’ to, girl?” she asks Serenity and stands stock still, her head cocked, listening for the intangible communication she shares with the Firefly.

Since the day when she let Mal’s first mechanic sex her up so she could get a close-up look at the big ship’s engine, Serenity has been her baby, her confidante and her best friend. Serenity’s the first one she shares her secrets with, as much a member of her family as the Captain or Zoë or any of the others.

The subtle symphony of hums and clicks and vibrations resolves into a particular cadence, telling the little mechanic what parts or systems require her innate skill. “The impellers are jammin?… Which ones?” She listens more carefully. “Okay, now I gotcha.” She sets down her tool box and after selecting the correct screwdriver, begins to carefully disassemble a small pump connected to the main hydraulic system.

Her thoughts flit back and forth, from the task she’s performin’ to the previous night and her decision to reconcile with Jayne. His initial hesitancy vanished pretty quickly once she made clear that she’d resolved her issues and wanted him. They’d kissed and grappled a little out on the hillside under the stars, before concluding that what the site offered in privacy, it lacked in comfort.

“I guess the cat’s outta the bag, Girl, since Zoë and me was comin’ up the ladders at the same time. I mean, she an’ Wash knew Jayne and I were bunkin’ together some before, so it ain’t no big deal we started back up now. She just grinned at me and gave me a ‘thumbs up’, so I guess they’re okay with the whole thing. Now we just gotta find a time when the Cap’n’s feelin’ real mellow and tell him. Maybe after this job, if everything goes smooth.”


Shepherd Book is reading quietly at one end of the galley table and Simon and his sister are playing chess at the other. Simon feels this is a pointless pass-time because River invariably toys with him and then beats him. But the game pleases her and he’s relieved to have some activity that keeps her happy and occupied. With the current streak of low-risk jobs the crew’s been doing, he’s felt pretty useless and irrelevant.

This morning at breakfast, the doctor couldn’t help noticing a new level of warmth and playfulness between Kaylee and Serenity’s mercenary and now concludes they have resumed their suspended relationship. The thought of her with such a crude and brutish partner repels and disquiets him, but he respects Kaylee too much to make a scene over her choice.

“Simon, I just took your queen,” River announces, annoyed. “You aren’t paying attention.”

“You’re right, mei-mei. I was distracted.” He runs his fingers through his dark hair and smoothes it back off his forehead.

River tilts her head and looks at him pityingly. “I know. They left you out of the game again and you don’t like it when she plays with Jayne.”

Simon blushes and puts his finger to his lips to silence his sister’s train of conversation. “Shhh, River. Let’s not get into that right now, please?” He glances surreptitiously down the table at Book and finds the Shepherd still deeply engrossed in his study, to his great relief.

River begins to fidget, nervously flipping the captured queen between her fingers.

“The game is going bad, Simon. They’re coming for the Queen and we can’t stop them.”

“What? Huh?” Simon immediately notices River’s increasing agitation and pallor, her darting, dark eyes and jerky body movements.

“River, is something wrong? Are you starting to have another episode?”

The girl’s voice rises and even the Shepherd looks up from his Bible in concern.

“They’re coming to take the board, take all the squares away so no one can play. The pawns and rooks will take it all apart, and then they’ll take the Queen!” Her voice is sharp with alarm.

“Mei-mei, calm down! What do you mean? Who’s coming?” Simon stands to reach out for her and River sweeps the chess board and all the pieces onto the deck, scattering them widely. Her fist clenches on the little white chess queen which she shakes at he brother.

“Simon, we have to hide her.” The frantic girl shoves the chess piece at her brother. “They’re coming to take the Queen and they’ll destroy her. You can’t let them in. Don’t let them take her! Please Simon, don’t let them take her.” She leaps up, knocking her chair over and turns to head toward the engine room.

Book comes quickly to his feet and intercepts the girl, his eyes meeting Simon’s. “Looks like she may need sedation, son. Let me help you get her down to the infirmary.” Together, they gently restrain the distraught girl and head for the necessary medical resources.

By the time they get River to the medlab, Simon’s sister is hysterical and screaming. The Shepherd holds River on the medtable and tries to reassure her, as Simon administers an aerosol injection of sedative to calm her. Between her sobs, River continues to mumble, “The Queen, Simon, save her. They’re coming.”

The medication acts quickly. River’s eyes fall closed and the little chess queen slips from her relaxed hand and clatters to the floor.

Shepherd Book picks up the white queen and studies it. “I wonder what the child was trying to tell us?”

(To be continued…)


Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:17 PM


Damn, this is getting good! I love Jayne and Kaylee on good terms again. I fear something bad is on the horizon. I'm on the edge of my seat, here. I'm also intrigued about the Simon angle. I had kind of forgotten him. Wonder what he'll bring to the mix now? Why didn't he go after Kaylee before? Hmmmmmmmm.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:25 PM


The Queen is Kaylee right or Serenity? I hope not, but things can't go smooth and the bad guys are still coming.

I like Zoe and Wash's comments and the way Mal is oblivious to all. River's insight into her brother's mind is great too.

Like Reenie I'm on the edge of my seat...keep up the wonderful writing.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 5:49 PM


Glad they're back together, but you aren't gonna go all PG-13 on us are you??

Loved the interaction between Jayne, Mal, Zoe & Wash! And River, as always, knowing what is going to happen, why won't they just listen to her!

Sunday, May 21, 2006 6:13 PM


I fear that the Queen is Serenity and someone bad is coming to take her. The Alliance, perhaps? What will Kaylee do without her confidante? Jayne is good and all with the physical, but not even he can replace Serenity for Kaylee.

Glad to see the two have reconciled and that Jayne is still limping along (you know my feelings on that image...grrr). Good chapter as always.

Monday, May 22, 2006 12:25 AM


Bad guys still on their way and River senses this. Oh dear, they seem like sitting ducks with the Jayne, Mal, Zoe and Wash out of the picture.

Love that Jayne and Kaylee have made up, but like Squish missed the kissing, etc. I've just got a dirty mind, sorry!!

Waiting anxiously for more. Thanks.

Monday, May 22, 2006 5:43 AM


It looks like it's hitting the fan soon! Edge of my seat, drumming my fingers...

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:01 AM


“They’re coming to take the board, take all the squares away so no one can play. The pawns and rooks will take it all apart, and then they’ll take the Queen!”

This can't be good, gotta wonder about the Queen

Monday, May 22, 2006 4:10 PM


Oh boy...gotta love such dire warnings from River;)

A-1 job here, HGG! Can't wait to see if you have the "Queen" be Serenity or something else that we ain't thinking of:)



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