
Serenity Movie Speculation -- potential spoilers!
Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Joss, Nathan, etc. are playing a very interesting game with us, methinks. Or my 'shippy tendancies have finally overwhelmed my good sense -- which I doubt, because of several comments made in different interviews.

THIS just in from a new Nathan mini-interview in Sci Fi Wire:

The film will feature the series' creepy cannibalistic renegades, the Reavers, and also give Reynolds a love interest , Fillion said.

Which, you know, initially annoyed me, crazy 'shipper type that I am. Because, hey, Nathan's been reeaaal cagey, re: Mal/Inara in the movie.

Then I remembered that, in the gorram press release for the movie, there's THIS:

As close as he is with his crew, Mal’s feelings are strongest for one who no longer shares life aboard the Serenity. Having once allowed his ship to ferry the private craft in which she entertained visitors—often of great stature and power—the Captain still harbors deep affections for a beautiful “companion” named Inara, played by Morena Baccarin. But class differences (her social status being so far above his) and mutual denial keep them from following where their hearts might lead them.

I mean, you don't market the principle 'unrequited' requited love story in your 'verse if you're not gonna do something about it, do you? I'm almost inclined to say that bringing Inara back would be kind of redundant if her storyline with Mal -- which IMHO is essential to her evolution on the whole (yes, I have an essay in mind, but no time ) -- is entirely side-tracked from the Big Damn Movie.

Also, Morena had THIS to say, apparently, at the White Room convention:

"I can tell you that you're not going to be disappointed. You're going to see a lot of things you've not seen before that you've wanted to see."

I know a fair contingent of the fans would be disappointed if our crotchety bastard of a Cap'n ended up with yet another floozy in the vein of Saffron & Nandi We've seen how Inara reacts to that. Time to move on!

Also, in the IMDB list? It does look like the crew and The Operative are our principals. A new love interest would surely be more marketable...

Thoughts? Am I crazy and/or reaching?


Tuesday, November 9, 2004 3:33 PM


gojiro -- a 'shipper aka 'a relationshipper' is a term from -- I think -- originally X-Files fandom, and refers to someone who supports (or "ships") a particular couple on a show/movie etc. In this case, Mal/Inara ;)

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 12:21 PM


Er, what's a "shipper"?

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 10:32 AM


The 'some other floozy' implication was intended re: Nandi & Saffron. But I shall edit.

And suggest that the fiendish glee is probably true.

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 10:25 AM


Saying "Some other floozy" would imply that you're calling Inara a floozy, purely out of frustration, I'm sure. And it's either killing the cast to be contractually bound to NOT saying anything or they're garnering an abnormal amount of fiendish glee out of teasing us with little tidbits like that. For my own part, I'll say SHAME ON YOU Nathan and Moreena while the itty bitty shameless shipper inside me goes "SQUEE."


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