
It has been almost a year...
Saturday, December 18, 2010


My mom was a tenacious individual who overcame so much in her life. She worked hard and raised me to value happiness and compassion over wealth or status. From her I got my tenacity, my sense of humor, my intuition, my sense of justice, and my independent streak. In the times when I felt as if the whole world had turned on me, she was always there for me. She believed in me when no one else did. She protected me when I felt the most alone and lost.

On the day my mother passed I spoke to her in her ear, hoping that somewhere inside she could hear and understand. I said that she should not be afraid. That she was not alone. That she was loved. I told her that she was a good person and a good mother. I told her that she had fought longer and harder than anyone could ever ask or expect. That she earned her rest and it was okay to let go. I said to her that she would go and see the face of god. That he would know her as his own daughter. That he would embrace her and take her into paradise. That she would know no pain and no sorrow ever again. I told her that I would be good. I told her that i would miss her. I stroked her hair, kissed her gently on her forehead, and said good bye.

It has been almost a year since her passing. I miss her every single day. I would give anything for one more talk with her.


Friday, December 31, 2010 6:19 AM


I have lost both parents in the last 18 month's, too be honest is sucks. But like yourself I am just glad I had good parent's who gave a good start to life, taught me right from wrong and kept me and my siblings on the straight and narrow.

Whilst I was proud to be their son. I am more proud that they had resonably good live's and lived long enough to see some of their grand children and too again see we as a family are doing things right.

But it does hurt and I am presuming that it might not get any easier, I would give anything to sit down and speak with my mother again just once..............

Hope you things get easier for you and that you have a better new year.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 7:55 PM


i am not a man of faith. you could say she was the shepherd book to my malcolm reynolds.

i would like to believe that she is still in some way watching over me.

this holiday season feels especially bleak. i just don't know... i keep hanging on, i keep from slipping away because that's the kind of person she helped to make. someone who endures. someone who hopes that tomorrow offers some kind of opportunity for improvement. slim hope, but hope nonetheless.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 11:31 AM


I understand where you're coming from. I lost my Grandmother back in July, and this will be the first Christmas without her. Just know that she's still with you, and always will be.

Sunday, December 19, 2010 6:56 PM


Thank you for your kind words. It is greatly appreciated. Just so you know, my mom loved the show and it was one of the things we could talk about together. Like many others, one of the themes of firefly that had a great impact on both of us was the idea that sometimes family is the people you are fortunate enough to have come across along the way (instead of the people you might have been born to.) For the longest time all we had was each other. As a child it was just the two of us against the world.

Saturday, December 18, 2010 8:05 PM


And what I meant by I don't was I haven't lost a parent.

Saturday, December 18, 2010 8:04 PM


I am truly sorry for your loss. I can't say that it gets better and I won't belittle this moving piece by saying i understand... i don't, but I hope the passage of time allows the hurt to lessen and you to remember all the good things.


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