
Foster Cat
Sunday, December 6, 2009


thanks for the kind comments on my last entry. "no longer a capella" ... I like that :)

I'm a writer. Well, I want to be. Well, I am, I suppose. It depends on how you look at it. I do a fair amount of writing ... short stories, children's books, novels for young and no longer quite so young adults. I managed to publish a few short stories in printed magazines and an anthology so far and even to get paid for that. That was years ago, though. One of my children's book manuscripts is currently lying on the desks of five different publishers ... well, let's say, I sent it to them ... whether it indeed made it to the desks of their editors or went directly into the trash I cannot say. I am currently revising my NaNoWriMo novel from last year, titled "The Time Travel Academy" and hope to get it ready to send it to publishers in a few weeks.
So, you could say, I am a writer, but so far a pretty unsuccessful one. Or you could say I'm an amateur dreaming of being a writer.

Anyway, even though I do write a lot more than I publish, I still don't write anywhere enough. I have a lot of time on my hands, so it is not that I don't have the chance to write. It suely is not lack of ideas either. If I got a dime for every story idea a have, I'd be a very rich person. It's more that I lack the endurance, stubbornness and, I guess, courage to just go through with it.

I love cats. And I love the cliché that writers should have a cat. I was very reluctant to get a cat of my own, though, for I am a pretty independend person and like to stay that way. Now I found the solution which allows me to bake the cake and eat it, too or ... pet the cat and scratch it, too? I became a foster parent for the local animal shelter and yesterday Granny moved in with me. As her name suggests, Granny is an old lady, 16 years, and she has kidney problems and some other health issues, which made it impossible for her to keep up with the younger cats in the shelter. Being a foster cat mother means that I don't have to pay for anything. The cat stays at my house, but the shelter pays for food, litter and even visits to the vet. So the shelter is happy to have a place for her, I am happy because I finally have a pet and Granny's happy, because she finally found a home. Everyone's happy.

From minute one Gran hasn't been shy at all. She even slept in my bed tonight.

That's all for today.
Keep flyin'


Monday, December 7, 2009 12:17 AM


Best of luck to you and Gran.
As to the writing thing, if you think you don't do it enough, several successful writers have done it by sitting down EVERY DAY, and not getting back up until they finish the goal ammount for that day- one that I remember wrote 4 pages a day, every day, no less, no more.

Sunday, December 6, 2009 12:30 PM


Aw, that's a good idea. better than euthanasia.


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