
2 1/2 Weeks, culminated in greatness.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Well, in accordance with my last blog post, my roommates and I have finished watching the firefly series. We capped off the series with the movie, respectively, and we did so in style! My boss had allowed us to borrow the projector to watch the Grey Cup final for the CFL, and I figured that since we had it, we may as well watch Serenity on it.

For those who had watched the series for the first time, which basically everyone but myself, they really loved the movie, and went through pretty well the same motions I had gone through myself the first time I had seen it. For instance...Wash and Book shall be sorely missed. The solid desire for a sequel, and the many reasons as to why, and finally an understanding that the death of a character like Wash was a metaphor for the last nail in the coffin. Because let us be honest, what would the show be without him? Sadly empty and incomplete. Getting to watch the series again, as well as the movie, is always great as well. Its nice catching the things I hadn't quite noticed the previous times around. Things like color use, framing, composition, its all quite fascinating, and the proof of a labor of love. Anyway, it's late, I best be going, chat with you all later, stay shiny.


Monday, November 30, 2009 7:05 AM


Ya, I'm not entirely sure how that would happen either, as much as I would love to see a sequel to the movie, I just don't see it happening.

Monday, November 30, 2009 5:10 AM


Perhaps that was what Joss was thinking with Wash, which would be unfortunate. I have heard him say, though, that if he ever did a sequel, he'd think of some way to bring Wash back. Not sure how he'd do it, flashbacks, or maybe River picking up the psychic echoes?


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