
My First Blog...Ever!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is actually my first ever blog so here goes...

I'm 15, male, my name's Zach & I live in .... Wagin, which is in Western Australia. Wagin's boring, so's my life.
So I don't really like talkin' about myself.

Anyway I might as well now. I like writing and the internet, so getting the internet two days ago has been really great. I don't know how I managed before then. And I don't know how I managed with a Windows95 computer until two weeks ago, but I did. So now I have the internet and it's MINE!!! To use. Or would be...

The thing is, this new computer goes in my room. It's the only sensible place to put it, not to mention I like being able to stay up late using it. But there's one problem.My family uses my room ALL the time to use the computer. There's no peace. But I try to make sure there's no arguing too, because I'm a pretty peaceful person.

So, invaded room aside, it's great to finally have the net.

Now onto Firefly!

I don't need to point out that firefly would be my favouritest thing eva do I? Well, since you don't know me, I probably do.

My mum saw it before me, bought the DVD set, then I watched that. It was awesome!!!! I had actually seen the end of Ariel though because mum recorded it when it was on TV late. Why do they put the best sci-fi on so's terrible... Well that was GWN or WIN(notsure). IS it just Australian TV? Just country TV? Are we the only ones that miss out?

But lotsa firefly fans must've complained about that.

Anyway Ariel went on to become my fave episode. I feel sorta unsure if that's good or bad though, because Ariel is the most sci-fi/futuristic episode in the series, which is supposed to be more westerny. Anyhow, I also like Objects in Space.

So, on the fact that there's only one incomplete season of my favourite show. Well...grrr....
Let's just say that much, much stupider shows like LOST can go and get lo...well they can just go away and be replaced by Firefly. I wish. I'd like to know why firefly wasn't as successful as I think it should have been. It had a great script, great characters...well I could go on and on.
But what's worse is that the only season is incomplete. Surely another few episodes could have been managed? Maybe not. But I do like to imagine what would have happened if the season one finale had aired.

I was, however, calmed when I discovered the Dark Horse Serenity comics. I've got parts 1 & 2 of the Better Days trio. I eagerly wait part three.
I find them funny, great looking, and they really seem to capture the feel of the TV series. I...

Well it seems I have to hand the computer over to my younger brother, but I don't mind, there's a fire on in the loungeroom.

Anyhow, I hope my blog was somewhat decent and somewhat entertaining.

Was it? Do you know how I could improve?

It'd be great if you reply to this blog and tell me what u think. Thanks for readin', cya.


Friday, August 29, 2008 5:56 AM


Thanks for the comments!
Hopefully I see more people in the chat section soon and I'll have a look at posting a thread now

Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:42 AM


Hi! We already spoke in the chat but I just came to tell you welcome to and ze internets! Now get ready for it to take over your whole life. :) Also you have seen Serenity the movie right? You didn't mention it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008 1:38 AM


Firefly151 let me be the first to welcome you to the world wide web ( if I am the first of course) and also the glorious world of Joss Whedon’s FIREFLY fandom. Let me just say for a first time logger you’ve done very well. But to become a little bit more visible you can also post a thread as a newbie in the “General Discussions” area. I think you’ll get more views there. Tell us more about yourself, family, friends and what you’re doing to spread the word of Firefly.

It really is good having you aboard, welcome to all the craziness.



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