
Narcissistic little questions
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sometimes I look at the real world discussions on this page and I think to myself 'Am I even part of this world that these people are talking about?' Because I live alone I have to answer myself aswell, and the answer is 'No'

The questions about England turning into a 1984 reality show and the fact that the biggest scandal about the upcoming US president is that he is either too wrinkly or too much of a celebrity throws the situation in my own country into harsh relief.

I watched a movie called 'Blood diamond' a couple of months ago and what I got out of it is this:
Leo DiCaprio's character gets the sympathy vote because his parents were barbarically killed back in the 80s in Zim.

In comparison all the SA guys are monsters - while real SA people are being killed today. Crime is a complete terrorist here. We all look over our shoulders, all the time. The worst thing is that you don't notice it before you go to another country and get back to this beautiful but pretty scary place.

Don't mind me, I'm just going through a spot of depression. Around this time is the 11 year anniversary of my cousin's murder. He was 18. He was shot in the stomach and left to bleed to death on the highway. The whole thing was rather highlighted when one of my friends ran into a cash-in-transit heist last friday and had to lie down next to the highway and watch the guys with the AK-47s run past after killing the only man who tried to stand up to them.

Yeah, it's personal when it becomes part of your daily life. But as narcissistic as my little ramblings are, they gave me some relief. Which I suppose is the point.

Damn, sometimes this place gets me down. Tomorrow, I will be positive again.


Friday, August 15, 2008 9:37 PM


Don't really know what too say too you Upperson but i do know getting stuff off your chest is a good thing.When I go back too visit the home country I notice on my return that it takes me a few days too relax,get back to myself.Take care bud.

Friday, August 15, 2008 9:16 AM


*hugs* sorry to hear that Upper. :(
Feel better soon.

Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:28 PM


Oh honey, stay out of RWED. Those people are crazy - well, some of them are, and unfortunately the unpleasant few tend to blab the loudest and take over every damned thread.

Sadly, I do agree with you that a lot of the world is nuts. Form your own circle of sanity and stay in there as much as possible. It's the only solution I've found.

Big hug for you!


Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:32 PM


I feel for you all. I hope sincerely it gets loads better. :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:22 PM


*hugs* I'm sorry about the trauma you and your friends have been through. That kind of stuff isn't easy.

And, I know what you mean about the 1984 thing. The other day I read an article about how UK children are going through some sort of program to be "recycling cops" on their parents, and I got a flash from one of the early chapters from that blasted book. :-/


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