
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I was beginning to wonder if this would ever happen again, but there I was, lost in the oblique folds of unconsciousness with silent night all around. And the folds deepened, the night was forgotten and a wash of brightness was before me, in a small room that looked conspicuously like my sitting-room. But brighter than usual. Even the door. And on the other side of the door I could hear the soft-shod footsteps.

I opened the door, and for a moment I was speechless: there she was.


The whole room darkened in the brightness of her smile. "Hi, Chris."

"Where've you been hiding?"

"You need a hug."

"What ever gave you that impression?"

She smiled knowingly and came into the room and closed the door. "You've been working too hard. Too hard and too much."

"Gee, ya think?" I acknowledged with a chortle. "Putting a damper on my health for sure."

"You need to forget it." River's voice was soft and warm and her eyes shone. She looked more like Cameron, but Cameron has no way of knowing what's on my mind and thereby knowing what I need. No, this was River. My sweet, strong, loving and beloved River.

"You need to forget all about it just for a little while," she went on as she came close to me. "You need to feel better. What would make you feel better than this?"

With that, she opened her arms and closed them around me, and squeezed ever so gently. "Not a whole hell of a lot," I confessed as I hugged her in return. I hadn't felt this in so long. Felt her so close, felt her embrace, felt this feeling that I can't ever seem to have in real life, the feeling of being loved. I rested my head on hers, but only in the briefest before I felt it stir and looked down to her. She was still smiling, bright and sweet and with an affection I've never known, when she looked up at me: then she seemed to levitate in my arms, and she kissed me. Tender at first, and then firm, then long and slow and sensual. As only River ever has.

River Gabrielle Tam, I've come to your rescue many a time in these dreams, I thought. Now you come to mine after five days of occupational hell. Thank you for coming back. For being the only one who's come back, who's given back the love that the rest of them have only ever returned with a kick in the teeth. Might be you won't even be alive for another 493 years, but if I'm never to be loved in return for the rest of my waking hours, at least you'll be there when I'm dead to the world.

She hadn't stopped smiling when the kiss broke.

Till our next meeting, River, keep flying. I love you.

"And I love you."

I wish I had a River I could skate away on....


Thursday, May 8, 2008 1:29 AM


ha! lucky swine - my inner River is huddled up in a parka and glowering at me somewhere in the rainy drear of regis colony. she's very moody these days!


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