
So angry I'm Speechless (Re: A Rapist's View of the World: Joss Whedon and Firefly)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

*Crossposted from my LJ*

I avoided it at first, but it kept popping up on my flist, so I finally went over and read this blog/rant that this self-proclaimed 'lesbian feminist' wrote about Joss Whedon and Firefly. Have you heard about this?

I am... flabberghasted by this rant. It makes me extremely angry to read it. This woman is herself blinded by her hatred of men and men's position in society.

She describes every client of Inara's as her rapist/fucker, and persists in calling any man who has sex a rapist. She even goes so far to say that she has never heard of a successful relationship between a white man and a black woman.

I... The urge to reply to her is *so* strong, but this woman has already received far too much attention as it is, and she is not interested in debating her 'point of view', she simply deletes the comments she doesn't like.

Right off the bat, as she explains it, she rolls her eyes because Zoe calls Mal 'sir'. She takes immediate offence that the man is in charge, harping on the fact that Zoe 'follows Mal around and calls him sir' without acknowledging the military relationship they had.

There's more... there's *so* much more, and it's just mind-boggling.

The worst thing is, if presented in a respectful, intelligent and unbiased argument, there *are* certain lines and certain actions that, taken from a certain point of view, one could take as less than favourable to women, but she's so rabid and foul of mouth in her delivery that there's just no point in addressing any of it or trying to take it seriously. I'm sure it's very serious to her, but this woman has *Issues* with a capitol 'I'.

She focusses on the most negative spin she could possibly put on any characterisation or situation. For example, rather than saying Yay for Zoe being in the middle of the action and fighting - and beating up - the bad guys, all she sees is a woman getting hit by men. She doesn't see any of the other side. And that is the inherent flaw in her entire arguement. Blinded, utterly blinded.

I don't really want to put up a link to it here, because as I've said, I think it's gotten enough attention as it is, but if you haven't read it and you want to, I'm sure you can find it... if not, I'll give you the link if you really want it.

In re-reading this, I can see that it doesn't sound like much, but if you could feel the amount of anger behind my words right now... and don't confuse this for my obsession of Firefly, honestly. Yes, I read it because I am a fan of the show, but it's her man-hating narrow-mindedness - to the point that she is a detriment to real feminist progress - that I just can't get over and that pisses me off so much. It is no better to be a man-hater than it is to be a woman-hater, and I'm telling you that this woman feels so righteously justified for whatever reason - whatever experiences she's been through or whatever to form this bias - that there is just no common ground for her, no seeing the other side. It's all or nothing. Woman supreme, or let's blow up the world. It's so...... GRRAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHH! God damnit, it makes me angry!!


Friday, July 31, 2009 4:15 PM


I was actually insulted by the whole post (hers, not yours) and I am a female!

Her take on YoSaffBridge is ridiculous, making her out to be the timid oppressed girl she was PRETENDING to be.

The whole thing made me really angry for Joss (not AT him) and if I ever met this woman, I am sure I would hit her.

She actually deletes any comments that disagree with her or call her names, so commenting is futile, it will only make her write more.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:37 PM


I feel bad for that type of person, someone who has never known what real love is. They hate everything, it is sad. But there is hope for them, maybe ?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1:52 PM


So she's a freak... a horrible freak

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1:16 PM


Everyone I've talked to, or who has commented has said the same things. Her view is just so skewed by her hatred, it's scary.

Anyway, I needed to rant - and I recognize the irony, if you will, of saying how she doesn't need any more attention paid to her comments and then posting about them myself *G*, but I just really needed to vent.

Hopefully this is the last we'll ever hear of her.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:57 PM


You know..there are some lines that might seem to be wildly offensive. If you ignore any of the context around it. For example...She takes offense to Mal's comment about duct taping Kaylee and dumping her in the cargo hold. That might be seem to be offensive...WITHOUT JAYNE'S COMMENT ABOUT KAYLEE'S CHEERFULNESS FIRST! That makes it a joke. That's how it was intended..That's how Kaylee took it, and that's how the audience took it.

She does this several times, and backs up her comments by saying she researched thoroughly. By my reasoning, counting how many lines men have in ratio to how many lines women have is not research.

Well...maybe if you're Rainman. You're right about not commenting on her though. It's asinine, but, thankfully, it's over in a corner of the net that most people stay away from.

For the record, her definition of "rape" needs adjusting. If that's what it really is, I doubt there's anyone out there who can say they haven't been raped.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 10:33 AM


i havent seen the link so i cant say anything about it.I myself did one of those "which character are you" and came up as zoe,now im male and i know its just a laugh but if i could measure up too zoe then i'd be a hell of a guy.Your at nothing giving a bigot reprove cos they wont listen;theres a place for links like this in troll country.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 6:04 AM


People like this you just have to kind of laugh at, even when they infuriate you! And as for no successful relationships between a white man and a black woman? I'm black, my husband is white, we have a beautiful little girl, and we've been together for nearly six years. It ain't ALWAYS sunshine and roses, but no relationship is! I don't know what this woman may have gone through in her life, but, as you said, she is only looking at things that will support her own point of view. Zoe may call Mal "sir", but he earned her respect, and she also puts him in his place when need be, and I certainly think she wears the pants in the family with Wash!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 5:32 AM


Don't put up the connection 2x2, because I don't want to read it. I think I'd get just as mad as you LOL!

The girl's clearly got issues. I guess all we can do is give the men in our lives hugs and kisses (as appropriate) and be glad we're not like her. And I say this as a total feminist! :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:22 AM


I got a good laugh out of it.

I wouldn't place too much stock in it; some people are just idiots.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:14 AM


I read it after being linked this morning over on sm.org.
I'm a feminist...I'm old, I remember when women's rights were so violated being militant made sense, but this woman is truly as you say a man-hater. I agree with you when you say that it's detrimental to women's causes to have someone like this spouting this opinionated drivel.
Only looking at one side and presenting your argument with vehemence and no tolerance for alternate thinking plus removing any differing opinions in the form of responses smacks of sensationalism to me. I'll bet she hopes to be linked to Whedonesque and see what happens.

As I said earlier...I'm an old warrior in the feminist movement. I found this gutteral and distasteful and the worst of it was her suppositions about Mrs. Whedon. I was literally repulsed by her eagerness to say such blanket suppositions with such poison.

My suspicion is that this person wants attention for this and hopes to be able to spout more vitriol. Were I so full of hatred I would be afraid for my own soul.


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