
Is this a Blog?
Tuesday, August 17, 2004

A new word to me, "Blog". I'd guess it's just musings, a journal entry of sorts. A public journal seems a bit awkward. Most, I'd say, write in a journal to try to attain a deeper meaning. They organize their thoughts and banish them from their head. Once the surface thoughts are spent the more reliable thoughts from intuition come to the surface.

I'd further speculate that people post on forums to exchange ideas. Some perform, others just want to be heard and still others have questions. The composition of these writings have an audience in mind. They are not usually for the self, but for the benefit of others.

So where does that leave blogs? Those with a mixture of courage and indifference to the opinions of others this will be another forum for journal entries. It takes a lot to show 'the real me' for those of us who tend toward the introspective.

I guess after writing down the surface thoughts and seeing what dwells beneth I discover this entry has wandered far deeper than I expected. Further, I have no better ability to articulate 'what is a blog' however my own impression of what a blog should be has never the less been defined.

Wacky. This is a far cry from my usual goof-ball self, others may begin to take me seriously if I keep this up. Musn't have that.

Clear skys,


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:35 PM


In theory, a blog is.... exactly whatever you just said.

In practice, it's more just a rambling rant from whoever on whatever. It's not very poetic, but then again, neither are most blogs.

Except Dusty Bottoms. He kicks a$$.


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