
Why, why, why....
Monday, January 14, 2008

....why won't she just say hello, why doesn't it seem to matter how much I care for her, why am I all alone, why is there no such thing as a second chance, why can't I just be happy for once, why must I get all down and gloomy whenever I hear her name or see what she's up to, why in the crap-hill 'verse does this always have to hurt so freaking much???????

Better yet, why do I need to blow off steam here because there's no one I can talk to anymore, in real life or anywhere else online?

I gotta go clear my head....neural stripping looks oddly viable.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 9:36 AM


All right, well, it's dead for sure I'm not gay, so....if I'm such a chick magnet, how come I don't magnetise any chicks? And when one does come along and we have something special right before she calls it off, why does she always say she wants to stay friends and subsequently drop off the face of the earth? Hell, I'm guilty of it my own self (with somebody I met here on FFF) because I was planning to move away soon, but....what do others have for reasons?

And PR, nothing to outweigh it all, indeed - man, am I glad for you that you don't have to put up with that anymore.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:40 AM


nothing i say is going too make you feel better,been there ,worn the of the reasons im here is for me firefly/serenity is about family ,belonging ,being part of something bigger and i reckon im among like minded people,so you get all that stuff of your chest,thats one of the reasons we're here.

Monday, January 14, 2008 4:55 PM


I tend to annoy by battling serious things with levity. Sometimes, though rarely, I succeed. Please understand my intentions when I say...

1.) You are a chick magnet. I've seen the pictures.

2.) Even if you are gay, you are a chick magnet. So, you're doomed.

Been there. My friends told me that I would be OK. Though I was grateful, I thought they were all nuts, as I was still stuck on "the one that was always to be". They were right. Been with "the one that was to be" for twenty six years now...

Look around.

Monday, January 14, 2008 11:44 AM


These are all excellent questions that I have pondered more than once myself.

I have yet to find a reason. Even when it absolutely shouldn't hurt, it still does. Even when there's every reason in the world for it not to, it does. And when there's nothing to outweigh it at all? Oh man... *string of Chinese curses*


Monday, January 14, 2008 11:00 AM


Don't be too hard on yourself. I've been in your shoes and when you're desperate for that person to get in touch, nothing else seems to matter.

I'm guessing the pain you're feeling now is tearing at your heart. You want to just shake the universe until things make sense again.

It'll pass. Just remember not give up hope - she may not be the one or maybe this isn't the right time for you two but somewhere out there are so many ladies whose hearts are aching too because they can't find a guy like you. Until you meet one of them, you can let it all out here if you want to.

Monday, January 14, 2008 10:57 AM


OH sweety... I am so very sorry that you are going through this.. wish so much I could help, bust sadly when it comes to making things hurt less ( especially this thing) I am useless.... just know I am thinking of you and hoping things get easier.. HUGS and hang in there..

Hey .... standing right here. You can talk to me any time.
My email is and I listen really well...


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