
Don't think I'll be posting here anymore...
Friday, August 24, 2007

It seems like lately non-canon pairings have fallen out of favor and are no appreciated here anymore. It's nice to get so many views but the thing is, I'm not getting reviews anymore.

Well it was nice to know all of yall. You can find me on LJ for graphics or fanfic.


Peace out


Friday, August 24, 2007 3:39 PM


Don't go! =(

New people are always finding the 'verse (like I did) and hungry to read fanfic that suits their taste in pairings. And don't sweat the reviews thing. Some people read and enjoy, but just don't post. (I think that's a little impolite, but there it is.) Just because some people are vocal about their likes and dislikes (I am one) doesn't mean that there aren't other schools of thought, i.e. people who enjoy non-canon pairings.

BSR is a great archive to post fanfic. Keep posting your work here! It's important! It's for posterity!

Friday, August 24, 2007 12:49 PM


Don't get discouraged because no one is reviewing your stuff. Happens all the time in the publishing and screenwriting world. At least here someone is reading it. I don't read everything that comes on this site, (hell who has the time) and maybe I've never read yours, but I don't always leave reviews because 1. no time 2. nothing about the story struck me in anyway 3.Others had already left comments addressing things I noticed. 4. the story wasn't really to my taste and I stopped reading it part way through. Things not to my taste include an over abundance of graphic sexual descriptions, pairings that don't sit well with me, and out right gratuitous violence, rape, ect. which has no purpose in relation to the plot. Since your main issue seems to be readers not liking non-canon pairings, I do tend to stop reading those or not read them at all and I'll tell you why. Like most others I saw the show on DVD and fell in love long after it was cancelled. To me that world created by Joss Whedon and the other writers and those wonderful actors is kind of the way I see the Firefly 'verse, and I try to follow the plot lines and characterisations as written in the show and movie as closely as possible. My mind kind of blocks out anything that doesn't quite fit into those parameters. Now I know in the real world relationships change, people find new mates etc. and I'm sure that would have happened if the show had lasted longer. But again, a lot of fans like the way things are as presented in the little material we have and its very hard to get them to see Firefly in any other way. Like I said in another message the other day, I believe everyone has the right to write what they want but don't expect everyone to enjoy it or even read it. Not everyone loves Firelfy, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. My father hated science fiction and love westerns so I'm not sure if he would have loved Firelfy or not. My mother enjoys romance novels and comedy. That being said, I'm sure you do have some fans out there in black, enjoying what you write. Please keep contributing, we need all the writers in the world to keep writing. Story is what moves us and makes laugh, cry, sigh, and occassionally cringe, but we still need story and we need yours. I just joined this site, I love it, and I want it to last. And remember (I'm old enough that I can) Star Trek was off the air for almost ten years before the first movie was made and almost 20 years before a new TV show came about. So three is hope in the verse, if we are just a little more patient.

Friday, August 24, 2007 8:07 AM


hey - come back! you will be missed i'm telling you!


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2007 August