
True Fear
Thursday, July 19, 2007

I was talking online with a friend just yesterday and the convo hit a bit of a lull. He suddenly asked "What's going on in Manhattan?", I of course replied like a smart ass and said "Dunno, I don't live there.". But then he proceeds to tell me that there is an explosion being reported on BBC News in Manhattan. My heart just sank. I felt this overwhelming sense of panic and dread. He tried hard to calm me down and told me he was very worried 'bout me but everything was gonna be fine. He sent me a link to the live news report and of course it turned out that it was a main that blew, but for those few moments of not knowing I was in such terror. On the news feed you could see people running in every direction, so scared, so lost. I remember the sec he told me I went frantically through all the news channels and on the net checking every place I could. I was actually really shocked that there was nothing over here even mentioned (until this morning anyways) but in the UK it was reported pretty much mins after it happened. All I can conclude from this is that it was thought that it would start a states-wide panic (if I'm any example then they would be damn right). Now I know everyone feel that sudden panic, but for me it just scared me so very much. All I kept thinking was how my friends Julie, who lives in NYC not far from the explosion site, was and if she was alright (thank goodness I called her after I found out what was going on). I can't believe that things have gotten so bad that any lil hint of odd goings on would send me into such a tizzy. I remember that that right after 9/11 I just sat in numbness. Of course so did the whole of the US, but I had actually been in those towers just one month before it happened and I thought to myself as the towers crumbled, 'My God, I was right there, standing right there looking over NYC. How could it just be all gone?'. Just the other day I found the ticket stub from my trip up there and my eyes just teared right up. Why? No one I loved died there, I wasn't actually there the day it happened. I just think that the thought of losing something, something that has touched you in some way, being so close to such danger it gives your life a whole new perspective. Now I realize there are gonna be a hundred blogs and all on this very subject going on and on 'bout the fear and remembrance, but it just hit me like nothing before and even today I sit here wondering how jumpy everyone must be. A main busts and we all grasp on to our seats. Wow, what has this world come to...


Friday, July 27, 2007 2:14 PM


You're not alone, Roxy. These days, all it takes is the hint of lots of collateral damage or deaths and people starting thinking "terrorist strike" immediately:(

Still...your friend's OK and it was just a busted gas main. Things like this happen and there are prepared responses...we just need to have faith in those whose job it is to deal with such matters:)


Friday, July 20, 2007 4:09 AM


HUGS Roxy- it'll be ok sweety and of course you teared up. 9/11 and any other terrorist attack world wide is a horrific reminder of how inhumane people can be..but there are lots of moments when we can all be wonderful too:)


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