
Friday, June 15, 2007

Hi there,

Yesterday was fun. Our friend Al is up for the weekend so we all decided to go out. Firstly me, John and Andrew had to go back to our old colege because I needed a second reference for my CV. It was good to go back again. I saw most of my techers, my History teacher Jon, my English Lit teacher Martin and my tutor Barbara. They all agreed that Andrew hadn't changed one bit in the three years since we left. And I got my reference.

Then we had food in the King John's Tavern. There was an instance where Andrew said he wanted to lick Alan's appendage which had us in hysterics but being as naive as he is, Andrew didn't get what we were laughing at.

Then we went to the Irish bar. They have a digital jukebox with some pretty good songs. We picked: Run to the Hills, Comfortably Numb, Hold the Line, the Logical Song, Helter Skelter, Fool for your Lovin', Money, I Feel Free, Biko, Travelling in Style and Roll Over Beethoven. Andrew said I might have converted him to Chuck Berry. Oh and I have a video on my phone with John and I dancing like crazy people to a song I can't remember (at least it wasn't Barbie Girl 'cos someone picked that). I want to upload it and I probably will someday. It's quite funny. And I have another one of John miming to Mariah Carey.

Then we went to the Brewer. I've never really liked that pub, the music was always too loud and the toilet are disgusting. Anyway, it's changed a lot in three years. Thursday Nights used to be alternative night and now it's karioke. Quite a dramatic change.




Monday, June 18, 2007 3:35 PM


Oh...it's always hilarious when one's mates make comments like that and have no clue whatsoever that they have just triggered a Freudian response all around them;D

And yeah...ANY public place with less-than-sanitary toilets should get automatically busted, fined and publicly named in shame :S


Friday, June 15, 2007 7:19 AM


ok pubs with icky toilets should receive huge fines in my opinion:)


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