
People of Houston look out...
Monday, May 21, 2007

This will be old news to some of you, but for anyone else that don't know, me and Scotty are on our way over the pond. It's all been confirmed, all been booked - from Saturday 29th September the lovely people of Houston, Texas are gonna have to deal with me and Scotty Taylor for a couple of weeks!

Needless to say, I'm proper excited! I've never been to the States before, and all my life I've been obsessed with Texas. I've always wanted to go, and now I am! Oh yes!

Anyhoo, that's all for now, just a lil' update 'bout what's going on my life at the mo.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:03 AM


that's Space City......dude.
Glad you guys are making the trip - houston, my old stomping grounds, is big city texas alright, but if you want to see some of the real, ahem, beauty of the lone star state you should try to visit the hill country region of the texas - Austin (music capital of pretty much the planet) and points west - we've had a lot of rain and the texas flora is in full bloom...

welcome to Texas - have a big ole fat time....

Monday, May 21, 2007 5:36 PM


*tackleglomps!* Yay! You'll only be a few hundred miles away from me! I'll be in school, though. Hope I can afford to take a long weekend to pop down and visit you!
And hey, you haven't been on the pic thread for awhile! I miss you! I know, I know, I should get on myspace if I miss you, but I haven't because I know there are things on there (or one thing. person. whatever) that I'm not ready to deal with. Come chatting with us, okay???

Monday, May 21, 2007 4:28 PM


Welcome! I live in the Corpus Christi area, about 3 hrs SW of Houston. We're not as big, but our towns and beaches are cleaner (forgive the dig, Houstoners). Hope you enjoy your stay, but zzetta13 is right; we aren't anything like the Texas in the movies.

Monday, May 21, 2007 12:51 PM


Howdy fellow browncoat. Looks like you’ll be in my neck of the woods soon. I’m in Beaumont,Tx. That’s about 100 miles east of Houston. Enjoy you stay with us here in the colonies. Just a heads up for you. Don’t be expecting to see any mountain ranges in Houston nor any cowboys. Sorry if that’s disappointing it just isn’t what is seen in the movies,at least in this part.

Anyhoo enjoy your trip. Give me a shout out if you like at

See ya, Z

Monday, May 21, 2007 11:42 AM


Don't know if I answered elsewhere but It rocks to no end that you get to see the US.


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