
SO Annoyed,
Friday, May 11, 2007

I sat down today to start my assigment for my What is a Play module, to get it out of the way, since they've been very late in releasing the material.

And I find that we are required to read the entire play, instead of just the extract we've been given to analyse.

It doesn't sound too bad but they told us to buy all these play's at the begining of term, and we've only worked on two of them. Which means a waste of my money. Now we have to buy more plays. And that means more delays, waiting for them to be dewlievered, 'cos I'm not going to a shop to pay a tenner when I can get them for a quid online.

It wouldn't be so bad if they were decent plays, but I hate Macbeth in year nine, and now I have to spend more of my money on a copy.

And I just wanna get the damn thing out of the way.

Do they think us students are made of effing money?

Okay, rant over. Gonna order the plays and try to do as much of the analysis as I can now. Then, REVISION. Oh, my life is sweet.


Friday, May 11, 2007 8:15 PM


Glad msg pointed you to the M.I.T. Shakespeares. You can download complete plays or scenes, print 'em, edit them, whatever.
Personally, I have 2 editions of Complete Works, and paperback copies of each play I've worked on or studied in depth. They're available cheap here in the USA at used bookstores everywhere, about $ 1.00 a copy.
I've read MacBeth a couple of times, for classes, and read some commentary on it, but it's not remotely one of my favorites.

Friday, May 11, 2007 12:04 PM


Gotta agree with Cybersnark...the Bard's works are worth owning. I myself have a bound copy of the Norton Anthology of Shakespeare's plays and poems. Some of the best money I spent;)

But yeah...I know how ya feel. I have had to spend approx. $500 CDN a year on textbooks for university. Really peeves me off to get long lists of material that we will only glance at once or twice. Even worse is when the prof switches the material on ya:(

BEB (A former English major who quit after 3 years of being told I was a nutbar)

Friday, May 11, 2007 6:36 AM


Also, Shakespeare's plays are worth owning anyway.
[/Biased English Major]

Friday, May 11, 2007 4:45 AM


Um if they are Shakespear's plays you can read them online for free...just go to

Friday, May 11, 2007 4:29 AM


Having studied communication & media for two years at college, I totally understand what you mean. There was always a tutor that wanted the class to buy a certain book, and it would cost about £20 to get one sometimes. My money was mainly reserved for bus fare all school term, because I lived in another town from the college. There wasn't much money for anything like books once all the basics were covered.

Have you visited the college library? It might be slightly easier to loan out the books if you can get a hold of them. I think they allow students to keep renewing them for as long as they need to.

Also, there's bound to be a charity shop that'll have a copy of MacBeth. That's always a good place to look.

Friday, May 11, 2007 3:39 AM


I am familiar with the problem, and therfore sypathise. I kinda like Macbeth though, but if you dont I can see why you dont wnnt to read it again and pay for it. Good luck with the assignment, hope it wont cost you a lot.


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