
Of Big Damn Shindigs and the Bedlam Bards
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's weekends like this past that make me wish I could be a full-time Browncoat. (No, you needn't tell me that I'm not alone in that 'verse. ;)) Seriously, yesterday I dragged my pi-gu back to work lamenting the not-so-sudden but inevitable end of the New England Browncoats' Big Damn Shindig. I think it actually gave Moonlight Rising a run for its money as the best weekend I've ever had - quality hangout with 40-odd other 'Coats, meeting the Bedlam Bards (who, by the by, are two of the shiniest of all Browncoatdom), myself as Mal, our 'security chief' cosplayed as Jayne, a gal with a severe Kaylee complex, and shindigging well into the wee hours of the morning - what wasn't to enjoy? (Well, there was some stuff not to enjoy, but I'm leaving that alone...)

I don't know how our House Priestess managed to pull it all off, but oh, the success and the fun and the overall exhilaration of the thing. The Bards played a new and deucedly high-larious song dedicated to Kaylee, and I don't know about anyone else, but I could have just sat there and listened to them jam with a couple of our local musicians for days to follow. Amongst other Bard novelties was the T-shirt: "I Want My Big Damn Trilogy."

Well, we do, don't we?

Think now I got a notion regarding that: I say we each toss in a few coin and pick up one of those shirts. Then we talk a few pillars of the Browncoat community into organising a Million Browncoat March past Universal Studios. Anybody else on board?

(Also have to say it was a dandy bit of funnin' to have everybody who didn't know my real name calling me Mal. ;) *snicker* Somebody actually came up and said she was sorry about my show being cancelled....)

Methinks we definitely need to do this again next year. Or better yet, next month. Next weekend??


Sunday, May 6, 2007 3:38 PM


Gotta ditto Sister and indicate my good-natured jealousy at all the fun had with fellow Browncoats;D


Tuesday, May 1, 2007 6:41 PM


I did see you--awesome costume by the way!--though I didn't know you were on fireflyfans. I'm definitely gonna try to go next month--we'll have to make sure to say hi this time!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 2:41 PM


Kaynara, you were there?? Huh! Wish I'd known. In case you haven't guessed, I was the one in the Mal get-up.

Hope to see you next month!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 1:47 PM


I also attended the Big Damn Shindig this weekend and agree that it was an awesome time. The bands were all great, and it was really shiny meeting some local Browncoats. Many thanks to Kessa for organizing!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 7:33 AM



Tuesday, May 1, 2007 6:58 AM


Sounds like a blast!


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