
We lost the values but we kept the weed
Friday, April 27, 2007

I found I'm addicted to those Arizona Tea things, the ones that come in a can and/or bottle. My favourite is the pomogrante one, and I want to try the (I think) Blueberry one but I see the word diet and it just turns me off the drink. For starters this drink has no fat and minimal calories to begin with so why the hell a diet version is needed is beyond me. Secondly I thought this was supposed to be the age of obesity yet whereever I go there are THOUSANDS of magazines preaching WALK OFF WEIGHT or other diet plans so you can loose your belly flab. I don't think that we are living up to the name rightfully given to us. We are not the age of values or war or peace or change we're not even considered the technology age, no we are specimens of the fine age of obesity and all these diet magazines and foods are trying to rob us of it!! It's all we have!!!! Geeze, when will people realize it. I think society needs to realize that a body is meant to be proportionate. Broken down: bigs boobs co inciding with a thin waist is not normal! It's just not. The sixties had its whole peace and love thing, why can't we preach piece of pizza and our love of being lazy? I blame Britany Spears only because I have to have one rant where shes the sole entity of everything wrong in our world. Also her and The Gap....perhaps Walmart too, come to think of it, I consider lots of things that axis of evil.....


Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:14 PM


Well...I think the moniker "age of obesity" is not supposed to be taken as a good thing, mi amigo;D

Still...The Gap and all those other "trendy" clothing store chains are at fault. Cuz Lord knows there's no such thing as a healthy person who is above a Large in clothing size :S


Friday, April 27, 2007 12:28 PM


Yes, they have had congress with the beast.


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