
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Formula for a Colossally Awesome Night:

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom +

Yer Not the Ocean
New Orleans is Sinking
Fully Completely
The Dire Wolf
Nautical Disaster
Family Band

Wheat Kings
The Drop-off
At the Hundredth Meridian
The Lonely End of the Rink
(serious Mal/Inara tune there)
Long Time Running
Gift Shop
Ahead By a Century
In View
Little Bones

Rudie Can't Fail
Locked In the Trunk of a Car

+ Gordon Downie not disappointing with his usual on-stage performance wilder than a caged animal...



Man, how I long for those guys to hit New England or upstate NY again soon.

When I first discovered The Tragically Hip, I also discovered that yes, there is such a thing as intelligent rock and roll. Last night, however, what else did I discover?


For as I was on my way to church this morning, I suddenly found myself thinking in such poetic terms as I haven't known for the past several months. Funniest thing, but I will bet you a crate of Vera-ammo that listening to 20-odd live Tragically Hip tunes - and Gordon Downie's Riverine rambling, both between and during the songs - booted my muse out of her bunk and aimed my own writer's eye back toward the air. Gotta 'scuse me now, I have something to contribute to the Hip Story Project. (Not to mention the BSR, sooner than I thought!)

Who knew that a Hipsy evening could make everything that much shinier?

Ah, but I almost forgot the shiniest part: there were at least two other Browncoats in attendance!! I wore my Serenity T-shirt just on the off chance. Saw one guy wearing a "Let's Be Bad Guys" shirt, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. There was then one other fella who, while on his way off to get a drink, pointed straight at me and went, "GREAT SHIRT!" To which I naturally responded, "Shiny - let's be bad guys!" When he came back he asserted that there really should have been at least nine more episodes and/or another movie. Well, let no man say they ain't trying....

So. Three Browncoats at one Hip concert. What are the odds??


Monday, April 23, 2007 3:46 PM


Cool, thanx Steamer for the recommendations, I'll try and find them. Sorry, when I said 'down here' I meant Oz. I should have said that. Well....if their albums are getting hard to find in the U.S. imagine the fun I'm gonna have!
Cheers, Art.

Monday, April 23, 2007 8:17 AM


BEB, I've been a huge Hip-notic for about twelve years now. First time I ever saw them live was in '98 at the same venue. I knew I wasn't going to be disappointed this time! :D Yeah, you are lucky - you're from the one country where folk have actually HEARD of them.

Art, yeah - Hip CDs have gotten a mite hard to come by here in the States for some reason. I'd recommend 'Fully Completely', 'Day for Night' or 'In Between Evolution' for your first listen if you can find 'em. Man, seeing them live? You gotta see Gordon Downie (lead singer) to believe him. The guy is un-freaking-real.

Monday, April 23, 2007 7:20 AM


:) Cool!

Monday, April 23, 2007 4:05 AM


Whoa...that's a little freaky..I've just 'discovered' this band very recently, I hadn't heard of them before (yep, it's a little strange considering I've lived with a Canadian for many years). I'd have to say I didn't think I'd be reading anything about them here on many songs/albums to listen to! so little time...damn, I don't even know if I can buy their stuff down here...
..sounds like seeing them live is a hell of an experience, lucky you.

Sunday, April 22, 2007 5:42 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER's stories like these that makes me glad I share a nationality with the boys from Kingston. Glad you enjoyed the Hip, Steamer;D

And inspiration, you say? Well now...gotta say my respect for the Hip - and you - just went up several notches...




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