
One year Anniversary: Yay.
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dear fellow Browncoats,
Just to let you all know first hand. Hi. My name is Superfluous.
Obviously that’s not my real name; although it would be really cool if it was (have it on a nametag perhaps). This is technically my first time ‘blogging’ by the way, so… be gentle.

These days, I spend allot of time thinking about the hereafter… I go somewhere to get something and then wonder why I’m here after.
About a year ago, I was looking for something. Not entirely sure why. And it was really hard to find. But I tracked it down and now I’m really glad I found it. What I found was ‘Serenity’ the DVD. I watched the movie and fell in love. Then I bought the show. I hated it (kidding).

It was interesting; it was provocative; it was original and I was hooked.
Soon afterwards, I took it upon myself to find anything about the show (anything). The cast, the stories, the fan art/fiction, whatever took my fancy. I looked and I looked. And eventually, I found this site; in which I found genuine McCoy Browncoats. And as it turns out, I’ve been here ever since.

Apparently for 1-year anniversaries, there’s a gift involved (either something paper or a clock). Seeing which this is the Internet, that’s not really an option.
But I have some good news though.
You may (or may not know me) for my Art on this site (hope you all like what I’ve made so far). If it interests anyone to know; soon I will be posting a ‘series’ of animated pics (based on the show). Its half animation / half text, but it should be excellent when completed.
Also, I am writing my first ever fanfic. It’s going slowly, and it will probably be finished in 2009. If I’m lucky.

So that’s all I really have to say. One year ago: I discovered Firefly. I joined this site and became a Browncoat.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:32 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER 2nd anniversary is coming up next month, so I can certainly say the 1st anniversaries are fun. If you remember to celebrate, that is;)


Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:13 AM


Hey it's been lovely having you:) HUGS and we're glad you're here

Sunday, April 15, 2007 3:53 AM


Cheers!!! *Breaks out illegal stash of bourbon and tequila* Three cheers for Superflous!!!
Happy one year!
Think mine is comin' up as well...



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