
Trying to be Helpful -- The Alt Commands
Saturday, February 24, 2007

I don't know if this has been done before, but I'd figure I'd post them because some of them are interesting. I think there's the Greek alphabet, and useful symbols for math and languanges, but most of the others seem silly (unless everything but your numbers and Alt key stop working, and you need to type something ). ::shrugs::

Oh, and apologies if they're too small, or the columns don't come out like I wanted them to. I'll try to fix those after I save this entry.

EDIT: It's fixed the best I know how. The discrepencies in column alignment come from different symbol and number sizes.

For the less technologically savvy, I'll do my best to explain how these work. To make those symbols appear, one holds down the Alt button (usually next to the spacebar on either side) while typing the number. It's like holding Shift down to type a colon (:), capitalize letters, or enclose things with parenthesis. (Oh, and it works better if you use the number keypad to the side - or the fn button, found on some laptops.)

Alt + # =symbol Alt + # =symbol Alt + # =symbol
1 ☺ -------------- 46 . -------------- 91 [
2 ☻ -------------- 47 / -------------- 92 \
3 ♥ --------------- 48 0 -------------- 93 ]
4 ♦ --------------- 49 1 -------------- 94 ^
5 ♣ --------------- 50 2 -------------- 95 _
6 ♠ --------------- 51 3 -------------- 96 `
7 • --------------- 52 4 -------------- 97 a
8 ◘ --------------- 53 5 -------------- 98 b
9 ○ --------------- 54 6 -------------- 99 c
10 ◙ -------------- 55 7 ------------- 100 d
11 ♂ ------------- 56 8 -------------- 101 e
12 ♀ ------------- 57 9 -------------- 102 f
13 ♪ -------------- 58 : -------------- 103 g
14 ♫ ------------- 59 ; -------------- 104 h
15 ☼ ------------- 60 < ------------- 105 I
16 ► ------------- 61 = ------------- 106 j
17 ◄ ------------- 62 > ------------- 107 k
18 ↕ -------------- 63 ? -------------- 108 l
19 ‼ -------------- 64 @ ------------- 109 m
20 ¶ -------------- 65 A -------------- 110 n
21 § -------------- 66 B -------------- 111 o
22 ▬ ------------- 67 C -------------- 112 p
23 ↨ -------------- 68 D -------------- 113 q
24 ↑ -------------- 69 E -------------- 114 r
25 ↓ -------------- 70 F -------------- 115 s
26 → ------------- 71 G ------------- 116 t
27 ← ------------- 72 H ------------- 117 u
28 ∟ ------------- 73 I -------------- 118 v
29 ↔ ------------- 74 J -------------- 119 w
30 ▲ ------------- 75 K -------------- 120 x
31 ▼ ------------- 76 L -------------- 121 y
32 spa ce -------- 77 M -------------- 122 z
33 ! -------------- 78 N -------------- 123 {
34 “ -------------- 79 O -------------- 124 |
35 # ------------- 80 P -------------- 125 }
36 $ -------------- 81 Q ------------- 126 ~
37 % ------------- 82 R ------------- 127 ⌂
38 & ------------- 83 S -------------- 128 Ç
39 ‘ -------------- 84 T -------------- 129 ü
40 ( -------------- 85 U -------------- 130 é
41 ) -------------- 86 V -------------- 131 â
42 * -------------- 87 W ------------- 132 ä
43 + ------------- 88 X -------------- 133 à
44 , -------------- 89 Y -------------- 134 å
45 – -------------- 90 Z ------------- 135 ç

Alt + # =symbol Alt + # =symbol Alt + # =symbol
136 ê ------------ 181 ╡ ------------- 226 Γ
137 ë ------------ 182 ╢ ------------- 227 π
138 è ------------ 183 ╖ ------------- 228 Σ
139 ï ------------- 184 ╕ ------------- 229 σ
140 î ------------- 185 ╣ ------------- 230 µ
141 ì ------------- 186 ║ ------------- 231 τ
142 Ä ------------ 187 ╗ ------------- 232 Φ
143 Å ------------ 188 ╝ ------------- 233 Θ
144 É ------------ 189 ╜ ------------- 234 Ω
145 æ ----------- 190 ╛ ------------- 235 δ
146 Æ ----------- 191 ┐ ------------- 236 ∞
147 ô ------------ 192 └ ------------- 237 φ
148 ö ------------ 193 ┴ ------------- 238 ε
149 ò ------------ 194 ┬ ------------- 239 ∩
150 û ------------ 195 ├ ------------- 240 ≡
151 ù ------------ 196 ─ ------------- 241 ±
152 ÿ ------------ 197 ┼ ------------- 242 ≥
153 Ö ------------ 198 ╞ ------------- 243 ≤
154 Ü ------------ 199 ╟ ------------- 244 ⌠
155 ¢ ------------ 200 ╚ ------------- 245 ⌡
156 £ ------------ 201 ╔ ------------- 246 ÷
157 ¥ ------------ 202 ╩ ------------- 247 ≈
158 ₧ ----------- 203 ╦ ------------- 248 °
159 ƒ ------------ 204 ╠ ------------- 249 ∙
160 á ------------ 205 ═ ------------- 250 ·
161 í ------------- 206 ╬ ------------- 251 √
162 ó ------------ 207 ╧ ------------- 252 ⁿ
163 ú ------------ 208 ╨ ------------- 253 ²
164 ñ ------------ 209 ╤ ------------- 254 ■
165 Ñ ------------ 210 ╥
166 ª ------------ 211 ╙
167 º ------------ 212 ╘
168 ¿ ------------ 213 ╒
169 ⌐ ------------ 214 ╓
170 ¬ ----------- 215 ╫
171 ½ ----------- 216 ╪
172 ¼ ----------- 217 ┘
173 ¡ ------------ 218 ┌
174 « ----------- 219 █
175 » ----------- 220 ▄
176 ░ ----------- 221 ▌
177 ▒ ----------- 222 ▐
178 ▓ ----------- 223 ▀
179 │ ----------- 224 α
180 ┤ ----------- 225 ß


Monday, February 26, 2007 5:05 AM


Always fun:) My password on my computer at school is a letter from the greek alphabet..totally messes with the kids. They'll never figure it out:)

Sunday, February 25, 2007 12:50 PM


Incidentally, I'd like to mention that that reads as ALT COMMANDOS when you're on crack. Or... Fizzix. Take your pick.

Sunday, February 25, 2007 8:25 AM


I love these. 'course, you get them from Start>>All Programs>>Accessories>>System Tools>>Character Map... but... I managed to accidentally uninstall mine somehow. XD

Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:17 AM


Wooooow... *bookmarks*
Thankee! :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007 7:26 PM


Cool! Been looking for something like for a while;)


Saturday, February 24, 2007 7:20 PM


Thanks, I found some of these by hit-n-miss but you just made a right shiny guide list. Maybe you want to consider posting on the BSR discussion board area, too. :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:46 AM


Oh my God! I've been wondering how people get those things in their msn names!

Now I know, thanks a huge bunch yingyang!


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