
My ear hurts, yet again
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hi there,

I seem to have picked up an earache; which is a little bit annoying. The last time I had one was five years ago and my right ear spent a week bleeding. Then I had to have yet another operation. Hopefully it won't be as bad this time as the consultant says it's starting to improve. Speaking of which, I'm back at the hospital on the 8th March. These appointments come around far too quickly.

I saw a lad that was in the same year as me at school today. I went to the heritage centre to get a copy of the 1901 Thornley census and he was there with his police partner. He recognised me straight away but I could not for the life of me remmebr his name until he told me. It's Michael Cornforth.

Well that's all really.




Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:15 AM


Meh...brain farts like that happen all the time to me. Doesn't help I am crap around the opposite sex;)

And I certainly hope your earache is something your body can deal with quickly and without bleeding:(


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:47 AM


Hey I once had a 20 minute conversation with a guy , whose name I could not remember for the life of me. I could tell I knew him from the way he was talking. Finally, after he left I asked a friend who he was and she said " Mike dummy, you dated him for 6 months." Guessing they weren't very memorable months. HUGS


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