
how rude 2
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I can't believe it. He did it again. According to one of the kids in my class. She ran into the teacher after we all left (this was when there was only about 10 minutes left in the class)and she told the teacher that everyone waited but since he didn't show, everyone left. He said, yeah. I figured as much and he said, well, there's no point to go now. She said he just went to go get food. *sigh* So, we all show up early for class, as usual, thinking that he'll want to cram as much classtime out of us. So we wait...15 minutes. No one. One kid leaves. 20 minutes. The teacher's still not here. 25 minutes. Nothing. So the rest of the class leaves. I don't mind missing too much class, because everything this teacher is "teaching" us, I learn in high school. So it's not like I'll fail the class. But i don't like people wasting my time. If that happens again, the class agreed, we're going to take it to the department head. We're not going to pay for a class where the teacher doesn't show. This is just crazy.


Thursday, February 1, 2007 8:35 AM


I agree

Thursday, February 1, 2007 5:03 AM


I would definitely complain and see if you can get others to complain to. That is so inappropriate. I think that teacher should be reprimanded at the very least ( and that's speaking as a teacher)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 4:47 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER definitely got grounds to speak to the prof's boss about his performance issues! I had a prof whom the university still has not canned and every year I had her, she would start the year off fine before suddenly getting so sick that she was gone and the department needed to find someone ASAP to fill in:(


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:06 PM


You should definitely take this to someone higher up, whether it's the department head or the dean of that college. My husband's a college professor and he would NEVER do this to his students. It's unbelievable that yours is so inconsiderate and unreliable. Someone needs to know about it so you aren't wasting any more time and money. Good luck!


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