
Well, that's one of the b*ggers out of the way...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Finally, Cold Comfort Mountain is posted. And the SpaceAnJL will never ever start a fic without having a COMPLETE OUTLINE drafted again. Ever. Ever ever.

Of course, this means I have to make good on the other stuff I've hinted at. But it will keep my mind off the house thing. As in "What do you mean, the sewers are not connected up to the main sewers...?"

So...I have two working days left in cheese-hell, and then I am officially a Struggling Writer. Still, I can't quite make up my mind which one to write up first - the crossover or Zen II. I'm not sure I can actually pull the crossover off - but if I put enough semi-naked Jayne in peril in it, will anyone care? I could put fully naked Jayne in it, but then - plot-what-lost-huh-drool...sorry. You see my problem.

Basically, you can't stop the 'AnJL. Unless you have lawyers.

PS if site goes down again, I have a posting over on, which has an e-mail link. So, StinkingRose, you wanna chew the fat some time, drop right on in. (I found a cream of garlic soup recipe you might like...)


Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:19 AM


mmm... garlic...

I've downloaded the latest CCM and will cheerfully read it immediately, but I've been all hoggy with the online time today.

Hubby's beginning to twitch.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:24 PM


Your sewer system ain't hooked up to the local mains? Then where does it go then?


Still...welcome back! And let me just say I envy you right now, mostly due to your decision to actively tell the working work to go fug itself and trying writing. Lots more cojones than I have right now;)



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