
#5 Aw... It's over :'(
Saturday, January 6, 2007

Well, I haven't done a Blog in a while so I'll try and remember what's happened.

Since the last Blog I've hung out with Rhys again, he's always a hoot (alot like Jayne in many ways actually). We ended up having a serious conversation and he told me about how he feels like I'm the only person he can really talk to, I feel the same, I have lots of girlfriends but they're not like me so there's a little bit of a barrier. This situation kind of sucks because there are some things I just can't talk to a guy about. Back to the conversation, basically there's an issue with his brother. His brother and him aren't very close, his brother actually tried to kill him a few times when he was younger. It's really not my place to tell but suffice to say it's bad. I'm trying to talk him into talking to his mom or dad or someone but he's afraid of his brother. As an added bonus Luke (Rhys is sort of like a mutual friend for me and Luke but we've been getting closer for reasons that will be explained in the next Blog I promise), has been getting sucked into WoW, we're hoping it'll cool down once we get into the school year. WoW is a fun game and I'll be it addicting but it's just unhealthy how much he's playing.

That's the ugly, we're gonna work our way down to bad now. School's starting in a couple days and I have homework to do. I'm not talking any old homework, I'm talking Niska and Math all mixed together.

Here's the good. On Monday morning, I get to find out if Mrs. Beale (my Music teacher) liked Firefly! I lent it to her for the Christmas break and I want to see what she thinks; I'm also just really happy to get my disks back. I'm worried she fell in love with Wash, because then I'll have to give her Serenity and she'll hate me and let's just not go there. More good, on Tuesday I get to resume my bass lessons, w00t w00t! And yes, even more good, tonight was awesome! My mom went out with some of her friends from work so my dad came over to my grandparents house, we listened to music, ate good food, made fun of people and made fun of eachother, we pretty much laughed the whole night, apparently my grandfather doesn't understand the words "careful, it's hot". My dad and I almost broke my grandmother's computer because we both wanted to use it. I wanted to talk to you guys and he wanted to talk on his nerd board. Final good, I realized that my grandparents dog is exactly like Mal. His name is Pablo but he's like Mal in every way, he responded to me when I called him that. Oh and I almost forgot, I'm starting to memorize the Mandarin phrases in the back of my Serenity RPG book.

Some just plain weird things, I recieved e-mails telling me that I had won some UK lottery, I don't even live in the UK! Also, recently my speech pattern has started changing so I have 2 modes, Encyclopedia Sarah and Jayne Sarah, it's really weird and because I'm brushing up on my Mandarin it's becoming impulse to swear in Mandarin instead of English.

I'm pretty sure that's all the notable stuff, I guess the only other thing really worth saying is that i am slowly but surely making my way to the $200 needed for my dream bass.

I hope you all have a shiny week, I'm gonna miss being able to talk to you as regularly as I have been.


Monday, January 8, 2007 1:32 PM


Wow...that's a lot to digest there, Gomi;)

Still...glad to hear you had a good time with your da, and that the Browncoat Nation might soon have another convert amongst its ranks. Though the Wash-love does admittedly pose issues for watching the BDM:(



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