
Some Backlog Stuff
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ever since I got this account a little over a year ago, I promised my Top Ten movies of 2005 list. My apologies for not following through on that promise. Got sidetracked. But don't fret, I didn't post it somewhere else. So here, in all it's glory, my Top Ten Films if 2005.

Top Ten Runners Up:
20) Land of the Dead
19) Zathura
18) Kung Fu Hustle
17) Unleashed
16) Constantine
15) Syriana
14) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
13) The 40 Year Old Virgin
12) Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
11) Good Night, and Good Luck

10) Oldboy - Best foreign language revenge film I've seen....probably ever.

9) Millions - I honestly have no idea why, but this movie hit me right in the heart. It's just the kind of movie that kids ought to have, but since they're all too stupid to understand much of anything, it's up to us grown folk to watch it and enjoy it. It's a damn good film. Period.

8) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - It's a little flimsy around the edges, but they mean well, and all that honest work comes across as probably the best sci-fi comedy since Galaxy Quest. Proof that modelwork still looks better than CG.

7) Walk the Line - Joaquin Phoenix owns it. That's all there is to it.

6) Star Wars Episode III - Being the Star Wars geek that I am, I wasn't NOT going to put this on my list unless it REALLY sucked. As it happened, Lucas still managed to crap out a decent movie.

5) Batman Begins - This would be my pick for best comic book/superhero film ever if it weren't for the #3 film on this list.

4) Munich - Spielberg proves that he's still got it, and he ain't giving it up.

3) Sin City - Damn.

2) King Kong - Peter Jackson loves Kong, and this 3 hour long love letter proves it. It's a beauty to watch, and a tearjerker to boot.

1) Serenity - For one thing, it's the reason I'm even on this site in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, it's the best science fiction movie since The Empire Strikes Back. And I love Empire Strikes Back. I think I might love Serenity more.

That's it. My 2005 list. Come back ina few weeks for my look back at 2006.


Friday, December 15, 2006 6:02 AM


I haven't seen Walk the Line yet, but I keep meaning to.

Glad you liked the card!!

Friday, December 15, 2006 5:20 AM


Hey Serenity is #1 for all of us:)

Friday, December 15, 2006 4:52 AM


Better late than never, I always say;D

Can't quibble really with your Top 10 list, Orpheus...except maybe the odd numerical placement or two:)



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