
Trudging out of the Mist
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ni haody Browncoats - man, it has indeed been a long long while since I've walked through these shiny halls, or poured very fresh wine for the newcomers.

Life is what happens when you're making other plans, and I've been embroiled in a lot of life lately. Although a lot of it has included Firefly, unfortunately, and contrary to what Pumaman has indicated, Storycrafter is the one site I'm on almost religiously these days. Then again, there's a good reason. The Loft is one, but I'd rather talk about the RP I'm having the most fun with right now.

It's called Can't Take The Sky. It's canned, and somewhat formulaic, but it has a whole new crew, and a whole new Firefly to love called Morningstar. Personally, I see her as Serenity's feisty, independent aunt - the one who always travels, always has cool stories, and always has candy on the china hutch. I had one of those my own self. We got our first bit of fan mail as well from a lurker who gave us props for the quality of writing and how we're "doing it right" when it comes to the Firefly 'verse.

It likely won't be hard for you to figure out which character I play, especially if you've read my fanfics.

I'm in other RPs with other writers, and that's taking up some posting time, for sure. I've been part of the Minnesota Independents for the past year at various shindigs, and I've done what I can to keep recruiting the 'verse, one browncoat at a time. My loaner set of DVDs have been to Texas recently, and just back from my brother's house this past week. My brother, Jay, is incensed that the series was cancelled. He's one of the few guys I know who doesn't live and die by cable TV tech, but he said if it was still on and if it was on cable he'd pay for it just to see Firefly. I'm planning to help outfit him as Jayne - cunning hat and all.

Real -ife wise, I'm still in school, having upgraded to the bachelor's degree program last spring. By December 2007, I'll be a Graphic Designer with the paper to prove it. I'd like to say I'll be writing more (no, I haven't forgotten Meili Long) but I have a portfolio to build in the hopes of getting something in the Communications arena. Currently, I'm very freshly unemployed - as of last week, in fact - so there have been interviews to fuss over. I had a very promising one yesterday, and hopes of being able to work a little more, but maybe not as hard and for more money. Wouldn't that be something?

Now, you can imagine my shock in here this morning (thanks for the link, Puma), and taking a look-see only to find out that 11thHour - of all people - just went through probably the worst trauma an artist and fan can have. I was completely floored, and I have to say a big thank you to SimonWho for being a voice of reason through that whole experience. I'm glad she's come through it, and I'm angry she had to go through it at all.

11thHour also wrote something at the very end of her "Through the Storm" thread that explains why I'm still taking time out of EVERYTHING to hang on to my Browncoat and my Firefly fandom:


Originally posted by 11thHour:
"... but for some reason, I'm bound to this 'verse. I was hot welded to it back on a Friday night in September 2002, I can't put it into words well enough, but it's a part of me. It's made me a better artist, it's made me a better person."

*pours very fresh wine and holds the cup up in a salute*

Couldn't have said it better myself.



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