
Arms are empty but heart is full
Monday, October 16, 2006

It's October in Washington State. The bright Autumn leaves are falling a little further from the trees every day, there's a chill in the air and rain's coming down. Never warm rolling thunder, but always cold rain. The guy I love is on the other side of the continent, which explains the heart full/arms empty line.

Long distance relationships are the devil. And heavenly at the same time. Who knew it would be like this? Weeks that turn into months of wonderfully constant dedicated chat time, voice and cam punctuated by gaping voids of no-talk/no-type for various work and home-related reasons. It's enough to drive a browncoat lass insane. I am going steadily crazy alone. I am....utterly alone. It's what I am. Arms truly empty, though heart is supposed to be full. But tonight, my heart is empty too. And nobody 2300 miles away can do anything about either of those bodily conditions, gorramit.

Mamas: Don't let your babies grow up to be long-distance lovers. They're never at home and they're always alone. Even with someone they love. (I beg the pardon of Willy Nelson for bastardizing his lyrics.)


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:37 PM


While all my relationships have been localized...I can still empathize with your position. It's never fun to be away from the person you <3...but I guess the old maxim does prove true on occasion:( still got us, a faithful bunch of ne'er-do-wells willing to go the extra mile for a fellow Browncoat. That's gotta be worth something;)


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:20 PM


Sigh...I hear ya, Washie. My long-distance relationship was with a guy in special forces. Didn't even know how much distance there actually was half the time.

*hugs* Hang in there.


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2006 October