
Steppin' out & right into a pile of it...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ah, another online diary for all the world to ignore...

When I joined the military back in '88, I didn't look anywhere near as good as I do now and I had no idea that it would be so far from the comraderie I sought with everything within my heart. I've been to half of this planet and even though people are the same, no one can seem to get along.

Into cyberspace... This place where people struggle to be the best they can without the weight of others' evaluations of them hanging over their heads like anoth kind of loaded pistol...

Keep moving. That's the best way to keep from being pigeon-holed. It would be great if this kind of live was available. The closest I can get is to beg a friend in Scotland to let me sail around the world with him next year. I get seasick something awful, but if I don't deal with this wanderlust soon, I'm going to die where I stand. What would you do???

After 8 years in the Mil, I've got nothing to show except that I know the deceit, how little the "innocents" can control to keep themselves safe and this world is currently too small for those in it who keep throwing stones. I'm sick of being pelted and I want to do something different.

Breathing is still possible, so if that's all we need to consider this place "living", we're alright for now. Live the fantasy. Some day it might not be so boring.

Love to all,


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:32 PM


Thanks for posting! I've felt welcome since my arrival in here!

Traveling to distant places, meeting different people keeps you in a certain perspective that is best observed rather than rated. Everyone really is the same; we each want respect, the right to choose for ourselves and the freedom to do so without interference from others. Do it. Get out there and be the best damn ambassador that you can be!


Be well, DQBaby76!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:00 PM


Wow, that was quite an intriguing post. I was never one for seeing the world until after I left my home of Hawaii. Realizing how incredibly small it is makes me wonder about other places. Not sure of how much of it I will get to see but so far its been mighty nice.


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2006 August