
Feels good....yeah....ya know it feels good!
Friday, May 5, 2006

Hello all! Today has been a good day. So good I'm gonna rave about it.

Spent some time packing, getting ready to move back into the country.....fresh air, trees galore. My new house has a little family cemetary on the left side of the yard, and I think it's pretty cool! Yeah, I'm a little gruesome.

It also has horses fenced in behind it. So I'll be adopting some horses to sneak treats to.

Don't have a job right now to worry about, gonna get a part time when I move out to the boonies.

So I just sat back and wrote a crapload of limericks (check out the Limericks post, everyone is very talented). Then, since I was all inspired and everything, I brainstormed a plot line for an erotic novel based on vampires.

Should be really interesting, being as I am pretty open minded about sex and all. I'm really excited, my muse hasn't visited in quite a while.

Also, my bearded dragon seems to be doing much better. My vet said metabolic bone disease, but x-rays show a fine looking skeleton. We have to wait on a blood panel but we're hopeful. Three more weeks of liquid calcium are in order, but after that, meds should be over. She told me he was obese though. Here I am, worrying that he's to skinny, he doesn't eat every day, is he sick..., and he's a tub of lard lol! Fat patties under his jaw, she says!

So, if anyone has a beardie, post me some tips that you've found for a healthy, happy dragon.
Or let me know how good your day was! Or how your novel is going...ect.


Friday, May 5, 2006 1:28 AM


OH to move to the coutry! Except here that would mean danger of wildfire. Finding my muse writing songs of nature. Wow you are soo lucky!


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2006 May

2006 April